Raw Desire (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Raw Desire
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Nadia returned with two large coffees and put them in front of Ally and Rob.
“She okay, Rob?”
Rob looked across at Ally for confirmation, and she nodded. “She's fine, Nadia. Thanks for not making a fuss.”
Nadia snorted. “I saw what happened. That Pauline deliberately knocked your lady's elbow.”
Ally was too shaken to refute the notion that she was Rob's lady and was way too grateful for the other woman's kindness. “Thanks for the fresh coffee.”
“Well, I could hardly expect you to lick it off the floor, now, could I?” Nadia winked at her and returned behind the counter.
“She's nice,” Ally said as she took another bite of the sweet, tart muffin.
“Yeah, she and her husband, Chen Li, bought the place about a year ago. He roasts all his own coffee beans, and she makes all the baked goods.”
“Mmm . . .” Ally murmured, and licked the crumbs from her lips. Rob's gaze fastened on her mouth, and she went still. He got to his feet and picked up his coffee.
“Well, I'd better be getting back. Jackson will be expecting me.”
“Don't you take him coffee too?”
“Nope, I usually take him a muffin, but I'm sure he won't begrudge it to you.”
“Oh.” Ally felt her cheeks burn. “I'd give you the money for it, but . . .”
“It's okay.” He smiled at her, and she felt it like a punch in the heart. “He's getting fat anyway. I'll see you around.”
Ally watched him leave, realizing he'd probably done more for her reputation in the five minutes he'd sat with her than she'd accomplished in a month. She continued to sip at her coffee, mainly to dispel the gathering lump in her throat. She didn't want Rob being nice to her. She wanted him cold and distant so that she could keep
distance and just fuck him. But it seemed he wasn't going to allow her that luxury. She knew him well enough to know he'd just keep bugging her until she gave in.
Ally finished her coffee, waved good-bye to Nadia, and walked across to the library, which was now open. Another familiar face greeted her at the main desk.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”
“Hi, Mrs. Orchard. How are you doing?”
The white-haired old lady who'd managed the library since before Ally was born smiled. “Much better for seeing you, my dear. Did you want to renew your library card? Everything's on computer now and much more accessible.”
Ally breathed in the familiar scent of paper and wax polish and immediately felt at home. She'd spent a lot of time hiding out from her mother at the library. As long as she kept quiet and was working on something, Mrs. Orchard had always let her stay.
“That would be great.”
Mrs. Orchard beckoned her over to an unoccupied computer screen and keyboard. “You can fill in the application online, and I'll confirm it right now. You can pick up to fifteen items now, including audio books, magazines, interlibrary loans—”
Ally smiled. “That all sounds wonderful. Actually, I'm looking for a general guide to car maintenance and a handyman repair book.”
“I'll go take a look while you fill in that form.” Mrs. Orchard frowned. “Your mother let that house get into a terrible state.”
“I know.” Ally concentrated on the screen and hoped the librarian wouldn't say anything else. She heard Mrs. Orchard sigh and then the clack of her heels on the polished parquet floor. Truth to tell, the noisiest thing in the library had always been Mrs. Orchard's heels, but no one had ever had the guts to tell her.
By the time Mrs. Orchard returned with a stack of books, Ally was almost a fully authenticated library patron. She spent a few moments looking through the books and settled on the two that seemed the simplest.
Mrs. Orchard was behind the desk again, helping a young guy who wanted to know if they had manga books. Apparently they did, and she sent him off to a dark corner already inhabited by two other guys dressed in black whom he seemed to know. Ally placed the books on the counter.
“I'll take these two, please.”
“When your proper card comes through, you can check out yourself these days.”
“That's cool.”
Mrs. Orchard sniffed. “I'm not sure about that. I always enjoyed seeing what folks were reading. You'd be surprised.” She readjusted her wire-framed glasses. “Your mother, for example, liked to take out self-help books and romance novels.”
“That's an interesting combination.” Ally took the books and put them in her backpack. “Two things my mom never managed to master in her life.” Wow, she sounded bitter.
Mrs. Orchard frowned at her. “Your mother had her problems, Ally, but she was trying to sort them out. She'd kicked the drugs, you know, and she volunteered at the charity shop every week.”
Ally struggled to pick up the backpack and keep her face blank. She didn't want to talk about Ruth. She really didn't. There was nothing to say—nothing of any use anyway. She'd run out of excuses and sympathy for the woman years ago.
“Well, it was nice to see you again, Mrs. Orchard,” Ally said brightly. “I'll probably be back in a few days.”
“I'm sure you will, but remember, you can renew your books online now. That's what your mother used to do.”
With a parting wave, Ally left the library and headed for home. Her steps slowed as she considered what Mrs. Orchard had said. Did her mom really have a computer buried under all that crap in the house? She supposed it was possible. It was more likely that her mom had pawned it for drugs or something, but she really should go and look.
As she walked, she thought about Rob and how he'd stood up for her in the coffee shop. A wave of longing coalesced in the pit of her stomach. She wanted him so badly, wanted to let him take care of her, and she knew that he'd get it right too. But it would be on her terms this time. She wasn't weak. She had plans. She was
the choice.
Her battered truck came into view in her driveway, and she fished her key out of her jeans pocket. Tomorrow was the start of her new job, so tonight was hers and she intended to grab the moment.
lly fitted the key to the back door of Rob's ranch house and stepped inside. The range hood light was on, and the scent of pizza and coffee lingered in the air. She half expected to see Rob's mom cooking or Lauren sitting at the table watching TV and arguing with Rob. His parents had retired to Florida, but did Lauren still live there? Ally paused for a horrified moment. Surely Rob wouldn't have invited her over if that was true.
The hum of the TV and a faint glow of light illuminated the hallway that led to the family room and the three bedrooms beyond. Ally slid the key back into her pocket and bit her lip as she contemplated her next move. Rob's truck was in the driveway, so she was pretty sure he was home. It was time to make a choice and live how she wanted to, even if only for a short while.
She took off her flip-flops and walked barefoot on the warm cherrywood floorboards. She saw the back of Rob's head first. He was lying on the couch watching some baseball game. He didn't turn around as she approached, but she sensed he knew she was there. She came around the edge of the couch and deliberately dropped her gaze to the floor. With shaking fingers, she unbuttoned her thin pink blouse and took it off, then shimmied out of her jeans.
“Leave your bra and panties on.”
She still didn't look at him as she sank to her knees and locked her hands in the small of her back.
He reached out and caressed her cheek. “Yeah. That's better. Move closer.”
She shuffled awkwardly toward him until she knelt between his spread jean-covered knees. She held her breath as he cupped her breasts in his hands, his thumbs unerringly locating her nipples. She kept her gaze on his big hands as he plucked at her nipples with fingers and thumbs, drawing them into hard, aching points. He kept it up until the pleasure became edged with an intense throbbing, and she leaned into his touch.
“Take your bra off.”
She fumbled with the catch and caught her breath as the thin lace brushed against her hard nipples. He stared at her small breasts for so long that she almost wished to cover herself up again. His thumb circled her areola, and she fought back a whimper as he lowered his head.
Her breast was small enough that he could draw almost all of it into his mouth. He sucked hard, forcing her already-tender nipple up to the roof of his mouth before concentrating all his attention on it. She wanted to moan, wanted him to stop, and wanted him to keep adding to the sensations that were surrounding her until she came apart in his arms.
The ache deepened until it felt like a red-hot wire connected her nipple to her sex. His teeth closed over her flesh, and she gasped his name. He immediately released her nipple and sat back, not touching her, leaving her shaking with need and already missing the hot suction of his mouth.
“Are you wet for me, Ally?”
She nodded but kept her gaze fixed on his hands, which now lay on his lap, framing the impressive bulge of his cock. She stiffened as he unbuckled his belt and drew it out of its loops. He folded it in his hand and rubbed the leather against her breasts. She couldn't help the hitch in her breathing and he noticed it too.
“You took your time making up your mind, Ally.”
“Yes, what?” She dared to look up at him, and his gaze was cool. “You can call me sir, or Officer, or master—I'll let you choose.”
“I thought you weren't into those kinds of power games.”
“It's not a game. I just want to hear you say it.”
She studied him for a long minute as she frantically considered her options.
“Ally . . .”
” She dropped her gaze and fixed her attention on the leather belt.
“I don't like being kept waiting.”
Ally said nothing, and he let the belt hang free; then he slapped it gently against the side of his thigh and let it flick out over her, catching her hip bone, her thigh, the front of her panties. The soft slap of the supple leather made her feel centered inside. She closed her eyes to savor it, only to open them again when the belt flicked more aggressively against her skin.
“Turn around and lean over the coffee table.”
“What are you going to do to me?”
“I'm going to paddle your ass. What do you think?” He gently cupped her chin and made her look at him. “I thought by coming here you'd accepted the rules.”
“What rules?”
“My rules. Now do it.”
Ally swallowed convulsively and did what he said, using her arms to pillow her head against the coldness of the glass tabletop. She shivered as she felt him pull down her panties.
“I'm not telling you how many strokes you're going to get, because I don't want you thinking there's an end to what I choose to do to you.”
Ally didn't say anything. Her body was already anticipating the first real touch of the leather on her skin. They'd played this game before, and he knew it turned her on. It had been so long since she'd allowed anyone to touch her like this, far too long. His first stroke was more of a caress than a slap, and she found herself arching her back into the blow.
Rob muttered something that sounded like a curse and kept going. After the sixth stroke, she forgot to count, her mind too taken up with finding that perfect peace inside her, the place where the pain and the pleasure melded together to make her feel safe. She sighed and let go, left it up to Rob to judge when he should stop.
She shuddered when his hands grabbed her hips, lifted her up, and swung her around, pressing her against the front of his jeans, her panties soaking now as she tried to impale herself on the throbbing bulge of his covered cock. His mouth descended over hers, and he kissed her voraciously, his tongue going deep, his hands deliberately fondling her sensitive ass, forcing new sensations through her and adding to the pleasure.
“Do you want me to fuck you now?”
Ally moaned into his mouth. He wrapped his hand in her hair and tilted her head back until he could see her face. “Yes, oh God, yes.”
He kissed her again, his hands cupping her ass and rubbing her against the rough fabric of his jeans. “I want to give you more than just a good fuck. Would you like more?”
Ally tried to steady her breathing. “What?”
“I want you to have both of us. Me and Jackson.”
“He's here?” Ally whispered.
“Yeah, we share the house.” He bent his head and nuzzled her nipple, making her even wetter. “See, while you're busy making amends to me, I'm going to be busy making amends to you and Jackson.”
Ally licked her lips. “I've never had two men at the same time. I'm not sure . . .” She gasped as Rob lifted her off him and set her on the couch. He folded his arms across his chest and simply looked at her.
“Your choice, Ally.”
“But your rules.”
“And what if I just want you and not Jackson?”
Rob tensed as he sensed another presence behind him and heard Jackson's soft voice.
“Am I interrupting?”
Rob wrenched his gaze from Ally to find Jackson leaning against the door frame, his interested gaze fixed on the couch.
“I was wondering where you were.” Rob nodded toward Ally. “She's thinking about it.”
“Thinking about what?”
“Whether she wants to fuck us both.”
Rob stared at his best friend. “I was just explaining that it seemed like the perfect way for me to make amends.”
to make amends? From what I just heard, Ally doesn't want to fuck me.” Jackson held up his hands. “And that's okay. It's
choice, so why don't you just go ahead and enjoy yourselves, and I'll go to bed.”
“Jackson,” Ally said.
Jackson turned slowly to stare at Ally. “It's okay—you don't have to explain. I know what an idiot Rob is.”
Ally held out her hand. “I don't want you to go.”
He came closer to the couch, and Rob saw him swallow hard as he gazed at Ally's naked body. “You're okay with this?”
Rob held his breath as Ally looked up.
She met his gaze first. “Yeah.”
Rob wanted to punch his fist in the air and yell in triumph. He hid his relief behind his cocky manner. “See? Ally's fine with it. You're the one causing problems here.”
Jackson ignored him and knelt down on the rug beside Ally. “Are you sure?”
She smiled at Jackson and touched his cheek. “I am, but only if you want it too.”
Jackson kissed her bare toes. “Ally, I want to fuck you more than I want to breathe.”
As he watched Jackson with Ally, something eased in Rob's chest. This was the right thing for all of them. He knew it in his very soul. He reached over, picked Ally up, and deposited her on his lap again. She moaned as her ass met his thighs, and grabbed on to his shoulders. He waited until she met his gaze.
“I want you to suck Jackson's cock.”
There was still a hint of uncertainty in her eyes, and Rob kept on looking at her. Did she want him to order her to do it? Some part of him wanted to do just that, but it was never that simple. She had to make the choice, and this was definitely not the time to start barking orders. He had to make sure she wanted it by applying just enough pressure to allow her to back off if she wanted to. He asked her again.
“Do you want to suck him?”
She nodded, and Rob was aware of Jackson letting out his breath behind him. He motioned Jackson closer.
“Fuck her mouth.”
Jackson unbuttoned his fly and shoved down his black jeans. Rob slid his hand into Ally's hair and angled her head around. “Do it.” She didn't argue with him anymore as he guided her toward Jackson. “Take him deep, honey. Make him come down your throat.”
Rob watched Ally take Jackson's shaft into her mouth and nearly groaned at the erotic image. Somehow it felt right to see Jackson there, the three of them together, fucking. His own cock throbbed so hard he thought he might come in his jeans. He had to be inside her, had to have her right now. He fumbled in his pocket for a condom and made some space on his lap to unbutton his fly.
“I'm going to fuck you, too, Ally, so don't bite him while I get inside you.”
With a savage sound, Rob grabbed her hips and brought her down over him, groaning as he was encased in her tight, wet sheath. Still holding her hips, he guided her into the rhythm Jackson was setting with his cock and tried not to close his eyes. Slick heat enveloped his thrusting shaft. He could see Jackson, his expression focused, his dark eyes narrowed as he fucked Ally's mouth like a sledgehammer.
Rob's come gathered in his balls and he grabbed Jackson's arm. “Come with me.”
Jackson groaned and shoved his hips forward one more time. Rob did the same and climaxed deep inside Ally, his vision turning red as his come pumped out of him in thick, long waves. She came, too, and he wanted to groan as the pressure on his sensitive cock increased like a tightening fist.
Jackson moved away first, his hand lingering on Ally's hair in a slow caress. He collapsed onto the coach next to Rob, who took the opportunity to kiss Ally. He tasted Jackson on her and didn't care anymore.
Ally was breathing hard, her long legs wrapped around him, her breasts resting against his chest. God it felt so right to have her like this, naked, her nipples hard from his sucking. His cock stirred inside her, and he slid a hand into her hair.
“This is what I should've done the last time. Joined you two in that bed and not cared about what anyone thought.”
“What?” Ally struggled to sit up and stared at him.
Rob shrugged. “I'm just saying.”
Jackson chuckled. “He does have a point, Ally.”
“As if he would've done that,” Ally muttered.
“Hell. Part of me wanted to, even then, but I'd already scared you enough without adding Jackson to the mix.” Rob lifted her off his cock. “And maybe we all needed to grow up a bit to realize what we really wanted.”
Ally tried to move away from him, but Rob caught her hand. “You needed to get out there and do your thing, and Jackson and I needed to do ours.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“I'm sure it wasn't.” Rob studied both their faces. “But maybe that was because you were both after the wrong things.”
Jackson's smile died. “Meaning we should both have been after you? Like who made you Dr. Phil tonight?”
“I've been thinking about this a lot, that's all.” Ally tried to pull out of his grasp again, and he held her still. “You already made your choice, honey. Now quit fighting me.”

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