Protector (14 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Protector
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Am I to you?

You sat there and left your shirt off just to torture me the other day.  You know what you’ve got.

Does it affect you?

She blushed even through the dark night I have lived most of my life in.  I could see as clear as day with her in my sight.  I had the most idiotic idea, but with her my idiocy was sometimes overlooked.  She seemed to accept my crazy life (for what she knew) and accept the things she can’t know.   Why?

I reached up and pulled my shirt off over my head. 

“What are you doing?” she spiked in desire.

“An experiment.”

What are you doing Cas? 

Her eyes slid slowly down to my sun.  She popped them back up so fast to ask for permission.  I grinned enjoying the solid readable reaction she gave. She traced it several times using a different finger I guessed trying to memorize the details.  She
wasn’t afraid to take it a step further and follow her finger up my stomach to my chest.   She was so curious and unafraid with me, yet fear rolled off her in waves.  I wanted to ask her why she was afraid and why she wasn’t at the same time. 

She liked my body quivering when she moved up.  How I would ever stay sane and keep my hands off her was still in question.

Standing it no longer, I led her into what I knew would be the longest kiss we had ever shared.  I didn’t want to stop, but remembered my reason for doing this and anxious to see if my experiment was all telling.   I broke the connection and pulled my shirt back in place after establishing the time needed. 

“What are you doing?” she barked mad that I cut her off.  Score!   

“Confirmed,” I watched her own eyes dance with what she described mine as except hers were a darker green and glistened a little like she was near tears, but I knew that was far from her feelings right now.

“What is?” she watched my lips and licked her own. 

Holy heck!  Maybe I could go for a little longer on the experimentation.  “That you made a point to notice my eyes when you have spiked my desire.”

She blushed brightly. 

“And your eyes glaze over.   A shiny dreamy look.  I have seen it several times this week, but I didn’t appreciate it till you pointed out my symptoms.”

“Symptoms?  We are catching this from each other.  Like the flu?”

I laughed at the analogy, “I think I caught whatever you are giving and I am willing and able to take regular doses on a daily basis.”

“Sounds permanent.”

“Hoping for it anyway,” I shrugged, but was way more serious and she knew it.

...I'm going to explode with emotions.

Let’s get you home,
I told her.

Not home, just a place to go.  I have no home.

I smiled at her knowing she knew very well my standpoint on the subject and how it could be remedied. 



Chapter Twenty One



Twenty-four hours wasn’t quick enough passing to see her next.  I was overly excited and unfocused knowing she felt the same.  I had read her thoughts just as we returned to the Hunter school.

She even mentioned leaving the ring far from her to allow our dreams to intermingle.  I smiled for the zillionth time in the night at my forwardness and
kissed her good night.  I hadn’t smiled as much in over a year since knowing this day might come.  And it had.

didn’t pass us by. 

Her mind went on as she passed the manicured grassy field back to her dorms.  She thought of her favorite book and the characters involved.  For years she compared herself to the main characters and their ideas on love.  She claimed that I was “pushing the ice out of her heart” yet it was her doing the same for me.  When her mind went off on
falling in love...when you know, you just know...
Did she know?  Is that what she was telling herself?

Where was she going?  I caught the tail end of her ducking around a corner and watching someone.  Spy boy!

Ironic since I seem to do just that on her lately.  I could rationalize it for her safety, but she would see it differently. 

“What are you doing out here?”

“Same to you princess,” the rude ass taunted her.

“Do you think you could call me by my name?” 
Tell him Kissa.

She shot a look in the direction of where she left me two minutes ago.  Crap!

Spy boy shrugged in open defiance and contempt.  How could he say he loved this girl if he treated her this way? 

“Repeating my question is not important here, the answer is,” she hissed at him like I had seen her do with Szar but with open hatred.  She really
didn’t like this Lee fella. 

He begged her without revealing a single sinful deed, “I had a job.”

“Anything like spying on me for years?”

“Yes, I ferret out information to other factions.  It is good money.”

“You're a narc?” She was disgusted with him.  Good!

“Well, that's so yesterday.  Information handler!” his mocking voice was just plain rude.

“You are serious.”

Interesting news tonight.  I was beginning to think this Valkyrie Princess was a myth.  Or rumor.  But I know the truth.”

Did she not see the way his eyes shifted?  That was the sure sign of a liar.

“Who was asking?” Anastacia asked suspecting he knew something more.  He was a damn liar.

Right on.  That
’s my girl!

Dogface continued his little lie dance, “I can't tell you that now, princess.  That would put me in a place where I might not get paid.  And I
don’t have parents to pay for my school.  I'll make it known that I want you to stay far away from Quinn.  No matter what.”

Her face changed.  Then, her voice changed with it.  “Why won
’t you tell me more?  Do you not care at all what happens to me?”  Her charm chimed in.  That wasn’t what I cared for her doing to get her way.  Yes, I understand life happened for her before me, but she was with me now.  Flirting shouldn’t be a weapon.

She knew Quinn was in on it now too.  He
wasn’t the good guy just yet.  He had yet to chose which side of the fence.

’t play that card with me.  We both know you don’t care one ounce about what happens to me,” he barked at her and I almost came undone. 

She made me honest and returned, “That is not fair.  Everything you ever said was a lie.  And I have to solve whatever I can about myself because until recently I was playing the same game you are and didn't know it.  At least my hidden life was kept from me.  You chose to be a traitor.”

“Traitor?”  The dude started to cry.  Pansy.  He let his voice get louder again, “You think me a traitor?” 

She thought he was too.  Good for her.

“I loved you,” he started off next.  Oh, brother. “I have loved you longer than any other who claims so perhaps. I have done everything I could to steer all of them away from you.  You call me a traitor, but this position keeps you alive.” 
Not this.  Anything but this.  Why is everyone confessing their love for me suddenly?
She thought and rolled her eyes.

“I do this for you.  I know exactly who and what you are.  Do you remember the night at the garden?  By the water?” He
wouldn’t stop.  Didn’t he see she could care less for him?

She nodded remembering it well.  My jealous nature was already up in arms so it
didn’t need to get any stronger.

“I was sent to try to kill you that night.  To see if you could die.” 

Piece of sh—“Why?” she harped.

“Thorn saved you.  I couldn't do it.  I slit your finger with a knife.  You cried out, but it had healed before you could say or do anything back.  I was taken minutes after that.”

You bet I saved her cute ass.  You punked out of doing anything right Spy Boy!  She is the only reason I still exist.

She poised her face and looked him head on, “Look, forget it.  We have moved on.  You know about me.  You have known about me, but chose not to tell.  So be it.  I need to know who else knows about me.  The fact is, some want me dead, and some want me alive.  I
can’t defend myself if I don't know.”

didn’t think much about him, but she felt sorry for him.  I could handle that.

Right then I knew what I had missed before.  Lee shared the same feeling I had, but I felt my own intensified to a level beyond his or the Hunter
’s.  They surfaced loved her.  I love her deeply. 

"I was sent into see if you were the prophecy girl fr
om the stories.  Borgon wouldn’t rest until he was sure."

Even I knew
was on purpose.

"Um, why don't you just show
him.  It might save someone from getting hurt."

"I'll let you know."

"Did you know about the two boys who were killed the same day?"

He narrowed the look but didn't lie, "Do you want me to say no?"

I was actually surprised he was giving some up. I had waffled for a while on his motives but they were crystal clear now.

She turned on the icy stare that still came across as politically
correct, “I admire you for doing all this.  I want you as an ally, not an enemy.  I am tired of having to see you as that.  You always act like you hate me now.”

“Hate you?  Far from it,” Spy Boy
spout off.

“Look, you flatter me.  But I am not that girl anymore.  You need to move on.  I need you Lee, as an ally.  Whatever you know, please think about sharing it with me.” Her eyes looked away like her feelings might be deeper than she showed to even me. 
Even if I know you are a traitor. 

Right on.

I was wrong again on her cleverness.

He told her, “I
can’t be your ally.  That is what keeps them coming back for me to do their jobs.  They think I hate you.  If I don’t keep the front, they will know.”

“Who are THEY?” she barked right back him like he did earlier to her.

Spy Boy Lee darted his eyes around like he was going to spill a secret to her that might get him killed or something.  I wish. He said low and too close to her, “No one.”

was nothing.     

“Well, you will have to remember when all this is over, you are my ally.”

I tensed when her hands went on his shoulder. 

“It will never be over Anastacia,” he finally said something that was half true.

“I have to believe it will.  Until then, we are enemies.  I will just be careful how much I tell you because I am still not completely convinced that this little act of yours is not a ploy to get me caught.  Until further notice, stay on your guard because I am watching you.” 

He watched her the entire walk she made for her dorm. 
All of her.  I could kill him now in a matter of seconds and not one soul would ever know of it.  I could revert back to the killer I could be.   I was.  I have.


Chapter Twenty Two



Her text came in the middle of the night.  She never pulled me into a dream.  It was a visit I haven't had in a while.


I did dream despite her leaving me hanging.  My own mother came to me in a dream.


She short answered me back.


Impatient, are we? 


I ND2C the WERE.

Not yet.  She couldn’t meet Ryan yet.  I couldn’t handle her flirtatious attitude with another dude in the picture.  I wouldn't be able to taper it much long.

  I told her.  I knew she wouldn't take that and leave it alone.

  She responded as I thought what to say.  Better to be ass.

I had to use sarcasm to assure my holding her off no matter how pissed it made her.

  Her and her rules.  I couldn't do the no secrets rule yet.  She wasn’t ready.


She never answered back.  That wouldn't be the last of her though.  I was counting on it.




I knew the second she arrived and even before.  I followed her line of thoughts as soon as she entered the five mile range I had managed to measure. 

She shyly announced to her driver, “Thank you for taking me.”

“Don’t thank me till we see how it fares,” the Hunter complained like a cranky old woman.

She commented on his smell.  Err!  She liked his car. 
Was she impressed by the car?  Was mine not good enough?

He opened her door
for her.  She was thinking of me when he smiled at her.  As good as that was, she was thinking I would be angry at her for the text I avoided among other things.  She chose to travel with the Hunter.

They were in the hallway when my own body ignited with the fire she swept me with when she was ne
ar. She felt it too.  My mind was blocked off, but it was roaring out just what I wanted to do to her, audience or not.

When she glided into the room, I was floor-boarded yet again by her.  She was just
beautiful inside— and out.  I have seen girls.  Pretty ones.  But she was just personified as perfect in every way.

She forced a nod at her brother first avoiding my solidified gaze on her.  She looked down at her feet and under the side of her hair before fixing her eyes straight to me.  I turned my stare over to Calum for a second to show her where my own hidden thoughts lie and she found them out quickly. 

She took three steps and blocked my view of the many deathblows that I could master from the length of space I would need to take out the Hunter boy.  She wasn’t solving her or my own problem. 

Her ring was taken care of.  It wouldn't hinder my needs for long.  Then...she put it on. 
On purpose.  I cursed.

She let her eyes follow the veins in my arms and noted the tightness of my shirt.  Then her off kilter
desirous thoughts said my full name and nearly broke me down right there.  I needed to take her out of here.  I needed her close to end the ache.  This meeting needed to start and end.

“Shall we?” her father started us off.

The room all shifted to her, though it magnetically transferred to her the second she neared the room.

She pushed her chest out and grinned confidently, “Should we lay all the facts on the table?”

Only her father nodded.

’ll go first,” she pulled her words through the air. 

As she relayed her dream, the three of other marked ones in the room all made eyes in each other
’s direction assuring that our dreams were reasonably the same.  The tale being told by our one and only female in this motley crew of unusually made creatures that we made up disturbed me.  The gods and goddesses have a damn creepy way of making the men look inferior.  Course, what man wouldn't follow her to the ends of the earth?

Err!  That
’s what worried me. 

Would I even keep her?

Lord Hathown wasn’t her father.  I knew this.  Her perceptions of how she saw each of us in her own eyes scared even me.  And when Hunter boy called out her supposed nickname she had coined for us as her “male counterparts” the group outnumbering her didn’t let her down in male pride reaction time. 

Her ring moved at that precise moment.

...the only DANG girl in the room. 


She ignored me.  She was definitely mad.  Did she see by now that even noting a fact like that just jump started my libido more?

Szar sassed like a punk girl proud of herself for shopping at the mall.  He was laying it on thick with the heir to the throne business.   

The order.  What, the Order of the Marked Ones?  I guess that is what we are calling ourselves?

didn’t even acknowledge that I could hear her.  I looked to see if she holding the charm between her fingers, but it was hidden.

Hunter boy went next sharing that he is expected to protect my girl at all costs.  He shared the fact that he owned the same marks as she and felt the need to explain their origin though no one seemed to really care.  

I waited till hot shot was done, then I started being careful to avert my eyes from hers.  She noted in her mind that my voice was deep.  She noticed this a lot more each time we met.

I am assumed to be her guide through the supposed journey of dealing with the factions.  I deepened my voice to wager the results and sure enough, her heart sped up. It was a power I could use. And I would.

At my last word she waited only two sound seconds before asking to the unspecified group, “And when do we see the Were leader?  I need to know his intentions.”

Szar stupidly roared a telling laugh I was sure she had read as something more than what it was.  Little did she

“Yes, brother,” she aimed her stare at him this time.  This time I noticed her searing look was gaited different than when aimed at me.  Neither was emotional or thought out.

“Nothing sis.  Nothing.  Focused on those intentions.”

“This allusive Were leader I have yet to meet have a name?” she asked with the same coquettish wiles she leads off with to get her way with others.  Namely men since I see her so rarely with other females. 

“Cord Ryan,” I told her with my voice in such a way, but to all of the group.

She recalled she knew this.

“We will set a meet.  I will let you know,” I stated like a fact.

“I think we should address at a later date the fact that my powers have grown as well as I know Cas, Lord Cross
’ powers have also.” 

She was telling them more than I wanted. 

No one jumped on it either.  Good!

They still all heard.

Dr. Green finished the sharing session, “For now I think we have done enough.  The more time that passes, the more others will settle down.  We need to watch Borgon and his cohorts.  They will not be far away from Anastacia.  Calum will keep her safe at school.  Thorn will not be far.”

She clapped her hands, “Meeting adjourned.” She left our group and headed to the table of food but her brain estimated she had no appetite for food.  She craved a fight, or at least a foreseen one.  That much I could decipher from her thoughts.

I wound my fingers around the length of her neck and felt for my own gift from the top of her sweater.  Knowing I was represented still, I returned it and loosened the clasp easily enough checking to make sure the bracelet wouldn’t be lost, then I removed the ring from her wrist.  She didn’t stop chewing or turn towards me. 

You think I am mad at you.

Aren’t you?
  She asked as if we were ignoring each other still in front of the others.  Hasty in wanting her attention back on me, I turned her around and look down into her eyes. 

Tell Hunter boy you have a ride home.

Calum skulked at me in front of her and asked directly, “Are you ready?”

Instead of answering Hunter boy she looked at her father who caught her hint and said to us, “If you'll excuse me.  I have business.  Mr. Green.  Lord Cross.”   Lord Hathown bowed to
me and then the Hunter.

She faced the Hunter and told him, “Thank you for bringing me here.  I am going to stay a while longer and Cas will take me back.”

On the road to happy days.  Not there yet.

“Thorn,” the Hunter spoke my name and bowed.  Scum.  Then the sick bastard leaned into her and whispered, “Text if you need me.”  The kiss burned on her cheek like a
double edged sword.

Szar was on his way out like he knew he should if he knew what was good for him.  He could be such a punk sometimes, but I enjoyed the
side show he displayed next.  He walked over to the food and copied her in a girly display of eating then leaned to her face, “Text me if you need me.”  He winked and kissed her forehead.  

She ate another bite not hungry and thinking if she ate she could avoid me. The second he fled the doorway my hand whipped around the back of her and had her body even against my own.  Her lips inches below my own as I pulled her up to me.  The word passion came to mind.  Girls may be nice to look at, I am male and am wired that way.  Other girls may have ignited the idea of my hormonal urges as a teenage boy, but this girl...she makes me forget every girl that ever existed.  I couldn't stand the idea of letting her go far enough away from me much less letting her fall prey to another man
’s arms.  She had to be mine.  At all cost.

My mouth found hers like it was searching in the dark for the light.  Her light.  Hard, fast kisses I knew she was new too.  That surged my excitement more, that I was giving her a first.  When I felt compelled to kiss every part of her mouth and space around it, she melted into my arms at the first pass across her cheek and jaw.  Her pressing hands went to the back of my neck and the same rock my world feeling hit me in all places at once.  I made several more passes over her neck, my favorite spot other than her sweet honeyed mouth.   

She called but I couldn’t stop. 


I restricted myself to just above her jaw and stayed there.
  Making me jealous didn’t pan-out the way you expected Kissa

She pulled back and looked up. 
I wasn’t trying to make you jealous. 

Fooled me.  Either way, I will not pretend that I have any intentions of sharing you.  If you say you are mine, You.Are.Mine. 

She swallowed enough I could hear and then had to let her breath out because the kissing had taken her breath away.  That I had done to her.

I see.

Do you? My
stare bore into her scared one. 
Can you handle this Kissa?

Do I have any other choice?
She rather smiled than looked confused or angry. 

I have no choice, but she will always be able to walk away if that makes her happier.  I held her face in my hands. 
You always have a choice.

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