Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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Pleasure Cove




Aces Publishing

Copyright 2013 M.G. Nash

ISBN-13: 978-1500901677









This is a work of fiction and the characters are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual persons are coincidental. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted by any means without prior written permission of the author.



Chapter 1


Carrie leaned forward looking out the window as the Cessna banked to line up for the tiny grass airstrip. A private beach lay far to the right with fishing boats dotting the horizon. She tried to take everything in since this was her first flight in a small airplane. Down they came and the asphalt loomed ahead as their target. Glancing at her boyfriend, Bob was focused on watching the pilot setting the final controls. With her eyes glued to the window, the motel came into view and palm trees swayed over the rooftop. Rolling past the motel grounds, the plane rumbled to the empty parking lot.

Dave, the pilot, lifted his sunglasses and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Gonna be a hot one,” he murmured as he taxied the Cessna into its parking spot. “Let’s get this plane covered and go find Jose at the bar.  A cold beer sure sounds good.”

Unfolding from the back seat, Bob and Carrie stretched in the bright morning sunlight. It was good to leave work and phones behind for a few days and come to this sunny little paradise for two whole days alone with Bob. Carrie was hoping this long weekend together would let her know where their relationship was headed.

Looking around before walking down the ramp, Carrie noticed the fruit orchard at the end of the runway. This is a small place! She felt an ocean breeze touch her face as she turned toward the motel.  The trio headed for the lobby to drop off their bags and see if Dave's girlfriend had arrived from the major airport a few hours away. Dave was chomping at the bit to see her since he’d been flying for the past two weeks.

Walking into the entrance, Bob looked around to see what construction had been completed since his last visit a month ago. He was a silent investor with the Hispanic family who was struggling to hold onto the motel as a giant timeshare chain invited them to sell out. It seemed that progress had found this quiet little cove where the fishing was good and guests could have ultimate privacy on the sandy beach. It was simple and quaint – a Jimmy Buffet kind of place, but the family allowed guests to enjoy nude sun bathing. Bob hoped to keep it that way.  He had just reached the point in his life where privacy and down time were important to him.

“Buenos Dias, Senor Bob,” smiled Jose as he walked forward to shake Bob’s hand and take his bag. He was a handsome man in his mid-30s. He chattered while leading the couple across the lobby. “Your room is ready for you, and Miss Carrie, it’s so good to see you.” 

She smiled at his twinkling brown eyes, “Gracias, Jose, how are Marta and the kids?”

“Everyone is in the kitchen today helping Marta. You and Bob must come have goat enchiladas with us. What do you say – taste just like chicken?”  Jose laughed at his joke and opened the door to the suite at the back of the motel. The sliding glass door was open so a fresh ocean breeze lifted the light cream-colored gauzy curtains. Taking in the room with a glance, Carrie noted the stucco walls, the large floral print bedspread and the wicker furniture. It was definitely a tropical feeling on a budget.

Bob smiled at Carrie looking out at the water. “I can’t wait to take you swimming today.” His looks lingered over her T-shirt where her nipples discreetly showed through the fabric.

Carrie walked out onto the patio and lifted her head up to the sun. “It’s a beautiful day.” She walked back in to kiss Bob lightly, “Thanks for bringing me.”  He squeezed her arms and pulled back as Jose set the bags beside the bed.

“Jose, has an American woman arrived this morning? Our pilot was expecting someone.”

“No, senor, you are the first to arrive today. We have three more parties arriving this afternoon. Reservations are picking up now with the fishing season coming.” Jose turned back toward the door.

Bob nodded, “That’s good to hear. We’ll see you in the bar in a few minutes, Jose, after we get out of these city clothes.” He began to unbutton his shirt as he closed the door. He turned to see Carrie surrounded by the light from the patio.

Pulling off her T-shirt, she tossed it on a chair. “I feel cooler already,” she laughed, kicking off her shoes and unzipping her jeans to let them drop on the floor.

Bob just stood for a moment watching her undress without a care in the world. She padded over to him naked, “Need some help out of that shirt?” she teased as she grabbed his last two buttons and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. She leaned in to kiss his right nipple. “You know I really wanted you on that plane,” she whispered in his ear then bit his lobe. “The vibration got me worked up and I thought we could join the Mile High club I’ve heard about.”

“Absolutely,” Bob said pulling her to him. With his hands gripping her butt, he pressed her against the ridge forming in his shorts. As he kissed her breasts, he smiled, “I can see you’re going to be a natural at going nude.”

She rubbed against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Just for you, Bob. I missed you this week.  I’ve never been naked in front of others before. I might just clam up when we walk out that door.”

“Not my little adventurer,” he murmured as he backed her to the wall. He lifted her breast to his mouth and laved his tongue in circles as he watched the nipple tighten. He pulled it into his mouth and suckled as he tucked her leg up around his. Carrie gasped as sensations shot down to her core.

“No fair, you’ve still got clothes on,” Carrie chided as she rubbed his cock through his shorts. She pulled the zipper down and slid her hand inside to free his shaft that was silky hot.  “Did you know I was fantasizing about giving you a blow job an hour ago?” she teased as she stroked his penis pressing its head into her belly. “I’m so ready for you that I just might pin you to this wall and take you.”

Bob stared into her eyes and kissed her hard before taking her face in his hands and turning it to insert his tongue in her mouth. She responded with a sigh and joined him in a French kiss that left her panting.  “I need you now,” she gasped thrusting her breasts against his chest, “I’ve been waiting for this for two hours.”

“I do love your eagerness,” Bob encouraged while teasing her labia with his hot shaft. Parting her legs, he pressed inside feeling her take him deep. “Oh, you are wet," Bob rasped as he slowly stroked in and out. His mouth returned to her breast where he cupped as he suckled and stroked.

Carrie threw her head back and cried, “Ah that feels good. Give it to me, baby.” She felt her orgasm rising as she matched Bob’s strokes. They both reveled in the rhythmic thrusting. When Bob moved his hand to caress her from the rear, she exploded as energy shot down her back. She bucked frantically grabbing his shoulders. “Bob," she cried as they pumped together and his release came seconds later. Feeling his hot sperm fill her gave Carrie a last orgasm and she pressed hard against his throbbing cock to get every ounce of heat.

Carrie gasped for breath while her leg slid back to the floor. Her heart was racing and her hands quivered on Bob’s chest as they stood sharing the moment. Bob laughed and kissed Carrie softly, “Welcome to our little Pleasure Cove. How do you like it so far?”

“I love it,” sighed Carrie as she snuggled into his chest.  They hugged and stroked each other’s back before parting.

While Bob pulled his shorts up and zipped them, Carrie turned to her bag and grabbed a sarong and tied it around her breast. “Will this do until we’re at the beach?” she asked.

“It’s perfect,” Bob replied, “let’s go see if Dave is waiting for us in the bar.”

Walking arm and arm, Bob and Carrie found Dave nursing a beer while sitting alone on a barstool at the small bar tucked in the back corner. He looked up when they settled in next to him on their heavy wooden stools.  “Any news from your gal?” asked Bob before giving the bartender a sign for two beers.

“No, Jose is calling the airport for me now to see if the flight is delayed. I may hop in the plane to go pick her up myself.”

“Sounds like a good idea. It would be a lot faster than driving from here. Once you turn off the highway, there’s fifteen miles of winding road taking over an hour on some days.”

Carrie added, “Her flight may have been cancelled and she had to take a later one. Did she leave a message on your cell phone?”

Dave shook his head, “She knows I turn it off while I’m flying. I just hope she’s okay and didn’t change her mind about coming,” he said rubbing the label on his bottle of beer. “The last time we were together she nagged me about filing for a divorce.”

Bob slapped him on the back and grabbed his beer, “Come on, you two, we’ll have some lunch. Maybe Jose will get through and you’ll know what to do.” They moved forward to the tables adjacent to the bar. Carrie looked out to their view of the beach. The sliding glass doors were open to let air flow through. The atmosphere was relaxed just like a neighborhood café with Spanish music in the background.

Mid-way through their fish tacos, Jose strolled in with a smile on his face. “Good news for you, amigo. Her flight was cancelled and the next flight arrives at five today.”

A look of relief crossed Dave’s face and he leaned back in his chair. “Well, that’s settles it, I’m flying south and I’ll be waiting to surprise her.  We may just spend the night there depending on the time.”

“So, it’s just you and me, kid,” Bob smiled at Carrie, “How shall we spend our afternoon?”  She glanced around to take in her surroundings.  Personally, she was delighted to have Bob all to herself. They could go exploring for secret places to have an outdoor rendezvous.

Bob leaned back and smiled, “I’m torn between taking you for a swim in the ocean and checking up the building progress while I’ve been gone.  Which would you like to do?"

“I want to see the changes you’ve got planned. It’s perfect to me the way it is - just a casual place where I can go barefoot. Maybe I’d paint a few walls to add some color, but I hope you’re not planning on anything too fancy.”

Bob shook his head, “No, just adding enough rooms to give Jose’s family the cash flow to fight off any more timeshare firms. So far, they have made it sound like long-term planning to buy up the coastline from here to San Diego. We want them to be happy with the beach that’s twenty miles away.”

“It would definitely affect all the families here if a timeshare resort came in,” agreed Carrie. “Look at Cancun. It’s just not the same since all the resorts moved in.”  She stood up and grabbed his hand, “Time’s a ’wasting. Let’s go check this place out.”

Bob took Carrie’s hand and led her out to the front of the motel where it was shaded with palm trees. They could hear the murmurs of workers and followed their voices to the palapa at the end of the sidewalk. Inside they saw men weaving palm fronds for the roof. The walls were open so a breeze crackled over the dried palm leaf tips.

“This will become an outdoor lounge where people can eat and drink when they come up from the beach. Guests can eat outside without changing.”

Carrie admired the ocean view. It was relaxing to hear the tree branches dancing in the wind. She listened to the workers chatting as their fingers moved rhythmically securing the fronds so they would withstand the weather. Carrie was surprised that she could understand brief phrases of their conversations.  She smiled to herself,
“I guess that two years of college Spanish was worth it.”
She heard talk of a new marlin boat for the motel and the local gossip about night lights down at the beach.

She glanced over at Bob but he was busy checking the wiring for the motel’s internet hot spot. Carrie took a moment just to watch him work. He loved being a part of this family since he missed his own back in Chicago. She had seen him focused on his work in Orange County but he was different down here – more relaxed. Carrie admired the flex of muscles on his back as he stretched up to secure a wire cable clamp. Looking around, she noticed all the men were working with their hands. Carrie glanced again aware of all the male energy but her eyes were pulled back to Bob bending over to return a tool to the toolbox. He was the only one who made her heart pitter-patter.

He turned just then noticing her look. “We can finish up here,” he assured her, “and I just want to walk around to check on the new concrete work.”  Bob drilled the last screw and walked over taking her hand. “Let’s go see if there’s progress on the rooms at the back.”

Turning the corner of the motel, he stopped to kiss her quickly. “I see that twinkle in your eyes. I promise we’ll only be a few minutes.”  They headed toward two slabs of concrete poured with rebar coming out. Bob walked around to examine the work from several angles. “I wanted the concrete to be thicker,” Bob noticed, “This will just meet code but I wanted it twelve inches thick. Remind me to chat with Jose about this. We have to build now so we can add a second story if we need to later.” He rubbed Carrie’s behind whispering, “I don't want guests hearing us make love.”

She kissed him making a low moaning sound. "You mean something like that?"

He moved his hands up her back. “Are you ready to go swimming?” Bob asked pulling her arm through his continuing around the building. “You’ve never seen the private beach. Let’s grab some towels and I’ll take you.”  He cut through the back door of the motel where their room was nearby. Bob watched Carrie fill a bag with towels, sunscreen and books. Grabbing her straw hat she threw the bag on her shoulder. “You don’t keep a guy waiting,” he teased kissing her nose. “It’s one of my favorite things about you.”

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