Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Well, if you’d seen fit to explain
, it would all have made a great deal more sense,” Angus remarked, rising to refill their glasses.

“More Scotch? Ice?”

“Yes to the Scotch, no to the ice, thank you, Angus. Yes, I suppose it would, but you know it was never my way to explain myself. Now I see I was wrong. I know Gloria had it tough. Prometheus has kept me informed about her.”

“Yes, I know. So what are you going to do about her?”

“Angus, old friend, I love her and I want to make a life with her. But I’m scared she won’t have me.”

Angus roared with laughter. “Llewellyn scared of his slave? Oh my, that’s priceless.”

“Yes, and it goes no further.”

“Well, we can go to the club with you tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what happens. Now don’t look daggers at me, I won’t spill the beans, even to Jane.”

They spent another hour talking over old times, then decided it was time to call it a night.


* * * *


The next morning Jane awoke and went to look out of the window at the garden and the weather for the day. She glanced down and gasped. Master Llewellyn was in the garden in just a pair of sweatpants. He’d stayed the night before in the spare room. He and Master Angus had chatted over drinks until late. They’d had a lot of catching up to do, Master had said when he finally came to join her in their bed.

Master Llewellyn was a sight for sore eyes. He was a huge man. He was tall and broad with a well-muscled back, and his chest was covered in curling black hair which grew to a point over his flat stomach and disappeared into his sweatpants. He had short black hair and deep blue eyes set wide apart under beetling black brows. His lips were full and sensual. His arms were covered in curling black hair, too, and were well muscled. His long, elegant feet were bare, and his legs were splayed, straining against the fabric of the pants and showing the corded muscles working. Now his back was to her, and tattooed upon it was the rampant red dragon of Wales, whose tail curled around his hip and disappeared around to the front. She could imagine where it went. Then he turned slightly, and she saw the erect cock in his pants, and from the look of it, that was where the tail of the dragon ended.

“Oh my.” She breathed. She felt her eyes grow big and round, and her tongue snaked out to lick her lips. She couldn’t breathe, and she could feel her cunt drip moisture down her thighs.

He was engaged in graceful controlled movements, and the muscles of his back rippled and bunched as he moved.

“Tae kwon do,” a voice murmured in her ear, and she jumped and squeaked. She was startled, as she had not heard her Master get up or come up behind her. She had been far too absorbed in the sight they now both contemplated.

“That dragon,” she managed to say.

“If you ask nicely he’ll show you where the tail ends. Be prepared to be surprised,” he said and chuckled.

They went downstairs together and began to prepare the breakfast.

She had decided to give them all a full English breakfast. Master Llewellyn’s praise of the night before had given her something to live up to. She made porridge and fried eggs and bacon. Toast and oatcakes and marmalade would follow, and her Master made a huge pot of coffee. She preferred tea so he also made a pot of English breakfast tea.

Master Llewellyn came in, and she heard his deep laugh when Master Angus spoke to him, in a whisper.

“So you are curious, cariad?” Master Llewellyn asked.

She blushed and looked down, but curiosity overcame her shyness. She peeked and squeaked when she saw him standing with his pants about his ankles and his huge erect cock emerging from its nest of curly hair, as black as the coal from the valleys of Wales, and bobbing in front of her. The tail of the dragon curled around his hip and ended partway along his cock. She felt her eyes grow round again, and her tongue snaked out to lick her lips. She couldn’t speak, and her pussy was wet. Both men laughed.

“He usually has that effect,” Master Angus said.

Llewellyn pulled up the sweatpants and tucked his cock back inside them. Master Angus took him upstairs to find him towels for his shower while she finished frying the bacon as best she could in the state she was now in. Fortunately Master Angus had a sense of humour, and he was sure of her devotion to him alone. She could look and admire his friend, but she had no desire for anyone but Angus, and he knew it. The three of them had breakfast together and Jane got to know Llewellyn better as they chatted.

Chapter Two


That evening Jane and her Master went to Prometheus in Chains with Llewellyn, who had liked what he saw when he called in to see Prometheus. The quiet elegance of the entrance impressed him. Llewellyn knew Prometheus was proud of the club and happy to show him around and explain the facilities, and he was still talking as they went into the main room. Llewellyn breathed deeply of the smell he loved and looked across the room to the bar.

Prometheus took him over to introduce him to Eric and his sub, Emma, Jane’s granddaughter, who was seated on a barstool talking to Eric and a few others. They chatted and laughed together for a few minutes. Llewellyn was about to ask a question when, his eyes straying around the room, stopped at the uncollared subs’ area. He excused himself and left the group he was with and went over to the woman, sitting in their midst, that he would have known anywhere.


* * * *


Gloria was sitting, chatting with her friends in the uncollared subs’ area, when over at the bar, a deep laugh rang out. She stiffened, turned to look, and her eyes widened in shock. It was Master Llewellyn. She’d know that laugh anywhere.
Oh my God, what am I going to do now? I hope he doesn’t notice me! No! I hope he does notice me! I don’t know which is worse. What’s he doing here? What if he’s come with a sub? Can I get out of here without his seeing me? I’ll die if he’s got another slave in tow.

It all came flooding back. The years she’d spent as his slave. The profound sense of well-being and contentment she derived from serving him, and the care and protection she’d received in her turn. She remembered with anguish the terrible day when he said he had to leave her.

“Cariad, I owe this man a debt. It’s a debt of honour and I must repay him.”

“Master, why must you leave? I thought you were going to the new club with Master Prometheus.”

“Cariad, I was. This man and I were comrades in the SAS. I told him if ever he needed me, he had only to ask. He has asked and I have to honour my word to him.”

Later he’d removed her collar and it felt as if he’d torn her heart out.

She’d had to be strong, for her mother’s sake. Gloria knew that her mother had only a few short years to live. Gloria wanted to make them as happy as she could for her, amongst her friends in the city she’d grown up in, and never left. She’d pinned a smile to her face and made her mother’s last years as happy as she knew how. Inside, the ice around her heart grew thicker as time passed. She’d never had a permanent Dom since he left. At first she hadn’t known how to face the future. Eventually, as day followed day, she’d coped. It was existing, not living. The nights were the worst. Alone, clutching his pillow, she cried, and longed for the vibrant male she loved. Soon even his scent faded from her pillow. She mourned its passing.
Oh my God! He’s coming over here. I can’t let him and the others see what a state I’m in.


* * * *


As he walked over to her, his heart swelled. She was as he remembered her. He could see she was fighting for control. He knew her so well. He knew every expression that flitted across her beautiful face. He wanted to go and smother his face in her hair, smell her scent, kiss her lips.
Will she want me? Can we get back to our life together? Have I lost my future with her? It’s time to find out.

“Come with me, gloria!” he said and noticed the surprise on the other subs’ faces.

“Yes, Master Llewellyn.”

He took her by the hands, placed a collar and cuffs on her, and handed her a leash.

“Please, Master Llewellyn,” she said as she knelt before him and offered him the leash. He took the leash and clipped it onto her collar.


She got up and followed him two paces behind his left shoulder as he strolled around the club, pausing to chat. As he did, he indicated she should kneel, which she did. She waited patiently in the slave position until he started to move, then she rose gracefully and resumed her place. He collected a key to one of the rooms and led her upstairs slowly. She was not dressed as he preferred, and he would correct that later. For the moment, it had been a long time, and he had missed her. She was still as beautiful as ever if a little thinner now. Her long, dark-brown hair was curly and reached below her shoulders. Her lashes were long and curly, too. Her eyes were large, green, and wide set. Her mouth was full and her bottom lip especially plump and generous. Her figure was an hourglass shape. Her waist was small, but her hips were full and luscious. Her breasts were DD. He loved to see the curves, and her nipples were dark pink. Her breasts were sensitive, and he’d always loved to fondle them and drive her wild with desire.

He’d chosen the medieval room with dark panelling and deep red velvet curtains at the windows and on the four poster.

“gloria!” he said. “It’s been a long time. I see you are uncollared. Have you had another Master?”

“No, Master Llewellyn, I haven’t. I have done nothing permanent, just scenes.”

“I found I didn’t want a permanent slave either, just scenes, too. Do you remember our protocols?”

“Yes, Master Llewellyn, I do. I missed them so.”

Gloria was happy that Master Llewellyn had not changed his mind. She knew that many Doms with slaves required them not to use
at all, but Llewellyn never liked to hear “this one loves her Master” from his sub, finding it too impersonal. He was a Dom who liked to know what his slave was thinking and feeling, and wanted nothing to get in the way of that.

“Then let’s begin.”

There was fruit and wine on a side table, so she went and collected a plate of luscious, green grapes then walked slowly to where he sat and waited. She knelt, then kissed the plate, as she always had done in the past when they were together. Then she offered the grapes to him with her head bent. Smiling, he took the plate, ate a few grapes, and fed some to her. “I’m thirsty,” he said.

She went to pour a goblet of red wine and took it over to him and knelt. She kissed the rim and offered it to him. He took it and drank deeply, then offered it to her to drink. He sighed as he put the goblet down.
She’s so graceful in all her movements. She remembers our protocols, that’s a good sign. Maybe there’s hope.
She knelt at his feet and waited patiently. During their time together it had always been this way. He slowly rubbed his hand over the bulge in his leathers.

“May I give you ease, Master Llewellyn?” she asked.

“Certainly, my gloria.” He gestured, and she knelt at his feet between his legs. He noticed she was careful as she lowered the zip and released his cock and balls. Lovingly, she rolled his sac in her hands while he let his head drop back and sighed in contentment. He had missed her touch. No other had ever affected him so profoundly, and he regretted the lost years, wondering if they could resume their lives together. She had been his slave for five years before he’d had to leave her. He wasn’t altogether happy that she used “Master Llewellyn” instead of “Master,” but he ought to have expected it. Time would tell if she’d have him back. Then he lost all power of thought as she licked and nibbled at the huge vein that ran throbbing from the base of his cock to the head then sucked and licked around the bottom of the head. He raised his head and looked at her. She’d always known what he liked, and although he was way too thick and long for her to take all his cock into her mouth, she used her hands in combination with her mouth to pleasure him. Finally her tongue reached the swollen purple head, and she sighed then ran her thumb over his slit and smeared the drop of pre-cum over the whole head, only to lick it off slowly.

She always looked deep into his eyes as she pleasured him. He preferred to see her eyes and gauge her pleasure in her efforts from what he saw reflected there. She licked and sucked, and her head bobbed up and down as her tongue lashed back and forth over the head of his cock. Then, she sucked in her cheeks and he felt his release approaching. He held onto her head with both hands as he knew she preferred and fisted his hands in her hair. His hips bucked, and he exploded into her mouth. His eyes never left hers as she struggled to swallow his copious release then gently cleaned his cock with her eager tongue. She held his softening cock in her mouth until he tapped her on the head, which was his signal for her to release him and tuck him back into his leathers. She sat back on her heels and smiled shyly up at him.

“Cariad!” He sighed in appreciation of her efforts. “How I’ve missed you. Come here.”

He patted his lap, and she rose gracefully to straddle him. He took her in his arms and kissed her, not needing to demand entry. Her lips softly opened and invited him in to taste himself on her tongue and slake his thirst for her as he claimed her mouth. He licked, sucked, and nibbled her lips and finally sucked her tongue into his mouth for her to explore him. She would never invade his mouth until he invited her. He’d trained her well. He freed her generous breasts and cupped them in his large hands, running his thumbs over the sensitive nipples. Taking them between thumb and forefinger, he rolled and squeezed them as she moaned but kept still as he’d trained her to do.

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