Promises Prevail (The Promise Series) (35 page)

BOOK: Promises Prevail (The Promise Series)
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“Hold those pretty breasts up for me, Sunshine.

She did.

“Higher,” he ordered in a deep voice as he pumped his cock through his fist. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the head of his cock as it appeared and disappeared in his fist. The head was broad and fat, dark with desire and dripping with moisture. For her. She lifted her breasts as high as she could so that they pulled at her ribs. Clint nodded.

“Now push them together.”

She did, following his gaze, seeing what he saw. The large mounds of her breasts rose high, almost to her chin, the cleavage between them looking deep and somehow erotically inviting.

“Offer them to me, Sunshine.”

She opened her fingers, resting her breasts on her palms, holding them out in an open invitation.

A muscle in his cheek jerked. A quick glance down revealed another bead of seed glistening on the head of his cock. She licked her lips, remembering his flavor, the way he’d shaken against her as he’d come.

“Do you want it?” Clint asked, his dark fingers framing the pearly drop.

A glance at his face and she knew what her answer would be.


“How much?”

She answered with the truth. “I want to pleasure you.”

He smiled. “You do that just by breathing.”

“The way you want,” she elaborated.

He paused, and uncertainty flooded her confidence.


“Shhh!” His hand cupped her cheek, instantly soothing her. “Keep your hands on your breasts and don’t panic.”

She bit her lip before blurting out, “I’m never sure what to do.”

“You’re seducing me beautifully.”

“I am?”

She couldn’t call his smile gentle, but his, “Yes” was infinitely so.

“Without taking your hands off your breasts, scoot over here to the side of the bed.”

It was awkward and she felt foolish, but by the time her hip hit the edge of the mattress, his smile was gone and the hard planes of his face settled into harsh lines of passion. A quick glance showed his cock was steadily leaking pre-come. He leaned forward, bringing his cock closer and closer until the head of it touched the tip of her breast, bathing the turgid nipple in silky wet heat.

“Lick it off.”

Keeping her gaze locked with his passionate one, she tilted her breast and lowered her mouth. As her lips parted he whispered, “Slowly, baby. Nice and slow.”

She followed his orders to the letter, holding his gaze as she swirled her tongue around the pebbled nipple, lapping delicately at the pink flesh, shivering as his eyes flared and his grip spasmed on his cock. When she couldn’t find another drop of salty fluid, she leaned back. He leaned in, treating her other nipple to the same bath. He didn’t have to tell her what to do. She knew what he wanted and loved giving it to him. Every catch in his breath, every flicker of his eyes spiked her own passion until the glide of her own tongue over her flesh began to feel like his.

The bed dipped as he knelt on it. She rolled into his thigh, reaching for that beautiful cock. He caught her hand and brought it to his mouth.

“Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want to come yet.”

“You’re that close?” She couldn’t believe the conversations she got into with him.

His smiled—a tight, strained twist of his lips. “You have that effect on me.”

In contrast, her smile came easily. She turned and kissed the inside of his thigh while holding his gaze.

“I like that.”

The mattress dipped as his hands came down by her shoulders.

“Are you gloating woman?” he asked as he straddled her torso.

She bit her lip as his heavy cock dragged across her stomach, setting her belly to quivering.


He laughed as he sat back on his heels, the thick length of his cock lying like a vertical brand across her ribs, the head resting in the valley between her breasts. His hands brushed hers from her breasts.

“I’ll take over here.”

She closed her eyes as the rough warmth of his strong hands enveloped her breasts. She just loved the way he touched her. All that strength blanketed with gentleness. He squeezed and her breath caught. Fear mixed with passion as the pressure increased.

“Open your eyes, baby.”

She did, automatically falling into the order, only to fall into his passion as he shook his head at her.

“Who’s touching you?”

“You are,” she whispered as he continued to squeeze and release, each time just a little harder than the previous.

“And who am I?”


“Then why are you afraid?”

“I’m not—”

He shook his head again, drawing her breasts up as he squeezed.

“I can see and feel your tension.”

She didn’t have an answer that he wanted to hear.

“Did Jack hurt you this way?”

She bit her lip as his fingers slid up to her nipples. How could one man’s hands feel so good when another’s had felt like a violation? She nodded.

Clint had figured as much from the way she lay so tense under his hands. Breathlessly excited while nervously expectant. Clint pinched Jenna’s nipples lightly. They immediately drew tight. Her stomach muscles jerked under his cock, massaging his balls as she quivered beneath him. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive. The lightest of tugs had her body jerking.

“I’m not Jack.”

“I know.”

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

She nodded.

“But I am going to make you come.”

Her eyes flew wide, and she blinked

“Is that okay with you?”


“Good. Then go over behind the screen and prepare yourself for me.”

She blushed fiery red as soon as she understood his meaning, but she did as told, returning to the bed with her head down and her hair shielding her face. As soon as she got close enough, he hooked his hand behind her neck, pulled her to him and kissed her hard before helping her back up on the bed.

“Lie down now.”

Impossibly, her face got redder. He laughed, knelt on the bed and rearranged them until her buttocks rested on his thighs and the length of his cock snuggled into the hot, wet folds of her pussy. She blinked again, that plump lower lip sliding between her teeth, her expression one of doubtful expectation.

“We’ll make a mess,” she whispered.

“That’s what the towel is for,” he whispered back, leaning forward until the hard points of her nipples snuggled into his chest the way his cock nestled deeper into the embrace of her pussy. As she gasped and arched under him, he pulled her lip free of her teeth and into his mouth.

He sucked it lightly, wanting to smile when her eyes flew wide and she jerked back the way she always did. He held on, not letting her pull back from him or the pleasure she felt, working his palm behind her head, tilting it back, releasing her lip long enough to murmur, “Don’t fight it, Jenna. Let me make you feel good.”

Her eyes closed. She was running from him again.

“Open your eyes.”

She did, reluctantly, all the conflict she felt inside revealed as her lids lifted.

She was so open and so vulnerable. She filled him with the need to give her the world, while at the same time wanting to shelter her from it. He probed the corner of her mouth with his tongue. Against the base of his cock, her pussy clenched.

“You liked that.”

She nodded, a sheen of tears in her eyes.

He caught one at the corner with his thumb before it could spill over.

“Why the tears baby?”

“You make me feel so much.”

“I just want you to be happy.”

“It scares me.”

He cupped her breast in his hand, giving her the pressure he knew she enjoyed.


“You want everything.”


He did. He stroked his thumb over her pert nipple. She lurched against him, her pussy riding his cock hard. She jerked again. Her nails dug into his thighs as he speared his cock up through its warm nest.

He wanted her defenseless before him. He wanted her trust, her innocence, her hope, her passion. He wanted everything. Every nuance of who she was.

“You make me feel too much,” she gasped.

He shook his head, tenderness welling to mix again with lust.

“I won’t take you past your limits, Jenna.”

“You already have.”

He wiped another tear from her eyes. “No. I’ve just taken you past your fear.”

He bent to her breast. Her, “What’s the difference?” whispered over his head.

He kissed her nipple gently and smiled.


He opened his mouth just enough for her nipple to slide inside. Her whole body tightened as she waited. He stretched the moment out, keeping her on edge until her breath caught in her throat and her pussy pulsed against his cock, spilling her hot juices over his aching balls. He circled her nipple with his tongue, riding the intriguing bumps and ridges, probing the dip in the center. She shuddered and tried to arch again. He held her in place with his weight and his fingers in her hair. By the time he was done with loving her, the only reaction she’d have to his mouth on her breast would be sighs of pleasure. He kissed his way down the side of her breast.

“You’re going to come for me Jenna,” he murmured into the deep valley.

She bit her lip and skirted his gaze.

He caught the drop of perspiration on his tongue as it trickled down the slope of her breast.

“And then you’re going to come again, simply because it’ll please me.”

“What about you?” Her voice was a tense grope for sound.

“I’ll come when you’re satisfied.”

“But you’re ready now.”

He was more than ready. Being wrapped in her heat was pure torture. His cock ached and a steady stream of pre-come dribbled past his control, but the drive to bury himself in her was nothing compared to his need to watch her flower for him. To see her lose her sense of self, to know that she’d put her trust in him, and to know that he’d delivered. He wanted that more than he wanted his next breath.

“It’ll be better for the wait.”

Her pussy clenched against him and he pressed his open mouth to her flesh. His good intentions took a dive. Son of a bitch, she was going to be the death of him. For sure he wasn’t going to last as long as he’d hoped.

BOOK: Promises Prevail (The Promise Series)
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