Protector (10 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Protector
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Chapter Sixteen



I heard her call just when I had come home from solving an issue with two of our kind fighting in a bar that resulted in human lives lost.  My resolve was already in a sort of
grouch phased lull since her leaving.  I followed her to the Hunter school and only left when she slept in safety.  Well, safe enough for now.  Never safe enough for me.  Not until she is beside me, in my bed.

Why can't I just be normal and sitting somewhere by a warm fire, listening to the rain out my window, and
kissing…              STOP!

That little image was all I needed.  Standing on the edge of the woods, my own body jutted out the feeling that she had called a buzzing, fluttery feeling in her own mind.  I let her stand for a brief few seconds only to be able to gaze at her before announcing
myself.   Attacking her wouldn’t gain her favor.  My body called to her.  I only assumed her body was doing the same.

Why are you out here alone?

She pulled the knife, arched her back, and readied into attack mode just like I predicted. 

What are you doing here?
  Her knife returned to her side.  She hadn’t known I was close.   

I heard you call my little Kissa.

“What call?” she whispered excitedly.  She was happy to see me. 

I took the only advantage I had, her beating heart was erratic and crazy the closer I leaned into her.  Emptiness was replaced with warmth.  The void filled.  Her mouth consumed me enough to lose logic and even my vampiric sense of hearing for a second.  I barely heard her soft moan when her tongue swirled across my own.  A tender nibble on her lip and I
couldn’t stop the smile into her mouth as she moaned again.  Did she know what that did to me?  She smiled crookedly at me as I removed the ring hidden in her front left pocket.

“That call.” 

She felt her neck, then her pocket.  “I didn’t even remember it was missing.”

I did.

“Obviously!”  She smiled up at me.  “You still didn’t answer my question.  What are you doing here?”

“I really was just answering the request.”  The tiny gold chain and ring folded out in front of her.  Her small sigh both hurt me in my libido and in my brain.  I
didn’t want her cut off from me. 

“Oh!” she blinked at me.

She really just realized I was there just for her. 

“Are you watching me?” she inquired flirtatiously cocking her head sideways and letting her shiny hair fall around her neck.

“Sometimes.  Most times.  Well, all the time.  I said I would keep you safe.”  Liam, one of my guards, had spent as much time watching her when I was away.  I finished attaching the bracelet and kissed her hand not willing yet to let the connection drop. 

“Would you take me somewhere?” she asked me suddenly.

“Anywhere?”  My home.  My bed. 

She checked her watch and put her naked hand in mine.  
The one void of my charms.

We landed in the garden at the Valkyrie court twenty minutes later.  One day she will realize she does not see all of my own thoughts.  She will know I hide myself.  She would hate me if she knew what I know.

“You neglected to mention one small detail about yourself earlier.”

Here it is. 

“Your last name.”  She wasn’t angry feeling.

“I didn't think it was important.”

“Not important?  You’re my father’s enemy.  Well, not really.  I thought so all these years.  Yet, you were working with my father.  You said that, but you still left out the little detail that you are THE LORD CROSS.  And sent to assassinate me.  This all is a little much for loose end details.”

“Yet you stand here.” Both our chests heaved at the admissions.   

“You seem to know more about me than even I do?”

I knew she had gone to the library too.  She always amazed me with how well she eagerly connected things.

“Perhaps.  What do you want to know?”  I smiled thinking perhaps she was ready, but unwillingly to lose her. 

“Do you know that you said my name when you were born? 
On the first day?  As our mothers lay dying,” she asked willing me for information.  I would help with what she knew, or rather figured out.

“Yes.  I remember it.”  Not at first.

“What?  How?”

I smiled enjoying the memory.  “It comes to me in my dreams.  It has since I was little.  I used to dream about you.  It was a shock on the day I was sent by your father to watch you for the first time.  I recognized you.  I couldn't have ever fathomed loving anyone else.”

“You were so young.  You sound so certain.”  She hated my necessary secrets.  She tucked her hair behind her ear and it fell back out of place again.

’ll see.  I will prove it to you,” I paused enjoying her eager eyes only looking at me and no one else.  I touched her cheek purposefully with my fingertips for the thrill of it and then replaced the tug of hair behind her ear, “You know you said my name.”

Her committed nod at me kept me going on.

I tucked the hair once more, “You know, you pull that strand of your hair back when you are nervous?”

I do? 

Oh, I noticed.  I notice everything

“Come on, let
’s find your brother,” I told her releasing the spell she had on me.

“He knew too didn
’t he?” she accused.  I showed a yes nod away from her face and moved on to where we were expected.  Inside, we found Szar quickly.



As brother and sister, they greeted each other as a nicety.  They were so terse with each other it killed me.  I wish I had siblings.

She didn’t waste time and Szar read it in her face.  She started off, “I’ll cut to the chase.  Time is… I found a link to twin rulers.  At least in the gods and goddesses sense.  In the legend it said that it would come to pass a Val king unites with the enemy and life gets really busy for both of them.”  She glanced at my knowing look.  “It said something about Ra.  A god of the sun who evolved from the other gods to create a world that would bring them back together.  It said that the legend says the twins will ask the help of the Hunter in the sky and Sirius the dog.  Does any of this mean anything to you or hullaballoo?  I’m grasping for straws here and no one is handing me one.  Tell me what you know dang it.”

The lioness looked at me again. 

“Epic!” Szar acted unaffected but I knew better.  It escaped me that I might know and understand him better than Stace.  She really was sheltered and kept from harm.  I loved that she was confident and ready to kick ass yet vulnerable in the ways I wanted her to be.

She eyed me thinking I still hid things.  Well, yeah! 

Szar and I communicated a knowing look of what we knew she would be thinking. 

“You two know each other well,” she accused.

We both nodded at her and made her even more visibly infuriated somehow by crossing our arms in defense...or defeat.  Depends on how she follows up.

’ve known each other since…Thorn and I played as children, before he was…turned completely.  Who do you think got rid of that horrid middle name?  No one names a child
”  Szar helped her...and me out.

She flipped around letting her warm vanilla scent pound me hard, “You were at our court hanging with
my brother
              Controlling myself I stated, “I am Valkyrie first and yes we have known each other our entire lives.”

  She closed her eyes. 
Why can't I remember you?  My brother is besties with a Vamp.  The Vamp. And I didn’t know.

“It is all true.  We are descended from the goddesses who placed us here.  We are the seed of our fathers, but more planted here to come about making a legend come true.  I followed the directions of our
father, reluctantly I might add, knowing all of this would happen.  We are made for greater things, Stace.  You will be one kickass cat girl ruler of us all.” 

NOW he was on my side?

I stepped up, “Enough.  Slow down.  Overwhelming her will send her into shock.”

She turned on me and attacked with her pretty little anger, “YOU KNEW?”

Putting my hand on her, she jerked back. 

Why didn't you tell me? 
She leaned into me.

You were not ready.

I am stronger than everyone gives credit.

I raised my own eyes in knowing. 
I know.

Her head went to my chest even in front of her brother.  Did she realize that? 

You need to trust me,
Stace pointed out.

You need to trust me.

I do.  I know that now,
she crooned even in her mind though it lingered distantly in the back that I was once the evil Vampire lord in her eyes.

“What are you two doing?” Szar quizzed us both with a lazy impish grin.


Szar rattled off a while cutting off Stace, “It is true. 
Epic thriller moment.  I heard father talk about it once.  That you were talking to him in your dreams.  That is why father made Thorn move to the other house, I knew it.  Because you talked to her.  Damn, that's epic.”

I yelled at him, “Watch the language.”

Szar looked at me like I was nuts.  She is still a lady. 

What was he talking about?
  She looked at me.

“Thorn!  I am right, aren
’t I?”  Szar wouldn’t give up.

“Yes!” I looked at the floor.

“Help here?” she pleaded. 
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, just tell me Cas.

“I couldn't stop the dreams when I was still a Valkyrie.  One night, I dreamed of us talking like I always did, on the day we were born.  It was always such an odd dream, I
didn’t think too much on it.  Until, I woke one night and you were in my room.  You were asleep, but you were talking to me.”

“Your room.  Here at the court?” Anastacia asked me in terror of the implications. 

I nodded carefully eager to end this and have her in my arms again.  Safe.  Happy!

“And you said all the exact same things you said in my dream.  Every word.  I was so freaked out, I ran to get Szar.  I
didn’t know what to do.  Your father came and got you.  You didn’t remember anything the next morning.”  She saw how this broke me to tell her.  I look so weak.

“How do I not remember you?” 
And you left out meeting you more than twice.  The two scars might have been moments you remember recently, but what about when we were young?  Is there more?

“Yes.  Your father said they did something to your memory, but he hid you from me.  Your identity, that is
,  until it was time for him to involve me.”

Was everything a lie?  Did everything my whole life stay hidden from me?  Yes, it did!  Some unparagoned being created for me alone was too much.

She turned her keen anger to Szar and weaponed her trigger finger in his direction, “You better tell me everything you know and you better not leave anything out.” 

She pivoted and hit my chest, “And you too.”

An ardent smile played on my lips at feeling her touch me.  She really had no idea what she could simply do to make me spill my guts to her.  Her touch suspended and started everything.

I excused Szar and myself with a nod to the hallway for a little
.  I needed him to be clear on some things.  She watched us leave with only a look of wonder, no doubt still pondering the
of her brother and I being long term friends without her knowing.

“We were nowhere as responsible in her life dealings,” I spat at Szar privately.  “Please refrain from giving her knowledge that only I should share.”

“You really think she
’s that innocent?  She has an evil in her that can’t be bound sometimes.  Oh, she tapers it, but it is there nonetheless.”

“You.will.not.say she is evil.  She chooses her own course in life.” I punched his shoulder enough to make my point.

“Well, our unfortunate escapades were not always so innocent as you make it to be.  Yes she was sheltered and thankfully wasn’t privy to the nasty business you and I have endured.  I will not taint her with that knowledge, rest assured.  I do care for more than you give me credit.”

“Sometimes I wonder.”  I was being cross with even Szar when really I was only cross with myself.  Mad she had to survive us all.

“Still, I do.  And you had better remember that when your breaking her heart in any way.  I will rip your head off if you hurt her.”  Szar fisted his hands in a visible way that he had never displayed with me.  I wasn’t scared.   I was honored.

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