Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Refugee Road (Freedom Fighters Series Book 1)
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This time I was the one with the small smile twitching the corners of my mouth. I continued my descent, running my tongue along each perfect plane, each separate abdominal muscle, all six, licking at the taste of his skin. Heat. It scorched my fingers as I moved lower.

“Lizzie! What…Oh God, Lizzie…” He began to pant, his hand resting on the top of my head. “Dear God…”

A moment later I was flipped on my back, Alec’s chest heaving, his eyes liquid molten silver. I knew nothing. Not the cry that fell from my lips as he entered me. Not the sigh of contentment when he began to move. Not the moans of pleasure that escaped with every thrust.

We made love, slowly and passionately, our fingers intertwined, every second intensified by the separation we had to endure for the last week. In no hurry we climbed the peak together, gently guiding each other, each touch propelling us higher. Only once we had reached the top in unison did we release, crashing into waves of bliss that overtook us, the tightening knots releasing into an extended gush, soaking us as we collided. One body. One heart. One shared soul.

Alec looked at me afterward, his expression soft and loving.

“I wonder if you are with child. I have a feeling…”

“I don’t know. It’s still too early to tell. We’ve only been married about six weeks. I’m late Alec, for my period.” He smiled and nodded. “I don’t know what to expect. But…I do feel different. It’s possible,” I responded, hoping it was true.

He brushed his fingers across my cheek. “I think you will have news to tell me soon. I hope so, nothing would make me happier. Let’s rest now. I love you my Lizzie, my beautiful wife.”

I lay my head on his chest and fell asleep as overwhelming love and contentment filled me. I had never felt more perfect in my life.

Chapter Fifteen

“A pity we are not alone.”

The voice shook me from my thoughts. I quickly scrambled to my knees, prepared to fight if necessary.

Donnovan chuckled. “While I do admire the lovely view of your long legs, I am not here to continue what we have started.”

I glared at him. “There is nothing between us.”

He grinned, almost playful, as he leaned against the trunk of a tree.

“Oh but you see, that is not quite true. We have secrets, you and I.”

He spoke in a whisper, as if the whole world could be blocked out by his words. I shivered, suddenly cold in the afternoon sunshine.

“We are co-conspirators. The game is not quite finished my dear.”

“It is for me,” I challenged.

He winked. “I really was hoping for a struggle…makes it that much more interesting to be around you princess.”

I scoffed. “Whatever.”

“Oh you will learn to enjoy my company.”

“Never,” I promised.

“Oh you do know how to keep a man interested. But mark my words…I will come for you.”

He looked into my eyes, deadly calm and serious. I shook my head, backing away from him.

“No,” I whispered.

“I will choose the time and place. Be on your guard princess. I intend to capture the queen.”

Icy fear rippled through my body and I shook. He enjoyed my reaction. Leaning forward, he sniffed, smiling widely.

“You do get me going. Take care…Elizabeth.”

His intimate use of my name shocked me and he laughed. I had no doubt it was his intention to unsettle me. Point for Donnovan. Another win but the game was not over yet. He walked away slowly, whistling.

When Alec returned and saw my expression I had to explain the whole confrontation. His eyes scanned the picnic, every table, all the couples, through the trees, but Donnovan was gone. Long gone…


A persistent knocking awakened me from my dreams. At first I thought it had to be Alec, but then it turned into banging. He would not pound on the door like that. I tiptoed to the window and looked out, surprised to see Donnovan at my front door. He made me instantly nervous and on guard. Our last encounter had not gone well.

I knew he was suspicious of my identity. I hoped he would not figure out I was the same girl from the raid that night. Surely he would not attack me in the middle of the day? He must have another reason for coming to my house.

I opened the door cautiously.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

He smiled, coldly appraising me. “Ah Mrs. Sheridan.”

I expected him to answer but he just stared, a hard look entering his eyes.

“Alec is not here at the moment. I’ll let him know you came by.” I offered.

For a moment he stayed perfectly still, like a cobra before the strike, and then he shoved his way into the house quickly, forcing me to stumble back. I gripped the door for support and flung it wide, hoping he would leave.

He smirked. “We have some things to discuss, you and I.”

I nearly panicked. “We have absolutely nothing to talk about.”

Cautiously I crept toward the front porch, hoping to outrun him.

“Oh but I think we do.”

He grabbed my upper arms cruelly, squeezing until I gasped with the pain. He yanked me back inside the doorway.

“Such a pretty thing, aren’t you princess? I admit, I was quite surprised when he married you. How did you manage it?” He asked, his voice dripping honey and acid.

I shook my head. How did he know? How did he figure it out?

“I see you understand my meaning. Alec is a fool if he thinks I will allow you to stay here.”

I flinched, suddenly afraid of his intentions. I tried unsuccessfully to get out of his grip.

“I think we shall have some fun first, before he comes home and finds you gone. But don’t worry…there will be a trail to follow,” he promised with a wicked grin.

I nearly screamed. If he was able to close that door and get me upstairs, I would never escape his punishment. Terror gripped me. I knew what he intended. He would surely rape me for the sole purpose of getting at Alec.

Desire entered his features. It was written plainly on his face. I swallowed with disgust.

His grip on my upper arms increased. “Get upstairs…now.”

I shook my head, ready to scream.

Suddenly I heard voices. Female voices, more than one. The sewing circle. The wives were going to their weekly gossip fest. If I could manage to capture their attention…

“Thank you Donnovan for checking on me. My husband will be pleased at your kind attention. I was just leaving, of course, to join the wives for the sewing circle.” I spoke as loudly as I could.

He raised his hand about to strike when a voice from around the corner stopped him.

“Mrs. Sheridan, how delightful to see you. Are you accompanying us this afternoon?” Mrs. Sullivan asked.

“I would be delighted,” I answered.

Donnovan backed away, his eyes cold and hard. “Well played. But I think you will not be so lucky next time.”

A shiver of dread ran down my spine. I had no doubt he spoke the truth. He backed away, bowing to the wives, and made a hasty retreat.

Shaking, I locked the door behind me and followed the wives to Mrs. Johnson’s for the sewing circle. After we had been served some refreshment, I begged to make a quick phone call. Alec’s phone rang four times before he answered it.

“Hello, Sargent Sheridan speaking.”

“Hello darling, I forgot to tell you I am attending the sewing circle this afternoon.” I kept my voice extra chipper.

Alec immediately understood. “What happened Lizzie?”

“Oh yes, I will need you to pick me up on the way home,” I answered.

Agitation entered his voice. “Who bothered you?”

“Oh and Donnovan came by this afternoon to check on me. Wasn’t that thoughtful?” I asked, my voice overly sweet.

Dead silence. “What did he do Lizzie?”

“Oh yes dear, I can’t wait to see you after work.”

“Lizzie…are you all right? Did he hurt you?” He asked, his voice deadly calm.

“Yes, yes darling. I’ll explain everything later over dinner.”

I could hear the phone vibrating with his anger. “Yes or no? Are you hurt?”

“Yes dear, I’m a little hungry but we can eat together for dinner.” I answered.

He sighed. “I’ll be the judge of that. Stay there until I pick you up after work. Do not leave for any reason. Make something up if you have to.”

“Yes, darling. I love you Alec.”

“I love you Lizzie. I’ll see you soon.”

I hung up, to the chorus of happy sighs around the room. The wives absolutely adored us. They loved how Alec doted on me. They ate up our love story and savored every morsel.

“Oh dear, I absolutely adore how your young man swoons over you.” One of the wives.

“Oh yes, such a happy couple.” Another wife.

“Makes me think of my Ronald and me, not that many years ago.” Mrs. Johnson.

“Please do have a seat, Mrs. Sheridan. We are so delighted that you have joined us.” Mrs. Sullivan.

The next two hours passed pleasantly enough. I had falsely been under the impression that this group would be boring, full of gossip, and tedious. It was neither of those things. Well, the sewing was, to be sure. I never had the patience for a proper stitch. But I had been surprised by the nice afternoon. I actually enjoyed myself. Even after the run in with Donnovan, I was able to relax and wait for Alec.

He arrived promptly at five, knocking on the door and removing his hat politely. When his tall frame entered the doorway, I nearly stopped breathing. He was dashing and handsome. In his militia uniform, he cut quite the figure. The navy accentuated his lean body and grey eyes. I nearly gaped with my mouth open. He smiled at my perusal but it did not reach his eyes. Worry lines crinkled along the edges.

“My dear ladies, I trust the afternoon was pleasant?” He asked, flashing a brilliant smile.

All of the ladies answered at once, gaga over him. A few giggled.

I stood up. “Ready? I think I left the pot roast on.”

He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Let us hope it hasn’t burned.”

He offered his arm and I slipped mine through. “Good afternoon. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. I truly enjoyed the visit.”

I was ushered out with smiles and promises to return again soon.

“Good afternoon.” Alec tipped his hat as we exited.

Once we were out of the house and on our way, Alec’s grip on my arm tightened slightly.

“Tell me what happened Lizzie.”

“I woke up to someone pounding on the door. It was Donnovan.”

He nodded. “Go on.”

“I answered it and he forced his way inside. I-”

“Forced?” He interrupted.

A couple passed us on the sidewalk. We smiled and acknowledged a greeting before continuing.

“Yes, he shoved me out of the way. Threatened me…promised me…” I could not continue.

My voice choked up and I had to swallow back tears. Alec’s jaw was tight with anger. I saw the tick when I glanced at his face. We were quiet until we entered the house. Once the door was shut he began to check my body for injuries.

“Where did he touch you?”

“He grabbed my upper arms,” I whispered, afraid.

Alec must have seen my fear. His face softened. “Do not be afraid Lizzie. I’m here.”

He gently lifted the sleeves of my dress. Both arms had nasty purple marks, perfect impressions of Donnovan’s hands as they gripped me. Rage filled Alec and his voice shook.

“Did he…hurt you any other way?” He asked, barely able to conceal his temper.

I shook my head. “No…but he wanted to…he ordered me upstairs…I would have been…” I could not finish.

Alec trembled. His hands dropped from my arms and he backed away. He took several deep breaths, unsuccessfully calming himself down. I walked over to him but he shook his head.

“Not now Lizzie. I can’t…I’m so angry.”

“I know,” I whispered.

As lightly as I could, I raised my hand to his chest. Then I crept closer and lay my head on his shoulder. He shuddered. After a few minutes his arms slowly enveloped me. He held me a long time. I finally raised my head and looked into his eyes. They were a cloudy grey, worried and concerned.

“I’m sorry Lizzie.”

“I would never blame you,” I whispered.

“Yes…but the fault does partially lie with me.”

“How can you say that?” I asked, frustrated.

“I knew he was a danger. I left you vulnerable,” he admitted.

I shook my head. “I knew he was dangerous too. I never thought he would be so bold in the middle of the day.”

“He hates me Lizzie. His motivation was to hurt you to get to me.” The anger was still in his voice. I doubted it would leave anytime soon.

“Yes, I know that Alec but he remembers me. He knows who I am. He told me he knew I was there at that raid. I don’t know how…but he figured it out,” I explained.

He sighed. “I was hoping that was not the reason.”

“What do we do now?” I asked, uncertain of our fate.

“Nothing. We wait. If he tells my superiors I will deny it. It is his word against mine. It will look like slander against you. There is nothing he can do without proof.”

“But what if he returns?” I asked, trembling slightly.

Next time I would not get away. Next time he would do more than hurt my arms.

“Shhh. We will take precautions. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe my Lizzie,” he promised.

I walked to the hardware store with him before dinner. We bought a deadbolt for the front door and a chain lock that he installed right away. If anyone tried to force their way in, the chain might buy me some time to escape. Luckily we had sliding glass doors that led to our back patio. It was fenced in but we each had a key to that lock. I felt better protected. For now. How long that would last I would not speculate.

The bruises faded over the next week but I did not forget about Donnovan. Several times I woke up with nightmares. I would fling the covers off and scream, fighting him in my dreams. Alec would comfort me, smoothing my hair, and holding me as I shivered. He never mentioned it in the light of day but I saw the anger on his face. I wished I could stop dreaming about Donnovan. It gave him extra power over me, instilling a deep rooted fear that was neither sensible nor necessary. Knowing that changed nothing. I still had the nightmares.

Alec let me sleep late into the next morning, staying by my side.

“Good morning. I forgot to mention I have two days leave with you. Is there anything you would like to do today?”

I shook my head. “No, can we stay in bed all day?”

He laughed. “I don’t see why not. Are you hungry?”

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