Princess (4 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Princess
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All thoughts decency had gone, Iriel squirmed in wanton delight on the rough wooden boards as she was buggered, sucking one cock, two others in her hands. Another nymph mounted her chest, to rub his erection in the soft, meaty valley between her breasts. Jism splashed over her hand, then more, across her face from some unseen nymph, even as the one if her mouth exploded down her throat.

Still the one in her bottom kept going, pulling her ring slowly in and out on his cock, a feeling utterly dirty yet so delicious she never wanted it to stop, save that when it did it would be the signal for other, more precious hole to be used. Another nymph stuck his cock in her mouth, the one between her breasts came, over her neck and face and into her cleavage, leaving a slippery mess for his replacement to fuck in. Still she was buggered, deep and hard, the cock in her rectum seeming to reach right up to join the one being jammed into her throat.

Hot jism bubbled over her second hand and one more had come. Again her mouth filled, briefly making her gag, to cough up a mixture of jism and spit onto her chest, adding to the lubrication for the one fucking her breasts. Then, abruptly, her bottom was full, the cock up her hole jammed deep one last time before she felt her rectum swell to the sudden explosion of jism. She gasped in ecstasy, more jism drooling from her lips. The one between her breasts came, full in her open mouth, into which he plunged his cock, balls and all, to set her cheeks bulging even as more jism was pumped up her straining bottom hole.

Then it was over, suddenly, the cock in her mouth withdrawn, the one in her bottom pulled slowly free to leave her ring bubbling dirty juice down her crease. She moaned, burning frustration rising in her head at the thought of her maidenhead being left intact, only for the sound to change to a sigh as she felt one more of the creatures come between her legs.

She reached down, to hold the lovely cock being pushed at her virgin tuppenny, guiding it home, tugging on the shaft as she put the full, rounded head to her wet flesh. The creature chittered in delight, pushed, tight against her maidenhead, then slipped, once more almost penetrating her bottom ring. This time she was ready, she still had hold of his cock, and with a satisfied purr she put the head back to the proper hole, holding it in place as her fingers went to the little sensitive bump at the top of her tuppenny. She began to rub, masturbating shamelessly in a welter of jism and juice, her pleasure rising steeply even as dull pain came to her hole, then sharp, but she was coming, in blinding ecstasy even as her hymen burst to a cock already pumping sperm into the cavity beyond.

Chapter Two – Staive Cintes

Iriel had lost all track of time. The nymphs had finished with her long before, and she had been lying in a jism sodden dream, masturbating lazily to make herself come over and over again to the thought of her ravishment and the smell of the bull-nymph's musk. Only the tang of sea air brought her out of her daze, and the sharp jolt of shame as light flooded down on her soiled body brought her fully around.

The hatch above her head had opened, to reveal a square of rich golden light and the head of the tall girl. Abruptly Iriel closed her thighs and slapped her hands to her breasts, blood rushing to her face at the realisation of just what she had done before fear hit her at the undoubted consequences.

‘I… I could not help myself!' she stammered. ‘I was not my choice! I was ravished! Please!'

‘Be calm,' the tall girl laughed, ‘and when you have quite finished playing with your tuppenny, come on deck. You will want a voice in the council we are taking.'

Iriel didn't answer, the girl's calm, amused tone just too greatly at odds with the hysterical reaction she had expected. The scene on the quay came back, memory returned only slowly through the disabling haze of nymph musk. She managed a smile, remembering Kaissia and wondering if the tall girl was not herself shamed.

‘Come,' the girl said, reaching down, ‘let us have you out of there, or I'll ravish you myself, the way that musk stinks.'

Iriel climbed unsteadily to her feet, her skirts falling to cover her legs as she pulled her breasts back inside her well soiled bodice. Thoroughly embarrassed, also confused, she allowed herself to be pulled up onto the deck. The other girls stood about, Yi by the rail, Kaissia and the barbarian near the mast. Looking up, Iriel saw the little yellow-brown seamen, working in the rigging with frantic energy while another, richly dressed and elaborately coifed, was calling urgent orders from the sterncastle deck. Glancing out across the sea she saw the loom of Aegmund, with five black-hulled raiders lit bright by the falling sun. Sudden fear welled up, all the concerns pushed down by her musk induced lust returning, and worse. The tall girl laughed.

‘We have the length on them, do not fear. Captain Baltrank states that Aeg sail design is clumsy and obsolete. From the way we have been drawing ahead from the very start of the chase I believe him.'

‘Captain Baltrank?' Iriel queried.

The tall girl jerked her thumb towards the man on the deck above them.

‘While you have been amusing yourself with the cargo, we up here have been about the business of departing Aegerion without first being dipped in pig dung and put to troll cock.'

New blushes rose to Iriel's face at the crude words, but the tall girl merely laughed, then spoke again.

‘I am Aeisla, born an artisan in the barony of Korismund on the northern borders of Aegmund but now a Reeveling. Here is Cianna, from the backlands, there Kaissia who you evidently know. Beyond is Yi, the daughter of a dung-gatherer and presumably also known to you?'

‘Yes,' Iriel answered, awe flooding over her as she realised who she was talking to. ‘You are Aeisla, truly, of the three sagas?'

‘I am,' the tall girl answered, ‘and Cianna was with me in Makea. She is now my maid.'

Iriel could only manage a dumb nod, then looked to the other girls. Kaissia had been washed, and was dressed in a petticoat and chemise considerably too large for her, presumably Aeisla's. Yi was also clean, but retained her ragged dress, now more soiled and torn than before. Cianna was as before, and entirely calm, while the other two looked nervous and forlorn. Aeisla went on.

‘Captain Baltrank, needless to say, is not overly pleased at this turn of events. Yet he is pragmatic and preferred the possibility of swords and arrows later to my axe immediately. He intends to outrun the Aeg raiders before considering further action. Meanwhile, there is little he can do about our presence save put us ashore at a place of our choosing. The question is, where?'

All four girls were paying attention, Cianna casual, Kaissia sulky, Yi frightened. Iriel considered the question, indecisive, thinking of what lay in store for her if she returned. Public humiliation, beating and ravishment would be the least of it. She might be accused of collusion with Aeisla, maybe ducked or put in a dung barrel to test her truthfulness. To remain on the ship was little better, in the company of lecherous seaman, an axe-wielding giantess who was reputedly mad, a file-toothed barbarian, a shamed lady and a girl who had been ravished by a troll.

‘What of Mund?' she suggested. ‘In Thieron or some other fine city I… we might employ our trades or find our station. The High-Prince's anger would mean nothing, even allow us to build an escutcheon.'

‘It is possible,' Aeisla stated, and would have continued only to be cut off.

‘Mund!' Kaissia exclaimed, glancing down at where her chemise bodice hid her tattooed breasts. ‘I would be put in a celibentuary! Where then your honour and pride, Aeisla?'

Aeisla shrugged. ‘True, and to make for Mund also means turning our track back, dodging High-Prince Nerangarian's raiders and navigating the Grey Deans. I am against it, and Captain Baltrank is sure to be also. The same is true for the Glass Coast, which would be difficult for me in any case.'

‘It was there she slew the great warrior Kroth,' Cianna put in proudly.

‘More by luck than skill,' Aeisla added, ‘but in fair combat. By their tradition I thus take on his honours, which in turn go to whoever slays me. There are other matters also, but doubtless you have heard the saga.'

‘Ateron?' Cianna suggested, ‘or any point along the north coast of Aegmund. ‘We could make our way to Korismund.'

‘I am still shamed!' Kaissia pointed out.

‘The interior then,' Cianna replied, ‘where few would care.'

‘I care!' Kaissia snapped. ‘Who would marry me, with the marks on my breasts and doubtless rumours circulating of how I was shamed so publicly? Any highborn man would be ashamed to ravish me.'

‘Where then?' Aeisla asked. ‘The Aeg are hardly popular across the Roads, and I know how they treat the girls. In Aponan or Poran they would chain us in a house where men would pay for the use of our bodies, or pump beer into the cavities of our bottoms and take bets as to which of us could spray the furthest. Doubtless there are other games, equally degraded. They take slaves too, so we would very likely be sold, split up and traded elsewhere.'

‘Slaves?' Kaissia broke in. ‘As with your sagas in Vendjome and Makea? To be the property of another, like a dog or a horse? Never!'

Cianna responded with a shudder of horror, as did Iriel. Yi merely cast a sulky look towards the distant land.

‘Utan?' Cianna suggested.

‘To live with dwarfs?' Kaissia demanded in disgust.

‘There are worse fates,' Aeisla replied. ‘They are strange, but do not take slaves.'

‘A fine life that,' Cianna put in, ‘with folk whose heads barely reach our chests? Who would I fuck with?'

‘Not Utan then,' Aeisla sighed. ‘Yet we must choose. If we remain on the ship we will eventually arrive in Oretea.'

‘Is Oretea a bad choice?' Kaissia questioned. ‘These seamen seem docile enough, and Captain Baltrank is not wholly repulsive, while I see his arms are marked with tattoos. Perhaps I might yet find a worthy life.'

‘Perhaps,' Aeisla answered, ‘but I doubt it. The Oreteans take slaves, and girls with blonde or copper hair are highly valued, all natives having the black locks you will note on the crew. On ship we are safe enough, but in port I suspect we would be taken and sold.'

‘Not so,' Captain Baltrank interjected as he descended the companionway to their deck. ‘We are not Vendjomois, who enslave all but their own race. In Oretea slavery comes only to those who have earned it, the criminal, those taken in debt or in war. So long as you could support yourselves there would be no danger, and besides, many opt for slavery by choice. A slave must be provided for, by law. You would be protected, fed, subjected to no harsher punishment than the statuettes permit…'

‘It is unthinkable!' Kaissia broke in, the other girls quickly nodding in agreement.

‘Then you would have to work,' he went on. ‘Do you have trades?'

‘I am a dung-gatherer,' Yi said quietly.

‘I am a seamstress,' Iriel put in, ‘an apprentice only, but…'

‘Worthy trades both!' Baltrank put in heartily. ‘And you others?'

‘I am a maid by training,' Cianna admitted.

‘Kaissia is highborn,' Aeisla stated, ‘and I am elevated. Common work is beneath us, but might we not be desirable as wives among those of suitable rank?'

‘Frankly, no,' Baltrank answered. ‘As I suspect is the case with your own upper echelons, marriage is only permitted between those of appropriate house. To marry a barbarian girl, if you will excuse the term for the way we view your people, would be unthinkable. You could enslave yourselves, certainly, to any family of your choice so long as the man rules…'

‘No,' Aeisla answered.

Baltrank shrugged, then went on.

‘Why be obstinate? You have no trade, yet you are beautiful. As a slave little more would be expected of you than to disport yourself to advantage, make love to order, perhaps offer the occasional lewd entertainment…'

‘I have heard it before,' Aeisla cut him off, ‘the phrase has stuck in my mind – “nothing to do but powder your cunts”. It is not acceptable. Is there nothing else a woman of high-status might do in Oretea? Some diplomatic or military role, even scriptural?'

‘I can write,' Kaissia put in. ‘I have been commended for the beauty of my capitals.'

‘It is possible, I suppose,' Baltrank admitted, ‘although in my view foolish. Why labour when you can rest? As to your other suggestions, I hesitate to dispute your ability after viewing your axe work, Aeisla, and yet the idea of a woman in the Oretean army would be laughed to scorn, even a giantess.'

Aeisla gave a sigh.

‘If four of us can hope to thrive, or at least live with honour, then I am for Oretea.'

‘A wise choice,' Baltrank agreed, ‘and doubtless once in Staive Cintes, our home port, matters will resolve themselves.'

He paused, to stroke the elaborate curls of the heavily oiled beard that hung to the slight swell of his belly. His eyes, small and black beneath heavy lids, flicked quickly across the girls, then back to Aeisla.

‘Thus and so, it is a long voyage to Staive Cintes, the better part of a month at the least, even allowing for favourable winds. We may travel in two manners, in friendship or in enmity. I suggest the former.'

‘By all means,' Aeisla answered.

‘I also,' he went on, ‘wish no bickering jealousy among my crew. There must be order, and none favoured above another, myself included. Thus I must either respectfully suggest that all five of you remain celibate for the duration of the voyage, or that each pick those she wishes to keep satisfied.'

‘Those?' Cianna queried.

‘Naturally,' Baltrank answered. ‘There are five of you and twenty-four of us. Should you be allotted to myself, the two mates, the navigator and perhaps the supervisor of cargo, I can guarantee unrest. Alternatively, should each of you chose the man most favourable to you, nineteen will remain unsatisfied, again risking difficulties. This is why there are no women on Oretean ships when on the long hauls, and the reason for my offer: celibacy or plurality. Naturally I would prefer the latter once more, and will go so far as to take advantage of my rank to claim exclusivity. What of it?'

Aeisla glanced to the other girls. Cianna gave a happy shrug. Kaissia heaved a sigh. Yi continued to look at the deck. Iriel grimaced, thinking of the bull-nymphs.

‘At present it is hard to make a decision,' Aeisla stated. ‘I for one would gladly couple. Otherwise, allow us two… no, three days of celibacy to decide. More and I suspect jealousies will begin to grow in any event.'

‘You are wise beyond your age,' Baltrank responded, bowing a trifle. ‘Three days then.'

Iriel threw Aeisla a thankful glance, then looked to a pair of seamen who were drawing a bucket up from the sea a few paces along the rail.

‘Might I wash?'

For the next two days the Gull of Cintes sailed west and south, turning the point of the Grey Cape on the third. Pursuit had been abandoned, yet a group of Aeg horsemen were looking down from the cliff top, black against grey sky, sat perfectly still on their mounts until lost from vision. The sight filled Iriel with a sense of melancholy, and she continued to watch until at last the rough grey cliffs of her homeland had faded to a line of hazy violet low across the horizon.

Only with the evening meal did her mood restore itself. The cruelty and ill-humour of Mistress Loida was behind her, and with it the threat of public humiliation, pain, soiling, ducking. In their place she had a distant and strange city to look forward to, in which if what Baltrank said was true, she would easily be able to find a place to exercise her trade, and for pay rather than mere food and lodging.

Meanwhile, once the meal was done, she and the others would be choosing their companions for the remainder of the voyage. Debate had been brief, Aeisla and Cianna more than content for sex, Yi reluctant but soon giving in, Kaissia alone refusing to make a decision. The shock of the way Iriel had been taken by the nymphs had died more quickly than she had expected, to be replaced by a desire to try out the new found pleasures of her body. Never had she suspected that the introduction of a cock to her tuppenny could feel so wonderful, for all her friends' assurances. While still deeply shameful, her buggery had also been a pleasure, at least once the nymph's cock had been firmly installed up her bottom.

What would have been an unbearable disgrace was also made easier by the fact that the Oretean seaman thought no differently of her for surrendering herself. Nor did the other girls, Kaissia and Yi not surprisingly after their own experiences, and Aeisla and Cianna apparently indifferent. Only Captain Baltrank had even remarked directly on the matter, and then only to joke that she should not exhaust his valuable cargo before they reached Staive Cintes.

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