Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2)
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Chapter 4


Autumn sat out under her favorite oak tree at the park. Everything was so green and alive. The park had always been trashy, even before the outbreak, but she and some others had spent time cleaning it up. Their efforts showed. Spring had tiptoed in, scaring away winter’s frosty marks, and everything was starting to come alive again.

She had her writing pad on her leg but instead of writing, she was staring off into space. Thinking. Waiting. Anatha sat on a bench close by, yet far enough away from her, so she could be by herself. Her nervous energy made her head swim and made it harder to keep calm. Rowan and the others were walking over, and they both could feel their eyes watching them with curiosity.

Suddenly an odd feeling swept over them. It felt as if a door had swung open. Two men were walking up to them. Autumn got to her feet. One was from her dream, but it hadn’t been a dream. She took two steps then stopped when he did. They stood four feet away from each other. Their eyes locked. It felt like a string was between them, pulling them together as if they where two halves who needed to be together. They longed to fill the gap, but instead of running into each other’s arms, they shook hands first, and a strong vibrant power flared around them, making them gasp.

“I’ve waited so long,” he whispered, looking at his sister with tears in his eyes.

“Hello, Mabon,” she whispered.



Rowan stopped. “Who the hell is that?”

“My thoughts exactly,” River replied. He watched Anatha and Autumn holding the men’s hands, talking.

“I don’t think it’s what you imagine,” Stefan said.

“How would you know?” Rowan asked grumpily. Stefan shrugged; it was their news to be told, not his, so he kept quiet.



Being this close to her brother felt so right. It felt as if a piece of herself had been missing, and now she was complete.

“What a feeling,” Mabon whispered. The wind blew around them, but there was no wind. It was a very calm day. It was their wind. Her power, stable and dry, flew through him, as his, flowing and moist, went through her.

Aarawn was in awe. His sister’s powers didn’t rival his but sparked it. And his sparked hers, since he was Air and she was Fire. Energetic and forceful, her heat was building because of her brother. His fresh, moving power energized her more than anything ever before. Now he knew why their mother had separated them as children. When they were together, there was no way people wouldn’t notice them.

Their powers swirled together and circled above their heads. Stefan came too close, and their combined power pulled his powers from him. He made a small sound as his aura mixed with theirs. It accepted him as a power and let him go. He fell to his knees, weak.

“Stefan, are you all right?” River asked, bending down to touch his friend’s arm.

He didn’t chance getting to his feet. His legs felt like jelly, but his body vibrated with an energy he had never felt before. He felt something else as well, something darker. It swam up to the surface, feeding off the bright elemental energy. A soft growl escaped his lips.

“Was that a growl?” Rowan’s eyes grew wide, watching him.

Stefan shook his head as evil threats and alien thoughts swirled around his mind. He shook his head, trying to clear it.

, he thought.

His eyes looked up at his friends, and that is what he saw. Food. He placed his hands on his head and pushed the thought away.

Autumn felt Stefan’s pain. She withdrew her hands from her brother’s and went to her friend. She didn’t dare touch him but checked his aura. It swirled white with red flecks. As soon as her hands touched the aura, it attached to her hands like tar. She screamed and went to her knees in front of Stefan. It felt as if a great mouth was sucking the energy from her. Rowan was saying something, but she couldn’t hear him. The pain flared around her, tightening, draining her of everything. She was too weak. She tried calling to the ground she touched for helpful energy, but the dark void ate every bit she could gain.

“Pull her away!” Mabon said, running to his sister. He saw the binding aura and knew if he touched her, his would be eaten too.

Autumn let out a moan, losing consciousness. Rowan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her away from Stefan. He wanted to know what the hell was going on.  He held her to him and felt her gasping for breath, and then nothing. He laid her down on the ground gently.

He stared up, on the edge of panicking, “She’s not breathing!”

Anatha ran over, but Aarawn pulled her back. “You can’t touch her.”

Mabon came closer but stayed a safe distance away. “You are hers, aren’t you both?” he asked Rowan and River. They nodded. “She needs your auras. Only you two can help, because you share it all the time. Hold her to you both, and I will get her to breathe.” Rowan and River cradled her limp body in their arms. They started whispering things to her, telling her everything would be okay.

“Breathe, baby, breathe,” River whispered.

“Just do CPR!” Anatha shouted as her brother held her back.

Mabon sat down and opened his mind to his sister.



He opened his eyes and found himself in a forest. He walked toward the sound of humming and came to her sitting at the base of an old oak tree, eyes closed, meditating. He sat down next to her.

“Mabon, you shouldn’t be here,” she said peacefully.

“Neither should you.”

She opened her leafy green eyes, looking at him, and held up a dry brown leaf. He put his finger to it, and life entered into it, turning it green. “I am nothing without you; we are nothing without you.”

She smiled a tired smile. “If I die, no one else has to.”

“Take their warmth. I just found you. Why would you want to leave me now?” She looked at the leaf in her hand. “Why would you leave them?” He moved his hand over the leaf cluttered ground, showing her a picture of Rowan and River.

“My guys.” Her eyes lit up as she reached out to touch the picture. In the reflection, Rowan’s eyes were alight, and he had on his dazzling smile that made her heart race. Rowan had on his ‘I know a secret’ smile and that flirty look that made her weak inside. But as her hand touched the picture, there was nothing there but dead orange-brown leaves.

“Take their aura.” The green forest started to fade around him. He opened his eyes and watched Autumn take a deep, long, shuddering breath. Color came back to her very pale skin, and Anatha fell to her knees, a sob escaping her lips.

Her eyes opened, and she took in a shaky breath, gathering River and Rowan’s auras. She felt everything they were feeling and knew they were jealous of Mabon. She hadn’t told them who he was, and when they saw them so normal together, it hurt. She managed to give them a weak smile.

“He’s my brother, you silly men,” she told them before falling into an exhausted sleep.



Moorgun woke up in her red satin sheets. She rang the bell on her night table. Neva, a petite Spanish girl, ran in bowing her head. She never spoke, and sometimes Moorgun loved her quietness. “Bring me my supplies,” she said, demanding in a harsh sleep-filled voice. Neva bowed again, showing she understood. The girl was not mute, but as a punishment for speaking ill against her God, she had had her tongue removed.

She sat up, feeling drained. She would have to make a sacrifice tonight. The idea of young blood spilled around her made her smile. Her dark blue eyes watched Neva come back into her bed chamber carrying a wooden box. She looked at her hands and saw they were turning wrinkly, and the liver spots were almost visible. She needed another spell or another power boost, or soon she wouldn’t be able to maintain her beauty. She peeked into the box as the girl ran out of the room. Rosemary, rose petals, anise, fern, and a bottle. She picked up the bottle and realized it was empty. Empty! She jumped out of bed.

“Who has been in my stuff?” She asked in a hideous shriek which echoed through her chamber.

Neva came back in with a piece of paper. Moorgun grabbed it from her with such ire, it made the girl shrink away from her. She read the name on the paper. Her hand shot out and stroked Neva’s black hair as she relished the girl’s flinch.

“Get me the traitor, my pet, and you will be rewarded for this.”

Neva ran out, smiling, and thought happily that she had pleased her Lady. She ran into Bryce, his masculine hands catching her by the hair. She struggled, trapped, making moaning noises as she tried to get away from him.

“Why is my Lady angry?” he asked the girl with an evil gleam in his eye.

She pulled out her pad, scribbling something on it. She tore it off and waved it at him. He took it, reading over the scribbles.

“I will help you,” he said. “No one messes with our mistress’s things and gets away with it.” His violet eyes burned with vengeance as he followed Neva.

In the bathroom, Peardon, hurriedly emptied the myrtle into the toilet. He replaced it with nightshade.

The witch will have a face of blisters today
, he thought, grinning as he flushed the toilet.

He would not let her get her hands on the Elements. He closed the lid as two strong arms grabbed him, turning him. He came face to face with Bryce. Bryce’s square face was handsome, and his lips drew into a queer grin as he pulled back one of his fists, hitting Peardon in the face. The smile made him appear demonic. Peardon took the impact but lost his footing, falling to the ground.

“You don’t have to walk, little traitor. I will carry you.”

His eyes went to the small figure behind Bryce. Neva. He hadn’t been watching well enough. The sneak had been spying. He groaned as Bryce picked him up easily, swinging him over his shoulder.

“Grab the bottle, Neva. The lady will be pleased with both of us.” She nodded her head vigorously and picked up the bottle, following Bryce back to Moorgun’s bedchamber.

“My, my.” Moorgun said, walking around Peardon after Bryce dropped him on the ground at her feet.
He’s short and has black hair, but his eyes are hazel. He might do
. She licked her lips and ran her liver-spotted hand over his shoulder.
He is fit enough. He will do tonight, but first ...
“Who sent you, my little lamb?” her voice came out as seductive as she could make it.

He crossed his arms in front of him and made no motion to speak. “Let me, Mistress,” Bryce said, walking behind him. He pulled out a silver double-bladed knife quicker than a cat’s reflexes. The hilt, she knew, was of bone because she had given it to him as a gift. “You will speak.” He held the blade firmly against the traitor’s neck.

“I have nothing to say to your bitch!”

She stepped back. “Did you hear what he called me?” Bryce put more pressure on the blade, and it sliced into Peardon’s neck easily. Blood began flowing from the wound.

“No. I need him. He must talk.”

Neva came in carrying another wooden box of herbs.
What a good tasty girl. It’s such a pity I might have to kill her,
Moorgun thought.

“Can I do it, my Mistress?” Bryce asked.

She nodded. “Be quick.” She sat back, watching Bryce chain Peardon to the wall. The room had been designed by her years ago. Pain and sex were her pleasures in life, and when combined, they were the ultimate pleasure. She knew that was one of the reasons she was shunned by the people in the magical town she’d grown up in. That, and Pyrus never did trust her around her boys.

Bryce removed his own shirt, and she licked her dry lips. His broad, muscled chest made all the girls in her coven quiver, even her. She might have to use him after she was finished with Peardon tonight. His six-foot stature and blond, almost gold, shoulder-length curly hair made him even more handsome. A thought spread through her mind. She smiled, watching Bryce work.

He pulled out a heart-shaped bottle filled with rose water and poured it into a small mixing bowl. Adding in a pinch of vervain and elm, he stirred it together.

Peardon laughed at them. “You’ll put me to sleep. What good will I be to you then?” His eyes widened when Bryce added in primrose and sunflower petals.

Moorgun took off a small necklace and handed it to Bryce. He took it and dipped it into the mixture, swirling it around to help mix the potion. He brought it up, dripping, before Peardon’s eyes. The silver Sagittarius sign dangling in front of him meant nothing to him, but he suddenly felt scared.

“Peardon, let your guard fall. To compel the truth to one and all. Tell us true, or may mighty Arawen spite thee, and you will be forever in his realm and at his bidding. Tell us what Moorgun wants to know, now.”

Peardon fell into a hypnotized state and didn’t see the silver being pressed to his forehead. His body shivered violently.

“Who sent you?” Moorgun asked.

His mouth opened, and even though he didn’t want to speak, words came bubbling up from his throat. “Pyrus s-sent me.”

“Why?” Moorgun asked, her mood darkening. Pyrus. She had not seen the old hag for years. She was one of the ones who had cast her out. Her idea of bringing back a real God to Earth was too much for those puny witches. But it was Pyrus’s sons she really wanted. She wanted to birth the elements, or at least one. Even then, she had been old, but only her sister knew the truth of her age.  They shared that, among other secrets.

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