Pleasure Bay (16 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Um… I didn’t ask him. I wanted to it to be a surprise.”

“Well, you make sure to go over the safety rules and don’t let him get carried away if he’s never been on one. I’ll leave a remote kill switch in your pack. If he panics, for any reason, make sure you use it. “

“Yes, chief, Mr. supreme safety officer, sir,” Katie said, giving him a teasing salute.

“Don’t get smart, Ms. Hunt, lest you forget that as a member you are not immune to certain reprimands.” He examined his hand and then looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

Katie understood the reference and knew from experience, he wasn’t afraid to follow through. She had watched Vance in the dungeon on more than one occasion and knew he could deliver a sound punishment when necessary. In fact, it was Vance who had shown her how to deliver a proper underhand stroke with a paddle while carefully avoiding injury to her partner’s vulnerable jewels.

“Sorry, Vance. I know safety is nothing to joke about. I was thinking that if Shane’s never ridden before, we could double up for a brief spin first to see how he takes to the water.”

“I’m sure he will have no problems snuggling himself up to your pretty little behind.” He winked, giving her an affectionate pat on the shoulder. “Go on now. You know we don’t like to keep our guests waiting.”

Chapter Nine



Rolling over in the soft bed, the morning sunshine bringing her to awareness, she stretched, arching her back like a cat, a gentle smile curving her lips. She blinked, realizing it was morning. Sitting up, she looked around a bit disoriented. It was too quiet. Where was the wonderfully relaxing sound of the crashing waves she’d fallen to sleep by? Rolling to her side, she picked up the remote. Studying it for a moment, she hit a button. As the wall folded away, the sun-drenched beach with the shimmering water behind came into view.

This place was paradise, no doubt about it. And last night with Jaxon, well… it had been like a dream come true. A thought occurred to her. She popped out of bed and padded across to the mirror. Looking back over her shoulder, she angled her butt this way and that, looking for something that told her it had been real. There wasn’t a mark or a blemish on her bottom, nor a hint of redness—amazing, considering.

Disappointed, she made a tiny moue at the mirror with her lips.

“Inspecting my handiwork?”

With a shriek of alarm, she spun around, grabbing for the robe that lay across the bench at the foot of the bed. Holding it up to her chest, her eyes flew to Jaxon who was standing just inside the open door-wall, two cups of to-go coffee in hand.

“Jaxon,” she exhaled, her hand flat to her chest as if she could slow her racing heart and rapid breathing with its touch. “You scared me to death. I didn’t know who was walking in on me naked.”

His eyes swept passed to a point just behind her. “Sorry. I thought you’d still be asleep.” A grin covered his lips the next moment. “Looks like you recovered well from your warm-up last night.”

Puzzled, she followed his gaze. From this angle, with the robe held up in front, he had a perfect view of her naked backside in the mirror.

He chuckled as she stepped back, spoiling the view.

“I brought caffeine. I thought we’d head to the main house for breakfast and then hit the beach. What do you say?”

Slipping on her robe, she nodded in agreement. “Sounds wonderful.”

She approached him, relieving him of one of the cups of morning joe. His free hand slipped around her waist to pull her close as he kissed her forehead. “Any residual soreness?”

She shook her head rapidly in the negative.

“Sydney, you’ll find that a dom appreciates a verbal response so there is no room for error.”

“I’m not sore. It’s like it didn’t happen.”

“Ah, but it did. Because you sound so disappointed, we’ll give it another try in a moment before we go to eat.”

“Another try? You mean this morning?”

“Absolutely, but drink up first. Point me to your bikinis while you’re at it. I want to choose. I assume you brought more than one, my little fashionista.”

She blushed.

“Let me guess, you brought three.”

He laughed when she shook her head. “Four? But you’re only here three short days.”

“Um, I brought six, actually.”

Grinning, he walked toward her dresser and pulled open the top drawer, exactly where she had placed them.

“Let’s see what we have here.” He held up a yellow two-piece string bikini first. “Ah, this one has potential. The color will look great on you. I’ll put that right here in a ‘maybe’ pile.” He looked at her with a wink and a waggle of his eyebrows as he went back to his inventory.

Next came a black one-piece, which he cast aside out of hand.

She smiled. “Dear Jaxon, don’t you know that a one-piece can be as sinfully risqué as the tiniest bikini?”

“You don’t say.” Holding it up for closer inspection, he examined the hodgepodge of straps and narrow swaths of material. There wasn’t much to it and would expose almost all of her back and the thong-like bottom, although not a full thong, would show most of her behind.

“I stand corrected. This one warrants further investigation. A fashion show may be needed for me to decide.”

Giggling, she shook her head as she watched him examine a skimpy red bikini and a teal number that had a halter-style top. Both actually had a thong bottom and went into the ‘maybe’ pile while the last two, although pretty, were deemed too conservative and went back in the drawer.

“That leaves four for consideration.” He carried them to her and pressed them into her hand before he swept up his coffee and reclined on her bed. “Let the show begin, baby. Start with the red one.”

In the end, she’d been put through her paces. She’d gotten into the game, strutting around like a runway model in each minuscule scrap of nothing, posing and turning on command. When he asked her to bend from the waist with her ass facing him, she’d finally protested.

“I must evaluate each piece from all angles,” he said as though the decision was as weighty as a peace treaty between warring nations. “Displaying an ass as hot as yours must be given careful consideration.”

That earned him a roll of her eyes and a rude remark under her breath. As soon as it left her lips, he bounded off the bed, bent her over his knee, and proceeded to swat her with ten of his best all the while lecturing on why calling her dom ‘a gawking pervert’ was not a good idea. When he was done and her bottom was tingling and warm, he announced his decision.

“The yellow is my favorite, but after that sassy tongue earned you a morning spanking, we’ll go with the green one. I want you in a thong that shows off that pink bottom. The red might detract from the lovely color I gave your cheeks and my hard work would be all for naught.”

Sydney gaped at him, keying in on one important point. “I’m expected to walk around with my red butt on display? Everyone will know.”

“Precisely. Now go change. My coffee cup is empty and I’m hungry.” To take the bite out of his orders, he wrapped a strong hand around her neck and pulled her toward him for a quick but thorough kiss. “Hurry, baby, I want pancakes.”

She rushed to the bathroom, changed, and came out a few minutes later wearing the teal—not green, did the man not know his colors?—bikini with a matching sarong. When he grinned and wrapped his arms around her, his hands sliding around to cup her rounded butt, she smiled against his shoulder, thinking she’d taken this small battle, but her celebration came too soon.

“I’ll allow it, subbie, for now, but don’t think you have won anything. When I say it comes off, this scrap of silk is history.”

Laughing at her thwarted expression, he pulled her along to breakfast.

After Jax got his tall stack of pancakes and she’d had yogurt and fruit, they headed to the beach, spreading their blanket on the white sugary sand. Then they walked hand in hand in the rolling surf for about an hour. When the sun peaked and the temperature rose, they ran laughing like children into the waves to cool off. They splashed and played, body surfing and floating with Sydney often on top of Jax, held in his strong arms for a salty kiss, or towed around on her back. When they were wrinkled and breathless, they collapsed onto their blanket for a short reprieve.


* * *


After a few minutes warming in the sun, Jax rolled his head to look at his beautiful weekend submissive. As she lay on her belly with her head pillowed on her arms, his gaze swept over her curves and the glistening beads of water that clung to her skin. Noticing how her round breast swelled softly beyond the confines of her bikini top, he watched with fascination as a droplet rolled off her back. He followed it as it traveled over her side, across her soft breast and disappeared beneath the material. A line of pink skin meeting pale white had him concerned. “Dry off and apply more sunscreen, baby,” he ordered. “You’re getting pink.”

“I will in a bit. I just want to lie here and doze for a few more minutes.”

“Now, Sydney. If you burn, you’ll spoil our weekend.”


The little imp had no intention of getting up and doing as he ordered. She would learn soon enough that he had ways of correcting that type of behavior—enjoyable for him, but not so much for her. He planned to demonstrate one of his methods now. Digging inside her beach bag, he found what he was looking for—her hairbrush. Thank goodness, it was a paddle-style brush instead of one of those round ones with the bristles all around. In the next instant, he rolled toward her and pulled her up onto her hands and knees. With an arm around her waist, he began spanking her disobedient butt.

“Yeow! That hurts.” Struggling to turn over, she wiggled ineffectually beneath his arm.

The sand shifting beneath them had him spreading his knees and pulling her across one hard thigh for greater stability before resuming her spanking.

“No! Please, stop!”

Concentrating on the tender spot between her ass and thighs, he applied a half dozen more before he paused. “Are you ready to do as you’re told, baby girl?”

“Yes… anything.”

He chuckled. “Careful before you throw away that limit list. Don’t write checks your naughty butt isn’t ready to cash.”

Pulling her up against him, he hugged her close, his hand brushing against her red and chastened cheeks. “Get your sunscreen and I’ll spread it on your back.”

He kissed her temple before releasing her. She scrambled for her bag, but not before her hands flew to her backside.

“Uh-unh! No rubbing. That sting is there as a reminder not to misbehave again.”

“Yes, sir,” she said with much greater compliance as she found the tube and brought it back to him, turning her back.

“Take off your suit, Sydney.”

Wide-eyed, she looked back at him over her shoulder. “What?”

“You heard me. The second part of your punishment is that you forfeit your suit until you show me you can behave. This stalling that you’re doing right now is not quite what I had in mind.”

Her hands went hesitantly to the tie at the back of her bikini top. “Surely you can’t mean for me to walk around naked?”

“Surely I can,” he parroted back.

“Is it a nude beach?”

He broke out in a belly laugh. “Sydney, it’s a nude island if your dom says so. Everyone is an adult here so it’s not a big deal. Strip.”

She closed her mouth, a crease forming between her brows as it sunk in. This is what having a dominant male in charge really meant. He held out his hand and she relinquished her top.

“Now the bottoms. Then lie on your belly so I can do your back.”

Reluctantly, she peeled off the rest of her suit and handed that over too. With the cheeks of her face blushing to match the cheeks of her behind, she lay down on the blanket and sighed, seeming to be relieved to be mostly covered.

Silly little subbie; he had much more in store for her. Taking up the sunscreen, he squirted a dollop onto his palm and began to work it into every square inch of her skin. When he got to her bottom, he spread it gently into her pink globes.

“You have a gorgeous round bottom, Sydney. It’s perfect for a man’s hand; I’m surprised no one has spanked it before now.”

“I suppose I’ve been meeting a different kind of man.”

He swatted her bottom. “Okay, roll over and I’ll do your front.”

As she did, he heard a male voice calling his name. Looking up, he saw one of the security team heading down the trail from the cabana. Quick as a wink, a frantic Sydney scrambled up and around behind him. When he turned, she was trying to untangle the strings of her top and get it on over her head.

“Did I say you could dress?”

Her eyes flew to his. “But—” Panicking, her eyes switched to the man rapidly approaching behind him.

“I understand you’re shy, baby, but I gave an order that I expect you to obey.”

Breathless, she looked down at her top. He could see by her very expressive face that she was struggling with her decision. This was a pivotal point for her, to resist or submit.
C’mon, baby,
he urged silently,
be brave and choose submission.

He exhaled with relief, his chest swelling with pride as he watched Sydney struggle, reaching down deep and making the right decision for her. Submissives had more mettle than the vanilla world gave them credit for. It took balls to turn control over to another, and in her case, a near stranger. She proved her point now by dropping the teal-colored spandex to the blanket and moving back to her previous spot.

“That’s my girl.” Seeing the looming tears behind her long silky lashes as she lay stiffly on her back, with fisted hands and curled toes, he crumbled like a house of cards. If Vance or Dimitri found out what he was about to do, they’d cancel his membership in the badass dominants club, for sure. Ruefully shaking his head, he offered her a compromise of sorts.

“Tell you what. I’ll give you a choice. You can lie down and let me finish what I started while Joe tells me whatever he finds urgent enough to interrupt our time together…” Her frown told him she didn’t like option one. “Or,” he continued, “you can stand behind me and rub some of that SPF 30 on my back. Your penalty will be a second spanking, however.”

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