Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! (5 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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“OK, he agreed. “I’ll meet you there in time to walk over to Jose’s.” He watched her run up the beach to the motel before he turned his head to stare out at the waves. He knew those waves were small. He had played with Jose’s kids in water rougher than today’s. Her fears must be more deeply rooted than he thought.  He looked back and Carrie had disappeared. For someone who seemed so carefree, it was an odd contrast to see this side of her.  He could tell she had thrown up a wall, and he knew what that felt like. He’d constructed a few walls in his time. All he could do was give her some space and see how she dealt with it. Gathering up his mask and towel, he headed for the motel. Maybe he’d try to reach Dave and see if the alternator part had been installed.

Carrie headed away from the motel and ran on the beach till her heart was pounding. It felt good to be alive and not scared. She stood taking in deep breaths when a wave washed up to her feet.
What irony,
she thought. She loved to watch the ocean, and the water in the sand felt so refreshing.
I guess I’ll just stand here and enjoy the ocean from this point of view,
she thought to herself, at least until I understand how to roll with it.
I wanted to please Bob so I tried to overcome my fears and I’m simply not ready,
she admitted to herself.  As Scarlett said in
Gone With The Wind
, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” She smiled at that memory and started walking again. She wanted to blow the bad experience from her mind. “Just let the endorphins take over,” she murmured picking up her pace again.

Chapter 6


Standing under the hot shower, Carrie let the water relax her body. She stepped out just as Bob entered the room. “I left some hot water for you,” said Carrie before she lifted her wine glass to her lips. Bob watched her take a drink. “I brought a glass for you, too, it’s on your nightstand,” she explained, “I didn’t think Marta would serve wine at dinner.”

“Thanks,” Bob replied walking over to take his glass. “I was going to see if you wanted to go to the bar.” He sat on the bed and watched Carrie dry herself. She moved in quick, efficient movements not even aware that he was admiring her body. She wrapped the towel around her and walked to the dresser where she set her wine glass.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Half past five. “I better hit the shower myself.”

Carrie pulled on a floral sun dress and sandals. She was just drying her hair when Bob padded back into the room with a towel tied around his waist. Carrie looked up and was taken by how tan he looked in contrast to the white towel. He looked so damn good to her. “You got some sun today,” she said as she returned to her blow drying.

“Yes, and I think I see a new freckle on your chest. I better kiss it.”

Carrie smiled, “Maybe later. This is family hour.  Tell me about Jose’s family.”

“They live in a small house. Jose's wife, Marta, stays at home and takes care of Jose’s mother who lives in the village.  She doesn’t speak much English. The kids are well-behaved but probably won’t say much either.  It’s going to be a little bit different for you.”  He paused admitting, “And for me, too, this is the first time I’ve eaten in their home. Usually, Jose and I sit on the porch drinking beer.”

“Don’t you worry about me,” Carrie replied, “This will be just like back home for me. I was raised in a small house with five kids and one bathroom. I had ten minutes every morning to get ready for school.”

“So that explains why you don’t keep a man waiting,” Bob teased. Carrie smiled slowly then turned to the mirror to put on her turquoise ear rings. Bob thought that was a good sign and let his breath out slowly. He pulled on jeans and a shirt then walked to the air conditioner. “I’m going to leave this on so we’ll come home to a cool room. It’s better for snuggling.”

He walked up behind Carrie placing his arms around her loosely and looked at her in the mirror. “You look lovely as always,” he whispered into her ear as he kissed her hair.

“Thanks,” Carrie replied and turned to pick up a bag from her night stand.  “I’ve got shells for the kids. Shouldn’t we take some flowers to Marta?”

“Oh, I don’t think they will expect that,” Bob said.

“I disagree,” Carrie replied, “Even Jose will be pleased if you honor his wife with flowers. Let’s go pick some hibiscus from the bush out front.” She grabbed his hand and tugged. “It won’t take but a minute.”

Bob later sat back from Jose’s dinner table and watched as Carrie charmed the children. They loved teaching her Spanish words and she taught them the Mickey Mouse song.
This was the Carrie he loved
. Then he sat up – what? Did he just think that? He looked at her again. Maybe he was falling for her. She had been wonderful company, and it looked like she had put the snorkeling incident behind her. She sure was right about the flowers. Marta has blushed like a schoolgirl when he gave them to her and placed them in water right away. Jose had even slapped him on the back in a show of appreciation.

Later, as they walked home, Bob took Carrie’s hand and headed toward the beach where they could see the moon rising above the ocean. It was a beautiful night and he wasn’t ready to go inside just yet. “Thanks for being with me, tonight, Carrie, I know your presence made it easier for the family. You knew just enough Spanish to make them feel comfortable.”

Carrie looked up at him and grinned, “You mean my three-word sentences? I still can’t roll my r’s like those kids. They are very smart.”

Bob squeezed her hand, “No, but I can tell that Jose's wife liked you and that’s important. She thinks I take Jose away from the family too much. She doesn’t really get the big picture here. Maybe you can help her understand.”

“I wasn’t sure if I’d be coming back after my panic attack in the water today,” Carrie said watching Bob’s eyes for a reaction. 

He stroked her cheek and kissed her lightly, “You think I care if you’re scared of the ocean? There are a million things we can do here. I bet you’re great at finding the Big Dipper.” He looked up in the sky and pointed it out to her.

“Oh, yeah,” Carrie joked, “and don’t forget the Seven Sisters, tossed in the sky for misbehaving. See that little cluster?” Bob wrapped his arm around Carrie's waist and pulled her close. “I want you to come with me whenever you can because I love your company.”

With her heart in her throat, Carrie nodded and reached up to kiss Bob while she pushed back the tears that threatened. She laced her arms around his neck and tried to put what she was feeling into her kiss. She knew she was dangerously close to falling in love with him. She just didn’t think this was the right time to tell him.

Responding to her kiss Bob pulled her close and deepened the kiss. One of his hands came up to cup her face while the other stayed pressed into her lower back. “Can you feel how much I want you?” he whispered releasing her lips to take a breath.

“About as much as I want you,” she challenged and touched his face with her hands. She drew him back into a long kiss that left her breathless and leaning on him for support.

“Let’s go back to the room,” Bob suggested, “I want to see you by candlelight.”

“Air-conditioned candlelight,” Carrie corrected as they half-ran back to their room.

Pedro was at the front desk again and waved to Bob as they entered the lobby. “Senor Bob, you have a message from Dave. He will be here early in the morning around seven.”

“Well, that’s good news,” Bob said. Looking at Carrie, “Maybe I can take you flying tomorrow. We can explore the coastline. It always looks different from the air.”

“Did you get over to check Mary’s cabin today?” she asked as they entered the room.

“No, I think we should stay that extra day if it works with Dave so we can gather as much information as possible. I’ve been thinking it might be smarter for me to persuade Alfredo, Jose’s cousin, to lead these takeover efforts.  Jose was doubtful that the local police would do us any good. They stick to drunk drivers and speeding tickets. Sabotage is not their forte.”

Carrie dropped the spaghetti straps on her dress. “All of this detective talk sounds kinda sexy to me,” Carrie teased, “You wanna be my Tom Selleck? You’ve got his hairy chest and the moustache.” She ran her arms up his and pressed her finger to his lips. “Only I think you’re smarter,” she whispered kissing him before turning to slither out of her dress. Looking over her shoulder, she raised an eyebrow, “I can’t believe you’re still dressed. You’re the nudist, baby.”

“Hold that thought,” Bob replied, walking to the closet and pulling out two candles. “I promise you tonight we are taking our time and making love to candlelight.” He pulled matches out of the night stand setting the candles around the room. Turning the air conditioner off, he opened the sliding glass door so moonlight streamed into the room.

Carrie turned around admiring the effect noticing the light reflecting in the mirror. She walked up to the mirror and ran her hand across her collarbone to the edge of her shoulder. “My skin does look soft from the candlelight,” she murmured and sighed as Bob walked up behind her running his hands across her stomach and resting them under her breasts. He kissed her shoulder and nibbled on her neck. She tilted her head giving him room behind her ear. Her hands rose to his head pulling him down to her lips for a long kiss. Rubbing his hard-on against her, Bob’s hand drifted down to her thighs then turned inward to her delicate mound.

When the kiss ended, Bob turned her in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You still have clothes on, Bob,” chided Carrie.

“We’re not rushing tonight, I want to worship your body first,” Bob whispered as he licked the curve of her ear. He turned her in a slow dance swaying in place so her nipples rubbed against his shirt. Taking her hand he twirled her under his arm and brought her back to stand in front of him at the mirror. She watched their reflection as Bob spread his fingers over her breasts to enfold them. She loved the heat of his body. Even through his clothes, she could feel his throbbing cock.

“Keep your eyes on the mirror, love,” persuaded Bob, “I want you to watch my fingers slide into you. I want to see you lose control like you do to me.” She leaned forward so her arms rested on each side of the mirror. Her breasts felt heavy as Bob squeezed one then the other. He delved his finger into her vagina and she jerked from the fullness. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw how her nipples hardened from the excitement.

Her lips were swollen and her breathing quickened when Bob pushed another finger to add to her fullness. She pushed her ass back to butt against his cock. He chuckled at her efforts and moved his leg between hers so she was trapped against his body. “I’m in control now, Carrie, and I want you to come for me. I want to hear you scream with pleasure.” He leaned forward and bit her lobe before thrusting his tongue into her ear. Carrie’s head fell back on his shoulder and she wreathed with the passion of his seduction.

“Enough,” she cried moments later after his slow torment to her senses. “I want to feel you inside me.” She rubbed up and down his body and placed her hands behind his back so she could squeeze his buttocks. He lifted his hand from her breast and quickly unzipped his pants releasing his cock to throb against her back.

“Ah-h, finally, I can’t wait much longer,” Carrie tossed over her shoulder.

“I’m going to fill you from behind, Carrie, so we can watch in the mirror.” He pressed his hand at her mound entering her silky center from behind.

“Look in the mirror,” he whispered turning their bodies so the profile of their joining reflected in the glass. You’re a perfect fit, love.” He stroked slowly so his finger could match his penis in thrusts. Carrie moved her hands over his and pushed her breasts together with her arms. She stretched her body forward to make his stroke longer.

“That’s it, take it all for me, Carrie,” Bob encouraged, “look how beautiful you are.” He moved his free hand to stroke her back as the thrusting built. She tensed first and pressed his hand deeper into her center. “That’s it, baby, come for me,” Bob panted, “let’s come together.”

“Yes,” she cried, throwing her head back on his shoulder. He gave one last thrust and jerked at the power of his orgasm. He thrust again and pulled his hands against Carrie’s stomach. They smiled at each other in the mirror and swayed while they waited for the high to come down.

“That was fantastic,” Carrie sighed as she turned in Bob’s arms and put her head on his chest. “I’m mush. I don’t think I can walk.”

Wrapping his arms around her Bob walked her to the bed. “Your wish is my command, madam,” he stretched out beside her. They held hands while they listened to the ocean and enjoyed the candlelight.

“I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight,” Carrie whispered rolling toward Bob and bringing her hand to his cheek. “Maybe we should set an alarm clock tonight so we can meet Dave. We could all have breakfast together.”

“Sounds good to me,” Bob replied, “I’ll set my watch to wake us up.” He rolled over to undress and picked up his watch from the nightstand. Carrie crawled to the edge of the bed blowing out the candle on the dresser. She pulled the covers back and slid beneath them. Bob joined her snuggling together under the cool sheets.

Waking to the alarm clock, Bob reached out and turned it off before turning to Carrie. He pulled her on top of him and whispered in her ear, “I’m still dreaming about last night.”

She laid her head on his chest. “Well, if you’re a good boy, maybe I can give you a blowjob while you fly the plane this morning. How does that sound?” She felt his cock stir at that suggestion and giggled. “But, I have to have hot coffee first.”

“Ok, let’s go,” Bob agreed, “But it sure feels good right here in bed.”  He kissed Carrie’s forehead and slid away to head to the shower. “Wanna join me?” he called turning on the water.

“It’s all yours,” Carrie said as she studied her hair in the mirror.  She dug into her purse for a brush. Within minutes they were dressed and walking out the door to the bar where they hoped to find Dave and his lover.

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