Princess (10 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Princess
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All of it had been done in front of an audience, the frame constructed on the flat roof of the House of Cunt. Iriel had been led out in the chains she had worn for a day, stripped naked, lifted onto the frame, her legs and arms adjusted to ensure the complete destruction of her modesty. She had been left for a while, to let her pain build and the crowd gather, with the brothel guards ringing bells and calling out for the populace to come and see her punished. Then, with maybe three hundred people gaping at her naked body, she had been stuffed.

The crowd were in festival mood, laughing and jeering, calling out obscene suggestions and observing on the mixture of white girl juice and red pimento dripping from her bulging hole and running down over her sex lips and the little bump between. Others remarked on the slow pulsing of her bottom ring from when a pimento smeared finger had been briefly pushed up into her rectum, still others on the size of her breasts and nipples, the length of her legs, the size of her bottom.

It hurt so much she could barely think, and her resolve not to cry had broken even as the forcing stick worked in her hole. Now her eyes were blind with tears, yet still she could hear, every crude comment, every intimate remark adding to the shame and misery that burnt in her mind with no less force than the physical agonies of her body. Even the cries of the street vendors selling spiced pastries, drinks and fruit seemed personal insults.

Not one person had shown sympathy, only lust, amusement, cruelty, and now, as Madame Hivies herself climbed from the open stair which gave access to the roof, a soft, expectant hush fell over the crowd. Iriel shut her eyes tight; frightened, small, vulnerable as their lewd delight in her pain and degradation seemed to wash over her. Not one voice was raised in protest or sympathy, the women as eager as the men, and as her persecutor stepped close, Iriel learnt what it meant to be utterly alone.

‘A pleasure to see such a fine crowd,' Madame Hivies remarked happily. ‘Welcome all, especially my customers.'

A ripple of laughter spread through the crowd. A few remarks and jokes were exchanged at the expense of those men known to frequent the House. Madame Hives reached out to tousle Iriel's hair, then went on.

‘For the benefit of those few who do not already know, this red-haired barbarian slut is to be my new whore. Before she is put to work, she needs to learn a little respect, a lesson I now intend to begin, but which you, my friends, must bring to conclusion. For the next week she will be available to all, at half Association rates and in any position your inventive little minds can think up; cunt, mouth and arse.'

A murmur of appreciation ran through the crowd, which began to shift, eager men pushing towards the arch in which one of the senior girls sat with a ledger, taking bookings. Madame Hivies responded with a beneficent smile, then pulled her dog quirt from the broad sash of scarlet silk at her waist.

‘Thank you,' my friends,' she called, ‘and now, while she is nicely warm, I shall begin, both to punish her, and to teach her something of her own nature.'

The crowd responded with laughter and further obscene suggestions, demanding that Iriel be made to come, to suck cock while she was whipped, made to beg for her strokes, take the punishment with a marrow inserted in her anus, and more, many impossible, all both painful and humiliating. Madame Hivies listened for a while, then raised her hands for silence.

‘Worthy suggestions all, my friends, and yes, why should we not add a little spice. After all, she must be taught that her sole use is for your amusement. Hundact.'

The fat guard who had helped subdue Iriel and also hung her up on the frame lumbered forward, to bow to Madame Hives.

‘Put your cock in her mouth,' she ordered, ‘that she may suck you while she is whipped. Vea, another pimento, and be sure to break the skin. Put it in her anus.'

The woman who had stuffed Iriel gave a little bow and scampered down from the roof level. Iriel hung still, praying for strength and that the whipping would begin to end the torture of waiting. Hundact came close, to pull a set of huge and dirty genitals over the top of his trousers. Climbing on the frame, he pushed the fleshy mass against Iriel's face, to the delighted cries of the crowd.

‘Suck it, slut,' he demanded.

Iriel resisted, pulling back from the rubbery mass of cock and scrotum, only to have it pressed more firmly still against her face. Hundact reached down, to hold her nose tight between forefinger and thumb. Still Iriel resisted, fighting to keep her pride until it seemed that her lungs would burst but breaking at last, to gasp in air, and Hundact's cock as it was forced roughly into her mouth. The crowd cheered and clapped as her mouth filled with the taste of sweat and stale jism.

She struggled not to suck, but the natural urge was there, and as once more his fingers closed on her nose she gave in, mouthing on the thick penis that had already begun to swell. The crowd saw, and biting shame hit her as new and louder laughter rose up from around her. Hundact gave a pleased grunt and began to fuck her mouth, even as something slim and smooth was fed into her already smarting anus, the pimento. It began to burn immediately, the same hot pain she had felt in her tuppenny when first stuffed, and in moments she was gasping on Hundact's cock.

‘She is learning,' Madame Hives commented, ‘not fast, but she is learning.'

Hundact grunted and took Iriel firmly by the hair to control the motion of her mouth on his cock.

‘Come when I say, not before,' Madame Hivies instructed and lashed the quirt in.

Instantly a line of raw fire sprang up across Iriel's flaunted bottom cheeks. Her eyes popped wide, her legs kicked against her restraints and she tried to scream, only to gag on Hundact's penis. Clapping and laughter rose up from the crowd, calls for harder strokes and shouts of “One!”.

Again Madame Hives struck, and again Iriel jerked to the sudden pain, and again, and again. The crowd were yelling out the count in pure glee as Iriel's entire world dissolved in miserable agony. Her whole body was in spasm, her muscles jumping to each stroke to spread the pain of the cuts from her blazing buttocks along her every nerve, stroke after stroke, with Hundact driving his now erect cock into her throat at each one.

In moments she was blubbering, tears spurting from her eyes and running free down her cheeks, spittle dribbling out around the big cock pumping between her lips, mucus bubbling from her nose, only to be fed back into her mouth with Hundact's pushes. Her breasts were bouncing, agonisingly heavy under her chest, her bottom cheeks twitching, closing and spreading, her anus and cunt pulsing on the burning pimentos.

Still the crowd counted, yelling out in unison to each whip stroke and cock thrust – ten, eleven, twelve – as Iriel writhed and jerked in an unbearable agony she could do nothing to escape. Then her bladder had burst, urine spraying out behind her in a high arch from her tormented cunt, to patter down on the roof and draw delighted laughter from the crowd.

Madame Hivies didn't even break her rhythm, laying the strokes in hard across Iriel's buttocks even as the thick, golden urine stream sprayed and splashed – thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. Still the piddle came, breaking on the whip lash to spatter Iriel's bottom and legs, stinging in her welts to bring her fresh agony, spreading the pain of the pimentos down her inner things and up into the crease of her bottom.

Still the horrible dog quirt lashed in – seventeen, eighteen, nineteen – as Iriel's pee stream died to spurts, one to each cut of the whip and contraction of her burning cunt. Hundact took her breasts, squeezing them hard as he fucked her head, now grunting in passion, braced hard against the frame and her tormented body. Vaguely Iriel heard Madame Hivies bark an order, but the whipping never stopped – twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two – the crowd chanting loud in her ears as Vea clambered onto the frame.

The whore's fingers found Iriel's tuppenny folds and a roar of laughter rose from the crowd. Even through her all embracing pain Iriel realised what was to be done to her, she was to be masturbated as she was whipped, made to come during beating. Her shame and self-pity hit a new level, yet even as Vea's fingers began to rub she knew she was lost.

Still the whip strokes came in, delivered with all Madame Hivies' strength, only now Iriel's pain was blended with a helpless ecstasy as the contractions of her cunt grew stronger, faster, more rhythmic. Again Madame Hivies called out an order and immediately Hundact began to push harder and deeper still, jamming the head of his penis deep into Iriel's windpipe. She started to gag, and to come, the muscles of her body straining against each other, in agony, and still the whip strokes came in.

The orgasm hit her, the muscles of her belly and bottom contracting hard at the exact moment Hundact filled her throat with hot jism. An instant later it was spurting from her nose, gush after gush, mixed with mucus and spittle, then sick as her stomach revolted. Still Hundact fucked her mouth and still she came, unable to stop herself under the agile fiddling of Vea's fingers.

Hoots of derisive laughter rose from the crowd as Iriel's body jerked in helpless spasms, climax after climax tearing through her, even as her buttocks jumped to the whip strokes and her sick bubbled out over Hundact's cock and balls. Helpless, her body reacting by instinct alone, images of herself tied and whipped and sucking cock burned in her mind, unbearable shame and unbearable ecstasy.

A final peak hit her as Hundact pulled his cock from her mouth. She screamed, all her sensations coming together in one final crescendo and it was done, her senses swimming, the last few strokes cutting into her bottom before her cunt closed, squashing out the mass of pimento pulp within, to fall to the roof with a squashy sound. Iriel hung limp.

The brilliant Oretean sunlight struck in through the window of Iriel's room in the House of Cunt. She lady on the bed, exhausted, indifferent to her nudity, the slim silver collar by which she was chained to the wall, even the jism bubbling slowly from her gaping tuppenny.

In the course of the morning she had been visited by forty-seven men. Nearly all had fucked her. Most had also used her mouth. Several had penetrated her bottom. A few had used all three orifices, and sometimes in an order that had left her mouth tasting of jism, earth and her own juices, a flavour that even the bowl of highly spiced stew she had been served for lunch had done little to dispel.

It was the second day of her confinement. Her whipping had been on the first, and once her hurt and bedraggled body had been released from the frame she had been bathed, washed, chained by the neck and left to rest, face down on a crude bed. Vea had given her an evening meal of stew and rice, also a draught of some heady wine, spiced and drugged to make her sleep.

She had woken to the light of dawn, her body still stiff and her buttocks smarting from her welts. It had made no difference to Madame Hivies, with men already queuing for Iriel's use on their way to their daily tasks. Still too groggy and dazed to resist, she had been dressed in a ridiculous parody of Aeg costume, made of uncured leather and held together with thongs.

Her resolution to fight had lasted until the fourth group of men had been let in to her chamber. In each case they had taken turns to fuck her while the others held her down, yet not one had escaped without bites and scratches. Finally her arousal at being ravished and at the way the men jostled to go first had overcome her resistance. The fifth set of men had found her willing, the sixth and seventh wanton.

By then she had been nude and tired, her nipples aching, her jaw aching, her tuppenny as sore as her welted bottom, her anal ring flaccid and bruised, both holes and her mouth running with sperm, also her nose, her belly and the valley between her breasts. Men had come in her face, her hair, her bottom crease, her belly button. She had been made to adopt obscene poses, to suck her own breasts, to masturbate, to finger her anus, to suck cocks that had been up her bottom.

Still it had not finished, group after group being admitted to her room, each man determined to get his money's worth out of her ravaged body, not one caring in the least for the state she was in. Only at an hour before had it stopped, and then because the House of Cunt shut for food and to give the girls a chance to put everything in order. Iriel had eaten, and was praying softly that she would be given the full hour to rest before the lunchtime rush she had been told to expect, yet already she could hear the excited conversation from the queue in the street beneath her window.

For what seemed an age she lay still, her mind barely focussed, not even bothering to move her bottom out of the pool of jism and juice beneath her. Vea had given her a perfunctory wash, but no more, commenting that it made little difference with so many men still to serve. Iriel barely heard and cared less, thinking only of the endless procession of cocks she had attended to, and which now seemed to march in columns through her mind.

The bead hanging that blocked off her room rustled and she looked up with a groan. Men were pushing into the room, one squat and as fat as butter, a second beefy with youth and vigour, the third and fourth the brothers, Yoides and Loumank the clerk. None bothered to acknowledge her, merely setting about her body, the fat man in her mouth, Loumank between her thighs, the others masturbating as the watched.

They used her thoroughly, laughing and joking among themselves all the while but never once addressing her save to order some new position or action. She was made to suck all four cocks, Loumank's after he had come in her tuppenny. She was made to masturbate in the clerk's jism while the fat man fucked her breasts. She was fucked two-in-one, squatting over Yoides while the young man drove his short, thick penis in and out of her bottom ring, entering the aching little hole repeatedly and then milking his jism into her open rectum. Yoides came last, pulling his cock from her tuppenny, poking it briefly up her slimy bottom ring, then finishing off in her mouth to leave her gagging on dirty sperm. They left, joking and complimenting one another on their performance.

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