
Read Copia Online

Authors: Erika Meitner

BOOK: Copia
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Copyright © 2014 by Erika Meitner

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition

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Publications by BOA Editions, Ltd.—a not-for-profit corporation under section 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code—are made possible with funds from a variety of sources, including public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency; the Literature Program of the National Endowment for the Arts; the County of Monroe, NY; the Lannan Foundation for support of the Lannan Translations Selection Series; the Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust; the Rochester Area Community Foundation; the Arts & CulturalCouncil for Greater Rochester; the Steeple-Jack Fund; the Ames-Amzalak Memorial Trust in memory of Henry Ames, Semon Amzalak and Dan Amzalak; and contributions from many individuals nationwide. See Colophon on
page 104
for special individual acknowledgments.

Cover Design: Sandy Knight

Interior Design and Composition: Richard Foerster

Manufacturing: McNaughton & Gunn

BOA Logo: Mirko

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Meitner, Erika, 1975–

  [Poems. Selections]

  Copia / by Erika Meitner. — First edition.

       pages ; cm

  ISBN 978-1-938160-46-2 (paperback) — ISBN 978-1-938160-47-9 (ebook)

  I. Title.

  PS3613.E436A6 2014



BOA Editions, Ltd.

250 North Goodman Street, Suite 306

Rochester, NY 14607

A. Poulin, Jr., Founder (1938–1996)



  1. Litany of Our Radical Engagement with the Material World
  2. Niagara [White towels . . .]
  3. Big Box Encounter
  4. Correspondence
  5. with/out
  6. Staking a Claim
  7. Interrobang
  8. Niagara [Witness this:]
  9. Past-Future/Future-Past
  10. Terra Nullius [When we were done . . .]
  11. Apologetics
  12. Retail Space Available


  1. Maple Ridge [It rains and rains . . .]
  2. untitled [and the moon]
  3. Yizker Bukh
  4. And the moon
  5. Yiddishland
  6. Inconsequential Alchemy
  7. Snowpocalypse
  8. To Whom It May Concern:
  9. One Version of December
  10. Wal
    Mart Supercenter
  11. You return the Torah to the ark
  12. The Architecture of Memory
  13. Let the future begin this way:
  14. Maple Ridge [It is nearly Halloween . . .]


  1. The Book of Dissolution
  2. Post-Industrialization
  3. By Other Means
  4. Ghostbox
  5. In/exhaustible
  6. All That Blue Fire
  7. Outside the Abandoned Packard Plant
  8. And After the Ark
  9. The Language of Happiness
  10. Inside the Frame
  11. Outside the Frame
  12. Borderama
  13. Terra Nullius [The poem in which . . .]
  14. Cosmogony/Progeny
  15. Ars Poetica with Radio Apparatus, Toddler, & Ducks
  16. Porto, Portare, Portavi, Portatus

copia, n.


Etymology: Latin; = plenty.

Plenty, a plentiful supply: now chiefly in the Latin phrase
copia verborum,
abundance of words, a copious vocabulary. Also the Roman goddess of wealth or plenty.

a. Plenty, abundance, a copious quantity.

b. Fullness, plenitude. Obs.

c. esp. of language: Copiousness, abundance, fullness, richness.

1713 J. Addison in
8 Sept. 1/2 Since they [
women] have . . .such a
Copia Verborum
, or plenty of Words, 'tis Pity they should not put it to some Use.

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