Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1)
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I smiled, knowing he was starving. I heard his stomach growl.

“Would you like some breakfast in bed?” I asked.

He grinned widely. “Yes, if you feel up to it.”

I nodded and sat up. Jumping out of bed quickly, I didn’t notice how dizzy I was until it was too late. I had a sudden case of vertigo and I fell down, unable to stand.

“Lizzie!” I heard Alec yell.

He picked me up and carried me back to the bed. I felt awful, cold and clammy, lightheaded and seeing spots like little flashes of light in front of me.

“Alec…I feel…” I never finished.

I passed out in front of him. When I came to, he was holding my hand and a cool washcloth was on my forehead.

“Lizzie, are you ok? Can you hear me?” He asked, his voice full of concern.

“I…think so.” I replied, feeling funny.

“I’m going to call the doctor. I want you examined. You just scared the hell out of me. What if I hadn’t been home?”

“I’m all right. Please…calm down,” I whispered.

My voice was faint. I’m sure it concerned him. He didn’t look like he was going to listen. He kissed me gently on the lips, laying his forehead next to mine.

“I’m going to make a few phone calls. Lay here and rest. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I love you my Lizzie.”

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I opened them later and found Alec on the bed next to me, watching me sleep. I smiled softly and reached for him. He kissed me, so light I almost didn’t feel it, pulling me into his arms.

“How are you feeling?” Worry tinged his voice.

“Better now. Thank you.” And I did feel better.

“I made an appointment for tomorrow morning. I want you to see the doctor. I’m worried about you.” His voice sounded strained.

“I know. Everything is fine. You’ll see. I’m starving. Would you help me downstairs?” I asked.

“Yes, of course, darling.”

Alec carried me down the stairs, holding me as if he was afraid I would pass out again, or I was made from the finest china and might break. He made us breakfast and we spent a quiet afternoon together. We had leftover spaghetti and salad later for dinner. I was still tired and fell asleep on his shoulder, early in the evening.

The next morning Alec awakened me early for the doctor appointment. I sat up in bed, stretching. He kissed me, smiling and glancing at my stomach, and jumped in the shower, getting ready quickly in case I needed him. He had spent the night worried about me and hardly slept. I had to use the restroom and got up, heading for the bathroom door when the vertigo hit and this time nausea came with it. I ran for the toilet and reached it just as I got violently sick.

Alec opened the curtain of the shower, and jumped out, drying off quickly.

“Are you all right?”

I nodded, feeling better now. “Yes, I feel better. My stomach isn’t churning anymore.”

He helped me to change and get ready, holding my hand as we walked to the doctor. The waiting room wasn’t very busy. There were only a few women sitting around. Alec and I waited for about ten minutes before we were called back, ushered into a small examination room. I was nervous and squeezed his hand, too tight, but he never said a word.

“I’m Doctor Cranford. It’s nice to meet you both. Elizabeth? Do you have any questions before we get started?” He asked.

“No, not yet. Thank you,” I responded.

The doctor performed a pelvic exam and checked my urine. He also had the nurse draw some blood. Alec held my hand the entire time, trying to comfort me. We had to wait about a half hour before Dr. Cranford returned.

“Sorry to keep you both waiting. I have good news. You are pregnant Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan. Congratulations to you both,” he replied.

My jaw dropped. I was going to have a baby? Instinctively my hands went to my abdomen. I looked at Alec, smiling.

He grinned. “Thank you doctor.”

The doctor told me to schedule a follow up appointment for two weeks later. I would be eight weeks and he wanted to do an ultrasound. He handed a script for prenatal vitamins to Alec. When the doctor told us the due date, Alec laughed lightly and shook his head. We had conceived on our wedding night. There was no doubt. We left the office and walked home, strolling slowly in the afternoon sunshine.

Alec was holding my hand, squeezing it tight from time to time. I could feel his excitement building, traveling up my arm. When we reached home, he picked me up and carried me inside the door, his lips locking onto mine. He set me down on the couch and fell on his knees in front of me. His fingers captured my hands as he took a deep breath.

“Lizzie, I am so happy.” His voice trembled. “We are going to have a baby. I love you my darling beautiful wife, with all my heart.”

“I am happy too Alec, I’m…just a little scared and nervous,” I admitted.

“Everything is going to be fine. I’ll be right here. I’m not leaving your side. This is our
, Lizzie. I don’t want to miss any part of this. I’m so excited. I knew you were pregnant. This is wonderful news!” Hs words tumbled forth as he gushed with joy.

Tears came to my eyes. “Oh Alec, I love you too. Stay with me. Promise me you’ll never leave. I can’t go through this without you. I can’t be alone.”

“Nothing would keep me from you, my love. I’m not going anywhere. You’re having my child. I’ve never been happier in my life,” he promised, with as much sincerity as he could muster.

Alec kissed me, holding me in his arms the entire night, his hand resting on my abdomen. We went to bed that night happy, knowing our child was growing and healthy in my womb. Safe and secure, nestled in love, between two people who would love him or her unconditionally forever.

Chapter Sixteen

Over the next three months we fell into a pleasant routine. Alec kept his schedule, coming home every day for lunch. He spent the weekends with me, always by my side. If I needed anything, he would jump up and get it. He doted on me, taking care of me, and picking up the slack around the house.

I had terrible nausea and morning sickness the first three months. It made me sick often and I couldn’t do much. I had a hard time keeping food down. I lost a little bit of weight. The doctor wasn’t concerned but Alec was worried. Everything concerned him about me now. It was adorable.

During the fourth month the morning sickness finally went away. I felt better and started eating more. I gained the weight back that I lost. My belly grew and there was no question that I was expecting now. I felt the baby moving often, resting my hand on my stomach. Alec was so happy I thought he would burst.

I found a new occupation during this time. The war had produced more bombing, more refugees, and an influx of people at the military hospital. They were understaffed and needed help. The sick and injured grew in number daily. I was excited when I heard about it. Finally, something I could do to help. My mother had been a nurse. It felt right.

Alec came in the door from work, swinging me around and kissing me. He always put his hand on my belly and told the baby hello. The baby would move and kick, loving the sound of Alec’s voice. He loved it, happily spending the evening rubbing my belly and sitting next to me, content to be near me, even if we were doing nothing at all.

Tonight I decided to talk to him about volunteering in the hospital. I wasn’t sure of his reaction. He was very protective now that I was pregnant. He had already overreacted a few times, not wanting me to leave the house without him. I turned to him, looking in his eyes.

“Alec? I heard they are looking for help in the hospital. How is that going?” I asked, keeping my voice even.

He arched an eyebrow at me. “Good, I’m sure. I haven’t heard any more about it. Why?”

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, avoiding his eyes. I didn’t want him to know how badly I wanted to volunteer.

“I’m concerned about all of the people getting enough help and care. Isn’t it overcrowded? Aren’t more people arriving all the time?” I asked, trying to convince him of the need.

“Lizzie, what are you saying? Do you want to volunteer at the hospital?”

Alec tilted my chin so I was looking at him. He saw the truth in my eyes. I admitted it to him, keeping my promise to tell the truth.

“Yes…I want to help. It would be good for me to get out of the house and get some exercise while I am helping others. What do you think?” I asked, hopeful.

“Lizzie, you can’t be serious.” He sounded irritated.

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“The hospital is no place for a pregnant woman. It’s dangerous. Full of infection and disease. Be serious, Lizzie.”

Dangerous? I didn’t think so. “There is nothing dangerous about helping injured people.”

“You’re not joking, are you?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m serious. I want to help Alec.”

He stood up, clearly agitated. “I don’t think so Lizzie.”

Did he just tell me no? How did he have the right?

“I’m not asking permission. I’m telling you that I want to go, that I plan on going soon. I can make a difference. They need help Alec. I’ll go crazy in this house if I have to stay here all the time.” Maybe I was whining a little.

“What if you-” He started.

“I thought you told me to never start a sentence with ‘what if’. Nothing is going to happen to me. I will be very careful. I just need something worthwhile to do. I need to be helpful. I’m needed there, Alec.” I interrupted him.

He considered my point of view. I could see the idea churning in his head. Was he going to agree or deny me? I wasn’t sure.

“Lizzie, I…don’t think it is a good idea. The hospital is full of people from all over, refugees off the road, people who want to take revenge on the militia, and security is there constantly. Can’t you see the danger?” He asked, frustrated.

I shook my head. “I’m not stupid Alec. I will be aware of my surroundings. I know how to defend myself. The people here know I am your wife. No one is going to hurt me. I’ll be safe enough. I’m not going to touch anyone that is sick. I’ll be fine.”

He sighed, pulling me close and kissing me. I thought he was giving in and letting me go. I smiled, just as the baby kicked me hard. I jumped as my hand flew to my belly. Laughing, I brought Alec’s hand to my stomach. The baby kicked lightly again, and Alec’s face lit up.

“Lizzie, our baby is so happy in there with his Momma. I love you both so much. I would die if anything ever happened to you. Can’t you try to understand the way I feel? You’re my whole world; you are everything to me Lizzie. Our baby, our life together here, our marriage…it’s all I love and have left in this world.” His voice was tight, betraying the depth of his emotions.

“Yes, I understand because I feel the same way. I love you and our baby more than anything in this entire world. But…please try to understand my point of view too. I need something to do, something to feel useful and needed…I need to help. For my mother, for Lydia, for Angela…and everyone else who died from the bombing and the militia. My mother was a nurse, I want to carry on after her.”

Alec held me tight, his hand resting on my belly. “I’ll agree but only on several conditions. First, I want you to have a cell phone on you at all times. If I call, you have to answer me. I don’t want to worry.”

“Where are you going to get a cell phone?” I asked, surprised.

“I’ll get one.” He frowned. “Promise me.”

“Yes, that is fine.” I conceded.

“Second, if I feel that there is any intelligence or danger or any reason why it is too dangerous for you to be there, you must agree to listen to me and come home right away. I’m not going to allow you to go without your promise to adhere to this.”

“Yes, I promise. If you say so, I’ll leave right away and come home. Happy?” I asked, giving my promise.

“One more thing…if you see anyone from before, any of the refugees, I want you to leave right away. You will not become a bargaining chip or a hostage. Get out of there fast, call me, and come home right away. I’m very serious about this.”

His grey eyes were moody, cloudy like the aftermath of a stormy rain at sea. I knew the look. And yes it was a comparison I used a lot in my head, but nothing else quite described the uniqueness of his eyes.

He was worried about the other refugees finding me and using me. It was a valid point. I didn’t know what the other refugees thought of my escape, my leaving with Alec. Darren and the others could be my enemies now.

I looked at Alec seriously. “You are right about that. I hadn’t considered it. I will be careful. I’ll leave quickly and call you if I spot anyone.”

“Thank you, my love. I suppose you want to start soon.” At my nod he continued. “How about the day after tomorrow? I’ll walk with you in the mornings and leave you at the hospital before I go to work. I don’t want you walking alone so early in the day. Promise me you won’t wear yourself out and come home with me for lunch so I can see you. I’ll pick you up and we can walk together. All right?”

I nodded as he kissed me again. We made dinner and played cards, spending a happy and quiet night together. We often read books, played cards, and even checkers. Alec was good at games and cards. The one thing we didn’t do was listen to the radio or watch the television. Neither of us wanted bombarded with militia propaganda.

The smell of baked goods always reminded me of childhood. My father had a sweet tooth. I had countless memories of my mother smacking his hands away and laughing at his inability to stay away from the oven. He would snatch cookies, sweet breads, and anything else off the cooling rack and burn his fingers, dissolving me and Lydia into giggles.

For this reason, I walked to the bakery almost twice a week, just to purchase something yummy and warm from the oven. Anything with peach flavor was especially appreciated. The owner became familiar with me and saved me a warm peach cobbler as often as I wanted it. Today I brought a basket along, storing my treats, letting the handle rest on my arm.

“I didn’t know a pregnant woman could be so beautiful.”

Damn, he had come out of nowhere.

“Step back Donnovan.” I warned.

He had cornered me coming out of the bakery. I side stepped around him and continued to be wary.

“I’m offended. Can’t we have a simple discussion?” He asked, feigning injury to his pride.

I shook my head. “I think the answer to that question is a simple no.”

I placed several more feet between us. What did he want now? Surely he could not snatch me on a busy street?

“I wanted to say hello.”

For real? Did he think I was that stupid? What was up with the innocent act?

“You said it. Kindly let me pass and I will be on my way.”

I waited for him to move. He took a step closer.

“I will see you safely home,” he offered.

No way in hell. I would walk straight to the police station or Alec’s office.

“No thank you,” I replied, stiffly.

He laughed. “Oh you do hate me, don’t you?”

I did not give him the satisfaction of an answer. Without saying good bye I turned and walked away. I felt rather than heard his advance. It took everything I had not to glance behind me.

“Elizabeth…wait a moment.” His voice was pleading.

I stopped and turned, locking eyes with him.

“Who are you? Really?” He asked, taking me by surprise.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked.

“I can’t get you out of my head. At first it was revenge. And now…” He trailed off, not finishing.

“I’m not sure what you want from me Donnovan, but-”

“Donnovan is my last name Elizabeth. Call me Michael.” He interrupted.

My eyes widened in surprise. He wanted me to call him by his first name? What was going on? Was he psychotic? Schizophrenic? Another sociopath like Darren?

…I need to get home. Alone.”

I wanted away from him as fast as possible. Something was off. This new version of him was scaring me in a whole new way. He was completely unpredictable.

“You are beautiful princess.” He responded, ignoring me completely.

I shook my head. What was I going to do?

“I’m sorry. When I hurt you…I didn’t mean it.”

What!? His confession threw me. “I think you did.”

He shook his head. “I was filled with hate, jealousy, anger. I wanted to hurt you so it would hurt Alec. But I never really wanted to harm you.”

I sighed. “That is a little difficult to believe. I had bruises for weeks.”

He looked remorseful. “I won’t harm you again.”

I looked at him like he was ten different shades of crazy. “Excuse me?”

He stepped closer, taking one of my hands in his. “I won’t hurt you Elizabeth.”

Shocked, I stood there, staring at him. My mind was baffled. Why did he want me to know that? Was it a cunning turn of events? Was it a ploy to gain my trust? Were we still playing the game?

“You won the game Elizabeth. It’s over. I concede.”

I pulled my hand from his. “What does that mean?”

He smiled. It seemed genuine. “It means…I want to be your friend.”

My jaw must have hit the ground. “I…I don’t know.”

“Please think about it. Enjoy your walk home.”

Later, when I told Alec about the conversation, I was still confused. Trusting Donnovan was not an option. Even if I thought he was being genuine, which I did not, it would take more than a simple apology to make things right. He had terrorized me. Almost kidnapped and raped me. I was not going to forget any of that.

“Under no circumstances are you going anywhere near him, especially now. I mean it.” Alec’s voice had been deadly serious and completely unnegotiable.

He refused to speak of it any longer and changed the subject.

The next morning, after breakfast, we started off together. It was strange to leave with him, instead of watching him go alone. He kissed me goodbye at the hospital and left for work, making me promise, again, to meet him at noon. I walked slowly inside, immediately overwhelmed by the amount of people crowding the halls and waiting room. I went to the help desk, giving them my name and telling them I was here to volunteer.

I was ushered to an elevator and told to speak with Nurse Edna on the fifth floor. It took me twenty minutes to find her. She was seeing triage patients, with serious injuries due to bomb blasts. She immediately put me to work. I helped to clean and bandage the wounded, separating those who were in critical condition from those who had acute and less serious injuries.

The morning flew by quickly. It was almost noon when I told her goodbye and promised to return tomorrow. Alec was already waiting for me at the entrance. He took my hand and walked toward home, asking me how my morning went.

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