Pretty Packages (28 page)

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Authors: Mi'Chelle Dodson

BOOK: Pretty Packages
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As soon as their lips touched,
and Giada completely forgot where they were. It didn’t really matter, though. Around them were other serious couples kissing on the dance floor, at tables, and up against the walls. As wanton as the ball attendees were behaving now, one would never believe that they were some of
’s most prestigious legal minds.

But they were. Fortunately, the law firm had a Vegas-like motto for all of their office parties and social events, “What happens here, stays here,”
which meant they could get as frisky as they wanted without fear of judgment or exposure. No camera phones or other recordable electronic devices were allowed at their parties for that very same reason.

and Giada continued to kiss and grind against one another on the dance floor. It wasn’t until the Kerrigans bumped up against them by “accident” that they were reminded of the need for privacy.

“Come on, baby, let’s go find a private spot,”
said upon breaking the kiss. “I may like making love in all kinds of places, but I don’t like having an audience when I do. Plus, I don’t want anybody getting any ideas about joining us.” He nodded toward the Kerrigans when he said that last part.

Giada looked where he indicated and frowned. “I see your point.”

Saying their good-byes to those they encountered on the way to the exit,
and Giada went in search of their private spot.

Chapter Twenty-Four


and Giada’s private spot turned out to be his house. It didn’t require any extra expense, and it was far away from any swingers like the Kerrigans. Not only that, but it gave
a chance to see all the new tricks Giada had been practicing during her lonely hours.

“I see you’ve been busy while I was away,” he said, sitting in a chair in his candlelit bedroom, watching his woman do a striptease routine a few feet away.

“Yes, I had to fill my lonely hours with something constructive,” Giada said, removing the last piece of her costume to the sensual beat coming from the stereo.

moaned with passion at the vision before him. Giada had on nothing but two red pasties, a black-and-red thong, and black garters. When she turned around, smiled seductively back at him, and then slapped one cheek heartily before jiggling them both with a strong bounce, he reached for her. It was time to feast upon this hot tamale.

“Uh-uh,” Giada said, quickly moving out of
’s reach. “The female dancers don’t get touched, remember?”

groaned in frustration, dropping his hands back down to his sides. “Unless she gives the man explicit permission to do so,” he added, referring to one exception to that rule. “What about it, baby? Can I
touch you?” His voice was the deepest and huskiest it had ever been.

“Not yet, Kenny,” Giada replied, though her eyes said yes. “I’ll give you permission a little later. I really want to try my hand at this lap dancing thing first. I won’t be able to pull it off if you touch me right now.”

“Fine, but at least let me get out of this costume,”
replied, still dressed in full pirate’s gear. The only thing he didn’t have on was his hat. “I want to be ready when you finally give me that green light to touch you . . . and do so much more.” He licked his lips with anticipation.

“Okay, but leave your briefs on. If you get completely nude, I might attack

chuckled and stood up to quickly disrobe. When he was done, he returned to his seat.
Let the rest of the show commence!


* * * *


Giada’s lap dance began in earnest. With her arms about
’s strong neck and her legs on either side of his thighs, she grinded in an erotic circle a few feet above him. Her back remained arched and her thrusts remained strong as she inched closer and closer to his hardened desire. Each movement was in perfect timing to the slow music playing in the background.

The whole time Giada watched
’s face. She got to see his eyes blaze with desire as they followed the rotation of her hips. She got to witness the way he kept licking his lips when gazing at her breasts. She got to hear his breath hitch when he thought surely
time she’d touch down upon him.

Finally Giada did touch down. She moaned louder than
the music as her valley skimmed suggestively over his mountain range, allowing them to feel each other in the most intimate of ways.

“I need to touch you now,”
said, not even waiting for permission as he grabbed her bottom with both hands and squeezed her closer. His hips thrust upwards in invitation.

“Yes, baby,” Giada agreed, issuing that permission anyway before negotiating a compromise. “But let me drive, okay?”

“Okay. This is your show tonight,”
said, stilling his hips. After giving her bottom one more firm squeeze, he released it and then moved his hands upwards to her breasts.

Moving all necessary items of clothing out the way, Giada joined them with deft fingers. She didn’t even have to look down to do it either, having memorized the planes of his body by now.

Then, returning her arms to
’s neck, she used that hold as leverage to ride him very, very slowly.



Down Giada went, causing sweat to break out on
’s forehead. His mouth gaped open, but no words came out.



Up Giada rose, moving just as slowly, drawing out every second of their coupling. There was something special about tonight. There was something that demanded this unhurried pace so that every movement, every nuance could be thoroughly committed to memory.

Groaning loudly,
seemed to feel the difference in tonight, as well. Thankfully he didn’t dare rush the moment by prompting a slamfest. Instead he allowed Giada to maintain the pace she’d set while his mouth feasted upon her neck and plump melons.

’s hands got in on the action by roaming up and down Giada’s back, giving her any extra support she needed. Every now and then those hands would dip lower to squeeze her bottom. She liked that he never forgot to do that.

With their simultaneous moans penetrating the air around them, Giada picked up the pace. She also increased the force behind her thrusts. The rotation of her thrusts changed as well as she began to ride him hard.


Back and forth.

Rocking chair.

Bucking bull.

Oh, yes, Giada rode
well. She rode him so well that the man actually began to . . .


didn’t actually burst out into tears, but two stubborn drops did escape his glossy eyes and slide down his cheeks.

Suddenly their gazes met and held. Their hips stilled as the moment became even more special.

Giada had never felt more powerful than at this very moment. Yet all she wanted to do was lie at
’s feet. She was humbled by his potent reaction to her lovemaking. She was proud of the way he didn’t look away in shame at his tears.

Leaning close to his face, Giada proceeded to lick those tears away in a slow upwards track. By the time she made it up to his right eyelid,
was breathing hard and sweating profusely as he fought for control of himself.

Leaning back a little, Giada gasped at the feral look in his eyes. Her heart hammered in her chest because she knew, she just knew she was going to get it now . . .

In a good way.

In the best way.


* * * *


Overwhelmed by his deep passion and even deeper love for her,
snatched Giada to him again. Capturing her lips and her hips, he went for broke.

Kentucky was in control now . . . and yet not in control at all as he went wild within her, stroking more fervently than he ever had before. It was a good thing the chair was built sturdily. Otherwise all that rocking would have surely weakened its legs and sent them sailing to the floor.

Giada tightened her hold about
’s neck as he proceeded to teach her what the word union really meant. With each stroke it became abundantly clear that they were no longer two people in this pivotal moment. They were one.


and Giada surrendered to ecstasy as one, too. Even their voices rose in unison, drowning out the music still playing in the background. No doubt neighbors thought wolves were in the area howling at the moon.

When it was over, Giada collapsed against
’s sweat-drenched body and burst into tears. “I love you so much, Kenny,” she said, clinging to him. “I’m so glad I met you. I don’t know what I’d do without you, baby,” she sobbed, still looking in awe of what just happened between them. Fear registered in her eyes about what they stood to lose if they were to ever break up.

“I’m not going anywhere, baby,” Kentucky replied, his voice thick with emotion as he ran his soothing hands up and down her back. She was literally trembling as she cried against him. “I belong to you. You belong to me. Nothing is gonna change that,”
continued, still using his hands and his voice to soothe her. “Remember we still have those four kids to raise together?”

“I remember,” Giada said, growing increasingly calmer by the second at that reminder of her vision. Her eyes quickly dried.

“All that’s left for us to do now is make it official.”
chuckled and added, “I don’t know about you, but I think we’ve already had our honeymoon. Tonight was unbelievable.”

Giada chuckled, too. “I think you’re right. Tonight
unbelievable.” She withdrew to look him in the face. “As for making it official, I can hardly wait to be your wife. By the way, did I ever tell you that I want white doves released at my wedding?”

said teasingly, very familiar with Giada’s wish list like all the other men before him. “I even know what kind of wedding dress you want handmade for that special day.”

Giada poked him playfully in the side. “Stop teasing me!”

faked an injury. “Now what I don’t know is what kind of lingerie you intend on wearing underneath that lace-trimmed dress.”

“That’s because I intend on wearing nothing underneath it.” Giada smiled slyly and added, “Well, nothing except for an edible thong.”

Inhaling sharply,
’s body instantly stirred to life again. “Let’s lie down and talk about this edible thong a little bit more,” he said, moving to carry her over to the bed for round two.

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