Redeemers (70 page)

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Authors: Enrique Krauze

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Kabila, Laurent, 318

Kádár, János, 346

Kahlo, Frida, 142, 160, 190, 247

Karstulovic, Emilio, 280

Kautsky, Karl, 39

Kemal, Mustafa (Atatürk), 98

Kempton, Murray, 258

Kennedy, John F., 314

Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich, 463

Khrushchev, Nikita, 346

Kipling, Rudyard, “The White Man's Burden,” 32

Kissinger, Henry A., 228

Kołakowski, Leszek, 223, 234, 244, 267–68

Komárek, Valtr, 310

Korda, Alberto, 325

Kosik, Karel, 223

Krauze, Enrique:

anti-Paz activities of, 223

“For a Democracy without Adjectives,” 261


Kundera, Milan, 244, 245


La Chira Ballejos, María Amalia, 90

Lagos Cházaro, Francisco, 133

Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 366, 407–12, 416, 430, 431

Latin America:

African slaves exported to, 430

anti-U.S. sentiments in, 293–95

authoritarianism in, 43

Catholic culture in, xii, 256, 324–25, 327

church vs. state in, 484–87

culture as source of legitimacy in, 38, 357–58

democracy in, xiv, 45, 267, 269, 342, 445–47, 488–89

dependence on Spain, 434

dictatorship in, 399, 402

education in, 41–42

as fatherland, 35–36, 38

French influence in, 34–35, 37

Good Neighbor Policy, 294

guerrilla movements in, 227, 228, 246–47, 251, 317–18, 323, 324, 387, 433

Indians in, 435;
see also

magic realism in, 191, 348–49, 351–52, 453, 474

Marxism in, 484;
see also

militarism in, 228, 246, 324

nationalism in, 30, 40–42, 72–74, 95, 200

poverty in, 41, 489

revolution in, 3, 246

and Spanish Civil War, 154

unity of, 72

and U.S. hegemony, 293–94

U.S. interventions in, 50, 217, 228

see also specific nations

Lawrence, D. H., 150, 184

Mornings in Mexico,

The Plumed Serpent,

Lazo, Agustin, 190

League of Nations, 102

LEAR (League of Revolutionary Writers and Artists), 150–51, 154

Legorreta Díaz, María del Carmen, 423, 424

LeGrand, Catherine C., 340

Leguía, Augusto B., 88, 97, 103, 104, 111

Lenin, V. I., 39, 40, 104, 142, 171, 202, 378, 386

and Plekhanov, 461, 462, 463

The State and the Revolution,

What Is to Be Done?,

Leoni, Raúl, 378, 478

Leonov, Nikolai, 303

Leo XIII, Pope, 390

Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastián, 28, 125, 126, 128

Levin, Harry, 228

Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 244

liberal, meanings of the term, xii, 223, 262

liberal democracy:

and Mexican Revolution, 49, 51, 57, 200

and Paz, xiii, 200

U.S. model of, 26–28, 29, 30

liberalism, classical, 37, 41

Libros y Revistas
(Books and Reviews), 109–10

Lizalde, Eduardo, 253

Llosa, Dorita, 367–69, 370

Llosa, Patricia, 377, 395, 402

Llosa, Pedro, 368–69

Locke, John, 485

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr., 30

Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 146, 161, 164, 247

López Obrador, Andrés Manuel, 447

López Portillo, José, 253, 261

López Velarde, Ramón, “Fresh News of the Fatherland,” 52–53

Losada, Manuel, 125, 128

Louÿs, Pierre, 93

Lowry, Malcolm,
Under the Volcano,

Lozano, Amalia, 137

Lozano, Josefina, 130, 132, 137, 185–86, 236, 257, 258

Lucretius, 257

Lugones, Leopoldo, 87

Lumumba, Patrice, 318

Luxemburg, Rosa, 39, 223


Maceo, Antonio, 12

Machado, Antonio, 31, 144, 154, 172, 184, 194

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 400

Machiavello, Palmiro, 102

Madero, Francisco I., 78

death of, 55, 82, 122, 128

liberalism of, 57, 223, 262, 263

military coup against, 49–50, 54, 55

presidency of, 49–50, 76, 85, 130

The Presidential Succession in 1910,

and revolution, 54, 262

Madonna, 281

Maeztu, Ramiro de, 31

Mailer, Norman, 442

Malaquais, Jean, 167

Malraux, André, 151, 155, 193, 208, 265, 374, 376

Mancisidor, José, 154

Mandiargues, André Pieyre de, 203–4, 205

Manea, Norman, 267

Manifest Destiny, 25, 40

Manifesto of Montecristi, 18

Manjarrez, Héctor, 223

Mantegna, Andrea, 325

Mantilla, Manuel, 6

Mao Tse-tung, 210, 274, 386

Marcos, Subcomandante,
, 433–48, 488

birth and early years of, 436–37

and Che, 437–38, 439

childhood of, 418

and democracy, 445–47 and EZLN, 439

fading into anonymity, 447–48

guerrilla movement founded by, 438–39

and indigenism, 436, 440, 441, 444–47, 448

and La Realidad, 443, 444, 448

and Mariátegui, 435–36, 439–40

mask of, 440, 443

media used by, 439, 440–41, 443, 447

name of, 248, 436, 438

and Ruiz, 425, 428, 438

writings of, 441–42

and Zapatistas, 269, 405, 407, 424–25, 430–31, 433–34, 440, 442–43, 445, 448, 456

Margáin Charles, Hugo, 240, 251, 253

María Lionza, Queen, 458

Mariátegui Chiappe, Sandro (son), 101

Mariátegui La Chira, José Carlos, xii, 40,
, 87–116

and agrarian reform, 443–44

88–89, 102, 110–11

and APRA, 104, 111–12, 115–16

arrest of, 111

birth and background of, 89–90

childhood and teen years of, 90–93, 437

children of, 101


death of, 116

La escena contemporánea
(The Contemporary Scene), 109, 111

in exile, 97–103

and Indians, 106–8, 113–15, 116, 435–36, 448

influence of, 300, 302

Interpretation of Peruvian Reality,

Juan Croniqueur as pen name of, 92–93

leg amputated, 105

Letters from Italy,
97, 101

and Marcos, 435–36, 439–40

and Marxism, 96, 98–99, 101, 104, 107, 112, 115–16, 487

and myth, 113, 114, 115, 116

and People's University, 103, 104, 108

return to Lima, 102–4

and revolution, 94, 95, 96, 102, 105, 109, 444

and “scandal of the cemetery,” 95–96

as writer, 92–95, 96–97, 105, 109–11, 113–14, 116, 434–35, 436, 441

Mariátegui Requejo, Francisco Javier (father), 90, 91

Marinello, Juan, 157

Marinetti, Filippo, 145

Marksman, Herma, 459, 460

Márquez Mejía, Nicolás, 333–35, 336–37, 338–40, 351, 361

Martí, José “Pepe,” xii,
, 3–21, 34, 47, 49, 487

3–4, 18


birth and background of, 3

and Cuban independence, 4–5, 6, 7, 13–15, 17–18, 20, 30

on dangers of
14, 17

death of, 19, 82


farewell letter of, 18–20, 54

influence of, 63, 72, 78, 202, 299

influences on, 3, 5, 13


journals and books published by, 12–13, 15–16

Manifesto of Montecristi, 18

myth of, 4, 20–21

in New York, 6–12

“Our America,” 16–17

El presidio político en Cuba
(The Political Prison in Cuba), 4

in prison, 3

La República Española ante la revolución cubana
(The Spanish Republic Compared to the Cuban Revolution), 4–5

Revista Venezolana,

and Sierra, 28, 29

song of mourning to, 20

in Spain, 4, 6

on the Statue of Liberty, 8

travels of, 5–6, 17–18

and U.S. disinterest, 25, 295

“A Vindication of Cuba,” 14–15

writings of, 4, 7–10, 16–17, 18–20

Martí, José Francisco (son), 6, 7

Martin, Gerald,
Gabriel García Márquez: A
336, 338, 343–47, 352, 356, 358, 359

Martínez, José Luis, 168, 197, 205, 209, 268–69 Martínez, Lydia, 205

Martínez, Tomás Eloy,
Santa Evita,
278, 279, 280–81

Marx, Karl, 40, 378, 390

466, 467

death of, 5

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,

and Engels,
Communist Manifesto,

on individual power, 466–67

influence of, 41, 99, 463–64, 466–67

The New American Cyclopaedia,
464–65, 467

and Paz, 179, 221, 223, 225, 227, 230–31

on political use of the past, 467–68

and revolution, 167, 209–10 Marxism, 39

and anti-Marxists, 85

and Che, 301, 303, 322, 328

in China, 421

decline of, 245, 247, 250, 382

four swords of, 386

hegemony of, 255, 260

and Indians, 107

and insurrection, 486–87

and Marcos, 436, 438, 444

and Mariátegui, 96, 98–99, 101, 104, 107, 112, 115–16, 487

and Paz, 142, 148–49, 150, 152, 167–68, 171, 200, 208, 223, 227, 228, 229, 233, 244, 245, 247–48, 250, 255, 256, 487

rising interest in, 247–48

and terrorism, 227

Marxism-Leninism, 463

Masetti, Jorge Ricardo, 317–18, 360

Maximilian, Emperor, 27, 28, 123

Mayakowski, Vladimir, 225

Mayan people, 406, 409, 418–20, 435, 443

Mazzini, Giuseppe, 11

Mella, Julio Antonio, 145

Mendive, Rafael María de, 3

Mercado, Manuel, 11, 19

Mérida, Carlos, 190

Mexican Revolution:

advocates of return to, 217, 262–64

Agrarian Reform, 426

constructive phase of, 122

criticism of, 225–26

cultural originality of, 51–53

end of, 121–22

export of ideas, 73, 87, 95

fading dream of, 171, 179, 180, 201, 223, 224, 265

hope of, 484

and Mariátegui, 94, 105

myth of, 53, 71, 225, 262, 267, 442

and nationalism, 200

onset of, 49–51, 54, 131

and Paz, xiii, 152, 159, 160, 163, 164, 167–68, 196, 200, 201–2, 208, 209–10, 224, 225, 239, 246, 262–64, 265, 268–69, 433, 484

peasant movement within, 433

political prisoners of, 215–17, 218, 220

and Vasconcelos, 54–56, 57, 67–69, 73, 78–79, 141

wealth accrued in, 77

written history of, 140, 144, 188–89

and Zapata, 50, 128, 129, 130, 133, 263, 384, 405–7


anniversary of independence, 54

church vs. state in, 410, 412 Científicos, 128

civil war in, 130

Communist Party in, 145, 147, 150, 151, 247, 253, 254, 259

Conquest of, 365–66, 406, 409, 410, 434

Constitution (1824), 26

Constitution (1857), 122

Constitution (1917), 51, 122

Cristero uprising (1920s), 410, 411–12

cultural identity of, 172–74, 175–77, 189–91

death culture in, 185

Democratic Current in, 261

democratic transition in, 264, 407

Diary of Debates in, 127

“dirty war” in, 246–47

economy of, 234, 260–61, 422

essential nature of, 119–20

“Falcons” massacre (1971) in, 218–19, 226, 245

flag of, 56

FLN in, 423, 436

Generation of '68 in, 218, 220, 222, 224, 245

guerrilla actions in, 223, 226–27, 246, 252, 269, 405–7, 433, 456

and Hitler, 161

illiteracy rate in, 66

Indians in, 136, 239, 254, 259, 262, 263, 366, 408–31, 433, 435, 442

intellectuals and government in, 211, 219, 224–25

land reforms, 426, 435–36

La Noria uprising (1871), 128

March of Silence in, 212

in, 115, 239, 263, 366, 406, 434, 436

Mid-Century (Medio Siglo) Generation in, 218, 220

muralism in, 68–71, 141, 142, 145, 190

myths of, 213–14, 222

and NAFTA, 425–26

National Action Party (PAN) in, 221–22, 260, 263–64, 266

national identity of, 233

National University, 61–63, 65, 141, 210, 212–13

oil boom in, 260–61, 422

and Peru, similarities of, 434–35, 436

Poetry in Public Performance, 195

Political Reform in, 252–53, 262

poverty in, 231, 248, 421, 430

PRD in, 261, 407, 429

PRI in,
PRI Program of Ayala, 188

Program of Tuxtepec, 126

rebellion of Agua Prieta, 61, 135

religion in, 186–87, 249, 256–57

Sinarquismo in, 412

SLOP in, 423–24, 427

socialist tourism in, 104

and social progress, 147, 151–52, 200, 224

Spanish exiles in, 161, 172

student movement in, 210–15, 217–18, 220, 224, 226–28

Summer Olympics (1968) in, 211, 213, 417

“the Lie” in, 239, 260

Tlatelolco student massacre (1968), 213, 217, 218, 222, 224, 226, 245, 246, 260, 417

tourism in, 167

U.S. as model for, 27

U.S. investment in, 28

U.S. war against (1846–48), 25, 30, 40

War of Independence, 408, 410

War of the French Intervention (1862–67), 123

War of the Reform (1858–61), 123, 410

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