Princess (20 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Princess
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‘Another barbarian girl?' one commented, making a mark on the charta. ‘Four in total then, which will make for a fine commission.'

Iriel opened her mouth to speak, but shut it hastily at the thought that Aeisla or Cianna might have won free. The man spoke to the wagoner.

‘You have too little here. Load into this beside you, and take the girl to that two up, which will serve as a slave wagon. Then take your team to assist in bringing the bombards forward.'

The wagoner assented and went to work, grumbling to himself as soon as his superiors were out of earshot. He attempted to lift Iriel as she was, but failed, forcing him to cut the cord that held her legs up to her chest before heaving her across his shoulder. She was carried across and dumped into the same wagon as the red haired girl, Cianna, who was unconscious, her face and breasts speckled with fresh come.

‘Another for you, Cruisack,' the wagoner said, applying a firm swat to Iriel's bottom, ‘you fortunate son of diseased goblin and a dung whore. While you drive your sluts to Vendjome I must haul heavy bombards. So says Overman Broidat, may he be fed to Belime's sacred mandrils.'

Cruisack chuckled and hauled Iriel further in, dragging her with difficulty by her bound ankles as he answered.

‘Six Oretean sluts and two of these giant barbarians. I shall be up to my balls every league of the way!'

‘You will skin your cock, with luck,' the other replied, ‘and besides, they are now Imperial property and not for fucking by the likes of you.'

Cruisack merely laughed and the other turned back to his work at an angry signal from a distant overseer. Iriel had been dumped with her head on a sack of some grainy substance with a mealy smell and managed to haul herself into a sitting position by wriggling her arms, legs and buttocks. Briefly her eyes met the gaze of an Oretean girl. She forced a smile, but the girl's expression remained one of abject misery. Cruisack hefted Cianna into a sitting position, threw water into her face, then stood. Cianna started to come round, shaking her head as Cruisack began to speak.

‘So girls, we are here, together, and I trust you all have the sense of make the best of our time. I am Cruisack the wagoner, and it is I who will be feeding you, watering you and indeed looking after your every need until we reach Vendjome. Some one third of the distance is Fujome, eight days down the Phaetes, to where we bring our wounded and likely join other wagons. Beyond, the road is better, so let us assume above twenty days of each others' company. Naturally I shall use you as I like, cunt and arsehole too, but those who show willing and make an effort to please may expect better treatment. Is this clear?'

Only two of the Oretean girls nodded but Cruisack went on regardless.

‘I am not a hard master, and when all is said and done I must bring you to Fujome in at least moderately good condition, yet there are certain rules. Break these, and I shall apply my camel whip to your dainty backsides. One, crap and piss only in the pot provided. Two, do not squabble, I detest the noise of female bickering. Three, obey my commands promptly and with zeal.'

‘How are we to eat with our hands tied?' Iriel demanded.

‘Or to use the pot,' an Oretean girl put in.

‘Simple,' Cruisack replied. ‘Your hands will not be tied. We have been designated as a slave wagon and presently I will be provided with collars, hobbles, coffle irons and other necessities.'

Iriel nodded. Cruisack jumped down from the wagon and disappeared from view. Cianna shook her head, spat, cursed and managed a weak smile for Iriel.

‘What of Aeisla?' Iriel asked.

Cianna shook her head. ‘I do not know. And the others?'

‘They live,' Iriel answered, ‘and like us are taken. ‘Both are in a wagon further down the line. I have not seen Aeisla and already a manifest has been taken.'

‘Then she is free,' Cianna answered, ‘that or in the Feast Hall.'

She pursed her lips and turned to look out of the back of the wagon, determined, only to suddenly dissolve in tears and hot, choking sobs. Iriel pushed out her feet, pressing them to Cianna's hip, the only contact she could make, even as her own eyes filmed with tears. Suddenly Cianna turned, her mouth curved up into a forced smile.

‘She will be highly placed indeed, and as to us, by this means as by the other, we shall reach Vendjome.'

For six days they rode the wagon, as part of an army column bringing the loot of the Erijome Forts and the wounded back into the Vendjomois Empire. Always they were beside the Phaetes, first with bleak desert to the left but gradually giving way to scrub, then to groves of blade tree and another with odd feathery foliage and at last to olive groves, vineyard and fields of melons and wheat.

Cruisack was as good as his word, punishing only those who made his life difficult and rewarding those in whose mouths he could safely put his cock with a ration of meat in the tasteless gruel he drew from the sacks. He fucked both Iriel and Cianna, but made no effort to make them suck. Both behaved, unable to fight or to escape with their legs hobbled and their broad iron collars on a coffle chain linked to the main frame of the wagon.

On the evening of the seventh day Fujome appeared as a smoky blotch on the horizon, visible from the rear of the wagon as Cruisack tended his camels. They were in a broad, dusty area beside a village, and as they waited for the beasts to be attended to the inhabitants came out, to stare curiously into the rear of the wagon, ignored by the guards. Iriel stared back, annoyed by the quality of their attention, as if she were some curious beast rather than a girl.

Presently Cruisack appeared, climbing into the back of the wagon to arrange the girls' feeding bowls and split a new meal sack, part of which he poured into a squat cauldron. Adding water, he began to stir, all the while grinning at the girls, then speaking as he produced a handful of dried meat pieces from a pocket in his robe.

They ate, two Oretean girls being given extra meat for sucking Cruisack, one on his cock and the other with his balls in her mouth, in full view of the villagers, who watched in dumb envy. Amused by his audience, Cruisack turned the girls, buggered one, and had the other lick his come from her dribbling anus. It left the villagers gaping and whispering among themselves, Iriel with a tingling tuppenny and a shameful desire to do the same.

As the girls ate the villagers began to loose interest, drifting off in ones and twos until as the light began to fade they were alone again. Iriel finished her meal slowly, wishing for the spices the Oreteans had included even in the food they had eaten from the trough in Assanach's caravan. Finished, she used the pot and settled down against the meal sacks, drifting to sleep as she watched the flicker of firelight in distant Fujome.

She came awake what seemed moments later, starting at the feel of a hand on her shoulder. Cruisack's voice sounded by her ear, an urgent hiss.

‘Quiet! Do you care to earn a double ration of meat tomorrow?'

‘I…,' Iriel managed. ‘How… for what?'

‘Spiced sausage also, and a cup of wine,' he urged, ‘if you will only do as I say and hold your tongue afterwards. Otherwise, I swear I will find a pretext to take a camel whip to your backside, strung from a frame, and…'

‘There is no call for threats,' Iriel answered him. ‘You have fucked me, have you not? So yes, I will suck without biting.'

‘Not I,' he answered, ‘a man from the village, one Builard, a retired functionary.'

‘He was among those who watched us earlier?'

‘No, but his servants were. He dined with our Captain also and knows you are for the Imperial seraglio.'

‘We are?'

‘Where else? Such exotics are rare. No matter that. Come with me to Builard's villa, please him as he demands and be assured of my good will.'

‘Just so, but answer me one question, which in turn you must keep to yourself or I shall reveal your doings and doubtless whatever sum this man is paying you will be confiscated.'

‘You wish a portion of the money? What would you do with it? You are a slave.'

‘I have no wish for money. I wish to know if a fifth Aeg girl was taken at Erijome… a barbarian like me, also red haired, but taller by a head, or found among the dead.'

‘Taller than you by a head!? No, if any such girl had been taken alive I would know. I know nothing of those who died, but few escaped.'

‘I thank you then, and will keep faith.'

‘A wise choice. Now come, and quietly!'

He quickly unlocked the end of the chain and slipped it from her collar. She climbed down, Cruisack helping, and together they slipped into the night. All five moons were up, the largest at full, bathing the fields in silver radiance so bright that they were obliged to keep low as they skirted a vineyard before ducking in among an orchard of lemon trees. Beyond was a track, and across it a low villa concealed within a groove of feather tree. Cruisack went to the door, knocked and hastily pulled Iriel inside.

A Cypraean had opened the door, a man of Iriel's own height, bulky with flesh and darker skinned than anyone she had seen before, naked and with an impressive cock hanging between his legs. He bowed to Cruisack but gave Iriel a knowing wink. She smiled in return as two others appeared, an elderly man, small and dumpy beneath a loose robe and a plump, pretty woman. Others could be heard elsewhere in the house.

‘The barbarian, Iriel, Honoured Builard,' Cruisack announced with a polite bow to the old man.

‘Excellent,' the man replied. ‘Oklin, take it into the ablutions and bugger it.'

‘I am not a nymph!' Iriel answered, insulted and surprised. ‘I am a girl…'

Oklin, the Cypraean, answered her with another wink as he took her arm, to lead her from the hallway through one room and into another, bare but for a number of china troughs, a pipe set with spigots and two padded stools. Builard and the small woman had followed, and sat down as Oklin began to paw Iriel's bottom. Cruisack stood in the doorway.

‘It feeds well?' Builard demanded.

‘Well indeed,' Cruisack answered.

‘Excellent!' he stated happily and sat back, leaning against the wall.

He pulled up his robe, revealing a dark, heavily hooded penis and a bulbous scrotum. Oklin had taken Iriel's breasts in hand from behind and was fondling them as he rubbed his cock in the crease of her bottom. It was making her tuppenny tingle, and she swallowed her chagrin, realising that it would be the big Cypraean slave who she performed with, at least first. Builard was playing with his cock and balls, while the plump woman had pulled off her tunic to expose dumpling breasts, a belly soft with rings of fat, chubby thighs and a well furred tuppenny mound. She too began to stroke herself as Oklin hardened between Iriel's buttocks.

‘Down now,' Oklin stated, hoarse with passion. ‘Hold your cheeks wide for me, and make sure the Master sees.'

Iriel nodded, embarrassed but good to her word, getting down on all fours before reaching back to spread her bottom. As her tuppenny and bottom ring came on show Builard's masturbation immediately became more urgent, while the woman gave a pleased moan and stuck a finger into her cunt. Oklin got down, to settle his rigid cock between Iriel's cheeks, rubbing gently with his balls tickling her skin. She pushed out, thinking of how big his cock felt and trying to let her arousal rise. It was coming, but slowly, while he seemed more than ready.

Oklin spat, into the crease of Iriel's bottom, pushed his cock head into the piece of mucus and put it to Iriel's anus. She found herself grimacing at the slimy feeling, but forced herself to relax as he rubbed it into her, gradually opening her hole with his cock. His spare hand curled under her belly, to rub at her tuppenny. She sighed in pleasure, then gasped as the head of his cock was pushed firmly into her bottom, spreading the ring on hard meat. Builard gave a little high-pitched giggle of delight, then spoke.

‘Good Oklin, that is right. Now push it up.'

Immediately Oklin began to force himself up into Iriel's rectum, making her gasp again as her ring pushed in, then cry out at sudden, bruising pain. Oklin pulled back. His cock head left her hole. Again he spat, full on her anus, the little ring still slightly open. She felt the mucus go in, then his cock found her hole and she was stretched open again, the now slimy head popping in, and some shaft, until once more he met dry flesh as her ring pushed in.

‘Faster!' the woman demanded. ‘And tell me if she is packed.'

Oklin answered with a grunt and pushed again. Iriel bit her lip to the pain but held her buttocks as wide as they would go as another couple of inches of thick penis was forced into her rectum. Even the biggest of Oreteans had been easier to take in her passage, and she already felt bloated, as if with a few more pushes the huge thing would come out of her mouth.

‘She is packed, well packed,' Oklin groaned as he jammed yet more cock up into Iriel's bottom.

The woman sighed and began to rub at her bump. Iriel glanced back, to find Builard jerking frantically at an enlarged but still flaccid penis, the wet head pulled clear of the foreskin. Oklin had stopped pushing, and was working his cock gently back and forth in her bottom ring. She let go of her cheeks and relaxed, enjoying the buggery now the painful part was over, only for him to give a sudden, hard shove, to make her eyes pop and set her panting as the last few inches of his erection were jammed hard up her bottom. His balls met her empty tuppenny and he started to bugger her in earnest. Her breasts began to swing to the motion and the pleasure quickly returned.

‘Do it!' the woman demanded. ‘Do it now, I am ready!'

Builard gave a little squeal of joy as the woman scrambled down onto her knees beside Iriel and Oklin. Puzzled, Iriel twisted back, wondering if she was to be made to lick. Yet the woman was by her hip, kneeling as she rubbed herself. Then Oklin had begun to push harder and faster and everything but the feel of the cock up her bottom was knocked from her mind. Her mouth came wide in ecstasy, her hand went back to her tuppenny and she was masturbating, helpless in her passion, determined to come with the huge cock still up her bottom.

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