Pleasure in Hawaii (Kimani Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Pleasure in Hawaii (Kimani Romance)
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“Sloane is definitely a keeper,” Walter told Gene later that night as the two sat on the lanai drinking beers.

Gene lifted his bottle. “You think so?”

“Don’t know the lady very well, but from what I see and what Talia tells me, you two seem meant for each other.”

Gene did not disagree. How could he when he felt the same way? “Maybe we are,” he said. “We haven’t gotten around to finishing each other’s sentences yet, but I do feel pretty damned good about being in her company.”

“There’s certainly some natural chemistry between you two that I never saw with you and Lynda,” Walter told him.

Gene recalled the sexual chemistry that had the sheets burning when he was inside Sloane an hour ago. “Maybe because what Lynda and I had was never real. At least it seems that way right now.”

Walter peered at him. “And you think it’s real, what you feel for Sloane, and vice versa?”

“Yeah, we definitely click.”

“You mean like love?”

Gene pondered the question. Was it love? Lust? Both? “It’s getting there,” he said without commitment, fearful of jinxing what they had.

“And by the look of things, like the way you two were all over each other on the beach, I’d say the ‘getting there’ feelings are mutual.”

Gene gulped down a swig of beer. Was Sloane falling in love with him? If so, what was she looking for out of this relationship? Could he give it to her?

“We’ll see where it goes,” he said. “I don’t want to mess this up or get too excited about us only to have it all fall apart.”

“You can’t think that way, man,” Walter insisted. “You won’t mess anything up as long as you be yourself and be straight with Sloane. As far as excitement, you’re entitled to get excited about having a beauty like Sloane in your life after being on your own for way too long.”

“Yeah, I know.” He acknowledged that it felt like it had been forever being without companionship after his divorce. Now Gene could hardly imagine not having someone like Sloane in his life.

“Maybe Talia and I will be back here for a wedding,” suggested Walter.

Gene looked at him defensively. “Now wait a minute, no one said anything about wedding bells.”

Walter chuckled. “Chill, man. That’s just me talking. But now that I put it out there, don’t close your mind to the idea. I seem to recall you told me that you wanted a second opportunity to get things right. Maybe this is it.”

“I’m not saying it isn’t,” Gene voiced thoughtfully, realizing he and Sloane had broached the subject uneasily. They had decided to leave it alone for a later day when there was more reason to delve into it. “Sloane and I will take things as they come,” Gene told him.

Walter leaned forward. “I don’t want to push this, but I think you and Sloane could do a hell of a good job running this bed-and-breakfast together. Yeah, I know she’s got her gig at the posh resort hotel, but with her knowledge of pleasing folks and your operational acumen, it just sounds like an arrangement that could be ideal both personally and professionally.”

“Maybe,” Gene allowed, “except for one thing—Sloane has her job, probably making damned good money. Surely more than I could ever pay her. Asking her to give that up sounds crazy.” He also wondered how it would work if they were living apart. Would Sloane feel crowded were they to share his quarters in a bed-and-breakfast?

“Not if it were for reasons of the heart. People do crazy things for love.” Walter tilted his head. “Or have you forgotten how that feels?”

Gene hadn’t forgotten the feeling, only the person he’d shared such emotion with. Now Sloane was in his life and he was still grappling with the feelings he had for her and where those feelings could lead in their romance.



Sloane was awakened when she felt the tenderness of Gene’s tongue between her legs arousing her. She cradled his head in her hands and pressed down, not wanting him to stop what he was doing in pleasuring her. Fortunately, he seemed perfectly content to accommodate her silent wishes. She bit down on her lower lip and rode the wave of sexual ecstasy coursing through her veins.

When the need to come overpowered her, Sloane fought back the urge, wanting Gene to be inside her when she had an orgasm. She gently coaxed him out from between her thighs so she could see his face.

“I want us to come together,” she whispered in a plea. “Make love to me now.”

Gene sucked in a deep breath and put on a condom before he spread Sloane’s legs wide and entered her. She made sure he went as deep as possible by arching her back and giving in to his penis, drawing it inside with her contractions. He cupped her buttocks and propelled himself even deeper while their mouths kissed desperately.

Sloane clawed at his back as Gene’s powerful thrusts brought her to a new level of satisfaction, the effect causing her heart to pound rapidly. She soaked in the scent of their perspiring bodies wrapped in intercourse and tasted Gene’s tongue as he breathed raggedly into her mouth. She jumped when his body began to shake passionately as his surge emptied out of him, then held Gene tightly as her own climax erupted like thunder and lightning.

Sloane gasped sharply from the onslaught of their frenetic lovemaking that peaked for a full minute of sexual intensity before their bodies began to relax and their breathing returned to normal. Gene rested his head on her breasts, and they lay there too exhausted to speak right away.

Finally, Sloane cooed, “Hope you knew what you were getting into when you decided to wake me up.”

“I had a good feeling how things might end up,” he said coolly and licked her nipple.

“Male intuition, was it?” she asked, licking her lips.

“More like I knew you wanted me every bit as much as I wanted you. It was just a matter of bringing your body back to life and letting the rest take care of itself.”

She smiled with satisfaction. “I’d say you accomplished your objective pretty well.”

He looked into her sable eyes. “Any accomplishments came together. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Neither would I,” Sloane murmured, reaching up to kiss his mouth solidly, leaving her wanting more.

Chapter 10

week later, Sloane was at work performing her duties as guest relations director, wondering if it was truly enough to satisfy her. She loved her job. Or at least she thought she did. But now Gene had opened her eyes to more possibilities in Maui. She was no longer content merely moving up the career ladder with little need for a man in her life. Now she wanted so much more, like coming home to someone every day and waking up to that person every morning.

Someone like Gene Malloy would fit the bill nicely. She sensed that he might want this, too. But how they would make this work was still up for debate. What she wanted most was to love and be loved as the centerpiece of any relationship. If that could lead to marriage, all the better.

Am I really saying I want to get married at this stage of my life?

Sloane was shocked at just how much her view of things had changed in a relatively short time. What did it mean exactly? Was it merely a passing phase or was it something that would forever have a profound impact on her life and where she went with it from here?

She greeted more guests with leis and spotted a family that she had directed to the Sugar Cane Train the day before.

“Aloha,” Sloane said to them with a bright smile. “Were you able to take a ride on the train?”

“Yes, we sure were and really enjoyed it,” responded the father, a blonde-haired man in his thirties.

“Yeah, it was so cool,” remarked his preteen son.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Sloane said.

“Afterward, we went to the Kahana Pond Waterfowl Sanctuary,” remarked the wife, her short black hair parted in the middle. “I’ve always wanted to visit it and see some endangered Hawaiian species like stilt and coot.”

Sloane smiled at her. “Sounds like you’re having a great time.”

“We are,” she said. “You’ve been a big help.”

“Mahalo,” Sloane replied, and then took the opportunity to recommend that they visit the Maui Tropical Plantation, certain the family would find it entertaining.

A few minutes later, Sloane stepped outside for a brief respite. It had rained periodically the past two days, but now the sun had come out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. She took out her cell phone and returned the call from her friend Gail Littleton.

“Hey, Gail. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. It’s been crazy around here.”

“It’s okay,” Gail said. “I know the feeling. Been a madhouse here, too.”

“So what’s up?” Sloane asked.

“I just broke up with my boyfriend.”

Sloane cocked a brow. “I didn’t know you were involved with anyone in particular.”

“I started seeing him before you left, but didn’t say anything till I knew if something would come of it.”

“Sorry it didn’t work out with him,” Sloane told her and thought about her own relationship with Gene and its long-term potential.

“I’m not,” muttered Gail. “Turned out he was still hung up on his last girlfriend and I wasn’t about to compete with anyone, so I showed him the door. But it still hurts anyhow.”

“You did the right thing. You don’t need someone like that.”

“I know.” Gail paused. “So how are things with you and Gene?”

“Good,” Sloane told her. “We’ve been having a nice time together when we find the time to spend with each other.”

“So he’s the real deal?”

Sloane waved at two guests passing by. “Yes, I think he is,” she responded thoughtfully. “So far, so good.”

“I’m happy for you,” Gail said. “He doesn’t happen to have a brother he could hook me up with, does he?”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know,” admitted Sloane, realizing there was still more to learn about Gene Malloy. “I can always ask.”

“You do that. In the meantime, I’ll be fine with work keeping me plenty busy.”

“Just don’t get too caught up in the job,” Sloane warned her, though Gail had a great thing going with her own business, selling antiques and collectibles. “That can’t keep you warm at night.”

“Look who’s talking.” Gail giggled. “I’ve been telling you the same thing for years.”

Sloane laughed. “I know. Well, things have changed, and I realize the job can only carry you so far in life.”

“Isn’t that the truth,” Gail agreed. “I’m glad you’re beginning to realize it now that you’ve got Gene as a welcome distraction.”

And what a distraction he was, Sloane thought wistfully. The man was damned hard to forget. Especially when he was up close and personal or they were ripping each other’s clothes off and leaving nothing to the imagination.

“Talk to you soon.” Gail slipped into her thoughts. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

“You, too,” Sloane said, disconnecting the phone.

She was about to head back inside when she looked up into Gene’s handsome face.

“Hi,” he said in his resonant voice as he removed his sunglasses.

“Hey.” She met his gaze. “Where did you come from?”

“Your dreams,” he teased.

Sloane knew there was some merit to his words, but didn’t want to inflate his ego any more than it already was. “You wish.”

His mouth parted seductively. “I’m always wishing for more and more where you’re concerned.”

“Oh, really?” She batted her eyes flirtatiously. “You’re never satisfied, are you?”

Gene’s eyes gleamed. “Sometimes I am, until the need hits me again.”

Sloane’s face flushed. She couldn’t believe they were practically jumping each other’s bones in broad daylight. At least the steamy words implied as much. Though it was arousing, she couldn’t let the situation get out of hand while she was working.

“That’s enough,” she scolded him.

He laughed. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior for now.”

“Good.” She gave him a doubtful look. “Well, I have to get back to work.”

“I won’t keep you,” he said. “I just stopped by to see if you would like to go on a little trip with me this weekend.”

Sloane’s eyes widened. “Where to?”

“Hana. I have some friends with a bed-and-breakfast there. I usually go up at least once a year and they come down here.”

“Hmm. I’ve heard the drive to Hana is pretty dangerous.”

“I won’t lie, it can be kind of scary at times,” Gene admitted. “But that’s half the fun of the Hana experience. Besides, once you get there and see how stunning and peaceful it is, you will definitely feel the end more than justifies the means. Not to mention you’ll be with me and I won’t let anything happen to you that you don’t want to happen.” He eyed her with a crooked smile. “So what do you say?”

Sloane conceded that his charming way with words along with his strong masculine sexual appeal made it hard for her to say no. But there was still the matter of work.

“I’m supposed to work this weekend,” she told him. “But…I suppose I can get someone to sub for me, if I ask hard enough.”

Gene’s cheeks dimpled. “Cool. I’ll let my friend know we’re coming. You’ll have a great time, I promise.”

She had little doubt about that. Not when she would be in the company of the man who made her heart flutter with just a simple facial expression, let alone when he put extra effort into capturing her attention or pleasuring her in one respect or another.

Just as Gene was starting to leave, Sloane called out to him. “By the way, you don’t happen to have a brother, do you?”

He grinned. “No, afraid not. Why do you ask?”

She thought about Gail and her desire to find a man like Gene to romance. Clearly he was one of a kind. And Sloane aimed to keep him as hers.

“No reason,” she told him pensively.



“Don’t worry about anything,” Dayna Yee told Gene as he stood at the front door ready to head out to Hana. “Your place will be in good hands.”

“I have no doubt about that,” he said, smiling. “But just in case you need me for anything, you have my cell number.”

“And even the number to the bed-and-breakfast where you’ll be staying at in Hana.” Dayna winked at him. “Now go and have a great time with your pretty lady.”

“That I will.” Gene gave her a kiss on the cheek and stepped outside. He spoke for a couple of minutes with two of his guests, who were on their way to the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens, before heading to his car.

Gene drove to Sloane’s place, excited that she was accompanying him on the picturesque, heart-pounding journey to Hana. He considered it a good bonding experience for them away from their familiar surroundings and comfort zone. It also showed him that Sloane was up for a challenge and willing to rearrange her schedule to accommodate his request.

She was outside waiting when he approached the condominium.

“Hi.” Sloane flashed him a terrific smile.

Gene took one look at her in a red puff-sleeve scoop-neck top and jean shorts, her sexy legs bare down to her sneakers, and felt aroused.
She’s smokin’ hot.
He forced himself to contain his libido, but knew it was only a temporary thing that she was able to reawaken anytime.

He gave her a kiss. “You look great.”

“What else is new?” she asked jokingly.

“You’re right, it does go without saying.”

“But feel free to say it anyway, anytime you like.”

“I will.” Gene grinned. “All set?”

“Ready, set and here we come,” Sloane said with a chuckle, a bag strapped across her shoulder.

They were soon on the Hana Highway. Having been there twice before, Gene braced himself for the nerve-rattling ride.

“How long does it take to get to Hana?” Sloane asked.

“Well, it’s only around fifty miles or so,” Gene answered with deliberation. “But because of the narrow, winding road, traffic and fifty-nine bridges, forty-six of which are only one lane, it could be anywhere from two to four hours. Probably closer to four hours.”

Sloane chuckled nervously. “Wow. Guess I’d better hang on for the ride.”

Gene grinned, noting she had her seat belt on securely. “You’ll survive. That’s not to say you won’t get that roller-coaster feeling every now and then. But that’s all part of the Hana experience.”

She wrinkled her nose. “If you say so.”

He cut on some soul music and watched as Sloane began to bob her head to the beat and relax. That was a good first step in their adventure.

“Why did you wonder if I had a brother?” he asked curiously.

“Oh, that. My friend Gail is having some man troubles right now, so she wondered if there was a genetic clone of you somewhere.”

Gene blushed. “Sorry, there’s only one of me in this world. And he belongs only to you.”

“Nice to know.” She grinned. “I told her she’ll have to find her own Mr. Right.”

“So I’m your Mr. Right, huh?”

She gave him a straight look. “You’re okay, so far. We’ll see if that holds up over time.”

He grinned. “I’ll do my best to measure up to that lofty image.”

Sloane gazed down at his crotch. “Um, I’d say you measure up just fine.”

Gene laughed while imagining them on the beach making love. “I’ll remember that.”

Just then he made a hairpin turn on the narrow, curving road and quickly corrected himself, aware there was a steep drop below to a deep gorge should he lose control of the vehicle.

“Whew!” Sloane glared at him. “That was close. I hope you know what the hell you’re doing.”

Gene glanced her way with a half smile. “Yeah, I’m on top of it. I promise that not one hair on that gorgeous head will be hurt.”

She sighed. “Right. I’ll believe that when we get there…and back.”

“Would I lie?” He chuckled.

“That remains to be seen. Just please keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the steering wheel.”

“Will do.” He resisted the urge to touch her. “You know, it’s sexy when you get riled up like that.”

“You would think that,” she snorted. “And I’m not riled up. Just scared, that’s all.”

“Don’t worry,” Gene said, “the best is yet to come.”

“I’m not sure that’s very comforting.”

“Trust me. It will be.”

Gene had to negotiate another spine-tingling turn, but managed to do so without scaring Sloane too much. Soon he had gotten into a groove and she began to better appreciate what he’d been talking about. They saw scenic views of the northern coastline, plummeting seaside cliffs, black-sand beaches, coastal rain forests, amazing waterfalls and lush, tropical vegetation. They stopped at several lookouts, and Sloane took pictures galore. This in and of itself made the trip worthwhile for Gene, just to see Sloane in her element and eager to take in more and more.



Sloane breathed in the organic scent of the rain forests, utterly amazed at the exquisite scenery she was witnessing. At first she’d been beginning to question the wisdom of putting her life on the line with the harrowing twists and turns on the road to Hana. Now she was happy to have the opportunity to experience for herself what she’d heard others talk about for so long.

She took more pictures with her digital camera as they stood in a spot that offered marvelous views of guava fruit trees and very old waterfalls carved through fern and rock.

“Wow is all I can say,” Sloane said.

“I think everyone is wowed by this,” Gene said, amused. “Does it get any more beautiful?”

“Not from where I’m standing.” She clicked a picture of him in a Maui T-shirt and blue shorts that accentuated his sexy muscled arms and legs. She found Gene every bit as appealing to her senses as the ideal creation of a man as the nature surrounding them.

Gene showed his teeth, making him all the more handsome and photogenic. “That’s enough of me,” he said, stepping aside. “Focus more on everything around us.”

“If you insist.” Sloane took one more picture of him and then resumed pointing the camera elsewhere.

They got back on the road and braved several more dangerous curves, nail-biting turns and shaky bridges high above tumbling waterfalls and coastal valleys that made Sloane hold her breath, though she was still confident in Gene’s ability to handle the driving. Finally, they arrived in Hana.

“Aloha!” Sloane sang.

“Aloha,” Gene echoed and broke into a hearty laugh. “That wasn’t really so bad, was it?”

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