Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Reconciliation [Prometheus in Chains 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Llewellyn vetoed it outright to start with, and it was only after gloria had persuaded him that she wanted this over with, and Eric’s plan seemed to be the best available option at the moment, that Llewellyn consented.

All they had to do now was wait until the man made contact with her.

That came the next day. She was in her room alone just after Llewellyn had gone out, and the telephone rang. It was the man in the lift. She recognised his voice.

“Have you had a good look at the photos?”

“Yes, what do you want? How dare you take such photos of us?” she asked.

“I want
and I am going to have you. Today will be just fine.”

“No, I won’t go out with you!”

“You lost your chance of going out with me. Now you’re going to fuck me like you fuck him. I want to use the crop on you like he does, and
will allow it.”

She pleaded with him then that she couldn’t betray Llewellyn, but he was adamant. When she thought it was time, as Eric had coached her to do, she gave in gradually and fixed up a meeting for the next afternoon in the hotel.

Chapter Nine


The following day she went to Prometheus in Chains with Llewellyn, and Jack fitted her up with a microphone, as arranged. Eric and Llewellyn were to conceal themselves in the bedroom and wait for her to return home. They thought that the man would be concentrating on her and would follow her when she went to the hotel room. They left, and she waited the thirty minutes they’d agreed on and got into a taxi which took her back to the hotel. She got into the lift and wasn’t surprised to find the man got in with her. “Did you like the photos?” he asked.

She refused to answer at first.

“I’m coming to your hotel room with you, and we’ll discuss it there. Is the gorilla due back at his usual time?”

“Yes, he will be back as usual.”

They got to the hotel room, and she used her card to open the door. The bedroom door was only slightly ajar, but she saw it and was reassured. She knew she wasn’t alone. “Now I’ll tell you what you are going to do. I like what I saw in the photos. I want you like that for myself. I’ve a mind to whip that fine arse of yours. I want you to suck my cock. If you don’t do all that I want and
, that story of his time in the SAS, with photos and the other evidence, will go to the local press. He’ll be on his way to prison and then you will be on your own. I don’t want any unwillingness on your part. You’ll have to make me believe you are enjoying it because if you don’t I
send the story. The press are always on the look out for upstanding people who fall by the wayside. They will love his story,” he said.

“Please, I
do that. Please don’t make me do that,” she begged.

“He would never need to know, and what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”

“I will
betray him,” Gloria said emphatically.

“Very well then. I’ll go and phone the local rag now.” He stood up to leave, but she clutched at his sleeve, and he shook her off. She fell to the ground, and then the door to the bedroom was flung open, and a fury emerged. Llewellyn picked the man up by the collar and shook him until his teeth rattled in his head.

“You weasel. You dare to lay hands on her? You’re not good enough to lick her boots.”

Saying that, he pushed the man’s head down until his face was on gloria’s shoes.

“Clean her shoes, and do it well or I
take you apart.”

The man had no option but to lick her shoes, and although gloria didn’t like it, she saw that Llewellyn wasn’t to be moved.

Jack arrived and laughed at the spectacle.

“I know him,” he said. “He works on the local paper. He’s a muck-raking reporter called Jim Waverley.”

“Well, Mr Waverley, we have a recording of you blackmailing this lady, and now we have footage of you licking her shoes. I think you will find your editor and many others won’t be so keen on employing you given the recent events with members of the press doing illegal recordings. If Miss Jessops wants to press charges, I’m sure a nice, long prison sentence awaits you,” Eric said.

Gloria saw that Jim Waverley looked ashen. He shook as he waited for her decision.

She didn’t like the man. She had spent four days worrying because of him, and because of him she and her Master couldn’t fuck in this room. She didn’t want a story about Llewellyn all over the press, and she knew if it came to court, as it would have to do if he were charged, it would all leak out. She didn’t want lies spread about Llewellyn, because she knew that, if such a story were told, it would follow him everywhere. People always believed what they read in the press, and they would think there was no smoke without fire. She looked at Llewellyn for advice. “In this instance, whatever you decide, I’ll go along with. You don’t have to decide now either. If you want to make him wait and worry and experience a little of what he has done to you, then do that,” he said.

She looked at Eric and Jack and saw they thought that was a good idea.

“You can come back here in one week at this time, and I’ll tell you what I’ve decided. I want all copies of those photos, and I want your laptop or wherever you downloaded the camera feed, and I want that wiped today. I want you to give all those documents you said you had to Jack and Eric,” Gloria said.

Jack and Eric took Jim out, and a couple of hours later, Eric rang to say it had all been done. There were no documents and no evidence of anything, he’d invented it all and used it as a bluff. No copies remained and his laptop had been properly erased as Eric had done it.

She was exhausted and was delighted when Llewellyn said they’d have a meal sent up and an early night.

Later, with him curled around her back and his strong arm around her, the palm of his hand resting on her breast, she sighed in relief and slept.

Chapter Ten


Llewellyn and Gloria had seen four houses already, but none seemed just what they really wanted. He knew which one
wanted, and at the moment they were heading toward it. He wanted her to choose this one, but he didn’t want her to choose it just to please him. If all worked out according to his plan, she would be spending a lot of time there. He would be out working, but she would be working on her Open University course and hopefully putting what she learned into practise on her own children. He wanted her to have the house she felt could be her home for the future.

She looked at him.

“Why are we on this road, Master? It leads to Master Angus’s house. Are we going there?”

“No, cariad. The next house is just along this road.” As he said that he turned into the drive of a house with
a “For
Sale” sign at the entrance. She liked what she saw, he could tell. Her eyes widened in surprise at the long, low bungalow spread out before her. It was built of stone and had huge picture windows at the front facing the hills of the Peak District. The garden was as private as Master Angus’s. Llewellyn would bet she couldn’t quite remember which house was Master Angus’s, but she knew it was nearby. The stream that marked the boundary of Master Angus’s property did the same for this one. The lawn sloped down to the stream, and the tall bushes and trees at either side gave a lot of privacy. Llewellyn had the key and opened the door. Inside there was a large hall with real oak flooring. There was a really enormous living room to the left. Opening off it was the master bedroom, with a walk-in wardrobe and private bathroom. Adjacent to this bedroom was another large bedroom, also opening off the lounge, just the place for the nursery.

They went back to the hall which led to two more bedrooms and a kitchen at the other side. The bedrooms had the family bathroom between them. The kitchen was large and square with a long window over the sink. It was fitted with lots of high gloss white units and held a table and four chairs. The utility room opened off the kitchen and had a range of washing and drying equipment as well as space for ironing and hanging items to air.

She looked at him, and he could tell she loved it as much as he did, when he had seen it in the brochure.

“Do you like it, cariad?” he asked.

“Oh yes, Master.” She breathed. “This is the one for me. What about you?”

“Oh it was always this one. I just wanted you to decide for yourself and not to please me.”

She went over and, taking his hand, lifted it to her lips and kissed it.

He pulled her into his arms and, lifting her up, allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist, resting her feet on his buttocks. He said, “I want you now! Strip.”

She didn’t hesitate. All her clothes came off and were folded neatly, then she knelt on the floor, eyes down and palms on her thighs.

“Beautiful,” he said, taking her hand and raising her up. He lifted her in his arms and placed her once again with her legs wrapped around his waist, then he went over to the wall and pressed her back to it. She held onto him as he took one hand and released his huge cock. He knew she was wet and ready. She was always wet for him. When he had her strip and kneel, it was the anticipation that made her hot and wet. Usually he would make her wait a while to increase her arousal, but today he wanted her now!

“You can move as much as you like today,” he said and knew he had disconcerted her. He wanted to see what she would do. She was tentative at first, but soon she was sinking down on him slowly and rising up until he was almost out of her pussy then sinking down on him again. He’d trained her to be still when they fucked, but he found he liked it when she moved on him. He would have to rethink that one. Maybe he
getting old and soft. He chuckled and said that to her. She gasped as he rammed his cock into her and said, “Your cock doesn’t feel at all soft to me, Master, more like a baseball bat.”

He laughed at that. He took over the fucking then and, raising her high, he slammed her back down on his cock and was rewarded by a scream of pleasure. He continued to raise her and ram her back down as she gasped.

“Oh, yes, Master. Please fuck me harder. I want all your length deep inside me.”

Then he felt her muscles contract, and she called out his name as she climaxed on his cock. Her juices coated him liberally, and the wet slap of his cock in her pussy, as well as the contractions as she came, brought his own release very shortly afterward. He held her close until she could stand, then helped her to clean up and redress. She licked his cock to clean it and tucked him back into his jeans.

“Well we’ve christened the house. Let’s go and buy it,” he said. “By the way Master Angus and Jane will be your next-door neighbours.”

Her squeal of joy was as delightful to his ears as he’d known it would be. He was glad that Jane would be near gloria. They’d become friends in Prometheus in Chains, he knew, and Master Angus was one of his oldest friends. Aside from that, gloria wasn’t young to be contemplating having a baby. She’d need help and advice and who better than Jane to help her? Jane was a grandmother and well used to looking after babies. Reading about it was all very well, but a little hands-on experience was worth a lot of print. Jane was new to the D/s lifestyle, and Llewellyn knew there had been problems for Angus. Maybe it could be a two-way thing, and his gloria could smooth Jane’s path into the lifestyle. Time would tell, but things were looking up now.

Chapter Eleven


Three weeks later, in Prometheus in Chains, in front of an audience of invited friends, Llewellyn took gloria to be his slave.

Llewellyn had printed the words for the ceremony out on two cards. He handed them to Gloria, and she was aware he watched her closely.

Llewellyn said, “We are here to be joined as Master and slave and to take our vows.”

Gloria removed all of her clothing and assumed the slave position with her eyes lowered.

She had been in this position before and knew how the ceremony went. He had given her the cards, and she glanced at the top one. There was no change in the usual format for the Taking Ceremony.

Llewellyn said, “gloria, it’s time for your questioning. Do you come before me to be joined as Master and slave, to become my property?”

Gloria replied, “Yes, Master.”

He then asked her if she had reservations about the relationship and if she entered into it of her own free will. Receiving the proper answers, she in her turn was given permission to question him.

“Master, have you any reservations about entering into this relationship?”

She held her breath as she waited for his answer then let it out when she heard his reply.

Llewellyn answered, “No, gloria.”

He had no reservations. What did that
she wondered. He had said the same last time. She was so confused, but she wanted this with all her heart and soul.

“Master, do you accept my petition to be your slave of your own free will?”

Llewellyn replied, “Yes, gloria.”

Llewellyn asked for the collar and lead, and Gloria assumed the supplicating slave position with her forehead on the floor, her knees at a right angle while kneeling so that her bottom was raised high, her legs spread.

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