Protector (9 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Protector
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Her fingers found my hair like the last time.  I was going to lose control.  She deepened the kiss and that brought me to my senses.  She wouldn't stop if I
didn’t stop her first.  I had to stop.  My mind knew this and yet my body stated otherwise.  At the feel of her skin under my hand near the edge of where her shirt line met the tiny shorts she wore under the blanket still wrapped up mostly around her I pulled back.  I sat her right and forced her to standing on her own.  Both panting out little short breaths, I told her the honest to the gods truth, “You will be the death of me.”

“I hope that is teasing again,” she whispered through her own ragged breaths.

I tugged her to me and she was all too ready for another go.  Grunt.  “I will go now.  Let you get some sleep.”

Don’t,” she looked earnestly at me, “I mean, stay here.   Just lay beside me.  You are so warm.  And I don't think I can sleep knowing your lying in the bed on the other side of that wall.” 

didn’t realized what she asked of me.  She actually had a pretty good guess in that endless mind of hers that I would say no.  I could never tell her no.   I should say no. 

I nodded a yes.  And heck if she
didn’t dropped the blanket on the way in.  Was she trying to kill me?  “Better slip that blanket back around you,” I rasped out my dry throat not at all coming on from any kind of hunger other than for her. 

“Why?” she was actually offended. 

“I have to spell everything out,” I looked at her imploringly.  She waited for me.  “I am not going to be able to hold you wearing that and keep from touching you.  You're not wearing enough.  Leave it at that.”

Her little mouth “
ohhed” in silence.

Thank the gods she put on more clothes.  Beside her now, the bed dipped as she scooted to the middle.  If there was a heaven, I found it right beside me. She patted just beside me on the bed to move closer to the small space that already kept me insane.  Insanity could be good.  Insanity like her could also drive a man to the brink of no return.  “I
didn’t expect this bossy directive Stace to come out of you.”

“Me neither,” she guffawed low and sweet.

“What happened?” I asked desperately.

“You.  I have never been so forceful, much less the fact that you know my innermost thoughts, and yet you still like me.  The real me.”

“You are amazing.”  I pushed closer, turning her sideways to face the moon, and bringing her body up against mine.  I went frigid when I could feel all of her.  Head to toe.

“You okay?” I asked. 
With this?

“Oh, yeah, mostly.  I think.  Um, maybe…
”  I moved away knowing what she had just pictured in her own brain. 

My brain dialed a gratifying curse to the naysayers in the world.  This could work, right? 

“Let’s think about something else,” she helped.

“Hard to do,” my chuckle dark and suggestive.

“Um, what is your favorite childhood memory?”

couldn’t tell her any.  She was the only one.  “Well, I once caught a Frisbee in my mouth.”

She cocked her head to the ceiling pushing her hair to my nose, “What?”  I took the opportunity to catch her scent though it was ingrained in my head already.

“I was in the park once, my friend Joel was throwing a Frisbee, and I caught it in my mouth.”

“On purpose?”

“Yeah.  I wanted to see if I could.”

“Okay! Are you half Werewolf or something?” she giggled.

I tickled her arms.  I folded my body up into her.  The perfect fit.  Holy heck!

But more than that, she felt safe. 

“I feel very safe with you,” she affirmed her own thoughts. 

“What is your favorite childhood memory?” I whispered really close to her ear since I
wasn’t far from it anyway

don’t have any.”

Well, that sucks.   I
didn’t mean to depress her.

She had to have one.  I couldn't let her think sadness ruled her whole life.  I thought of one of my favorites.  The day I realized who the voices in my head belonged too.  The day I recognized that she was the one from my dreams.  The one who spoke to me even at
birth.   “How about the day I first saw you?”

didn’t know that day.  Just you.”  Her eyes were closed and her face was sweet with a small smile stretched across her face.

Yeah, me the stalker.
  I was obsessed even then.  “But if you had, maybe you would have a great memory to hold on to.” 

“Maybe,” she drifted off.   


Chapter Fourteen



Leaving her in that soft, moldable bed was the hardest thing I ever had to do.  I heard her the next morning and knew she was awake.

Was it all a dream?
she asked.


Time passed and she must have rolled over because she found what I wanted.  I wanted that ring off.  I wanted to hear her when she left me.  Know she was safe when my court duties called me away. 

A jewelry box.

Then she chattered on and even discerned that I was listening. 

I got lost in her finding my gift and made Claire repeat the menu plans back to me. 
…orange soda, French bread, and every fruit known to man…

Is that you, Cas?

…huh…you took off the ring…Stace…
I faked.

come in.   I am not dressed.  Just heard you. 

Why did you take it off?

She was breathing deep.  Was she rushing about? 
I found something this morning.  Do you know anything about it?
I smiled to no one since I was alone now.

Thank you!  It is beautiful.

Then it is fitting.

Will it block you?

No, it is simply because I wanted you to have it.

I heard the shower and tuned out.  Mostly! 
....vanilla shampoo, vanilla soap...her mind showed me her likes.  I made sure she had them.   I closed off my own mind to hide images of her in the shower, though with great regret coming from the man in me and not well or quick enough apparently.  
I am in love with this shower.

I would never admit to hearing the way she just described me as a predator either.  I was.  The want in her voice was killing me.  I slipped into her room and waited till she saw me.

“Hello there.”  My deep voice echoed from the bed hearing her shameless thoughts. 

“What are you doing here?” she rasped out, half wanting
me here and half wishing I had knocked first.

Um, door was open.”

She glanced at the balcony I nodded towards to help her understand my thinking.  “”Not a normal opening for invited or uninvited guests.” 

“Define normal,” I dared.

can’t anymore.  And not sure I want to.” 
Yet, Calum…

Your charm is missing. 
His name is not what I wanted uttered from her pink covered lips at the moment.

“Oh!” was all she reassured me with. 
Why did I think of him?  Because he seems more in the norm?  

I wanted her to stop already.  She turned and came back to the bed avoiding my gaze.  Probably a good idea until I get under control. 

I grabbed her arm suddenly forgetting all rationality, “Stace…I want a chance…” 

don’t know.  I don’t know what is right, right now,” she sighed hiding nothing for the briefest second.  I could see her confusion.

I interlaced our fingers together and traced the back of her hand with my thumb. 

“Why did you give me...this?” she pointed to the ruby.

I smiled, my eyes on the necklace, “I wanted my heart near yours.  It is my thoughts your guarding against, so I wanted my heart represented.”


This girl!  Lord!

Never mind…I love it.  More than anything.”

I smiled uneven and stupid like.  I pointed to the box, “Would you like for me to make this into a bracelet so you can wear both?”

“You would do that?” 

“For you, anything Kissa.”

She nodded for no reason and kept on.   “After the meeting.  The ring I mean.  I will give it to you then.”  She stared at the floor instead of me, but never put it on.  I hated that more and more.  I wanted her eyes on me.  And smiling.

“Are you hungry?” I averted her eyes back to mine.  Score.



Chapter Fifteen


“They are here.”  I led her to the bottom floor stopping outside the door, “Please don’t mention to anyone about me, my weapons room, or most definitely, our connection.”  I pointed to her head wanting to touch her once more, but didn’t.  I was worried this might be the last time to see her. 

Claire was thrown aside by a storming Calum when the door opened, “Where is she?”

Beside me I watched Anastacia for that last of my satisfaction then I stepped sideways to make room for the Hunter impact and braced myself not to throw him out the door for touching her.  She wasn’t mine. Yet!

small elated sigh escaped my lips as she refused to return his affection.  And...she knew I watched her.  I tried to hide my feelings.

What will happen next?

Shocked that she was so willing to let me in, I didn’t answer yet so she could greet her friends.  She apologized to Claire for Calum, but he just scowled at everyone he looked at.

Anastacia's father directed his voice to her, “Can I talk with you a moment?”

He took her to what she called the Sun room, my den.  I listened.

“I had to keep you safe.  Were you comfortable?”

I don't want to leave,
she thought.

“I know Lord Cross will keep his word.  He will not let anything ever happen to you.  His word is good.”

What did he just say? LORD! 
“Did you just say Lord Cross?  As in THE LORD CROSS.  This is his home?”  Her emotions were speaking louder than her words all the way from here.  My time was up. 

“Yes.  Didn't he tell you?”

“Obviously not.  Who is he?  Which one?” she wanted complete confirmation.

“Thorn is downstairs.  You were standing right beside him.”

This was so not nice to keep as a secret.  You should have told me.

didn’t answer.

“Well, he has been an ally to our family for years.  He has kept watch over you since you were young.  I had the upmost confidence in his abilities and still do.”

So do I.  All of his abilities.  Including keeping HIS secrets. He shines brighter than any sun I could have ever imagined in my world.  And that explains why he could overtake me.  He is the Vampire lord.  And I tried to kill him!  Hej!

“I didn
’t keep all of them away to hurt you.  I knew what was already set when the five of you were born.  Your mothers brought all this to pass.”

He was telling her too much, too fast.  I needed more time.

She didn’t catch the “five” comment. I wasn’t ready for her to meet Cord yet.  The Were leader that he was, and lady killer, he would have her swept off her feet in a matter of minutes.  He may be the fifth
in this little plot, but he had better keep his grubby hands off her.

“Why did his dad turn him?”

“That is a good question except that I know the answer.  Thorn knew he would never rule the Val court even with the amount of power he held for he wasn't an heir.  He was a natural born leader in every way but his birthright.  The previous Vampire lord knew he needed a son to be from another faction to ensure survival.  We both saw an out.  And prophecies are known for their truths.”

He was trying to leak little parts.

Only because of the power.  I had my own motives.  Little did I know they were all in that same plan and only leading down the path.  The one in my head labeled A.N.A.S.T.A.C.I.A.

“Survival of what?” she cried, “What do you want me to do father?”

“What do you think you should do?  You are now eighteen.  It is the time now that you choose.  I made sure you survived the night of your eighteenth birthday.  Now, do you have a preference of where you would like to go?”

He wasn't giving her much to go on.

I want to…I am not going back home.  Ever
!  “What will the factions think when I am still alive?” she uttered to her father thus telling him she knew enough of what was going on even if she hadn’t learned who I was.

“They know little.  For now, they think that the group of you are broken up, have no hidden agendas, and will be quiet.”

“When were you going to tell me anything?”

“What do you still need to know?”
He  didn’t apologize for knowing more than her.  None of us did.             

“Who tried to kill me?”

“Who didn’t?  Every faction had at least one hidden assassin.  All failed and some because it was set up that way.  The Elves, led by a now desperate Borgon,  don't want the idea of a unionized earth.  And you are the key.  You are going to have to be good, Anastacia.  Silent.  You have to comply.”

In her eyes, she saw it as her loss of choice.  It was in a sense.  Her father just never lightened the load for her.  Her mind went to work.

Comply.  Silent.  Every faction
.  “Did that include Vampires?”

He knew my aim.    I wanted to know who the Vampire assassin was.

“He was one of them.  Thorn.  He was the appointed assassin.  He and I had an agreement long ago.  He let the other factions believe he would be there to take you out as well, but they didn’t know what we knew.”

He knew.  Assassin?  Cas was supposed to kill me.

“How did you know?” she asked her father.

“Because I was there.  The night all three of you were born.  You and Thorn were connected from the second you were born.”

“How do you know that?  What do you mean?” 

She was scared and I hated it.  Me!  Evil, cruel, Lord Cross was dying inside at her fear of
!  Her thoughts were too rampart to decipher most of it.

“Because he said your name.”

“My name.  How is that possible?”

“The same way you said his back.”

That is not possible,” she countered.

“It is, and it did.”

“And Calum, and Szar?” She asked proving to be the smart girl I knew her to be.

“Szar is just simply Szar.  And next in line for my title.”

He still hid things from her too. 

“And Calum?”  Her heart sped up again, not that it ever slowed much.

“He was born once again at the same time, but we lost him for a while.  He is just a Hunter with a greater purpose.  The factions know he
physically stronger than any other Hunter.  They know this.  I know this.  And Thorn knows this.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You asked.”

“Why do I need to know Calum is a stronger Hunter than others?”

“Because you are linked to all of them in some way.  Weird way.  They will protect you.  I have kept you apart from them for your own safety."

Yeah, because
together we would have been a lot more noticeable.  Kept apart for years made us invisible.  Logical, but a bit of a blow for her in terms of shock value.

  “But you're naturally drawn.  Calum and you, you found each other without fail.  And you and Thorn--

“What about us?   I mean him?” 

Cas and I.
  There isn't any us. 

“Stace, I saw the way he watched you.  Has watched you for years.  Waited. 
And the black in his eyes when Calum came near you.  He tensed.  I am your father, count me a little intelligence.  And you can’t hide your feelings from me.  I can sense every emotion at my age.  A little credit.” 

My father
’s only attempt at humor.  He can read me that well? 
“Why were we all born at the same time?”

“That is a story for another day.  For now, we need to get back to the group, and move on.  Others are watching and will try to alter our course for the day.”  He paused and asked her,  “Are you staying or going?”

Her choice, always.

“Going, for now.  I need to find out more.   This all…there is too much I don't know.”


ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ


When they returned to the main room, everyone still remained in a kind of standoff position.  She came instantly to stand by me. 

Calum hated it.  Satisfaction was a kindness in my cold world.  His anger fueled my fury.  Anastacia moved over to stand with her father when she saw his face.

I spoke first to let her know I heard and knew her words, “She will be taken to the Hunter school until further notice.”

I want to stay.  But I
can’t.  You heard everything, didn't you?

’s filthy mouth erupted in front of her showing his lack of worth, “You will not speak for her in anything.”  His fists rose in the air.

“I can speak for myself.  And you can back off,” she pointed a ruling finger to Calum.   I saw the electricity shoot through her like I had seen from a distance before, but now I felt in from the inside.  We made ourselves connected in some other ways too it seemed. 

Her hand grazed his arm.  Calum did the same but raised his fist.  Then I watched her eyes go to his other tightened fist and she was suddenly flattened against the front of me. 

He is mine.

The Hunter went backwards two steps. 

Her hand went to her neck, then her pocket at her side.  Once there,
she  looked to me.

don’t know what to say.

I will find you Stace.  I will.  I am here.  If you need me, just take off the wall that hides me from you. 
My eyes darted to her ring and centered back on her father just as fast just for the aversion.

I will never be far.

How?  We are so far.

I wanted to move closer to her.  Hold her. 
No, now that we’ve connected in other ways, it reaches farther.

How do you know?

Because, this morning I listened to you dreaming from five miles up.


didn’t go unnoticed by me that her father caught her fidgety fingers and tried to slip the ring on her finger and eyeing me at the same time.  He was only trying to save the others from asking too much.  Protecting his daughter.

She turned from me.

“Stace, you can have this now,” my voice went all deep to hide my fear.  The voice others heard.  I took the ring cleverly from her hand and gave her back the access to all three letters. And her phone.

This will be back tomorrow.

Hunter boy cursed uselessly in front of her again leaving himself looking like a dunce.   


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