Princess (7 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Princess
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‘I am Iriel,' she said, ‘and I was galley maid, yes, beneath Corbold.'

‘Join us,' he offered, the others quickly making room for her at the bench. ‘Rumour says you are from barbarian Aegmund, and took the ship by force before reaching an agreement with Captain Baltrank?'

‘Not by force, no,' she answered. ‘The saga belongs to Aeisla, who took the part of the Squireling Kaissia for the embellishment of her escutcheon.'

‘I had heard one stepped in to prevent another being given a dose of troll cock?' the man introduced as Nuidan sniggered. ‘Is this how you treat malefactors in your land, by having them fucked by man-beasts?'

‘What had Kaissia done?' Meles demanded.

‘She was punished for taking a bull-nymph as lover,' Iriel said, blushing slightly.

‘Taking a bull-nymph as lover?' Dound queried. ‘What lady of rank does not have a bull-nymph to hand for her carnal amusement?'

‘So,' Bages queried, ‘if it is a crime to let one man-beast into her cunt, how so that the punishment is to be forced to take another?'

‘There is a difference between a bull-nymph and a troll, Bages!' Nuidan scoffed. ‘In bulk, in manner, above cock all in size. You saw the one at last year's fair, his cock had the dimensions of a young marrow!'

‘But the barbarian girls are big,' Bages objected. ‘You could take a troll cock, I imagine, Iriel?'

Iriel's cheeks had flamed red, but the men merely laughed and Meles gave her a good natured slap on the back. Grimacing slightly nonetheless, but feeling she ought to explain so as not to make her fellow Aeg look foolish, she went on.

‘Kaissia had given in to her urges with the bull-nymph, yes, but that was a private thing. She had also surrendered her maidenhead, by deliberate choice, picking the lock of her purity-girdle...'


‘A device of chain worn around the hips to prevent the easy attaining of a highborn girl's maidenhead. Kaissia should have waited until some highborn man achieved her.'

‘Achieved? Fucked you mean?'

‘Yes. She should have waited to be ravished by one who wished to take her in marriage. By fucking with the bull-nymph she disgraced herself. Thus she was shamed in public, spanked naked, her breasts tattooed with a distinctive pattern, then she was smeared in dung. She was also to be put to the troll's cock, but Aeisla felt it was an unwarranted act and intervened in rage.'

‘If this was the case here,' Meles laughed, ‘we would have half the female population of the town up for punishment every morning!'

The others laughed, then lifted their mugs as one and took draughts of beer. The man in the leather apron returned, to place a mug in front of Iriel, also a plate, heaped with chunks of delicious smelling fresh bread, waxy green objects she took to be olives, a long sausage of a deep red colour and two triangular pastries. As she began to eat, Luides appeared in the archway, hailing his friends, then taking a place beside her on the bench, pushing Bages aside with a thrust of his corpulent backside. Immediately Dound whispered something in his ear.

‘She does not take money,' Luides laughed. ‘If you want her, merely fuck her on the floor, but be cautious, she will fight until her cunt is pricked. She is strong. Either that or you must use cunning.'

Iriel looked up, the blood rushing to her cheeks, stung by the sudden prospect of ravishment and hoping they would at least give her time to let her tuppenny juice up before putting her to their cocks. Quickly she swallowed her mouthful.

‘Wait at the least until I have eaten,' she said quickly, ‘and yes, I will fight unless there is good reason to surrender, but perhaps not so very hard.'

Meles made a curious clucking noise in his throat. Nuidan lifted his eyebrows and twisted his fingers into what was evidently an obscene gesture. Luides spoke.

‘Do not be concerned, Iriel. Here the watch would intervene in moments. Still, perhaps after…'

‘What do we care for the watch?' Meles laughed. ‘I'll bet we could have her fucked and pregnant before old Taepenk so much as noticed!'

‘Besides,' Nuidan added, flourishing the knife he had been using to cut pieces from a sausage, ‘we are armed, and five. Four could hold the watchmen off while each took his turn!'

The others laughed. Iriel raised her eyes from her plate, suddenly interested.

‘You would fight the watch… the men who go armed about the streets, knife against sword, for the pleasure of having me?'

‘He is boasting, ignore him,' Luides advised.

‘Not so!' Nuidan declared, making another flourish. ‘I would fight the watch for a fuck of you, Iriel, right here on the flags of Taepenk's!'

Her tongue flicked out to moisten suddenly dry lips.

‘Truly? Here and now?'

‘Yes,' Nuidan declared. ‘I swear it.'

‘Liar!' Luides scoffed.

‘Not so! I have done it before.'


‘Just last month, while you were on ship. Did we not, boys? At the caravanserai, when Assanach's train came in with a group of Makean slavegirls. We fucked them two by two, a copper a go, in the camel shed, and as Dound and Meles here were finishing their rides, who should turn up but Twelveman Cound himself. I held him back with a dung shovel while they finished the fucking!'

‘That is so much camel shit!' Luides protested.

‘No,' Nuidan insisted. ‘We did it, ask Assanach, ask Twelveman Cound himself if you dare!'

Luides gave a grunt and shook his head.

‘He did this?' Iriel asked Dound.

‘I saw it myself,' Dound assured her.

‘How about it then?' Nuidan asked.

‘I… I am not certain I am worthy,' Iriel replied. ‘Tell me more as I eat.'

Nuidan went on, explaining what had happened and making flamboyant gestures to illustrate how he had fought. The others gave further details, each to his own credit, Luides adding only the occasional sceptical grunt as he dealt with his own meal. Iriel continued to eat, her arousal growing slowly as she listened. As at Kaissia's shaming, it was impossible to fight down her excitement, or her sense of honour at the risks they were prepared to take for the pleasure of her tuppenny, not far different from those a highborn man might have to take to achieve his lady. Suddenly a thought occurred to her, dashing her hopes.

‘I am only an artisan,' she admitted. ‘Nothing more.'

‘I do not care,' Nuidan answered, ‘come into the piss house and I'll show you.'

‘The piss house?' she answered. ‘Why not here? As you said, you make take turns with me while the remainder hold off the watch, but you are to fuck me kneeling, so that I can see the combat. If we go into the piss house, who will see to call the guard?'

Bages went into a sudden fit of coughing. Luides shook his head. Nuidan put on a crafty expression.

‘Here, in the open, the four of us may not be enough to shield the man filling your cunt, and who knows, eight, maybe twelve watchmen may come to Taepenk's call. In the piss house one man could hold the door against a dozen twelves. You will be soundly fucked, while Taepenk is sure to notice, and there are other ways to attract his attention also.'

Iriel nodded and bit her lip. The heavy, strong beer was making her head spin, and they had aroused much the same feelings in her as at the shaming. It was making her want nothing more than to take their cocks, one at a time, especially those who a moment before had been fighting against high odds for the pleasure. She swallowed her last mouthful and washed it down with the remains of her beer, then rose.

‘Come then, but take your time with me. No man puts himself in my tuppenny until he has traded blows with a watchman.'

‘You are offering yourself, truly?' Luides asked in astonishment.

‘I am,' she answered, ‘if you too have the courage, join your friends.'

He made to answer, then shut up abruptly.

Nuidan produced a grave nod, then spoke again.

‘Go to the piss house, Iriel, I shall join you presently. You four, start a ruckus.'

‘I have a better suggestion,' Meles said. ‘You are the best fighter among us, no question. It would be much more appropriate if you were to take last place, having held off the watchmen. I am the least strong, and so should go to the piss house first.'

‘True,' Iriel agreed.

‘Not so!' Nuidan argued. ‘I am the instigator here, and in no mood for your slops! Besides, who else but I could hope to hold the watchmen off moments after discharging my shot?'

‘I am as good as you,' Dound declared loudly, ‘stronger for certain. I should be first.'

‘Not so, I!' Barges put in.

‘Why?' Nuidan demanded, not only Barges but Dound and Meles responding, voice on voice, until Iriel had lost the sense of it beneath their accents and slang.

Luides alone remained silent, shaking his head, but with his eyes smiling as he took a draught of the black beer. Flattered, and ready for cock, Iriel waited for the men to reach a decision, speaking only when it became clear that none would give way.

‘Men, please,' she interrupted. ‘I shall take Luides in with me, naturally, as he has already been with me on the ship. You four must then argue, as you are now, but outside the piss house. This will attract the watch, and you may follow in turn as circumstances permit, but with Nuidan last, to bring me to my peak while the others fight.'

Nuidan opened his mouth to speak but shut it as the grinning Luides stood up, his hand extended to Iriel. She took it, her stomach fluttering, her head spinning with drink, her tuppenny tingling in anticipation of the hopefully large cock about to be put inside her. Luides led her across the court, several of those present turning their heads, but only to look at her with the same curiosity she had encountered since arriving in Staive Cintes.

The piss house was at the rear of the building, a long, low room, open to the evening sky and divided by partition, neck high to Luides, but only reaching Iriel's chest. At once grateful for the concealment and irritated that she would be unable to actually watch the combat, she nevertheless chose a cubicle and squatted down, as if to pee into the long trough beneath her.

Her nose wrinkled at the scent of urine, sharp, yet also hormonal, then at that of Luides' cock as he pushed the loose trousers he had changed into down to expose himself. She leant forward, to take him in her mouth, tasting cooking grease and spice as always. He sighed in pleasure, extending a hand to balance himself and twisting his other hand into Iriel's hair to hold her firmly in place. She sucked harder at the sudden, mild pain of her hair being pulled, feeling him swell in her mouth and listening for sounds of the others.

For a while there was nothing, and she contented herself with the feel of Luides slowly expanding penis, until her mouth of full of fat, solid cock and the urge to take it inside her tuppenny had grown too strong to resist. She came up, for one moment leaving a string of saliva connecting her lower lip with the bloated head of Luides' erection. Even as the strand snapped she caught the first sounds from outside, Nuidan's voice, then that of Bages, raised in mock anger. Another of the men laughed.

Eager for fucking, Iriel rose and turned, flipping her dress up and splitting her drawers to show off her bare bottom. Luide's took her by the hips as she squatted down, supporting herself with difficulty as he pushed her lower to let himself get his cock to her hole. The moment he succeeded he pushed, filling her tuppenny with a wet sound that was repeated as he began to fuck her.

Iriel clung to her knees, struggling to keep her balance and still enjoy the feel of the cock inside her. Outside the four men were arguing, with laughter in their voices, a sound that delighted her for the sheer contempt it showed to the dangers of combat. Bracing her legs wide, she put her hands on the wall, her whole body now shaking to Luides' firm, deep pushes.

The urge to rub her tuppenny was strong, but she held back, determined to come with the sound of male anger, triumph and pain in her ears. Luides fucked faster, grunting as he pumped his cock into her hole, deeper, harder, his podgy gut slapping on her bare bottom until she too was grunting, her control slipping, her hand going back, only for him to gasp in ecstasy and fill her hole with jism.

Slowly he withdrew. Iriel stayed down, panting softly, her bottom high and ready for entry, warm come running down her tuppenny, her muscles already twitching. Outside nothing had changed, shouts and laughter, no more. She shook her head in disappointment.

‘Get… get a man for me,' she puffed. ‘Tell him to be slow!'

Luides answered with a grunt and left. Iriel waited, her head hung, dizzy with sex and beer, desperate for her tuppenny to be filled and not caring who filled it. Quickly she tugged open the laces of her bodice and adjusted her chemise, spilling her breasts out into her hands. As she began to fondle herself she heard steps, an oath, and looked round, to find a complete stranger behind her, a wizened old man, staring at her spread rear view in astonishment. She made to speak, only for Dound to appear, barge the old man aside and push up behind her, his trousers already down. Iriel sighed as his half-stiff cock pressed between her buttocks, and then he was rubbing himself in her crease and chortling in sheer joy.

She stuck her bottom out, to feel the wrinkled flesh of his scrotum up against the lips of her tuppenny, her cheeks spreading to leave his shaft rubbing on her anus. He gave a pleased grunt, took his now hard cock and pushed it rudely up her hole. Once more she hung her head, her body shaking to the motion of her fucking, her breasts swinging beneath her, then starting to bounce as his thrusts got harder.

‘No… slow… slow…,' she gasped. ‘Do not…'

It was too late. He had come, flooding her hole with jism, to leave her dripping fluid and panting in frustration as he withdrew, gave her bottom a firm slap and left. She stayed down, biting her lip, desperate for more cock and unsure if she could hold herself back from masturbating. The old man had gone, and she found herself hoping he would complain, even as Bages appeared behind her, erect cock already in hand. She stuck her bottom out obligingly and up he went, the other men's jism squashing out over her tuppenny lips as her hole filled and for the third time in just moments she was being fucked against the piss house wall.

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