Promises Prevail (The Promise Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Promises Prevail (The Promise Series)
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“Son of a bitch, you’re something,” he groaned as his cock pulsed again.

She wasn’t, but for this moment in time if he thought so, she was content. His finger touched her cheek and pressed, feeling himself through her flesh.

“Faster now, Jenna.”

She obliged, taking him deeper, sucking harder, pacing herself to the harsh tension of his breathing, the pulse she could feel throbbing just beneath the satin-smooth skin of his cock. He was huge, hard, so swollen with the need to come that she thought he must split, and still he didn’t give her his seed.

She redoubled her efforts. His breath hissed through his teeth and his head fell back, his hair framing his dark face as the angles sharpened with his torment. Then his eyes opened and locked with hers, searing her with the intensity of his passion. His hand slid over hers, working her fingers free, replacing them with his own. Holding his cock steady for the descent of her mouth

“Open the coat. Just for a minute, Sunshine. Let me see those beautiful breasts of yours.”

She did, but she couldn’t help blushing. This was so much more intimate than anything she’d ever done with Jack. The air chilled her nipples pulling them tight. Clint’s hard mouth tilted in a smile.

“Put your hands under them now and lift them up, like you’re offering them to me.”

She had to shift forward to do so. She worked back off his cock as she cupped the underside of her breasts, not sure what he wanted. He arched his hips, reclaiming lost ground.

“Such a shy little wife.” He touched her cheek. “Do you want me to tell you what to do?”

She lashed his cock with her tongue as she nodded.

“I want you to pretend those are my hands on your breasts. I want you to stroke them and fondle them and give yourself pleasure.” Oh heavens. She had absolutely no idea how to do that.

His big hand cupped her chin, his thumb pressing against the bulge of his cock.

“Shhh, don’t panic. We can work up to that.” His voice was a harsh growl. “I’m not going to last much longer anyway. Your mouth is sweeter than honey.”

Hay rustled as his hips arched, reflecting his need. “Take me as deep as you can, Sunshine. Slow and deep, and I’ll take care of the other.”

She blinked as his hands closed over her breasts. They were huge and cold. Very cold. She shivered and he laughed, a deep husky sound of pleasure and pain. Despite the fact that she was the one wearing a coat, he was the one sweating. His hips arched up, feeding her more of his cock.

“That’s the way. Just stay relaxed and take it, Jenna. All that you can. Slow and deep.”

His hands on her breasts were gentle without that mean edge she was accustomed to, and his voice was so soft as he asked rather than slamming into her throat. She did her best, swallowing as he nudged the back of her throat, feeling the painful pressure as he pushed in, blinking back the tears and pushing forward, wanting to please him, hoping this time her marriage could be more friendship than anger. She groaned in relief when he pulled back. Her relief was short lived. His fingers slid up to her nipples. She blinked, bracing herself for the wrenching pain that always came when a man put his hands there.

“Ah, baby, you have the prettiest nipples.” His fingers stroked lightly, rhythmically, the calluses dragging on her flesh. “They’re like delicate, silky pebbles of flesh under my hands. And your mouth. Damn, Jenna, you have an incredible mouth.”

He pinched her nipples lightly. A warning? She wasn’t taking any chances. She took him all the way to the back of her throat, suppressing the urge to gag, struggling to relax enough to let him in.

“Son of a bitch, you’re going to make me come too soon,” he said as he pressed against her, his cock pulsing with the caress of her spasming throat.

Too soon? Her jaws already ached. She checked his expression to see if he was serious. He laughed deep in his throat. A lazy sound.

“I want a chance to play with these sweet nipples before I come,” he explained.

She started. He circled the pebbled flesh with his thumb.

“Nothing too hard. You’re not ready for that. Maybe just a little stroking at first. Just enough to make them sit up and take notice.” He pulled out, not as slowly as before, and his movement wasn’t as smooth. Was his calm a lie?

“Would you like that, Sunshine?” he asked on a tight note. “Would you like me to pleasure your breasts?”

She’d like anything that didn’t bring that awful pain. She nodded as she suckled the tip of his cock. A spurt of warm seed flooded her mouth. His hands left her breasts to cup her head.

“Later then.” His voice was a hoarse expression of sound. “Later, I’ll pleasure them until you scream, but right now I need your mouth.”

She gave it to him, taking him as deeply as she could, wetting his shaft with saliva as she withdrew, using the slick surface to facilitate the strong strokes of her fist. Sucking hard, working him hard, taking him so deep it ached, and still it wasn’t enough. His hands on her head urged her closer, urged her to go just that little bit further.

“Just a little more, baby.” His cock pressed the back of her throat. “A little more and you’ll have it all. C’mon Jenna. Take me. Take me.”

She took a deep breath and did, moaning as he popped through her resistance at last and as her muscles spasmed a protest around him he came, flooding her throat with his hot seed, holding her to him as he cried out and bucked. He held her to him so long that she began to panic, needing air, and still he came.

She caught his wrists in her hands. On a rough “Jesus” he let her go. She wanted to throw herself to the ground and gasp for air, but she knew better. Instead she drew on every bit of control she had, hauled air in through her nose, and carefully caught every silken wash of his seed, not spilling a drop, swallowing it while nurturing the last remnants of his pleasure, cementing his good will the only way she knew that worked. Taking a small measure of pride in her ability to do so.

Finally, he pulled her up into his chest and wrapped his big arms around her. The buttons on his shirt dug into her breasts as he kissed the curve of her shoulder before he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her hard, his tongue stroking her lips as his hand massaged her sore throat.

“Damn, baby. No one’s ever taken me like that. Given me that.”

He was shaking against her. Against her stomach, his cock rose hard, undiminished. She touched his heaving chest. She’d done this to him. With nothing more than her mouth she’d taken his strength and given him pleasure. She curled her fingers around his cock.

“Would you like me to do it again?” Her voice was hoarse from the strain and the words were awkward as her tired jaw muscles tried to shape syllables.

To her surprise, he shook his head.

“Sounds like that mouth of yours could use a little rest.” He touched the corner of her lips with his thumb. He held it up for her inspection. It glistened with moisture. Very slowly, she stuck out her tongue and licked his finger clean. His nostrils flared and his eyelids twitched.

“You are a hot little thing, aren’t you?” He sounded very happy with that conclusion.

He pressed his thumb against her lips, rubbing it over the moist lining, his dark gaze holding hers while a strange shiver of sensation shot through her body. His eyes narrowed as he registered the tremble. His thumb pressed a little harder. She closed her lips around it and sucked, holding his gaze as she did so, watching the heat flare anew.


His cock came fully erect. In a flash, he had their positions reversed—the prickly hay bale was beneath her, the wall behind her, and before her stood Clint, looking totally pagan with his big cock jutting out from the open fly of his pants and his long hair loose about his exotic face. She jerked as he seemed to fall forward, expecting to be crushed under his weight, but there were only a couple of thunks in rapid succession above her head, and then the steady push of his cock against her mouth.

She looked up. His wide lips parted on a wickedly primitive smile.

“One more time to take the edge off, and then it will be my turn to make you come.”

Chapter Seven


Clint opened the basket containing his wedding present. The cake was a little worse for wear, but a few dents weren’t going to put him off. Not with the way Jenna could take simple ingredients and make a man’s taste buds scream for mercy. Above his head, he listened to the small creaks that indicated Jenna’s progress around the bedroom. He’d left her to get changed and ready for bed while he brought up their snack. His cock throbbed in his denims, as eager as if he hadn’t come twice so hard down Jenna’s tight throat that he’d thought his head would explode.

He grabbed the knife off the table.
Damn, she had a mouth that could make a man scream uncle. And that body. That “drop a man to his knees” body…
He placed the knife in the middle of the cake and cut a large slice. He was so hungry for her that he felt like a green boy going after his first woman. He just wanted to bury himself in all that lush heat over and over until she was so full of his seed it would pour out of her when she stood. He wanted to permanently mark her as his so no other man could trespass. That she was his wife didn’t seem to be enough. In a demand he’d never known before, his body wanted to mark her physically, making it obvious beyond a shadow of doubt to whom she belonged. So much so that he’d lost his head and started his honeymoon in the barn.

He put a second piece of cake on another plate, hooked a couple of wine glasses on his finger and grabbed the bottle of wine. Hopefully, chocolate and wine would keep Jenna from dwelling on that less than romantic start to their life together. For a man with a reputation for having a way with the ladies, he wasn’t putting his best foot forward with his wife.

Danny whined from where he lay in the center of the big kitchen floor. Clint didn’t even need to look down to know what he wanted. “Forget it, fella. This is my present.”

Danny cocked his head at him and let the muscles in his face sag. Clint snorted.

“I stopped falling for that hang dog look about a year ago.” He stepped over the big dog, Danny rolled and presented his stomach. Clint petted him with the toe of his boot before heading out. This time his snort was one of disgust as the big dog’s jowls fell back and he wiggled like a puppy.

“You know, there used to be a time when you inspired fear in people.”

Danny gave a blissful moan and wagged his tail.

Clint shook his head and popped the door open with his elbow.

“Damned shame you went and got yourself domesticated.”

He was still shaking his head as he climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Sure enough, he was going to have to get another dog to guard the place. The good life had flat out taken the mean out of a perfectly good dog. The scramble of feet behind him let him know that Danny wasn’t letting that chocolate cake out of his sight. Clint tapped lightly at the bedroom door with the toe of his boot. He heard a sharp, “Oh” followed by a thump as something hit the floor. He was about to kick the door open, thinking Jenna had fallen, when he heard a string of curses. One corner of his mouth kicked up. Who would have known sweet little “wouldn’t say boo to a ghost” Jenna could curse like a wrangler?


“What?” The disgruntled tone kicked the other side of his mouth up.

“Open the door.”

“Just a minute.”

Something nudged his elbow. Danny had meandered his way over and was looking expectantly at the door.

“No way, bub.” Danny moaned and slumped to the floor. The door knob rattled. Danny perked up. Clint pushed him back down with his foot. He did not need Jenna falling for that hang dog look and bringing an audience to their wedding night.

BOOK: Promises Prevail (The Promise Series)
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