Pleasure in Hawaii (Kimani Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Pleasure in Hawaii (Kimani Romance)
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She parked behind another car in the driveway of Malloy’s Bed and Breakfast. After checking her hair, which was hanging loose as Gene had said he liked, and the little makeup she wore, Sloane emerged from the car. She still had on her work clothes of a gray ruffle-collar skirt suit and matching open-toe pumps.
Hope I’m not overdressed.

She entered the house, hearing chatter and laughter. An older couple approached her wearing colorful matching Hawaiian shirts.

“Aloha,” the man said. “I’m Roger Deeds and this is my wife Bonnie.”

“Aloha,” Sloane said to them with a smile. “I’m Sloane.”

“Are you looking for Gene?” Bonnie asked.


“He’s on the lanai out back with his friends.”

“Thanks,” Sloane said, and watched them go out the front door. She sucked in a deep breath and made her way through the house to the lanai, where she saw Gene and two people seated around a bistro table. “Aloha, everyone.”

Gene beamed, immediately getting to his feet. “Sloane! I wasn’t expecting you this early.”

“I’m full of surprises,” she said, trying to maintain her poise. “I wanted to come as soon as I could to meet your friends, so I came here right from work.”

He gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I appreciate that,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I brought these,” she said, handing him the chocolates and wine.

“Good choices, thanks.” Then came the introductions as his guests stood. “This is my best friend, Walter Griffin, and his wife, Talia,” said Gene. “Sloane Hepburn.”

“Nice to meet you both.” Sloane gave each of them a little hug as if they were old friends. Seemed like a nice way to break the ice, especially in Hawaii, where everyone was big on hugs over handshakes.

“Same here,” Walter said, grinning. “Been hearing a lot about you.”

“Oh…” Sloane glanced at Gene, realizing he had failed to ever bring up his friends until he told her they would be there in two days. She could only imagine what he had told Walter about her…them.

“All good, I promise.” Gene chuckled unevenly as though reading her mind.

“He’s telling you the truth.” Walter backed him up. “Gene clearly thinks the world of you. Just as I do my baby.” He gave Talia a nice kiss as if to prove his point.

“I think highly of him, too,” Sloane said sweetly.

Talia brushed her hair away from her face. “I hear you’re from Raleigh?”

Sloane met her eyes. “Yes.”

“A girlfriend of mind teaches at North Carolina State University.”

“Great school,” Sloane said, and then proudly mentioned the University of North Carolina, where she attended college. She learned that Talia got her degree from the University of Michigan and Walter received a law degree from the University of Detroit Law School.

“Why don’t I pop open this bottle of wine so we can all enjoy it?” Gene suggested.

“Good idea.” Walter grinned. “I wouldn’t mind sampling those chocolates, either.”

Gene handed him the box. “Help yourself.” He gazed at Sloane. “Do you want to get the wineglasses?”

“Sure, I’d be glad too,” she said.

“Be right back,” he told his friends. “Make yourselves right at home, as my place is yours for the next week.”

Sloane followed him into the kitchen. “Since when did you need help with wineglasses?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.

Gene gave her a devilish smile. “Since the moment you stepped onto the lanai.” He tucked his arms around Sloane’s waist and pulled her closer. “The truth is I was just looking for an excuse to do this in private…” He bent his head down and kissed her liberally on the mouth.

Sloane kissed him back and found herself lost in the depths as their mouths joined, arousing her. She used all of her willpower to unlock their lips and slow down her heart rate. “Very enjoyable, but we shouldn’t neglect your friends, who came all the way to Maui to see you.”

“Not exactly.” Gene wiped his mouth. “They’re celebrating an anniversary and came to paradise for that. I just happen to have reasonably priced accommodations for their stay.”

“They could have stayed at the Island Shores,” Sloane pointed out. “I could’ve given them a great rate.”

“You would have done that?”

“Of course. They’re your friends, so naturally they would have gotten favorable treatment from me and the entire staff.”

Gene grinned. “Better not tell them that,” he kidded quietly. “Otherwise they might still be willing to jump ship.”

Sloane chuckled. “I doubt that. I’m sure you will treat them like royalty, and they won’t wish to be anywhere else.”

“I know I don’t wish to be anywhere else, so long as you’re here,” Gene said.

“Is that so?” He always seemed to find the right words to tug at her heart.

“Yeah, it is. So don’t even think about moving to Oahu or some other island in the sun if another opportunity comes your way.”

“And if I did, would you come after me?” she challenged him, knowing they were still getting used to being an official couple. Maybe this was where he drew the line.

Gene smiled crookedly. “I think I’d follow you to the end of the earth and back, if I had to. You mean that much to me.”

Hearing Gene’s words made Sloane feel even closer to him and made her believe that all things were possible within their relationship. But she wouldn’t push it.

“In that case, good thing I am here to stay,” she told him. “Wouldn’t want you trekking across the planet and leaving your guests minus a host. Speaking of which, we’d better get back to Walter and Talia.”

“I suppose you’re right,” he groaned.

“Now where are those glasses?”

“In that cabinet up there.” He looked over her shoulder.

Sloane got the wineglasses and hoped to familiarize herself more with the surroundings, perhaps as a prelude to spending more time there in the future.

She cast her eyes at Gene affectionately. “Now let’s show your friends from Detroit how to have a great time in Maui.”

“I like the way you think,” he said, grinning. “But then I like everything about you.”

“Save that thought till later,” she told him, anticipating the prospect of making love tonight just as she knew he was.

Chapter 9

he next day, Sloane took Talia shopping after Gene fixed a scrumptious breakfast. They went to some of the hottest boutiques and stores on the south side of the island that Sloane had wanted to check out. She came away with several business outfits, some running attire, and sexy lingerie that she was certain would turn Gene on. Talia was just as intent on spending money to make herself look great and impress her husband.

“We’re going to be the hottest ladies in Maui,” declared Talia as they left a shopping center with bags in hand.

“That we are,” Sloane agreed. “Not to say we don’t already fit the part.”

Talia laughed. “Like two pieces of a beautiful puzzle in a beautiful place.”

“Exactly.” Sloane chuckled, feeling uplifted being with her.

Afterward, they went sightseeing, checking out some of Maui’s attractions such as Front Street in Lahaina, Makena Beach, and Iao Valley State Park before finishing with a stroll along Wailea Beach Walk.

“I can’t believe you get to see all this every day of the year,” Talia uttered, glancing at the ocean. “Must be nice.”

pretty cool,” Sloane admitted, feeling at times as if she were in dreamland. “I haven’t really gotten used to it yet.”

“I doubt that I ever would.”

“Maybe you guys should think about relocating,” Sloane suggested. “There’s always room for two more new residents in Maui.”

“I wish,” Talia said, her lashes fluttering with disappointment. “But Walter’s tenure at the university and my job seniority make it hard to start over. I just don’t see it happening. But that doesn’t mean we can’t come here more often now that we’ve taken the first big step.”

“You should,” Sloane said in a friendly voice. “There’s plenty to see and do.”

“I believe you, and I’m definitely envious.” Talia looked at her. “So how did you and Gene meet?”

Sloane was surprised that he hadn’t told the tale of his heroism. Obviously he’d downplayed the entire thing, which she commended him for, though it had seemed like a matter of life and death when the wave took her feet out from under.

“Wow, that’s amazing and romantic at the same time,” Talia said. “Especially with the beach and ocean as part of the equation, along with being in Maui.”

Sloane laughed. “I guess so, when you put it that way. When I took a spill, I was just hoping I wasn’t washed out into the ocean. Then Gene came along and made sure that didn’t happen.”

“And from that, a romance in paradise was made.” Talia grinned.

“Well, let’s just say it was the start of something,” Sloane told her.

“It wasn’t quite like that between me and Walter. We met at a film festival in Detroit. We both love movies and wanted to help support up-and-coming local filmmakers.”

“How nice.” Sloane slowed down, realizing she had slipped above the speed limit. Last thing she needed was a speeding ticket. “I didn’t realize the film industry was a big thing in Detroit.”

“It’s not, but they’re trying,” Talia said. “Anyway, Walter and I hit it off, and a year and a half later we were married.”

“What anniversary are you celebrating?”

“Lucky number ten, though it doesn’t seem that long.”

Sloane smiled. “Congratulations.”


“Any children?”

“Not yet,” Talia answered. “We’re working on that, figuring it’s about time to start a family.” She paused. “Have you ever been married?”

“No, I haven’t.” Sloane felt a little self-conscious in so saying, as if she were wearing a badge of shame by remaining single into her early thirties.

“Ever come close to marrying?”

“Honestly, I can’t say I have,” Sloane responded. “I’ve had boyfriends, but never anything very serious.”

Talia raised a brow. “Was that by choice?”

“Yes, pretty much. I’ve always been career-oriented. I suppose I figured marriage and family might interfere with my career.”

“Doesn’t have to,” Talia pointed out. “Walter and I have great careers and still manage to have a great marriage at the same time.”

“I can see that.” Sloane grinned at her. “Maybe you really can have it all.”

“Definitely, if that’s what you want.”

Sloane pointed out more attractions as they passed them and Talia was clearly in awe, just as Sloane had been when she first arrived. Her mind continued to wrap around the idea of marriage someday. Gene seemed like a good candidate should she ever choose to go down that road, except for the fact that his been there, done that approach made it seem like marriage might never be in the cards for them.

“What was Gene’s ex-wife like?” she asked Talia impulsively, assuming they had known each other.
Am I really asking her this?

“Well, she was high-maintenance, self-centered, spoiled, argumentative and hard to please,” Talia answered bluntly.

Sloane laughed. “What were her good qualities?” Knowing Gene, she was sure he saw something redeeming, since he married the lady.

Talia chuckled. “For one, she fell in love with Gene and went after him. Lynda was also smart, attractive and charming when she wanted to be. Guess that was all Gene needed to be sold on her. At least for a while.”

Long enough for them to move to Maui and open a bed-and-breakfast together,
thought Sloane. Obviously that wasn’t enough to hold things together.

“Why did they break up?” She’d gotten Gene’s abbreviated side of the story. Maybe there was more to it.

Talia shifted in the seat. “I wasn’t privy to all the dirty details, but from what I know, toward the end they were fighting on a regular basis over everything. Gene bent over backward to try and make it work, but the harder he tried, the more Lynda pushed him away. Things finally reached the point of no return and she left Gene.”

“I’m sure he was devastated,” Sloane stated sorrowfully.

“Relieved is more like it. I think deep down he knew it was only a matter of time.” Talia sighed. “Though I can’t prove this, I believe Lynda had someone else on the side when the relationship ended.”

That was certainly an eye-opener to Sloane. “If that were true, then it was certainly better for Gene to move on.”

“I absolutely agree with you,” Talia said.

Sloane couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be with another man if she were married to Gene, particularly with the attention he gave her in and out of the bedroom. Not to mention he had his act together as a successful businessman who wasn’t afraid to go after his dreams. Or rescue damsels in distress when waves decided to target them for a bath. She wished his ex had not poisoned Gene against the idea of sharing that type of commitment with another woman.

“I’m so happy Gene met you,” Talia’s voice broke into Sloane’s thoughts. “I know he’s been busy running his business, but I think he’s been lonely, even with the guests he sees day in and day out. You’ve taken away his loneliness.”

“I’m happy we met, too,” Sloane said. Gene never struck her as being lonely, but then she hadn’t considered herself lonely either before they met. Now that Gene was in her system, Sloane was sure she’d be lost without him as an integral part of her life.

“I don’t mean to jump the gun, but if you ever reach the point in your relationship where marriage comes up and you’re open to the possibility, I hope you don’t let Gene’s failed marriage put you off. As far as I can tell, you’re nothing like his ex.”

Sloane smiled faintly. “Thanks for saying that. As for marriage, I doubt I’d be put off by Gene being divorced because I know it’s part of his life. But I think he has a major problem with marrying again.”

Talia’s eyes widened. “He told you that?”

Sloane wondered if she should be sharing too much of their private discussions. She supposed she could trust Talia who, as the wife of Gene’s best friend, seemed to have a grip on things.

“Yes, he made that pretty clear,” she replied.

“That’s not what he tells Walter, who then confides in me,” Talia said.

“Oh…” Sloane regarded her. “And what exactly does he tell your husband?”

“That he’s completely past Lynda and would like a second chance at love and marriage, if the right lady came his way.”

“Really?” Sloane wondered if Gene was simply telling Walter as a married man what he wanted to hear. Or was Gene toying with her?
Maybe he doesn’t consider me the right lady for marriage.

“I think Gene’s probably trying to protect himself against being hurt the way Lynda hurt him,” Talia stated. “I’m sure he doesn’t really mean marriage is out of the question. I know he likes you a lot, and if the opportunity came to put a ring on your finger, he’d do it in a heartbeat.”

“That’s interesting,” Sloane said, not sure she bought into it. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on the part of Gene’s friends to bring him into the married fold again. “As it is, Gene and I are far away from thinking in terms of marriage. Right now, we’re still getting accustomed to being a couple as we juggle our respective careers. That might have to be enough as far as the future goes.”

Or maybe the window is open for marriage in the future, if we continue to build our relationship and find we want to make it a permanent thing.



The next evening, Sloane had Gene and his friends over for dinner. She didn’t make anything too fancy, going with steak, baked potatoes, corn and wheat bread. For dessert, she’d purchased a caramel cake. Drinks were lemonade and red wine.

“This is delicious,” Walter told her as he ate.

Sloane smiled as she sliced into her steak. “Glad you like it.”

He grinned and eyed Gene. “Maybe you should hire Sloane as your cook, old buddy. Yeah, I know you’re not so bad in the kitchen and have Dayna to help out, but there’s always room for improvement, right?”

Gene chuckled. “Can’t argue with you there that Sloane knows her stuff. Unfortunately I doubt that I could pry her away from the Island Shores to feed my guests.”

“Probably not, but it doesn’t mean you can’t hire her for part-time service.”

Talia hit her husband on the shoulder. “Walter…”

He looked at her dumbfounded. “What did I say?”

“Just leave it alone. I’m sure if Sloane wanted to work at Gene’s bed-and-breakfast, she would do so.”

Sloane suddenly felt all eyes on her, prompting a response. “I appreciate the compliments on my cooking, but even if I wanted to, I’m nowhere near good enough to cook for Gene’s guests. They come here expecting genuine Hawaiian cuisine. Not quite my specialty at the moment. Thanks, but I’m happy where I am and wouldn’t want to take away Gene’s business by pretending to be something I’m not.”

“Well said,” Gene said, meeting Sloane’s eyes. “I couldn’t agree more. That said, I came here as an outsider and learned all there was about the local culture and cuisine, so anyone can with time. Believe me, though, when I say I’m more than satisfied enjoying your cooking when I come here. Also, my breakfast menu is not exactly five-star food like they serve at the Island Shores, and my guests don’t expect it to be. They only want to get off to a good start for the day and go from there.”

Sloane liked how Gene stepped up and put the brakes to any attempts, well meaning as they were, by Walter to get her to play a role in the bed-and-breakfast. Not that she was opposed to helping out when she had the time, were Gene to ask. Right now, she was much more interested in spending private time with him in his house than being a servant for his guests.

“Would anyone like seconds?” she asked, smiling.

Following the meal, they went for a walk on the beach. Sloane and Gene lagged behind Walter and Talia, who were taking pictures of each other and the ocean, seeking to capture every moment of their anniversary trip.

“They’re having a great time,” Gene said, holding Sloane’s hand. “Thanks in part to you.”

Sloane blushed. She liked the feel of his hand covering hers. It made her feel they were truly a couple for the world to see.

“I’ve had fun with your friends,” she told him. “Talia and I will definitely keep in touch.”

“I’m sure she would like that.”

“I also have a feeling this won’t be the last time they come to Maui,” Sloane said.

“I agree. Once you’ve gotten a taste of this place, it becomes addictive.” He kissed her cheek. “Just like I’m addicted to you.”

Sloane squeezed his fingers. “I like the way that sounds.”

“You’ll like it even better when I put the words into practice tonight,” he said sinfully.

“Hmm. Just what type of practice are we talking about?” she teased him.

“The type that has me exploring each and every part of your body—making every fiber in you beg me to be deep inside.”

Sloane felt a prickle of heat between her legs. “Are you trying to get me wet in public?”

Gene’s mouth curved up at the corners. “Maybe I am getting you ready early so that I have plenty of licking to look forward to.”

She gazed up at him desirously. “You can lick to your heart’s content.”

“Just my heart?”

“And everything else you’ve got.” She couldn’t believe they were talking like this outside.

“I’ll consider that a challenge,” Gene said. “I promise I won’t disappoint.”

“You never do,” Sloane conceded, at least where it came to sex. The jury was still out as far as other aspects of a relationship that they were working on.

“Neither do you,” he told her, putting his arm around her and planting a succulent kiss on her lips.

Sloane pulled one of his lips into her mouth, unabashedly savoring the taste of him before Talia and Walter came upon them.

“Get a room,” Talia joked.

Sloane touched her mouth. “We already have one. Make that two.”

“And so do we.” Talia giggled. “Guess we’d all better get to them and see what trouble we can stir up.”

Walter held her slender waist from behind. “It’s never any trouble as far as I’m concerned.”

Gene laughed, hugging Sloane. “You’ve got that right. No trouble at all.”

Sloane colored, though feeling surprisingly comfortable with Gene’s friends and the intimate talk. She knew Gene could definitely walk the walk, as could she. It made the buildup that much more rewarding.

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