Pleasure Bay (20 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Yes,” she growled through clenched teeth, tensing every muscle she could. If he slapped that same spot again, she was going to lose it and start screaming. She held her breath in preparation of the next blow, but instead of the paddle, it was his hand. It was cool in comparison to the heat radiating through her.

“Mmm, there’s that nice rosy red I like. Hardly makes Mr. Wartenberg worthy unless there’s some color on these cheeks.” Crap! She’d forgotten about the wheel.

All too soon, his hand disappeared and the paddle was back at work giving three solid smacks to her other cheek to match the first as she winced and yelped. Her entire bottom was on fire, and the warming lube seemed to heat up each time she clenched. He paused for a moment and she was thankful for the reprieve until she saw the reason why.

“Adam, no,” she cried, when she saw the spiky tool nearing her hot, throbbing ass. “I changed my mind about that thing, please don’t.”

Four blistering smacks landed on the top of her thighs, two on each side. “Telling me ‘no’ while you are in this position is not a wise idea, Jennifer. First off, not my favorite response from a sub, and second, it makes me even more determined to proceed as planned.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that the spiky wheel scares the crap out of me. What if I suck you off instead?”

Another four blazed against her skin and she instantly regretted her ill-advised bargaining.

“I can tell by the look on your face that you know what you did wrong. Trying to wheedle your way out of a punishment is almost as bad as
—almost.” His fingers brushed along her fiery thighs, issuing a pitiful moan from her.

“What’s the matter, princess? You were pretty quick to choose this tool last night. What has changed your mind?”

“I’m sorry. I was only…” She stopped. She couldn’t tell him that the only reason she’d picked it was to see whether or not he’d really use it.

“Only testing me?” he asked inquisitively, holding the tip of the tool about an inch from her skin.

“Yes, sir,” she admitted, humbly. “I’m sorry, sir,” she added.

“Well, let this be a lesson to you then.”

“Please!” she begged, and her thighs began to tremble.

“Use your safeword if you really need to, but you might as well learn right now, I don’t like being tested, little girl. I find it to be a form of manipulation—like wheedling, saying no, and topping from the bottom—none of which I will let you get away with.” The authoritative tone in his voice made her belly quiver and her clit throb.

She didn’t want those sharp pins pressing into her inflamed flesh, yet she craved the dominance and control he had over her. One way or the other, she was going to take what he was about to give her because she was damned if she’d use her safeword. Biting her lower lip, she squeezed her eyes shut; she couldn’t watch.

She felt his hand on her lower back. “
…” she cried, feeling the prick of the wheel, which in reality wasn’t nearly as horrible as she had anticipated. Granted, it wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t really painful either. He began to roll it and it felt like tiny claws scratching her skin.

“Not quite as bad as you thought, is it?”

“No, sir,” she said, releasing the breath she’d been holding. She opened her eyes, watching while he worked it over one cheek and then the other while varying the pressure. It felt somewhat pleasurable when he moved it to her inner thigh, causing her to whimper. He removed his hand from her back and placed two fingers on each side of her pussy lips, spreading them open. Surely he wasn’t going to… “Ahh…” Oh yes, he was. Damn if it wasn’t one of the most intense sensations she’d ever felt as he rolled it ever so carefully along the inside of her lips and right over her clit. The tiny prick of the pins sent waves of electricity into her already throbbing nub and a deep moan rolled up from her chest. “Please let me come, sir.”

“Oh no, sweetheart.” He removed the wheel and his fingers from her pussy. “You have four more of my best to take for me before I’m willing to even consider letting you get off. In fact, maybe I shouldn’t let you come until we play in the dungeon this evening.”

“Adam, I’m sorry for being testy and for disobeying. Please don’t make me suffer like this any longer.”

“Are you truly sorry, or do you just need to come that desperately?”

“Both, s—ahhhh!” The paddle was back with a vengeance as he delivered a quick underhand blow to the bottom of one ass cheek followed swiftly by another as she gasped for breath. The plug in her rear lurched forward with each loud crack, making her clench tightly in order to ease the ache it caused.

“What makes you think you deserve to come?” Not waiting for an answer, he placed the last two underhanded smacks on her other cheek, evening out the heat on the outside but driving it into a lustful inferno inside her pussy. “The way I see it,” he said, taking gentle hold of her ponytail as he squatted down next to her. “Punishments don’t normally include an orgasm.”

“Please,” she implored, turning to look at him. “We only have tonight and tomorrow morning left together.” She paused to catch her breath, forcing herself to ignore the constant throb in her clit. “I’m truly sorry,” she pleaded, searching his eyes for some hint that he wasn’t going to leave her this worked up. Couldn’t he see that her juices were flowing down the inside of her thighs? “I won’t do it again, I promise.”

He moved his hand from her hair and stroked the side of her face. “I’m sure you won’t, princess. At least not this weekend.” He leaned closer, giving her a curt peck on the forehead and then began unfastening the cuffs on her wrists.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked as he went to work on the second cuff.

“It means that you’re thinking in terms of this weekend being the last we see of each other, and I’m being optimistic.” He massaged her free wrist, while softly kissing her hand. “We’re not limited to a weekend on Pleasure Bay, my dear.” He gave her a wink and a brief flash of his sexy smile before moving behind her to release her thighs and ankles.


* * *


The scent of her arousal hit Adam’s overcharged libido like a volcanic eruption as he knelt behind her to unfasten her thighs. She was so aroused that some of her wetness had trickled down as far as her ankle cuff. Not being able to help himself, he leaned forward, licking the silky trail to the crease of her thigh. He heard her gasp and the muscles in her legs stiffened.

“God, princess, you’re so fucking wet,” he murmured against her thigh. “The taste of you and the smell of your sweetness are enough to drive me insane.” He could feel the heat of the spanking radiating from her cheeks as he freed her other thigh. It surprised him how well she had handled those last four swats; he’d really put some oomph into them. In the past, other experienced subs were often screaming or crying after only a couple of his famous underhand slaps with the paddle.

He had a suspicion his spunky redhead enjoyed a fair amount of pain with her pleasure, and wondered if she might have come with a few more swats. Testing his theory, he raked his nails across a toasted bun. As he anticipated, she embraced it by moving her pelvis back rather than jerking forward, and the sexiest moans he’d ever heard filled his ears as he cleaned her other thigh.

“Adam,” she cried pitifully when his tongue grazed her swollen lips. “Please! Stop teasing me.” Her words were approaching frantic and frustrated. “I can’t take any more of this if you’re not going to let me come.”

He smiled, moving his head back and put both hands on her rosy globes, spreading her cheeks. He looked at the shiny silver base of the plug in her ass and thought about how good it would feel to fuck her pussy while she wore it. “I have one item left in my bag.” Parting her lips with his finger and thumb, he found her hot, swollen bud and pinched it, procuring a sexy yelp from her. She tensed and her legs began to tremble. “If you agree to let me use it, I’ll give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”

“What is it?” she asked, twisting to look at him. He could hear the worn-down vexation in her quivering voice.

“You’ll see,” he replied, busying his hands with the last ankle restraint.

Once her body was free from the bench, he helped her to stand and then picked up her flushed naked body in his arms and carried her to the padded massage table. His eyes lingered on her firm pink nipples as he set her down and adjusted the backrest to a slight incline. He didn’t want her lying flat, but he didn’t want her sitting upright either. “Put your legs out to the edges,” he said, guiding her.

Standing at the foot of the table, he unhooked a latch that separated the bottom section and allowed him to spread her legs. Using the provided lock pins, he set them to the width he wanted and locked the y-shaped extensions in place. “Are you ready for what’s in the bag?” he asked, turning to get it.

“Yes, sir.”

The barely noticeable tremble of her belly, the accelerated rise and fall of her gorgeous tits, and the swollen tissue of her clit peeking out between her cleft made him almost want to forget about the last item in the bag and just ravish her now. Taking her hard and fast with careless abandon until they both lay panting and unable to move.

Standing between her legs with the bag in his hands, he noticed her eyes on the bulge in his shorts. “Hungry for me, princess?”

“Yes.” She looked up at him and then at the bag in his hands. “Yes, sir.”

“I’ll understand if you say no.” He reached into the bag and watched her pull in a slow breath. “I rate this simple but powerful little beastie between an eight and nine on a pain threshold.” Her lower lip quivered as she let out her breath, watching as he pulled the thin braided cord with a clump of six clothespins dangling below, from the bag. “Do you know what a zip string is?”

“Yes.” Her eyes snapped to his and he could see the worry in them immediately.

“Ever experienced one?” He was sure he already knew the answer, but needed to ask nonetheless.

“Are you a sadist?”

“Somewhat,” he said with a shrug. “Although not hardcore. I do however, think that you are more of a masochist than you care to admit.” He looked at her with a brow quirked in question. “What do you say? I usually don’t ask permission and may not in the future, but since we are so new, and this is your fantasy weekend, I’m giving you the choice.”

“I’ve never played with a zipper, but I’ll give it a try. With you.” Her voice quavered as she looked at the small mass of clothespins and then back into his eyes. “As long as one of them doesn’t get clamped to my clit.”

“One on each nipple, and two on each of your sweet pussy lips. If you don’t already know, I’ll warn you ahead of time. They hurt more coming off than they do going on, but I’ve been told that it’s worth it.” He let the bag drop to the floor and put a hand on her trembling belly, sliding it up slowly to her breasts. “Relax, baby, and give me your finger. I’m going to let you feel the tension in them before we start. I want you to be sure about this, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered, lifting her hand.

He clamped one of the clothespins to her pinky finger and told her to keep it there while he prepared her nipples. He took each one in turn, sucking, licking, and biting them gently, bringing them to their full potential. She squirmed and arched her back while soft grunts and groans filled the air around them.

“Give me your finger,” he commanded gruffly, never removing his mouth from her nipple. He felt for her hand, quickly releasing the clothespin.


“That’s what it feels like when they come off.” He kissed the tip of each nipple before pulling back to look in her eyes. “You still game?”

She looked into his eyes for a long moment. He thought for a moment she was going to back out. But her hands cupped his face and a slow smile crept to the corners of her mouth as she begged huskily, “Please, Adam, make me scream.”

“With pleasure, my dear. I’ll make certain they hear you clear to the mansion.” He smiled, looking deep into her eyes as he leaned forward. “Good god girl, you’re perfect for me,” he growled before covering her lips in a raging kiss. The taste of her plump raspberry lips made his cock strain all the more for freedom, so he unfastened his shorts and let the zipper down. Reluctantly he pulled away from her mouth and she pouted in protest, not wanting to release his neck. “Close your eyes and trust me, sweetheart.” She obediently followed his instruction. “No restraints for this. If it’s too much, you’ll use your safeword, right?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

He applied the first clamp, watching her face as he slowly let the tension bare down, constricting the flow of blood to her nipple. She drew in a sharp breath, biting her bottom lip when he let go of the clamp. “Good girl,” he praised, surprising her by slipping a finger into her pussy.

Her eyes snapped open as she gasped. “Adam,” she moaned in a husky whisper. Her eyes were glazed and he knew it wasn’t going to take much after all six clamps were attached and he started teasing her clit.

“Close them, princess.” He rolled her other nipple, pinching it. When her eyes were closed, he added a second finger in her pussy, pushing deep and holding them there while he skillfully attached the second clothespin. He gave her a moment to adjust before he let go, slowly beginning to move his fingers in and out of her wet pussy. “That’s my good girl. You’re doing so well.”

“Noo,” she moaned when pulled his fingers out.

“Patience, little one. The last four will go on quickly. They won’t have as much of a bite as they do on your nipples.” He attached one to show her and she moaned lifting her hips. As promised he put the next three on swiftly.

Grabbing a condom from his pocket, he let his shorts drop to the floor, watching her sexy hips, eager with anticipation as he rolled it on. “Open your eyes,” he said, pinching her clit with one hand while positioning his cock with the other. As he watched them flutter open, he nudged his cock forward.

“Adam,” she murmured. “More.” She wiggled, bucking her hips, trying to get more of his cock inside.

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