Pleasure Bay (28 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“You must think I’m one hell of an actor.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. It’s just—you said you were on staff.” Tears clogged her throat. “You didn’t seem to… want me, so I thought—”

A moment later, he was on top of her, pinning her to the bed as his incredibly hard cock pressed into her soft belly. “Does this feel like I don’t want you? I’ve been hard since the first time I saw you.”

“Then why…”

“Your application. It was obvious that you had mixed feelings about having sex while you were here. I’ve never seen anyone use so much eraser and white-out, and the strike-throughs were so many for a yes or no question. I didn’t want you to leave here with regrets.”

“When I filled that out, I had no idea what to expect by coming here. I wanted to experience, well—you know, but didn’t want it to seem sordid or tawdry, like I was paying for sex.”

“Mmm… see, deep-seated doubts. So I decided to honor your limits and not press for sex, only pleasure for you, sweet Sydney.”

“Jax, that was before I met you. I’ve changed my mind.”

His eyes searched hers for the truth. “No. You filled that out when you were thinking clearly, not sucked into the aura of Pleasure Bay. This is what’s best for you.” He backed off. “Roll on your stomach and let me finish with the cream.”

He was such a good man, trying to do what he felt she needed, regardless of what he wanted. Rolling, she propped her chin on her stacked hands while he massaged the soothing cream into her butt. She thought she’d be really sore this morning, but she wasn’t—just a wee bit tender. A sneaky thought took shape in her mind.

She wiggled, allowing her thighs to fall open a bit, as she ever so slightly lifted her hips.

“Stop that!”

She didn’t. Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a wide-eyed innocent look as she subtly arched her back, which raised her behind.

His hand connected sharply with her butt. “I mean it, Sydney. Stop it.”

“I’m sorry, Jaxon, sir,” she said, purposely making her voice breathy.

“You’re not the least bit sorry, naughty little imp,” he grumbled.

As he massaged the cream into her inner thighs and the cleft in back, she moaned. When he smeared a dab along her shy little pucker, which he had so deliciously stretched, she couldn’t help but want more. Bucking as he teased his fingertip past the tight ring of muscles, she reared back on her knees, begging him, “Jaxon, please.”

Groaning, he inserted his finger all the way to the third knuckle, making her squirm. “Damn, Sydney. You’re so beautifully responsive and eager for my touch. I can hardly resist you.”

On hands and knees, she rocked back against him as he slipped in a second finger, his thumb finding her clit. Her deep groan of pleasure echoed through the room. “Don’t resist, Jax, make love to me…”

“Let me get something—” He withdrew and reached for his toy bag where it lay near the bed.

“No! Jax, please.” She turned over, her legs parted, her breasts swollen, nipples tight. Unable to help it, her hand went to her aching pussy. She parted her lips to him and began to stroke her clit. “I don’t want something from your bag. I want you.”

His watched her play for a moment before glancing up to her face. “You’re killing me, baby.”

“Please…” Clear and undeniable need resonated in her plea.

“Shit!” He cursed, rubbing a hand across his mouth. She could tell he was hanging onto his resolve by a thread.

“I need to tell you something. This weekend, you’ve given me more pleasure than I’ve ever had. Never has a man given me what you have.”

“That’s not a secret. I knew you were inexperienced going in.”

“No, I don’t mean the spanking or the BDSM stuff.”

He frowned for a moment, “I’m not sure—”

“I’ve never, um, with a man before, I’ve never had a… you know—”

Understanding dawned. “You’ve never had an orgasm with a man—ever?”

“I was hoping you could be my first.”

His hands swiped down his face. He muttered, “Fuck me.” When he looked at her, she knew she’d won. She tried to contain her grin, but failed.

“You’re pretty happy with yourself, hmm? We’ve got a term for this in the lifestyle, you know.”

“I know and I’m sorry.”

“Get back on your hands and knees, and stay there.”

Her heart raced and she didn’t even try to hide her smile while she did as he’d ordered. As she waited, she found it hard to believe that she’d left New York on Thursday a conservative, relatively shy woman. Now she eagerly knelt naked on all fours, legs spread, giving him a blatant view of all naughty parts. While she waited for her dom, willingly and eagerly, she determined to do whatever he demanded of her.

She heard a zip and a clunk as his belt hit the floor. Unable to resist, she glanced over her shoulder, anxious to see him naked for the first time. He was perfection: broad shoulders, muscled chest and abs, and lean hips. Her eyes homed in on what she’d been craving so badly. Long and thick and hard, his natural essence already glistening on the smooth, rounded head.

His mouth found her then, his hot tongue gliding through her slickness, latching onto her clit, which he sucked hard.

“Jax,” she breathed eagerly, her tongue slipping out and wetting her suddenly dry lips.

“Roll over and spread for me, while I eat your sweet pussy. I want to make you scream again as you come.”

On her back, she raised her hips reflexively. Jaxon’s hands slid under her and with the twin mounds of her ass cupped in his palms, he lifted her against his lips. The cumulative effect of the weekend spankfest made itself known as his hands gripped her. His rough fingers skimming along her warm, tender skin, made her recall each intense session and the fall of his hand, crop, and flogger. She flushed with pride at the way he had taken meticulous care with her, warming and coloring her skin, marking her, as if clearly pronouncing his ownership, like she truly belonged to him. And the memory of the gentle, healing comfort of his touch afterward, made her quiver with deep emotion. He pulled her close and as his mouth took possession of her flesh, her cries filled the air.

What followed was a thorough exploration of the most private places on her body. No crease or fold was forgotten and her juices flowed. A thumb slipped into her bottom and with the aid of her natural lube that had run down her crack, he slid easily inside. Holding her firmly, he lowered her and used his shoulders to spread her thighs, pressing her knees upward. His arm wrapped around one thigh and he opened her pussy with a thumb and forefinger, exposing her clit to his avid mouth. He blew softly against her once and her hips jerked, a second time and she moaned with helpless abandon.

“Scream for me, Syd.”

His order preceded his teeth clamping down on her clit before he sucked it hungrily into his mouth. He held her hips as she bucked against him, but he refused to give up position as her screams of culmination filled the air.

“No sweeter sound on earth, baby,” Jax growled against her quivering flesh.

When she regained her ability to move, she reached down to stroke his head as he gently lapped at her swollen and still aching pussy.

“Come inside me, Jax. I know what I’m asking. Don’t make me leave here without experiencing all that is you. Please.”

He lifted his head; brown eyes met blue in silent communication. Sydney memorized his handsome face, this might be the last chance she ever had to be with him and she wanted to revel in it, enjoying every moment to the fullest.

“Please…” she begged.

Finally, he nodded. “Slide back on the pillows.”

As she did, she arranged herself with her arms up on the pillow beside her head, her thighs parted in open invitation, her chest rose and fell, and her breasts swelled with their hard peaks; her aroused body offered freely to him spoke more clearly than any words how much she wanted him.

He reached into the nightstand and retrieved a condom. As he covered himself, his knee sank into the mattress beside her hip. Jax moved over her, settling between her thighs, his body pressing her against the soft bedding. Lowering his head, he claimed her mouth in a deep kiss.

Having come twice already, she should have been sated, but the thought of Jaxon making her come while taking her for the first time, had her responding like a wild thing. Her hands sank into his short wavy hair and she pulled his mouth against hers, hard. She wrapped her legs around his hips and arched against him, grinding her pussy against his hard thigh.

“Easy, Sydney, we’ve got all morning.”

Jax gathered her hands in his and pinned them above her head, his fingers interlocking with hers. Widening his knees, he anchored her hips; hands-free, he aligned his cock with her weeping center, slowly sliding inside.

Wide-eyed, she watched him, watching her. Beneath the intense heat of his deep brown eyes, she once again felt overwhelmed with emotion, feeling treasured and cherished by this man she barely knew.


“No talking now, baby, just feel me inside you.”

Together they moved as one, savoring the closeness, the steady pump of his hips driving deep into her warmth. His lips moved against hers and his tongue dipped inside with a dizzying passion. It was sublime and to Sydney, more than she’d ever dreamed. Her heart burst with emotion, knowing that in Jax she’d found her true fantasy man.

Pushing aside the pain that her imminent leaving would bring, she focused on the moment, committing each touch, each breath, and each look to memory. As she flew apart in his arms, his hard length driving deep, she savored the feel of him as he surged against her. Tensing and shuddering, he also found release. Every delicious groan and intake of breath was music to her ears. She treasured it all, knowing it would have to sustain her for a lifetime.

Chapter Sixteen



Looking at his watch, he picked up his pace, already a few minutes late for the Sunday morning goodbye brunch. Usually well attended, it was held in the Caribbean Room, the mansion’s largest dining room. It was the largest, easily accommodating all of the guests at once. Unlike the outside dining venues with their hard wooden and wrought-iron chairs, it offered plush seating with thickly padded cushions and soft fabrics. This fact was appreciated by the submissives who arrived at breakfast with tender bottoms after playing in the dungeon the night before.

A few steps short of the door, Dimitri stopped as he heard his name called. Turning, he found Shane Moore walking toward him. “Mr. Moore, I trust you have enjoyed your stay?”

“Yes, sir, very much actually. I’m sorry to keep you from your breakfast, but I wanted to talk to you about a Pleasure Bay membership.”

“Unfortunately, we have a lengthy waiting list for membership. You’ll need to see Ms. Gracie Snow and give her your name and number.” Dimitri made a gesture to the door and took a step. “I’ll point Gracie out to you; she’ll be inside.”

“I’ve heard about the waiting list, but I have a suggestion. Please forgive me for mixing business with pleasure, but I noticed you have some unfinished cabanas on the south side of the island.”

A frown crossed Dimitri’s face. “Yes, I had some problems with the contractor. I paid for quality materials and he brought me pine and particle board, thinking he could B.S. me and pocket some extra cash.”

“I’d like to offer to do the job right,” Shane said, giving him a half smile. “I own my own construction company and I can assure you we never skimp on materials. I can fax you my portfolio tomorrow morning, if you’d like to see some of our work.”

Dimitri thought for a moment, putting a hand to his chin.

“I could cut the price of labor in exchange for a membership,” Shane said, boldly watching as Dimitri raised a brow.

“How long before you could start the job?”

“It will take about a week to bring in the equipment and materials. After that, I can start at your convenience.”

“I’ll have Gracie give you my contact information before you leave. Send your credentials and a portfolio. If I am pleased with what I see, we can work something out about a membership.”

The smile on Shane’s face spread into a wide grin as he offered Dimitri his hand. “Thank you, sir. I promise you will not be disappointed with Home Art.”

As Dimitri entered the busy dining room, he surveyed the crowd, one particular individual in mind. He located her and started across the room. As he approached, Gracie walked up to her and began chatting. Observing the two women, he couldn’t imagine two more opposite entities, both in looks and personality. Mariah’s fairness, her diminutive stature and mouthwatering curves were in direct opposition to Gracie’s tall willowy figure. There was something to be said about Gracie’s lissome beauty, her cocoa brown hair, and near ebony eyes, but Mariah suited Dimitri to a T. As such, his eyes could focus only on his sweet nymph, who right now was in it up to her earlobes.

He lengthened his stride when he saw Mariah’s blue eyes dart his way. Her unusual jittery, deer-like movements told him his prey was ready to flee. In two more steps, he dodged a server holding a precariously tipped tray, heavily laden with drinks, and barely avoided a baptism with mimosas and white Russians. Hemmed in by the tables and crush of milling guests, he stood by helplessly as Mariah snatched a paper out of Gracie’s hand.

“I’ll take it to him,” she called, already halfway out the door.


As was becoming habit, his call was ignored and she escaped, running for her life as if the devil himself was after her. In this case, she might not be far from the truth because when he cornered her—which he definitely would do in the very near future—her sweet ass would pay penance for her sins of the last few days.

“Gracie, my dear, where has Mariah run off to now?”

“To find Grayson, he has an urgent message.”

“Urgent? It couldn’t be phoned to him?”

“You know how Doc is with his phone. He isn’t picking up so we thought it best to hand carry a message to him. He’s treating a sprain or a strain, something minor, Vance said.”

“Where might that be?”

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