Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1)
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“It was good. I helped injured patients, bandaging people up and helping with supplies. There are so many in triage, still waiting to be seen. Some of them have been waiting overnight. They are so short on beds Alec. I’m glad I was there to help.”

He squeezed my hand. “Feeling useful and needed now?”

I knew he was teasing me. “Yes, but aren’t I needed at home? By you?”

I was teasing him now. His eyes instantly turned smoky.

“You are definitely needed at home. Shall I show you?” He replied, his eyes roaming over me.

We reached home. Alec unlocked the door and picked me up, carrying me across the door and slamming it shut with his foot. Without skipping a beat, he was up the stairs and into the bedroom, undressing quickly. I laughed, removing my dress and slip, my rounded belly feeling cool to my touch.

Alec got on his knees and spoke to the baby. “Ignore any sounds you hear little one, Mommy and Daddy are having fun. I love you.”

I giggled, shaking my head at him.

“Alec?” I asked, curiosity running rampant in my analytical head.

“Yes?” He stood and reached for me, his eyes capturing mine.

I blushed. “Do you…am I still…attractive?”

He smiled softly. “Because you are pregnant?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“My darling, I truly thought you could never be more beautiful, that you could never turn me on more, that I would never desire you more than I did on our wedding night.” He pressed a tender kiss to my lips. “I was wrong. With my child growing inside you, I have never wanted you more…or beheld a more beautiful and breathtaking vision in my life.”

“Oh Alec,” I whispered, “I love you. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me,” he breathed, holding me tighter, “I truly mean every word.”

We made love, careful of my growing belly, losing ourselves in desire and passion. I would never get enough of my loving and adoring husband. He was my whole world. I had always loved Alec, since the first moment we met, but over the last six months I had fallen deeply in love with him. It was almost scary, loving someone so unconditionally, so completely, that I would die for him. It was true. I could do it if I had to.

We were laying on the bed together, spending the last few minutes in each other’s arms before he had to go back to work. I ran my fingers along his chest, lost in thought. Absently I traced the words ‘I love you’ slowly, branding them into his flesh. He grabbed my hand, his fingers enclosing mine.

“I love you Lizzie, forever.” He told me quietly, the conviction of that statement resounding somewhere deep in my chest.

I looked into his eyes, soft and adoring, and I knew that I was home.

“I love you Alec, more than I ever thought or dreamed was possible. I love you so much it’s almost scary.”

He frowned. “Scary? Not really, my love. Leave fear for the things that are uncertain. If anything is true, if anything is certain, it is my love for you and our child. I would do anything, stop at nothing, kill, steal, beg, and even die for you if needed. I’ve never loved anyone or anything like I love you.” He kissed our entwined fingers. “It’s not scary. It’s the truth and promise of our bond and commitment, of our future. We have our whole lives Lizzie. I want to spend every minute of the rest of my life with you. I’ll do everything I can to ensure our survival together. Trust me, my love.”

I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. I was suddenly afraid. What if something happened? What if we lost the war and died? What if he was killed? What if I lost him? What would I do if he had to leave me again? I couldn’t be apart from him now. My need for him was too strong.

I said nothing. I kept my face happy and my smile bright. I wouldn’t show these fears and doubts to him. He worried enough as it was. But in the back of my mind, the fear and anxiety lingered. Losing him would end me.

Alec left a few minutes later, a huge grin upon his lips. I stayed in bed and took a nap, enjoying the silence and succumbing to the fatigue. I was tired from the hospital and walking today. I awakened to my little one nudging my belly, letting me know it was time to eat.

I put on a robe, taking the stairs slowly since I was having difficulty seeing my feet and the steps now. The house was getting dark, making it difficult to see. I flipped on several lights and screamed, seeing a stranger by the doorway. It was a man, tall and wearing a long black jacket and low brimmed hat. I didn’t recognize his face.

I screamed again and ran up the stairs, the sound of footprints behind me, locking myself in the bedroom. One quick bang on the door frightened me out of my mind. Hysterical, I quickly dialed Alec’s number, only to get a busy signal. I dialed again, hearing his voice on the third ring.

“Alec! Help, someone is in the house! Please, come home! Alec!” I screamed.

I heard him yell that he was coming just as the phone went silent. I sat by the edge of the bed, in the corner, ready to grab the lamp for a weapon. I was scared to death. Who was in the house? Why were they here? And how did they get in? I was shaking with terror. Was someone after us?

Minutes later I heard the front door slam open and someone downstairs. I was pretty sure it was Alec but I was afraid to open the door. Then I heard footsteps running up the stairs, grabbing the doorknob and turning it.

“Lizzie! Lizzie, open the door. It’s me baby!” I heard him yell.

I ran for the door and threw it open, practically hurdling myself into his arms. I started sobbing, terrified of the intruder and his intentions. Alec held me close, trying to soothe and calm me down.

“Lizzie, please, calm down sweetheart. This isn’t good for you and the baby. Relax please. I’m here. Nothing is going to harm you. I promise.”

I squeezed him tighter, not letting go. “I’m afraid. He was standing in our doorway and he chased me up the stairs. How did someone get in here? What if I had been asleep still? What if he was here to hurt me?”

“Lizzie, please, baby calm down. I’ll figure it out. I’m going to change the locks right away. Don’t wor-”

His phone rang and cut him off. Alec looked down and saw the name of his superior. He held up a finger, still holding me to his side. “Hello? Yes…she’s fine just scared…I’m concerned. Yes sir…thank you sir. Yes…see you tomorrow sir…bye.”

He hung up the phone and looked into my eyes. I was still trembling.

“Come, my Lizzie.”

He picked me up and lay me down on the bed, holding me close. Gently, he brushed his fingers along my arms and belly, calming me after several minutes.

“Less anxious now, my love?” He asked, kissing me softly.

“Yes, but I’m still scared. How did he get in our house? Alec, what if someone is trying to hurt me?” I asked, shaking.

“No one is going to harm you. I will see to that. I’m changing the locks tonight and I’m going to have a security camera installed so the downstairs is viewable from up here. You can always see what is going on before you go down. Will that make you feel better?”

“I think so. Aren’t you worried or concerned? I might have been asleep Alec. What if he broke into the room?”

His eyes took on the look of hard, cold steel. “I’d kill any man who set foot in this house and even breathed in the same room as you. I’m going to find this guy and take care of it. Don’t worry. You will be safe my Lizzie.”

I buried my head in his chest and held onto him tight. I had the worst feeling of dread. It wasn’t right. We had to be more cautious. Something, some intuition told me to be careful. Things were not as they seemed.

“Did you recognize who it was?” He asked.

I shook my head. “It was too dark.”

“Was it Donnovan?” He wondered, his eyes searching mine.

“No…I’m almost positive it wasn’t. He was a stranger. And he was big Alec, like almost Big Dog in size.”

Alec’s arms tightened around me. “I’ll find him.”

“No Alec, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I sniffled.

“I won’t Lizzie. I promise.”

I went with Alec to buy the supplies he needed to change the locks. I refused to stay in the house alone. He was going to get the surveillance equipment tomorrow while I was at the hospital. There was no way I was staying in the house without it now.

Alec made us a quick dinner of salad and leftover tuna noodle casserole I made the day before. It was good and the baby moved happily in my tummy afterward. We had our next appointment on Friday. It was the ultrasound to see the sex of our baby. I would be twenty two weeks, almost six months along.

The rest of the week passed by without incident. I helped at the hospital, despite Alec’s apprehension in letting me return. He installed the camera so we could see the downstairs and entryway if someone tried to break in again. Alec and I had the only keys to the new locks on the doors. It made me feel a lot safer, at least for the moment.

Friday morning we went to the doctor for our appointment. Dr. Cranford gave me a clean bill of health, setting Alec’s mind at ease. The baby and I were both healthy and strong. The ultrasound showed a perfect tiny little baby kicking and moving around in my womb. Alec grinned broadly.

“I can see the sex of the baby now. Did you want to know?” He asked us.

We both nodded, glancing at each other and smiling.

“Look here at the screen. Congratulations! You are having a little boy. Alec, meet your son.”

Alec’s eyes filled with tears. “Wow, he is so tiny and perfect. Thank you doctor.” He turned to me and placed a kiss on my lips. “Thank you Lizzie. I love you.”

I put my hand on my belly. “I hope he has your eyes. I love you too. ”

We were sent home with pictures, one showing the sex of the baby. Alec loved it. He was thrilled. We put the pictures on our refrigerator when we got home, on display, at Alec’s insistence. He was so proud. I patted my belly, laughing lightly.

“I had a feeling the baby was going to be a boy. I hope he looks like you. You’re so handsome.” I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

“I am not surprised. I was pretty sure he was going to be a boy too. What do you want to name him? Do you have any ideas?” He asked, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

“I would like him to have my father’s name. It was Benjamin. Perhaps Alec Benjamin after you and my father? Would you like that?”

He grinned. “I love it. Are we going to call him junior?”

“Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe. It depends on what I think when I see him. I’m not sure if he will look like a junior.” I told him honestly.

Alec laughed heartily at that. “You are funny sweetheart. Alec Benjamin it is. Perhaps junior as a nickname. I’ll be happy regardless.”

The baby moved, rolling around inside my tummy and making my belly flop. Alec’s eyes grew huge.

“Did that hurt? He must have done a somersault in there.”

“No, but it did feel like he flipped around. I think he is happy and glad I ate some food. It always makes him move around.”

“His appetite is just like mine. Wow, sweetheart, that’s my son in there.” He sounded in awe.

“Yes, of course, he is. He’s going to be just as handsome and smart as you are. Aren’t you my little son?” I asked, talking to my belly.

The baby moved again, pushing out on my stomach and then causing a little ripple on my skin. Alec stared, his mouth hanging open.

“Do you think he hears and understands us? It can’t be a coincidence that he moves around when we talk to him.”

“I’m not sure but I know he recognizes our voices and loves the sound. He really moves when he hears your voice, especially when you are gone for a while and return. He knows his Daddy already,” I responded.

Alec looked pleased. I lay my head down on his shoulder and fell asleep, taking a long nap. I awakened later, alone on the couch, my head on a pillow and covered with a blanket. I sat up, blinking my eyes and looking for Alec. I saw him on the back patio, using the grill.

I opened the doors and walked out, the fresh air and afternoon sunshine greeting me.

“Hi darling, how was your nap?” Alec asked me, flipping burgers on the grill.

I looked at the meat, surprised. “Where did you get beef?”

He smiled. “I got lucky. It’s good for you to have the iron. I hope you like these.”

“It smells wonderful. I’m sure they will taste great. Are they done yet?” I asked, hopeful.

He laughed. “Yes, right now. Let’s go inside.”

The burgers were amazing. We hadn’t had beef in a long time. I ate two, rubbing my full belly when I was done. Alec ate more than I did.

Another week passed, calm and without incident. I felt better. The break-in must have been a fluke. We hadn’t seen any signs of tampering with the locks or anyone suspicious. Alec told me to forget about it, probably some random person that was hungry and looking for shelter. They might have thought the house was empty since it was dark.

Alec and I relaxed, letting our guard down. We settled into our routine, blissful and excited about the baby. We should have been more cautious. I should have made Alec investigate the intruder further but hindsight is twenty/twenty so they say. And the error would not be realized until much later…

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