Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Would you mind telling me? I am new to all this and find some of it hard to understand.”

Gloria replied, “I don’t mind. Master likes to know what I am going to do during the day, my clothes, and my studies. We have a ritual for when we get up and one for when he comes home. I have a checklist for chores and things I have to do. When he comes home he inspects and puts ticks on my list or a note if something has to be done again.”

“Oh my goodness, don’t you mind that?”

“No. Master trained me when we were first together, and I like it. I am happy to offer him my service. It gives my life meaning and worth.”

Gloria saw that Jane was struggling to understand.

“What do you get out of it?” Jane asked.

“Love, care, comfort, and guidance. His is the responsibility. He reads my journal every day. He helps me face difficulties and disappointments.”

Jane looked sceptical.

“It’s what I want and need. When he went away, I was lost, rudderless. Nobody cared if I cleaned the house or not, so my efforts seemed futile, wasted.”

Jane said emphatically, “I could never live like that. I found submission difficult at first. Master Angus is fairly easygoing, but he has his limits.”

“Yes, that’s it! You know what his limits are. They don’t change every day. If you overstep the boundaries there are consequences. There will be punishment, but then it’s over, forgotten. You start again with a clean slate,” Gloria said quickly.

Jane looked pensive and said, “Thank you for being so frank. We certainly can help each other. Now, no time like the present. Let’s have a girl’s lunch and shop-a-thon!”

Gloria laughed and agreed.


* * * *


They went in Jane’s car as Gloria didn’t have one. They visited the baby departments of a couple of large stores. Gloria took a long list, and Jane reduced it to what was practical.

“Later you can buy more as you see you need things. You will be given lots of first-size baby things. Personally, if I buy for a new mum, I get things in the three-to-six or even nine-to-twelve-months size. I always make sure that I buy clothes that will be right for the time of the year when they fit the baby too, or get a gift receipt, so they can be exchanged,” Jane stated.

“You’ll need a safety seat for the car before you can bring the baby home from the hospital. You’ll also need a cot and a pram but best leave those, and Master Llewellyn can help choose them! He will enjoy that, and you don’t want to leave him out!”

“No, I
!” Gloria said emphatically.

They had a pleasant lunch and returned home in the late afternoon.


* * * *


Later when Llewellyn read her journal and understood she was forming a closer tie with Jane, he was pleased. He knew Angus would be happy that gloria was helping Jane come to terms with the lifestyle. He suspected that babies had been high on the agenda and probably gloria had bought things she needed. He didn’t go into the room that was going to be the nursery on his inspection of the house. He wanted her to tell him in her own time. He would have something to say about the omissions from her journal. Maybe an erotic spanking would fit the bill. That at least was safe while she was pregnant. He’d been learning some Kinbaku ties from Catriona and wanted to try them out. Catriona had told him that, with a loved partner, the closeness was amazing from the perspective of Top and bottom. He had learned something simple and decorative to make her luscious body even more beautiful. Catriona had shown him books of photos, and he’d been moved by the expressions on the faces of some of the bottoms. He would like to see gloria in one of the harnesses. Her gorgeous breasts tied for his delectation. Catriona had explained about the erogenous zones and the placing of knots. He was going to place one over gloria’s clit and then let her walk about the house. He would bet she’d be very wet by the time he was ready to untie the harness very slowly, as foreplay, then he was going to fuck her hard and fast as they both liked it.

After dinner he took her hand and said, “I need to spank your delicious little arse right now.”

She gasped, and he watched the colour bloom in her cheeks, and she shook with passion as usual.

“Upstairs with you, now. Strip and wait for me.”

She hurried upstairs, and he smiled in anticipation as he watched her go. He’d leave her a few minutes to get her juices flowing. A good ten minutes later he slowly got to his feet. Anticipation was a two-edged sword, and he was hard, oh so hard and would be even harder before long. Maybe he’d let her ride him tonight, but first he was going to warm her rear end, and he licked his lips.

She was waiting, naked. Her clothes were folded neatly. Her head was bowed, and her hands rested on her thighs, palms upward.

“Present!” he said.

Her legs came open, and her hands locked behind her head. Her back was straight, and her breasts jutted out, firm and plump. He knew they would be sensitive now, and he intended to drive her wild.

“Beautiful, cariad. Over my knee now!”

He seated himself on the special chair with his favourite paddle and crop in hand. She draped herself over his knee. Her hands clasped his ankle, and his other leg came over to anchor her feet. His long, strong fingers probed her pussy. 

“You are so hot and wet, my gloria. Are you looking forward to your spanking?”

“It’s not punishment is it, Master?”

“No, my gloria, just my desire.”

“As Master wishes. I am ready!” she said.

“Are you looking forward to it? You haven’t answered my question!” He growled.

“Yes, Master, I am. I’m sorry, Master.” 

He lifted his hand, and the first
rang through the room. She squeaked as she hadn’t expected it so soon. Firmly he continued to rain smacks on her buttocks. When he reached ten, he stopped, and his fingers probed her pussy. She was wet. Her cream ran down her thighs. He lifted his fingers to his nose and breathed in. 

“I love the scent of your cunt.”

He licked her cream from his fingers.

“I love the taste of your cream.”

She shivered and whimpered at his words, and he gave her ten more smacks.

“Your lovely little bottom is deep pink now. I’m going to make it red.”

First he inserted three thick fingers into her pussy and fucked her with them, curling them as he pulled them out. She moaned.

“Ah, Master, that’s so good. More please, more!”

He gave her ten more smacks with his hand, and she thrust up her bottom to receive them. He realised that he wasn’t smacking her hard. He knew in theory it was safe, but he didn’t want to hurt her.

“Master, please more!” She moaned.

He decided that ten more were enough. He looked at the paddle and decided against it. He knew that she loved to feel his hand, so he gave her what she wanted. Then he helped her to her feet and turned her with her back to him. He traced down her back on either side of her spine where Catriona had told him one of the erogenous zones for tying was located. He noted she arched her back in appreciation. He picked her up and placed her carefully on her front over two pillows on the bed with her legs hanging over the end. He bent and kissed each cheek of her bottom over and over, feeling the heat his hand had created and loving the deep pink colour. She kept still as he had taught her. He turned her over, onto her back. He parted her legs and bent to lick from her clit all the way along her pussy. He licked and sucked and nibbled. Ever direct, Llewellyn didn’t tease her. He drove her as high as he wanted, then, thrusting three fingers deep inside her, he found her G-spot. He massaged it as she moaned and sobbed his name.

“Master, oh please, Master. I need.”

She didn’t have to say what she needed. He continued to fuck her with his fingers then he sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue over the bundle of nerves as she cried out, “Oh! Oh! Oh, Master!”

Gently, he bit down on her clit, and he watched as she fell apart, all the while flicking his tongue over her clit and prolonging her orgasm. Her whole body trembled and shook as the pleasure he gave her drove her over the edge, and she sobbed in her ecstasy. He felt the aftershocks around his fingers as he probed her pussy and, suddenly urgent, he stood up and unzipped his trousers. He took out his massive cock, and driving it into her, he let out a long, “Ahh!” of satisfaction. He clasped her hips and drove in and out of her hard and fast. She sobbed and moaned. He felt her cunt muscles contract and squeeze his cock as he gave her another orgasm. He continued to pump in and out of her until his balls drew up and hot streams of semen erupted from his cock deep inside her.

“My gloria, you’re so beautiful. Your hot, wet pussy never fails to give me complete satisfaction.”

He saw her glow as she said, “I’m so glad, Master.”

He went into the bathroom to clean himself up and returned with a hot, wet cloth to clean her, too. Then he dried her with a soft towel. He took the towel and wet cloth back to the bathroom. When he returned she was lying limp on the bed as floppy as a rag doll. He picked her up from the bed and turned back the covers and tenderly lowered her to the bed. He settled her on the pillows and covered her up.

“Rest, cariad,” he said. Then he sat down beside her and softly sang to her. He chose her favourite Welsh hymn, “Ar Hyd y Nos.” He saw the small smile that curled her lips and lit up her face as she drifted off to sleep. He debated his next move, but he decided he couldn’t wait and would just take a peek into the nursery. He opened the door and saw the bags waiting to be opened, and he smiled a slow smile that lit up his face. So she
bought baby things!

She seemed to be getting more and more friendly with Jane, and that was a good thing for both of the women.

He went to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. There was a slice of Jane’s chocolate orange cake left for him on a covered plate, so he ate that. He heard gloria go into the bathroom. That had been a short nap! He finished his tea and went to find her. She was back in the bedroom. He came up behind her and gathered her in his arms, breathing in her scent. 

“I have a surprise for you!” he said. He took a blindfold from his pocket and put it around her eyes. He moved her to the centre of the room and took out various lengths of rope from his bag. Taking one length, he folded it in half and began the tie that Catriona had taught him. He placed the first length of rope with knots at intervals, taking care to place one knot where it would press on her clit and fit close in her pussy when he had finished. He took another length and tied the beautiful diamond pattern of the
. He stood back to admire his work. She looked so beautiful, her body and the rope a work of art. Catriona had told him that tying a beloved partner brought both parties closer. She’d also told him that when he was adept, he would feel the peace descend upon him and his hands would take over and do the tie. He removed the blindfold and took gloria over to the cheval glass. She looked stunned when she saw what he’d done to her.

“Master, that’s so beautiful, and it feels so pleasant. The diamond pattern in the dark blue rope looks beautiful.”

“You make it beautiful, my gloria,” he replied.

He caressed her breasts tenderly, noting how quickly she became aroused by his touch. He licked and suckled each one in turn but neither of them too strongly. He wondered if she’d notice he was holding back. Maybe she wouldn’t. If her breasts were as tender and sensitive as he’d been led to believe, then maybe she was getting the usual pleasure and sensations from his less forceful attentions. He hoped so!

He had her walk around for a while and he saw she was beginning to pant, and her breathing hitched.

“How does it feel now, my gloria?” he asked slyly.

“Master, it feels, oh it rubs against my clit, and it…Oh, Master, I need…”

He lifted her up and held her as his huge, erect cock probed the entrance to her pussy. Once inside her, lifted her up until only the swollen, purple head remained inside her, then swiftly and forcefully he slammed her down until all his long length was seated inside her. He held her in his strong hands and lifted her up and brought her down again on his cock until she moaned in pleasure. He could feel the knot as he pressed into her. It was rubbing against her clit, and sure enough, no sooner had he thought that than she threw her head back and moaned his name, as the muscles of her pussy clenched around his cock in the familiar spasms of her orgasm. She did the milking, clenching, squeezing of his cock that he loved, and three long, forceful thrusts later, he spilled his seed deep within her. His heart hammered, and he stumbled to the bed, taking care she was safe from his weight, as he dropped onto the bed, with her in his arms. After a while, he slowly untied the ropes as Catriona had taught him. She was right, there was just as much pleasure to be had, for both partners, in the untying. He kissed her all over as he removed the rope. He left it on the bed. Somehow, he didn’t want to drop it on the floor. It meant something special to him now!

Chapter Fourteen


Gloria had to see Jim Waverley, and Masters Llewellyn, Eric, and Jack wanted to be there. Waverley turned up at the hotel as he’d been told to. He no longer had the pictures and the information on his laptop. He looked rumpled and unkempt in complete contrast to the three Doms who had dressed in sober suits with shirts and ties. Gloria thought that Llewellyn looked delicious and had told him so. He had promised that she could taste whatever bit of him took her fancy, after the interview, and she’d blushed as she knew he’d intended her to. It did make her less tense. In all honesty she’d nothing to be afraid of with the three big men to look after her. When she saw Jim Waverley, she thought how small and insignificant he looked beside them and wondered if that was what was wrong with him. He was a small man and maybe had an inferiority complex. It didn’t matter really. It was none of her business and his own problem.

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