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For now, I needed to take a look in that office.

I opened the bathroom door and took a look up and down the hall. Not a person in sight. Quickly, I sprinted down the hall towards the office, and quietly opened the door. I jumped when I saw Pete behind the desk, the middle drawer open in front of him.

“Shit!” He jumped and froze like a deer caught in headlights. “Get the fuck out!”

“I thought this was the bathroom, sorry!” I met his eyes, then quickly scanned the room as I backed out of it. A huge brick of shrink wrapped cocaine was in his hand.

“I said get the fuck out, bitch!”

I closed the door as quickly as I could and walked down the hallway towards the lounge. What the hell was going on? Something didn't feel right here. I hadn't seen anyone doing coke the whole time I was here, just drinking mostly, and some people were smoking cigarettes and pot. And if they were going to be doing drugs, it was sure as hell going to be done at a party like this. I had pretty much given up on finding anything and then I walked in on Pete doing...what? He was a prospect, so the chances of Crow or his guys giving him a big brick of cocaine to handle just didn't add up. And he looked like a kid caught in the candy jar when I walked in on him. No, something certainly wasn't right about this.

I would talk to Tommy about it. In the morning. Right now, I had some other business to attend to. In my bed. With Crow.

I spotted him across the parking lot talking to the same three guys he was talking to earlier. Ratz, Mr. C, and Pockets. This time, I walked right up to him. In spite of my confusion over what I had just seen, my body was still aching to get Crow against it, and I was feeling very impatient. By the smoldering look Crow gave me when I walked up, I knew he was feeling the exact same way.

“Guys, just keep an eye on him, okay? Something isn't right and he seems sketchy.” The three men listened intently to Crow, but all of their eyes were on me as I walked up. Sure, Mr. C had just seen my tits, but I didn't care at this point. “I'm outta here, fellas. Make sure the cops don't show up and keep the noise down. Don't forget to pay the band. I'll see you in the morning.”

Crow took my hand and led me out of the fenced gate and across the street to my apartment. Neither of us spoke a word, but with each step closer to my bed, my heart quickened to a thundering pace. My palms were sweating with anticipation and I leaned in close to Crow, his warm hand keeping me from floating away.

Silently, I opened my front door. As I reached for the light switch, Crow grabbed my hand, pulling it away. “Let's leave that off,” he whispered in my ear.

“Sure.” I grabbed his hand and led him to my bedroom. He wasted no time, and we fell onto the bed in a tangled mess of leather, blue jeans, boots and way too many clothes. Our hands roamed over each other, our lips kneading and nipping at each others flesh, our fingers nimbly unbuttoning and unzipping and removing our shirts as fast as we could. Crow stopped and stood over me, his smile replaced by lust as he first removed his leather and t-shirt, then pulled off my boots and began sliding my jeans over my hips. Raising my hips off the bed as he pulled them down, I gazed up at his naked torso, my desire for this man washing over me in waves. The moonlight streamed in from the window, pouring over his olive skin deliciously.

His silky hair fell over his shoulders, a strand covering his right eye as he began to descend on me again after removing his own boots. I sat up and stopped him with my hand on his chest and a devilish smile. He still had his jeans on and that was completely unacceptable.

Trailing my hand across his strong chest, and down his sculpted abs, I quickly unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, and then pulled down and ripped them open the rest of the way. His throbbing shaft was bursting at the cotton of his boxers. I licked my lips in anticipation, and pulled his jeans and boxers down over his muscular thighs. As he stepped out of them, and stood back up in front of me, I sighed in delight. He was spectacular. His gorgeous cock stood at attention, a perfect specimen of masculinity and readiness. Ready for me. Hard for me. Throbbing with desire....all for me.

My pussy quivered as I brought my lips down and engulfed him in one swift movement, my tongue swirling around him as I slid him in and out of my mouth.

His moans echoed through my bedroom, his hands cradling my head as I devoured him. Tangling my hair in his fingers, he guided my head up and down as his wet cock thrust into my open mouth. Lifting my eyes, I watched as he lustfully watched me pleasure him.

He groaned as he pulled himself out of my mouth and pushed me back onto the bed. Gazing up at him, I shuddered with passion as I realized the gentle Crow I had been spending time with was gone. The man hovering over me was focused on one thing only, and I was sure it had nothing to do with being gentle.

He confirmed my suspicions when he reached up to the middle of my bra and ripped it in half, my tits spilling out of it. He moaned and brought his mouth down, biting my nipples hard. Reaching down, he grabbed the side of my panties and ripped them off as well, in one quick, swift motion, and throwing them to the floor.

“Are you sure you're ready for this?” he asked, his voice gruff and deep.

“I've been ready all my life.”

I lay naked under him, my body on fire, my hips thrusting up at him, begging him to take me. Roaming his hands over the curve of my hips, he trailed kisses along my exposed skin, first kissing the curve of my breasts, then down to my belly, and over to my hipbones and down my trembling thighs. His hot breath tickled the inside of my thighs as he licked up and into my wetness. Moaning, I pulled his mouth into me as he licked my tender lips, finding the delicate nodule of my clit and sucking it into his mouth, his tongue flicking at it roughly.

My body melted into the bed, my fists clenching at the sheets as his mouth devoured my pussy. I opened my thighs wide, pulling him into me, needing him as close as possible as he brought me to the edge. My hips thrashed wildly as I exploded in waves of ecstasy, his tongue expertly sucking my clit, pulling every last morsel of sensation from my quivering body.

I fell onto the bed, spent and blissful as he pulled himself up and mounted me. His cock pressed against my flowing sex, slowly sliding inside of me in delicious smoothness. My legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper. His mouth captured mine and he kissed me passionately, his body invading me, filling it with his hard cock and tongue as he began thrusting slowly and purposefully.

“My god, Crow!” I gasped. His cock was so huge, I was stretched around him tightly, my wet pussy gripping onto him like a vice.

“I knew your pussy was going to be perfect.” He whispered in my ear as he picked up the pace and began fucking into me harder. I held onto him with my legs, my hips meeting his every thrust, desperately needing him deeper inside of me. I had never been so full, had never wanted a man so bad in my life. He was like no other lover, his thrusts speeding up then slowing down and speeding up again, his rough hands scraping over my soft tits bringing me to the edge and back over and over again.

My juices flowed over his pounding cock, my pussy spasming repeatedly as I lost myself below him. Submitting to his marvelous assault, I softened my limbs and let him ride me harder and harder, his hands digging into the soft flesh of my hips as he held onto me. I opened my eyes and watched him as his face hardened, his lips pressed together in fierce concentration as he searched for his own release.

I clenched my pussy around him, milking his throbbing manhood rhythmically, bringing him over the edge as passion flowed over his beautiful face, and he threw his head back, his cry escaping from his mouth as his cock swelled inside of me while he erupted, his hot seed searing me, coating my slick pussy with his passion.

Unable to tear my eyes away, I watched as his face relaxed, satisfaction washing over him as he fell against my breasts, resting his head on me while he caught his breath.

“Wow.” I whispered, running my hands through his hair, now wet with sweat. His softening cock slipped from me, and he lay back on the bed, pulling me over to him. I laid my head on his broad chest, as he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

“Wow is right,” he murmured, right before we drifted off to sleep.






The sirens woke us up the next morning. Crow jumped out of bed and looked out my bedroom window. “What the fuck!” He began furiously throwing on his clothes. Looking out the window myself, I saw dozens of cop cars surrounding the clubhouse. What the fuck was going on? Getting dressed as quickly as we could, we both ran out of the apartment and across the street.

Mr. C was handcuffed and being placed in a squad car. I spotted Tommy and the DA talking by their cars, and they both looked away as soon as they saw me. Right, I was supposed to be undercover. I tried to compose myself, knowing I must look quite the sight running across the street with my tousled hair and clothes, also knowing it was quite obvious what, and who, I had been doing.

“What the fuck is going on around here?” Crow bellowed beside me.

Ratz, Pockets and Pete were standing together, anger covering their faces.

“They're taking in Mr. C. Cops raided the place on an anonymous tip, they told us. They also said they found a brick of cocaine in the Mr. C's desk.”

My heart sank and I locked eyes with Pete. He looked at me sternly, daring me to say a word. I kept my mouth shut, not knowing what was going on at all. But clearly, I was not properly informed. It took all my restraint not to run over to Tommy.

“Cocaine? Are you fucking kidding me?” Crow walked over to the squad car Mr. C was sitting in. “What the fuck, C?”

Mr. C was shaking his head, completely pissed off and confused.

“It wasn't me, man. I don't know how it got there, you know I hate that shit, Crow! I would never touch it!”

“Yeah, I know...” Crow's voice trailed off as he surveyed the scene. “So do I.”

I looked over at Pete again, and he turned away.

“Looks like we got a vulture in our nest, Pres.” Pockets said under his breath.

“Yes, it does, doesn't it?” Crow replied, white-hot anger seeping out of every pore, as he stood helplessly watching the cop car drive away with Mr. C in the back.

“Now what the fuck are we going to do about it?” He turned and walked into the clubhouse, never once looking back at me.

Watching as Tommy and the DA shook hands and drove off in their cars, I realized I was standing on the sidewalk alone, barefoot and bra less, with tangled hair and the smell of Crow on my skin, and filled with confusion.

I looked longingly at the clubhouse, every cell in my body yearning to go in and comfort Crow. Taking a deep breath, I turned and slowly walked across the street to my apartment.







“Tommy, what the fuck happened this morning!?” My voice echoed off the walls of his small, dark musty office in the 12th precinct. I was livid that I wasn’t informed ahead of time.

“Calm down, Liv. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you know.”

“I'm listening.” I sat across from him, and folded my arms in front of me while I glared at him.

“I see that you're listening, but you also need to calm down.” The stern look he gave me reminded me of the first night I had met him as he had so desperately tried to reach me through my teenaged angst and grief. He had a way of seeing right through me.

“Okay, just tell me.”

“Well,” he began, “ol' Cyclops, I mean, John Emerson, the DA – I told you about his history with Crow. He asked me to send you in. But I didn't know that he already had someone else in there.”

“Someone else? There's another undercover in there? Who?”

“Well, I can't tell you. I actually don't know myself. He's from another precinct and they want to keep it secret for obvious reasons. Only the DA and the precinct captain know who it is.”

“That's insane, Tommy. How am I supposed to do my job, if I don't have all the information?”

“Well, Liv,” he looked at me disapprovingly, “it looked to me like you were doing your job just fine this morning.”

I blushed, remembering Crow's warm breath against my neck as we slept peacefully together that morning. As the memories began crawling through my mind, I shook my head as I pushed them away.

“Honestly, Tommy, I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree. I haven't seen any evidence of anything illegal going on.” The image of Pete standing by the desk last night flashed through my mind, but I had decided I was going to keep that to myself right now. I wasn't about to tell Tommy what I had seen just yet. If Pete was a prospect, then he could be dealt with by Crow. It had been clear that Crow and Mr. C had no idea that cocaine was there. I wasn't sure what Pete was up to, but I was going to keep a close eye on him, and if I needed to tell Crow what I had seen, I was ready to do that.

I knew I was blurring the line a bit between my job and the club, but I needed to know more before I could point my finger in anyone's direction.

“Well, something's going on. They found the coke in the desk. So, Liv, what we want you to do is to continue to get close to the club members. Get to know them. Be their friend...or, well more if you have to. I'm assuming that's where your relationship with Crow is headed?”

“No, Tommy. I'm just doing my job. There's no 'relationship' with Crow. I'm just getting close to him, like you asked.”

“Well, good. And remember, with the first sense of danger, you get out of there and you call for help, you got it?”

“Got it. Thanks, Tommy. And listen, next time there's going to be a raid, maybe you could let me know ahead of time?”

“I'll let you know if I know, Liv. I'm not always informed in these situations either.” 22

I left his office feeling not one bit assured, and having learned absolutely nothing, except that someone else was inside working this case, too. And I was determined to find out who it was.




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