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Authors: Erika Meitner

BOOK: Copia
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The title
was taken from photographer Brian Ulrich's photography project of the same name (

“Retail Space Available” and “Ghostbox” were based on interviews with photographer Brian Ulrich, about his experiences photographing sites for his project
Dark Stores, Ghost Boxes, and Dead Malls

“with/out” is after Janice N. Harrington's poem “Heat,” from her book
Even the Hollow My Body Made Is Gone
(BOA Editions, 2007).

Both “Niagara” poems are based on images from the photo series of the same name, by Alec Soth (
), as well as interviews with the photographer about his experiences on the project.

Some of the phrases in “Let the future begin this way:” were taken from photographer Danny Lyon's book
Pictures from the New World
(Aperture, 1988) and
The New American Ghetto
by photographer Camilo José Vergara (Rutgers University Press, 1997). The last four lines are from Romans 10:15.

The Yiddish lines in “Yiddishland” come from
Di folks-shprakh
, by Y. Klepfish (Warsaw: Farlag “Progress,” 1909–1910) as cited in
Adventures in Yiddishland
by Jeffrey Shandler (University of California Press, 2006).

“To Whom It May Concern:” contains language from an NPR story by Daniel Zwerdling, called “A Bright Spot of Life on the Icy Continent” (March 15, 2008).

“The Book of Dissolution” was inspired by James Griffioen's photographs and account of his explorations of the former Detroit Public Schools Book Depository/Roosevelt Warehouse, as recounted on his blog (

“Post-Industrialization,” “All That Blue Fire,” “Outside the Abandoned Packard Plant,” “And After the Ark,” “Inside the Frame,” “Outside the Frame,” and “Borderama” were commissioned by
Virginia Quarterly Review
for the Spring 2011 issue, entitled
Ruin & Rebirth
. These documentary poems resulted from a reporting trip to Detroit with Jesse
Dukes and Kate Ringo in August 2010, and would not exist had it not been for their hard work on the project, and the support of Ted Genoways. There are many other Detroit residents who gave us their time, stories, and expertise, for which I'm grateful: Dan Austin, Terry Blackhawk, Alvin Brewer, Delores Casey, Arnold Collens, Sean Doerr, Wendy Ford, Oren Goldenberg, Vicki Hooks Green, Lolita Hernandez, Jerry Herron, Greg Lenhoff, Andy Linn, Emily Linn, Peter Markus, Joan Nash, Suzanne Scarfone, Nick Tobier, Stuart Trager, and Shar Willis.

“Porto, Portare, Portavi, Portatus” contains lines from John 16:12, Acts 7:43, 1 Timothy 6:7, Genesis 18:12, and Luke 7:14.


I am grateful to all the editors of the following journals and anthologies where these poems, sometimes in different form, first appeared:

: “The Book of Dissolution,” “Niagara”;

: “with/out”;

Cave Wall
: “Ars Poetica with Radio Apparatus, Toddler, & Ducks”;

: “And the moon”;

Crab Orchard Review
: “Maple Ridge”;

Gulf Coast
: “Staking a Claim”;

: “Interrobang,” “Retail Space Available”;

The Ilanot Review
: “You return the Torah to the ark,” “By Other Means”;

Indiana Review
: “Niagara,” “Yiddishland”;

: “Let the future begin this way:”;

Ninth Letter
: “Terra Nullius”;

Painted Bride Quarterly
: “Inconsequential Alchemy”;

: “Porto, Portare, Portavi, Portatus”;

: “And After the Ark,” “Apologetics”;

River Styx
: “Snowpocalypse”;

The Rumpus
: “Walmart Supercenter”;

Salt Hill
: “Ghostbox”;
: “Big Box Encounter”;

The Southern Review
: “The Language of Happiness,” “Correspondence,” “In/exhaustible”;

: “Maple Ridge”;

: “To Whom It May Concern”;

Tin House
: “Terra Nullius”;

Virginia Quarterly Review
: “Post-Industrialization,” “All That Blue Fire,” “Borderama,” “Outside the Abandoned Packard Plant,” “Inside the Frame,” “Outside the Frame”;

: “The Architecture of Memory”;

Whiskey Island
: “One Version of December.”

“Litany of our Radical Engagement with the Material World” was first published in
Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2011

“Untitled [and the moon]” was first published on the Academy of American Poets website.

“Yizker Bukh” was first published on
The Chronicle of Higher Education
“Arts & Academe” blog, and reprinted in
The Hide-and-Seek Muse: Annotations of Contemporary Poetry
, Ed. Lisa Russ Spaar (Drunken Boat Media, 2013).

“Yiddishland” was reprinted in
The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry
, Eds. Matthew Silverman and Deborah Ager (Bloomsbury Academic, 2013).

Many thanks to Virginia Tech (in particular, the Department of English, and the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences) and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, for time and space and support. I'm grateful to the Child Development Center for Learning and Research (CDCLR) at Virginia Tech, and Rainbow Riders Childcare Center, for joyfully teaching and tending to my children, which allowed me to write this book. I am also indebted to agent extraordinaire Nat Jacks at Inkwell Management, and the poets who helped me with this manuscript in its various stages: Sandra Beasley, Mary Biddinger, Jehanne Dubrow, Tom Gardner, Joy Katz, David Stack, Susan Somers-Willett, and Rachel Zucker—their big hearts and eagle eyes. Peter Conners and the fine folks at BOA Editions, Ltd. are the tops.

And always, Steve Trost—love, lynchpin, lyre, lookout.


Erika Meitner's first collection of poems,
Inventory at the All-Night Drugstore
, won the 2002 Anhinga-Robert Dana Prize for Poetry from Anhinga Press. Her second collection,
Ideal Cities
, was a winner of the 2009 National Poetry Series Award and was published by HarperCollins in 2010. Her next book,
Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls
, was published by Anhinga Press in 2011. She is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the MFA program at the University of Virginia, where she was a Henry Hoyns Fellow, and also earned an M.A. in Religion as a Morgenstern Fellow in Jewish Studies. Her work has appeared in
American Poetry Review
The Best American Poetry 2011
Gulf Coast
Best African American Essays 2010
Tin House
, and
Prairie Schooner
, among other journals and anthologies. She is currently an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, where she teaches in the MFA program.

, L
. A

No.  1

The Fuhrer Bunker: A Cycle of Poems in Progress

W. D. Snodgrass

No.  2


M. L. Rosenthal

No.  3

Living With Distance

Ralph J. Mills, Jr.

No.  4

Not Just Any Death

Michael Waters

No.  5

That Was Then: New and Selected Poems

Isabella Gardner

No.  6

Things That Happen Where There Aren't Any People

William Stafford

No.  7

The Bridge of Change: Poems 1974–1980

John Logan

No.  8


Joseph Stroud

No.  9

People Live Here: Selected Poems 1949–1983

Louis Simpson

No.  10


Carolyn Kizer

No.  11

Duhamel: Ideas of Order in Little Canada

Bill Tremblay

No.  12

Seeing It Was So

Anthony Piccione

No.  13

Hyam Plutzik: The Collected Poems

No.  14

Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969–1980

Lucille Clifton

No.  15

Next: New Poems

Lucille Clifton

No.  16

Roxa: Voices of the Culver Family

William B. Patrick

No.  17

John Logan: The Collected Poems

No.  18

Isabella Gardner: The Collected Poems

No.  19

The Sunken Lightship

Peter Makuck

No.  20

he City in Which I Love You

Li-Young Lee

No.  21

Quilting: Poems 1987–1990

Lucille Clifton

No.  22

John Logan: The Collected Fiction

No.  23

Shenandoah and Other Verse Plays

Delmore Schwartz

No.  24

Nobody Lives on Arthur Godfrey Boulevard

Gerald Costanzo

No.  25

The Book of Names: New and Selected Poems

Barton Sutter

No.  26

Each in His Season

W. D. Snodgrass

No.  27

Wordworks: Poems Selected and New

Richard Kostelanetz

No.  28

What We Carry

Dorianne Laux

No.  29

Red Suitcase

Naomi Shihab Nye

No.  30


Brigit Pegeen Kelly

No.  31

The Fuehrer Bunker: The Complete Cycle

W. D. Snodgrass

No.  32

For the Kingdom

Anthony Piccione

No.  33

The Quicken Tree

Bill Knott

No.  34

These Upraised Hands

William B. Patrick

No.  35

Crazy Horse in Stillness

William Heyen

No.  36

Quick, Now, Always

Mark Irwin

No.  37

I Have Tasted the Apple

Mary Crow

No.  38

The Terrible Stories

Lucille Clifton

No.  39

The Heat of Arrivals

Ray Gonzalez

No.  40

Jimmy & Rita

Kim Addonizio

No.  41

Green Ash, Red Maple, Black Gum

Michael Waters

No.  42

Against Distance

Peter Makuck

No.  43

The Night Path

Laurie Kutchins

No.  44


Bruce Bond

No.  45

At My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties

David Ignatow

No.  46


Richard Foerster

No.  47


Naomi Shihab Nye

No.  48


Sam Hamill

No.  49

Diana, Charles, & the Queen

William Heyen

No.  50

Plus Shipping

Bob Hicok

No.  51

Cabato Sentora

Ray Gonzalez

No.  52

We Didn't Come Here for This

William B. Patrick

No.  53

The Vandals

Alan Michael Parker

No.  54

To Get Here

Wendy Mnookin

No.  55

Living Is What I Wanted: Last Poems

David Ignatow

No.  56

Dusty Ange

Michael Blumenthal

No.  57

The Tiger Iris

Joan Swift

No.  58

White City

Mark Irwin

No.  59

Laugh at the End of the World: Collected Comic Poems 1969–1999

Bill Knott

No.  60

Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems: 1988–2000

Lucille Clifton

No.  61

Tell Me

Kim Addonizio

No.  62


Dorianne Laux

No.  63

Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems

Michael Waters

No.  64

Rancho Notorious

Richard Garcia

No.  65


Joe-Anne McLaughlin

No.  66

A. Poulin, Jr. Selected Poems

Edited, with an Introduction by Michael Waters

No.  67

Small Gods of Grief

Laure-Anne Bosselaar

No.  68

Book of My Nights

Li-Young Lee

No.  69

Tulip Farms and Leper Colonies

Charles Harper Webb

No.  70

Double Going

Richard Foerster

No.  71

What He Took

Wendy Mnookin

No.  72

The Hawk Temple at Tierra Grande

Ray Gonzalez

No.  73

Mules of Love

Ellen Bass

No.  74

The Guests at the Gate

Anthony Piccione

No.  75

Dumb Luck

Sam Hamill

No.  76

Love Song with Motor Vehicles

Alan Michael Parker

No.  77

Life Watch

Willis Barnstone

No.  78

The Owner of the House: New Collected Poems 1940–2001

Louis Simpson

No.  79


Wayne Dodd

No.  80


Cecilia Woloch

No.  81


Debra Kang Dean

No.  82

The Orchard

Brigit Pegeen Kelly

No.  83

Bright Hunger

Mark Irwin

No.  84

Desire Lines: New and Selected Poems

Lola Haskins

No.  85

Curious Conduct

Jeanne Marie Beaumont

No.  86


Lucille Clifton

No.  87

Model Homes

Wayne Koestenbaum

No.  88

Farewell to the Starlight in Whiskey

Barton Sutter

No.  89

Angels for the Burning

David Mura

No.  90

The Rooster's Wife

Russell Edson

No.  91

American Children

Jim Simmerman

No.  92

Postcards from the Interior

Wyn Cooper

No.  93

You & Yours

Naomi Shihab Nye

No.  94

Consideration of the Guitar: New and Selected Poems 1986–2005

Ray Gonzalez

No.  95

Off-Season in the Promised Land

Peter Makuck

No.  96

The Hoopoe's Crown

Jacqueline Osherow

No.  97

Not for Specialists: New and Selected Poems

W. D. Snodgrass

No.  98


Steve Kronen

No.  99

Woman Crossing a Field

Deena Linett

No.  100

The Burning of Troy

Richard Foerster

No.  101

Darling Vulgarity

Michael Waters

No.  102

The Persistence of Objects

Richard Garcia

No.  103

Slope of the Child Everlasting

Laurie Kutchins

No.  104

Broken Hallelujahs

Sean Thomas Dougherty

No.  105

Peeping Tom's Cabin: Comic Verse 1928–2008

X. J. Kennedy

No.  106


G.C. Waldrep

No.  107

Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death

Christopher Kennedy

No.  108

Sleeping with Houdini

Nin Andrews

No.  109


Karen Volkman

No.  110

The Fortieth Day

Kazim Ali

No.  111

Elephants & Butterflies

Alan Michael Parker

No.  112


Lucille Clifton

No.  113

The Moon Makes Its Own Plea

Wendy Mnookin

No.  114

The Heaven-Sent Leaf

Katy Lederer

No.  115

Struggling Times

Louis Simpson

No.  116


Michael Blumenthal

No.  117


Cecilia Woloch

No.  118

Seasons of Lotus, Seasons of Bone

Matthew Shenoda

No.  119

Sharp Stars

Sharon Bryan

No.  120

Cool Auditor

Ray Gonzalez

No.  121

Long Lens: New and Selected Poems

Peter Makuck

No.  122

Chaos Is the New Calm

Wyn Cooper

No.  123


Barbara Jane Reyes

No.  124

Burning of the Three Fires

Jeanne Marie Beaumont

No.  125

Sasha Sings the Laundry on the Line

Sean Thomas Dougherty

No.  126

Your Father on the Train of Ghosts

G.C. Waldrep and John Gallaher

No.  127

Ennui Prophet

Christopher Kennedy

No.  128


Naomi Shihab Nye

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