Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! (10 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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Chapter 15


Closing her eyes, Carrie held onto Bob aware they had just experienced a moment that was too special to end quickly. She was dancing on the inside that he said he loved her.

When her breathing returned to normal, Carrie rose up on her elbow and looked over Bob to the countryside. She saw mule deer grazing on the hillside. “Look, Bob, we have neighbors.”

Following her finger he said, “I’ll be. That’s a pretty sight.”  He looked back at Carrie whispering, “Maybe we can slip back down here tonight and look at the stars.” Carrie hugged him from behind kissing his back. “I’m curious how many love nests they have in this place. How far does that trail go?” she asked.

“We can explore that tomorrow,” Bob suggested, “Right now, I want to see if I can get a room for the night.” He turned and looked up at Carrie, “Think you can walk after that bone-melting sex?”

She pinched his shoulder saying, “You betcha.  Hey, I’ve got more surprises for you in the car,” she teased grabbing her robe and heading up the trail.  Bob rolled his eyes, “Did you bring toys?”  She shook her head, “I’m not telling.  You’ll have to wait until tonight.”

He watched her walk ahead of him with her robe thrown over her shoulder.  He walked up to run his hand over her hair. “You have sex hair, you know,” he chuckled walking in front of her to run his hands through her hair and touch her nose.

“They expect that of sex goddesses,” she replied tartly arching her eyebrow at him, “You have a hickey on your shoulder where I bit you.” Bob looked down at his collar bone. “I’m a branded man, honey.”

After dressing and walking through the security gate, they returned to the cabin’s front office where Bob inquired about a room. “All our suites are taken,” the hostess informed him, “But we do have a single room at the back.”

“Can we take a quick look at it?” Carrie asked.

“Sure,” the young lady replied pulling out a key to hand them. “Go check it out and let me know.”

Bob turned the key and led them into a small studio with an open floor plan. Carrie loved the wooden rafters and the small fireplace that had been added. It was a small replica of a mountain cabin and she loved it. All she had to do was peek at Bob’s face to see he was delighted. The large open windows looked out on the back mountain side.

“Let’s take it,” Bob said pulling her to the window to look out on the view. “We’ll have privacy back here.”

“I’m in,” Carrie sighed as she tested the bed by plopping down on it.

“Why don’t you stay right here while I go pay for the room and get some help with our bags?” Bob assured her. “Maybe you can take a little nap so you’ll have energy tonight.”

Carrie burst out laughing. She grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him as he walked out the door.  Bob returned half an hour later with a valet carrying their bags, and he had a bottle of Cabernet in his hand.

“Jerry here has recommended a great pizza place that will deliver. How does pizza sound for dinner?”

“I think it’s great,” Carrie agreed. Bob gave instructions to the valet tipping him as he left. He turned to look at Carrie with a twinkle in his eyes. She winked at him.

“Let’s drag some lounge chairs out on the patio so we can watch a Malibu sunset. Maybe we can both take a short nap,” she hinted.

Bob walked out and Carrie grabbed towels so they were soon feeling the afternoon breeze bathe their skin while they enjoyed the view from the top of the world.  “It’s impossible to dwell on problems when it looks so peaceful from up here,” she sighed.

“I know,” Bob agreed, “I’ve felt that way in Pleasure Cove many times.”  He closed his eyes and reached for Carrie’s hand so he had contact with her. She watched his face and thought he looked more relaxed than she had ever seen him.  She closed her eyes, too, and enjoyed the silence.

When the sun began to set, the mountain temperature dropped waking Bob and Carrie from their nap. Looking out, the clouds reflected the pink from the sunset and the hills gathered shadows as evening approached.

“Shall we go start a fire?” Carrie asked, “And maybe open the wine. Our pizza should be here soon.”

“Let’s start with a shower to cool down our skin. And, maybe listen to some jazz that fits this relaxed mood.”

“You are a man after my heart, Bob.”  He watched her saunter into the bathroom and marveled at how easily she had accepted seeing other people nude on the grounds today. Carrie was not shy.  He wandered in behind her and joined her in the walk-in shower. They lathered each other and played in the water till their skin cooled.

Bob opened the wine while Carrie played with the stereo and put on a Frank Sinatra CD. They started a small fire and cuddled on the sofa. “So, I'd like to hear more details about what you packed today,” he said curiously.

“We could have a couple as an appetizer if you’d like,” Carrie hinted mysteriously, “But, I really think we have to save some for dessert after pizza. I read about this in Cosmo magazine and I thought you’d like it.”

Carrie went to the bedroom to retrieve what looked like a make-up bag. She came back opening it to pull out a handful of grapes. She fed one to Bob and popped one into her mouth before sliding down between his legs and taking his cock fully into her mouth.

“Whoa,” Bob exclaimed sitting up, “You’ve had these chilled.  What a feeling!  “Oh-h, that’s right; move it around with your tongue.  Um-m, now that’s nice, I like the hot and cold sensations. Those grapes cool down quickly.” He was amazed as one burst inside her mouth and squirted on his hot cock. “M-mm, that feels like my cum.”

Carrie taunted him, “So you like my surprise” pulling out another grape and pushing it into his mouth. She took one and returned to her playfulness. Rolling the grape around his shaft to the bottom, she then took it pulling up with a sucking motion.

“I can’t tell if I’m getting hard from the cold or from your mouth, but it feels amazing.  God, this is a first, sweetheart. No one has ever been so good to me.”

“Well, I’m saving my other goodies for dessert,” she informed him taking two grapes in her mouth and surrounding both sides of his penis with them before driving them up and down  his cock in quick motions. Pulling the grapes to the top of his penis she popped them against the roof of her mouth so cool juices flowed down his cock and she licked them up with her tongue.

Just then the phone rang shocking them both as they were absorbed in each other.  Bob answered the call and it was the front office letting him know their pizza had arrived. Jerry would be right down.

Bob hung up the phone asking Carrie if she would greet Jerry while he stayed put on the couch to cover his erection. He was still in a half-daze from her erotic surprise.

Grabbing a robe from the bathroom, she met Jerry at the door right after his first knock. By the time, she gathered plates and returned to the sofa, Bob was in control again. She noticed his cock was still a deep pink and she smiled secretly. He had kept her primed while they were at the beach and now it was her time to turn the tables.

Carrie poured the wine and pulled out the first slice. “M-mm,” her nose inhaled the spices as she fed the tip to Bob before laying it on his plate.

Taking a sip of the Cabernet she poured a glass for Bob. “You’re going to like this. It’s perfect for the pizza.” She took a slice of pizza and held it up so a string of cheese hung off the side. Lifting it her mouth, she delicately sucked the bit of cheese into her mouth. She looked at Bob and slowly put the tip into her mouth moaning with pleasure.

Seduction by pizza,
he thought as he watched her eat. She selected a mushroom and slid it into her mouth then fed him a crisp slice of her pepperoni. She licked her fingers and ran her tongue around her lower lip.  He sat back enthralled at her and how the food heightened his senses. The smell of the crust, the bite of the peppers made his blood boil. Taking a sip of wine, he realized he was aroused by this whole experience.

Reaching over he stroked Carrie’s hair and ate another bite. Leaning her head back she ruffled her hair across his hand. She cocked her head and winked, “Good pizza.”

Bob nodded, “Good company,” he replied.  Carrie picked up another slice and brought it up to Bob’s mouth. As he chewed, he watched her take a bite right next to his before putting it on his plate.

“Are you going to eat your crust? Carrie asked shyly.

“No, would you like it?”  Picking up the curved piece of bread, he brought it to Carrie’s mouth. She wrapped her lips around the crust and moved them sensually up and down.  He pulled the bread out and kissed Carrie’s mouth hard.

“You are a temptress, my dear.” Taking the crust from his hand, she licked off the tomato sauce along the inner edges.

“This is how I’m going to lick your cock tonight,” she grinned at him before biting into the warm bread.

“Only you could turn pizza into sensual foreplay,” Bob joked setting his plate down.

“Ah-h, but pizza was your idea, baby, remember?  I’m just playing.” She stopped and looked closely at Bob, touching his hand.  “Does it bother you while we’re eating?”

“No, Carrie, it’s not you.”  As Bob looked down at his wine, he continued, “I think the wine and this day are such a euphoria that it’s hitting me suddenly like a ton of bricks that I’m missing out on a lot of happiness with all the damn responsibilities that run my life.”

“You mean this is too much of a good thing – You don’t deserve this much happiness?” Carrie asked hesitantly looking at him perplexed. Bob looked up into her eyes and nodded, “Maybe. I feel conflicted. I want it but I’m afraid of it – that it won’t last.”

Spreading her arms, she whispered, “How could this possibly last, Bob?  I don’t think it’s meant to last; this is a reprieve, an escape from reality so you can recharge to face the world again. I will do better writing next week because I had this moment of freedom but I wouldn’t want to come here every weekend. It wouldn’t be special.”

Carrie sat her plate down and went to cuddle in Bob’s arms. “Our love is new so it’s OK if we try our wings to see how it evolves. Maybe it will deepen or maybe we’ll discover we had a beautiful moment. Are you afraid I’ll expect too much of you?”

“No, I’m afraid you’ll get bored with me. I’m not nearly as creative as you. You just turned a simple pizza into a seduction.”

“And this is coming from the man who turned a simple chocolate bar into Lady Godiva. Give me a break. I think you underestimate your sexual prowess, Bob.”

“Maybe you’re right. It’s true my wife and I fell into a sexual routine in our marriage, and it got less and less once the kids arrived. We grew apart and the marriage ended badly. This feels like heaven compared to what we had at the end.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I could tell how much you miss your family when I saw you with Jose’s. You really enjoyed his kids. Is any part of this about the fact that I was the one seducing you, kind of taking control? You do like to be in charge, Bob.”

He took his hand to turn her face up so he could look into her eyes. “I think I can handle letting you be in charge. Look at the wonderful job you did today. Personally, I’m thrilled that you want to seduce me. I’m the idiot who had the ton of bricks fall on my head from drinking too much wine. Please forgive me, Carrie. I want us to enjoy each other just as you said.”

“Maybe you need a breath of fresh air” suggested Carrie. “We can always eat pizza later if we get hungry again.”

“Yeah, I think I need a walk to clear my head, and no more wine for me tonight,” he emphasized setting the wine glass down.  “I do feel a little soused,” he admitted.

The night air was cool so they walked arm in arm toward the security gate. Using his pass key, Bob opened the door entering and Carrie gasped at the lovely change in the private garden. Tiny lights flickered in the trees and the path was illuminated with rope lights.

"It really does look like a magic garden now doesn't it, Bob?"

"Yes, very much like the gardens in London where lovers disappear for trysts."

“That’s me and you, baby.” She grinned reaching up to kiss him quickly.

“Yes, it is. Thanks for sticking with me back there.”

“No problemo, senor,” Carrie quipped. “You made it through my ocean anxiety attack so fair is fair.”

Bob laughed, “I’d already forgotten about that.  So, let’s go look for some stars. Venus is probably out already.”

Strolling hand in hand, they let the magic of the evening mesmerize them. There really was no need for words.

Pulling Carrie into his arms they looked up into the night sky. Within moments, a falling star streaked across the sky.

“Oh, I think that’s an omen, Bob, “It’s a good sign for us.”

“I hope so, Carrie, I hope so.”

When they returned to the room, Bob drew Carrie back to the sofa. “I still want to know what else is in your bag of tricks, sweetheart.”

“Well, I did have a plan for dessert that was inspired by your Lady Godiva. She reached into the bag and drew out a handful of chilled dark chocolate chips.  Feeding him one of them, she whispered, “Did you really like the grapes, Bob?”

He nodded as the dark chocolate melted in his mouth. Carrie pushed him back on the sofa so she had access to his body and placed several chips on her tongue. Taking his cock into her mouth, she rubbed the chocolate chips up and down his shaft pressing the tips against his flesh.  Within a few strokes, the chocolate grew soft and warm from their body heat.

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