Read Pleasure Bay Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

Pleasure Bay (14 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Patience.” He smiled at her, adding a wink as he moved the head of his cock back and forth over her throbbing clit.

“Ah… ah,” she cooed, her pussy clenching.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve played with a girl like you.” His eyes left hers to focus on positioning his rigid cock at her entrance.

Her thighs trembled with anticipation as she felt him enter. With little more than the thick head of his cock in her pussy, he paused. “Look at me, girl.”

She clenched at his words and felt his cock throb in reciprocation as she looked up to meet his eyes.

“That’s it, baby. I want to see that pretty face.” His fingers tightened around her hips the deeper he went, his jaw clenching as he seated himself—fully.

“Yesss,” she hissed. God, he couldn’t fit her any better. He filled her completely, stretching her open. He held himself there while her muscles clenched around him, begging him to move.

As he pulled back, his eyes found hers again, and then he made another slow, teasing plunge into her depths. She moaned, lifting her hips, silently begging him to move faster and give her aching pussy the release she so desperately needed.

“Easy, or I’ll lose control before either of us are ready.”

Ready? Was he mad? She was beyond ready, his deep, slow, determined thrusts having nearly driven her out of her mind. “Please,” she begged, her voice hoarse.

“Tell me what you need, baby.” His smiling face in the mirror confirmed he was delaying the inevitable, purposely driving her insane. “Let me hear you say it.”

“Fuck me, sir,” she blurted. “Hard!” she added, striving to push back while she clamped down on his cock for all she was worth. She got a small thrill of satisfaction as his eyes closed for a moment. He moaned, whether from her words of urging or her pussy’s gripping response, she couldn’t be sure, but she hoped it was a combination of both.

“You like rough, do you?” he asked, taking his slow rhythm up a notch.

“Yes, sir,” she groaned, tightening her grip on the wooden posts.

“Hold on.” His voice was as ripe with need as her body.

Pulling her hips back to meet his, his thrusts became faster and more determined as he bottomed out inside her liquid center with each delicious stroke. “Ahh,” she moaned, feeling her orgasm rise.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me. Let me feel that sexy pussy drench my cock.” His words came out as grunts and growls while at the same time his hand was moving into the nape of her neck, his fingers weaving into her damp auburn hair. Fisting a good handful, he pulled back while driving in deep.

The sight in the mirror had her spiraling out of control. A loud, passionate cry burst from her lips and filled the room as she rode the waves of orgasmic bliss, her pussy spasming uncontrollably while he continued to thrust. Her mouth was dry and she was gasping for breath as she felt him reach his tipping point.

“Jennifer!” he groaned, then he growled, “Fuck!”

Even through the condom, she could feel the heat and force of his seed exploding delightfully deep inside her. The look on his face as he took his pleasure was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

Breathless, their bodies shuddered in the aftermath. Her damp messy hair and his gleaming, sweat-covered chest heaving from exertion was an image she would not soon forget. Silently, he eased them into recovery as his still hard cock continued to move inside her with a slow glide. After several minutes of this pleasant stroking, he slipped out of her still twitching pussy and went to discard the condom.

When he came back, he brushed the damp strands of her hair away from her face and kissed her softly before unleashing her wrists. Once she was free, he wrapped her in his arms, planting slow, lingering kisses along her lips and neck as he moved them onto the bed.

“You’re amazing, baby. I don’t think two days are going to be enough with you.”

“Thank you, sir,” she replied shyly as she settled against his firm chest.

“Adam,” he said, turning to his side so that he could look at her.

“Adam,” she whispered, reaching up to touch the side of his face. The tender way he was looking at her with his warm fingers stroking the side of her cheek made her insides melt.

“Did you enjoy your fantasy, sweetheart?” His warm breath brushed her lips.

“More than I anticipated, sir,” she sighed softly.

“You’re a lot more than I anticipated too, my sexy vixen.” She relished the way he gently smoothed her hair back behind her ear. “I have to ask you something though.”

“Hmm?” was all she could muster as she gazed dreamily into his eyes, enjoying the aftershocks of the powerful orgasm he’d given her.

“Why clowns?”

An abrupt giggle left her lips and her cheeks grew warm. “I’ve never liked safewords,” she began, moving a finger to his chest, trailing it through his hair. “For me, if the chemistry is there, my partner should be able to see and feel everything I’m experiencing. If something he does starts freaking me out, he should be able to pick up on it instantly.”

“A good dom should always know what his woman is feeling and where she’s at physically as well as emotionally, but sometimes while pushing limits there is that fine line where it’s easy to miscalculate something.” He kissed the top of her head, putting an arm around her.

She snuggled into his warm embrace. “I know. I found that out one night with my partner at the time. We were doing a scene at a club, he pushed the wrong buttons and I screamed ‘clowns.’ They always scared the crap out of me at the circus when I was young. We never used a safeword and until that night, I didn’t have one. It brought the scene to a screeching halt and I was really embarrassed. Later, we laughed about it, but I wasn’t in any big rush to scene at the club for a while after. “

“I knew you were scared when you saw the raft. I could feel your racing pulse as I was untying your wrists. That’s why I used gentle persuasion, appealing to your submissive side rather than trying to be too forceful. I’ll admit the thought of you pulling away from me and running down the beach screaming ‘clowns’ would have been devastating.”

Jen pictured the image and started laughing. “I have to say, sir—”

“Adam,” he interrupted, tilting her chin up to face him. “Unless we’re playing, I’d prefer you use my name. I like the way it sounds coming from those sweet lips of yours.” He leaned down for a brief taste of her lips. “Now, what did you have to say?” he asked playfully, his smile adorable.

“That I’m really happy with you…” She paused, biting her tongue, wishing she could take that back. She didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. “I mean my fantasy.” She gave him a warm smile. “For the past week I kept trying to picture you, wondering how you might capture me. How you would grab me and force me to your will, doing all sorts of naughty things.”

“So I take it you are satisfied with how forceful I can be?”

“Are you kidding? This turned out to be so much more than I ever could have dreamed. I’ve been out of the scene for a couple of years now and I miss it. I saw the website for Pleasure Bay and the submissive inside me leapt to attention. It seemed like the perfect way to ease back into things after such a long absence. I didn’t want it to be all planned out and prearranged though. I was looking for thrilling—something that could give me that element of surprise. Then when it actually happened, it overwhelmed me how quickly I wanted to…” She stopped. She was doing it again, saying too much too soon.

“To submit?”

“Yes,” she whispered, nuzzling her head into his shoulder.

“Jennifer… look at me.”

She lifted her face. Damned if he didn’t have a smile in those eyes that almost brought her to tears.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart. A lot of doms would kill to have someone like you, myself included.”

“What do you mean?”

“Some girls are responsive to stimulation and others are more prone to triggers. You, my sexy angel, appear to be equally responsive to both. You react to subtle things. Like the small change in my tone, the look in my eyes, and my body language.”

She could feel her heart swelling and the urge to burst into tears was there again. Who was this guy? She reminded herself to thank Dimitri for pairing them, but how did he know? He’d have to be a mind reader to know how much she craved a man willing to look beyond the surface and take things to a deeper level. To have a partner so into her, and she into him, that no matter where they went, or whom they were with, the silent communication they shared was all their own, leaving those around them wondering what it was they shared. She had only ever shared a connection like that—with Richard. She wanted that again… someday, but with the right man.

“Jennifer? You okay, baby?”

“Yes,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss his neck. She needed an excuse to look away.

“That didn’t sound, or feel very convincing, honey.”

“Sorry, s-uh… I mean, Adam.”

He put a hand to her shoulder and before she knew what was happening, he’d rolled her onto her back, his large frame covering her, his face looming over hers. “Don’t do this, Jennifer.” His voice was gentle and even, but his eyes were hooded and his brow tensed. “I have a feeling I know where you just went. Don’t dig into the past. Whoever he is, I’m nothing like him.”

Jen couldn’t help smirking, or the noise that left her throat. “It has nothing to do with anyone in my past.” The puzzled look on his face and the quirky way his lips twitched made her want to giggle more.

“Then what is it? I gave you a compliment and you looked a breath away from giving into tears.”

“I did almost want to cry, but not because I’m unhappy or disappointed.” She saw the relief wash across his face. “It’s just…” She looked away for a moment. “I don’t feel completely comfortable telling you this, but I also don’t want it bothering you for the rest of the weekend.” She paused, waiting for him to give her an easy out. Telling her that if it made her uncomfortable, it could wait, but he didn’t. “I really like the lifestyle—the whole ball of wax so to speak. Hitting a BDSM club, even one of the better ones when I have the itch doesn’t work for me. I’m always looking for that deeper connection with someone. It just caught me off guard that, well… I really like you, Adam. I’m really surprised Dimitri was able to pair me up with someone like… well, like you.”

Adam was grinning from ear to ear. “Jennifer,” he whispered, leaning close. Her arms came up around his neck the moment their mouths touched. She felt his hand slip beneath her head, lifting her so he could deepen the kiss. They shared a simultaneous moan that made her clit throb.

“Sweet Jennifer,” he said softly, pulling from her lips. “It’s never too soon to tell someone how you feel about them. I feel the heat we’ve got going on… the chemistry, as you call it.” He gave her a short peck on the lips. “I’m as surprised and excited as you are that we fit so well.”

“I don’t want to sound easy, but I must admit that you do push my buttons in the most delicious way.” Before she could say anymore, his lips were on hers again; this time she felt his hand cup her breast as well.

“I want to learn them all, princess.” He moved on top of her, settling himself between her thighs, which she was more than happy to open for him. “Slowly, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with.” His lips were on her neck, licking small circles, then nibbling at them. He slid down, aligning his lips with her nipple, licking it slowly before blowing softly across it. “But right now, my tongue needs a dose of your heroin.”

She arched her back, offering all to him, wanting more of his hot mouth on her already painfully erect nipples. “Yes,” she moaned.

“How do you feel about the dungeon tomorrow night?” he asked.

“I’d like to play, sir.” She put her hands in his rich black hair, pulling the short strands through her fingers.

“We’ll talk to D in the morning and maybe we won’t have to report on Sunday.” He moved to her other nipple, lavishing it with the same treatment. “I foresee us being very preoccupied Sunday morning.”

“Uh-huh.” She squirmed as his tongue trickled down her belly, leaving one long wet trail in its wake.

“And maybe even after that?” he teased, before slipping his talented tongue between her lips.

She gasped as he nipped her clit ever so gently. “Maybe,” she breathed, wrapping a thigh around his shoulders.

Chapter Eight



On Saturday morning, Shane woke to the sound of soft classic rock. He lay quietly, peeking at Katie, who was picking up their clothes from the night before and tidying up the bungalow. He grinned as he took in the dark blue one-piece swimsuit she was wearing, a multi-colored sarong tied at her hips. His eyes zoned in on her silk-covered behind when she bent over to pick up his shirt and pants. Damn, if she wasn’t the sexiest creature he’d ever seen.

Last night, she had given him a crash course in BDSM 101 by both showing and telling him the basics, and damned if he wasn’t like a kid in a toy store, not knowing which direction to run first. He’d never thought of himself as a dominant man. Sure, as the CEO of Home Art, his construction company, he was used to taking charge and giving orders, but that kind of control was a lot different from what Katie had talked about last night. Even giving orders at work hadn’t come easy at first. When his parents had died in a car crash and he’d been thrust into the role of boss at the tender age of twenty-one, still grieving the loss of his parents, he’d had to grow up and learn to take control in a hurry.

Katie had explained the basics of dominance and submission, and he’d been intrigued. When she got to the part about sadomasochism, though, he’d balked, wanting to have no part of it. His father had raised him to respect women, no matter what, so striking a woman under any circumstance was inexcusable. But he was conflicted when she explained there was nothing wrong with two people giving each other what they need, sexually or otherwise. Why a woman would need pain in order to get off was far beyond his comprehension.

She moved toward the bed and he quickly shut his eyes; he didn’t want her to know he was awake yet. He wanted a few more minutes to process the night before. He had arranged this trip to fulfill one need, one small desire and now, thanks to Katie, he was realizing that one desire was just the tip of the iceberg. Despite his deep-rooted need to care for and protect women, when he slammed her against the wall last night and fucked her like some primitive animal, he had never come so hard or felt so satisfied. Never before had he even thought of treating a woman in such a way. They were delicate and needed to be treated as such.

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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