Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2)
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“I’m a servant to no one. Hello, the twenty first century called. You guys are outdated.”

“You will run the course the stars have laid out for you and the others. We all follow the stars, or else we will perish. Silly girl, I can already see the next question you want to ask.”

“Do you?”

She nodded. “I do.”

Autumn sighed and shrugged. “You and the others have no power over me. I’m magic, you’re magic, everyone’s magic. You have no idea what I was going to say.” She didn’t know where all this was coming from, and she knew without looking that Pyrus was pissed.
So what, let her be, this is my life
, she thought. “I was going to ask that if we call Akasha, can it keep us here?”

The elders at the table gasped, looking around at one another.

“How dare you!” The lady said, her fist slamming the tabletop. “I am head elder, girl.” She said, fire in her eyes. “I am Pavana. You remember that name. I can do as I wish to you while you stand on my land.”

Big scary witch
, Autumn thought,
I can do that too
. Without doing anything, Autumn called for her power. She wrapped her magic around her like a coat. “As I said,
, I am a power above even you.” She gave everyone at the table a taste of her power. The elders broke into urgent whispers. “We will be changing our stars.  Me and my human body have a life that I won’t just give up on.”

“Pyrus, control your granddaughter!” Pavana demanded.

“Like I did my sons and
,” Pyrus said angrily. Autumn didn’t know she had an aunt. “Let us all do as the elders say. Again, I ask of all here at this table, who is really in charge? Autumn, come on, we shouldn’t waste anymore of the elder’s time.”

“Great way to make friends,” Stefan whispered to her.

“Thanks,” she said back.

“Grandmother, I have an aunt?”

Pyrus reached out and took her hand. “Autumn, there are many things I wish I could just tell you. But there are certain doors in my heart I am not brave enough to open to anyone, including myself. One day, I will tell you more. I’m going to go see if I can help in the kitchen. I need to keep busy, or I might—”

“So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Stefan asked her.

“Stefan!” Shantaina said, running over to them. “I love this song. Dance with me.”

“I will. Right now, go dance.”

“Sure,” he said, letting Shantaina drag him to the dance floor.

Autumn took a seat at an empty table, staring out into space. “Hey,” Mabon said, sitting beside her.

“Why the dancing if the elders don’t like it?”

“Beltane, May Day. They think dancing will work out the sexual tension that the day is meant for.”

“Ah,” she said, watching the doctor wave at her. He came over to their table.

“I thought about calling but knew you’d be here. I got your results five minutes ago.”

“Yeah?” she hoped there was nothing really wrong. Dying wasn’t what she was looking for, if it were something like cancer. The idea of lying in bed for months while it ate at her was worse than anything she could imagine. Well, becoming a plague carrier, but that had almost happened already.

“Your test results came back clean.  I took your aura readings to our local expert, and he said you have two others bound to you. That requires great magic and trust to do something for that.”

“I don’t get it?”

He shook his head. “I don’t get it much either. No one has done this in a long time. It seems that when you feel ill it’s because of the other two, who are bound with you, are having high emotions.”

“So how do I stop it?”

“You can’t unless the two die.”

“Well, that’s not happening,” she said with bite.

He put up his hands. “It really doesn’t mean much. Just that you have found your twin souls, in a way. You will be bound forever.”

“That is interesting.”

He nodded. “It is. They must be family.” She nodded and looked at Mabon.

“Maybe feeling ill comes with being apart. I have never seen anything like it before, so I am just guessing.”

The doctor left her alone.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” The two looked at the dancing crows.

“Don’t feel like it,” he said, shrugging.

“Our cousins are having a blast.” Autumn watched Anatha dance with Davies. “It might just be me, but I don’t like that guy.”

“I don’t like him either.”



Anatha had watched Autumn talk to the elders and the power play. She shrugged it off, enjoying feeling normal with Davies. He danced as good as she did, matching each move with his own. She let the music take her over.  She could feel her magic wrap around her as the music called to it. It inflamed her. Davies touched her arm. The one touch lingered and made her body want more. If she felt this way about Davies then does she not really love Jaime? Was she just waiting for someone who inflamed her like the super hot Davies?

Her burgundy eyes ignited as she watched him twist and move to the beat. It made her think of darker and dirtier things with moves like that. She bit her bottom lip as things inside of her clenched with lust. It fed her magic.

When the song ended, Davies leaned into her. “You’re a hot dancer.”

She knew it but loved when people commented on it. “Thanks.”

“You want to go outside and get some air? It’s getting a little stuffy.”

She nodded, noticing how hot she had become. “Sounds good.”

They walked through the swaying crowd and finally made it out the backdoor. The crisp clean air hit them. Anatha paused, taking in a big breath. Her eyes went to the stars above them. She could still feel her skin tingling with the music, magic, and Davies’ touch.

“You okay?” he asked, coming closer.

“Yes,” she said and realized they were all by themselves, there in the dark. “I was just enjoying the fresh air.”

He ran his fingers lightly down her bare arm, and she fought the shiver. “I felt your magic in there when you danced. I won’t lie and say that it didn’t turn me on, because it did.”

Her eyes widened. “Well … thanks.”

His hand wrapped around her arm. “You know, it isn’t even that. You are sexy.” Before she could say anything, his lips where on hers, kissing her. The shock of it made her pause but as his arms pulled her against his rock hard body, she melted into him. Her body tightened and her heart raced as his tongue teased and played around in her mouth.

A slight moan escaped her throat as his hands slipped under her tank top. Big manly work hands glided up her sides as his eager mouth kissed along her neck. He pulled his hands out from under her shirt and turned her around, quickly. He held her to him as he bent down to kiss along her neck.

“I want you so much, Anatha,” he whispered between kisses. “I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you.” She had never had someone so sexy speak those words to her.

Her eyes were closed, enjoying the feel of his lips on her neck and shoulders. His hands went back under her shirt and rubbed along her stomach. They moved up until each hand cupped a breast. He kneaded her flesh over and over again, making her insides warm.

“Can I have you?”

“Yes,” she managed, finally.


At first, her brain shouted stop. But her body wanted him so much. “Yes.”

His hands let go of her nipples, ending the delicious sensations she could feel in her toes. She opened her mouth to protest but stopped as his hands unbuttoned her jeans. She didn’t dare move as he pushed down her pants and panties.

“Wow, even those are sexy,” he said behind her.

She wasn’t sure she liked being nude from her waist down out here where someone could see them. He grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. She placed her hands against it so her body didn’t touch it.  He made an approving noise.

“I am going to make you come so hard,” he whispered as she stared at the wall, and then his hands went between her thighs, prying them apart.

She only liked positions where she could control her body. She had never let a man dominate her, yet as his hands traveled up the inside of her thigh and one hand started to pet between her legs, she let it go. She still wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. He slipped a finger inside her, and the pressure made her let out a small cry.

“Oh, you are so wet,” he whispered and removed his finger, letting it run along her folds. He paused, his wet finger on her clit. As his finger started to flick her, she gasped.  His tongue slipped inside her.

“Oh, gods,” she said as she felt her thighs tremble with the pleasure of him licking and playing with her. She could feel the orgasm build, but she pushed it down and away.  He stopped quickly, making her pause. And then she felt the tip of his dick push inside her. It was big, the biggest she had ever had. It was a tight fit but as he slowly pushed in her, it felt so good.

Eyes closed, she paid attention to him moving behind her, his body pressed against her back. “You feel so good, Anatha,” he said in a deep voice as a hand went back under her shirt and grabbed her nipple. Before she could control it, the orgasm ripped through her.

“Keep your hands on the wall.” She did as he told her as he continued to move in and out of her and pull on her nipple.

“Come for me one more time,” he whispered huskily as he tried to control himself.

By his breathing she could tell he was close. “Harder,” she whispered, and he complied, pounding   inside her. The feeling of the movement, being outside, the thrill of possibly getting caught … the orgasm washed over her, and she had to bite her bottom lip so she wouldn’t scream. He came a few seconds afterwards. Breathing hard, she stared at the dark wall not sure what to do or how to even feel. Never had something so degrading turned her on. And she would let him do it again.

His hot hard body finally pulled away from hers. She pushed away from the wall and turned around, unsteady. She opened her mouth, and it was greeted with Davies’ mouth. Just one kiss and her insides clenched again. She pushed away from him and looked for her pants. She pulled them on, thinking about what had just happened.

“Is something wrong?”

She shook her head. “No, but if we don’t go back in someone is going to come looking for me.”

He laughed as he re-belted his pants. “That was a first for me,” he whispered and grabbed her to him. “I don’t want this to be a onetime thing. I like you, you like me, and I have an empty house in which you are welcome to be as loud as you want.”

She looked at him, breathless. “I

A hurt look crossed his face. “Anatha, please say this will be more than a onetime thing?”

“I want more.” She pushed away from him and went back inside the building.

He looked after her, smiling. “Me too.” He chuckled and followed her inside.



Autumn had noticed Anatha disappear from the room but then Crystal walked in. Mabon was introducing his friends to her. She had to admit her brother and his friends were nerds. But so was she, and she didn’t judge. Conversation among the group was easy and moved from books to read, to an argument over favorite and best writers. Someone had slammed
Harry Potter
, and Autumn had something to say about that.

Mabon was trying to convince the group that Gandalf was the best wizard of all time, when Autumn noticed that Crystal had walked in. She casually looked around the crowd, and when her pretty ice blue eyes fell on Mabon, she smiled but looked away quickly.

“Excuse me, guys. I need to talk to my brother, alone, for a minute,” she pulled him away.

“Crystal is here.”

“So?” He said, but the nervousness rolled off of him in waves.

“She looked at you with those pretty eyes and smiled. She wants to dance, and she wants to dance with you.”

“No way, Autumn.” He shook his head.

“Yes way. Go ask her to dance!” she shoved him.

Stefan came to stand beside her as they watched him walk over to Crystal. “Five bucks he chickens out.”

“I’ll take it,” she said.

They watched him nervously talk to her. His hands ran through his hair. And then Crystal was dragging him out to the dance floor.

“Damn,” Stefan said. “I have no money.”

“Neither do I.” She laughed and watched her brother dance.

“We need to talk,” Stefan said.

“Outside,” Autumn said and led him out of the front of the building.

They walked away from the magic. Autumn felt like she could breathe, and her head felt clearer. “Too much magic in there.”

“I liked the buzz of it.”

They stopped at a pretty little park. Autumn sat down on the ground. Her hands ran over the well-manicured grass as Stefan joined her. The tickle on her palm instantly called back a memory of her first outing, once they left the mall, with just her, Rowan, and River. They had undressed her, and she lay naked on the warm earth. With each touch and kiss of her skin, magic leaked from her. When they made her come, large flowers bloomed around them. She remembered being so connected to them and the Earth.

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