Plain Peace (A Daughters of the Promise Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: Plain Peace (A Daughters of the Promise Novel)
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“That’s enough. No arguing at the supper table.”
put the pot of soup on the table, and Anna got up to get the bread, jams, and chowchow. Then she pushed her grandmother’s bottle of cinnamon pills near her spot so she wouldn’t forget to take them.
had said the pills were keeping her glucose under control and that she didn’t need the insulin anymore. Anna hoped that was true. She’d seen her testing her blood sugar just the other day.

They were quiet during the meal. After
pushed back his chair and left the room, her grandmother handed her an envelope. “Jacob left this for you.”

“Danki, Mammi
.” Anna started clearing the table as fast as she could.

“I’ll clean up.” Her grandmother waved a hand in the air. “Go on with you. I know you’re anxious to read that letter.”

Anna kissed her grandmother on the cheek, then darted upstairs. She’d barely closed her bedroom door when she tore open the envelope.

Dear Anna,

It’s been a long week not seeing you, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I overheard your grandmother talking to someone at worship service, and she said you aren’t feeling well.
As I write this, I’m planning to go to your house to check on you and also to see your daadi. I’m hoping I can get him to change his mind about us seeing each other.

Everything at my haus is better, except for mei daed. Eli made friends with a boy about his age—Johnnie King—and they have been running around together between chores. Mamm really likes your grandmother, and she also has another new friend named Lucy.

Lucy? Anna blinked. That wasn’t a common name, especially in their community. Could he be referring to Lucy Turner? That seemed unlikely.

Everyone is trying to get on with their lives. I don’t know what to do about Daed though. Can you maybe include some extra prayers for him? I’m mad at him a lot because he’s not doing right by his family, but I still pray for him every day.

Anyway, I’m writing this in case I don’t get to see you, and I wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you. And our kisses.

Hope to see you soon.


Anna smiled, reread the letter, then put it in the drawer of her nightstand. She pulled out the small compact mirror again and held it to her face. She was still a long way from being presentable. Just the same, she would make her deliveries next week. Her grandmother had been gracious to do it, but Anna could tell the long
hours in the hot buggy were taking their toll.
had come home exhausted, even though Anna had tried to take up the slack with the cooking and cleaning.

She placed the mirror on the nightstand and lay back on the bed, smiling.

Jacob misses me

Lucy slipped Benjamin’s shoes on him, then double-checked the diaper bag to make sure she had everything she’d need for an afternoon.

“I don’t understand why I can’t babysit my own grandson. Think how much money you’d save if you let me keep him while you’re at work instead of taking him to that day care.” Mom flung herself on the couch and grunted. “And I can keep him this afternoon while you go play with your new friend.”

Lucy picked up her son and the diaper bag. “We’ve had this conversation before, Mom.” She found her purse and keys. “Please don’t go anywhere while I’m gone. I’ll take you wherever you need to go when I get home.”

“I’m a prisoner here.”

“You are not a prisoner.” Lucy took a deep breath. “But you can’t be doing things like stealing strawberries from people’s gardens.”

“You need to put some makeup on. You look awful.”

Lucy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then looked back at her mother. “I’m going to Cora’s house, and she doesn’t wear any makeup, so I think it’s okay for me not to. Besides, you know I don’t wear much makeup anymore.”

“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. How’re you gonna find another man looking all pale and homely?”

The last thing Lucy needed or wanted was another man. She had her hands full with her mother and Benjamin, and she didn’t feel very lovable these days anyway.

“I’m going,” she said firmly and headed toward the front door. “And remember not to cook anything while I’m gone. There’s plenty of cold stuff in the fridge.”

The only answer was a string of curses.

Tears filled Lucy’s eyes as she closed the door behind her. This was not good for Benjamin, living in this environment. It wasn’t good for Lucy either, and it couldn’t be good for Mom. It wasn’t just Mom’s attitude. She had forgotten to turn the stove off twice this week, and who knew what would happen if she took it in her head to go wandering again. Lucy made a mental note to check back with those assisted-living facilities to see where her mother was on the waiting lists.

Lucy worried about Mom as she buckled Benny into his car seat. But by the time she pulled into Cora’s driveway, she had made up her mind not to let her mother upset her. It had been a long time since someone invited her over for a visit, and Lucy wanted to enjoy it. She liked Cora. Cora saw Lucy the way Lucy wanted to see herself. Since Cora didn’t know her past, there was no judgment.
Not yet, anyway

Cora met Lucy at the car and quickly opened the back door to unbuckle Benjamin from his car seat. “This little one brings a bright light wherever he goes.” She pulled him from the seat and set him down on the grass. “I made some chocolate chip cookies especially for you, Benjamin.” Cora latched onto his hand, then
finally looked up at Lucy. “I’m so glad you both came. Eli and Abe have been looking forward to seeing Benjamin.”

Lucy couldn’t help but smile as they climbed the steps and crossed the threshold. Cora’s house was always so warm and inviting. Today it was almost
warm, but Cora had the windows open, and Lucy had dressed herself and Benjamin in light clothing. She knew that wearing shorts would be offensive to Cora, so she’d chosen a pair of white Capri pants, a loose brown blouse, and sandals for herself. Benjamin wore a pair of short, striped overalls, and Cora was going on about how adorable he looked.

Lucy got Benjamin settled in the middle of the living room floor, where Abe and Eli had already spread out toys. Then Cora motioned for Lucy to come to the kitchen—far enough from the children that they could talk privately, but close enough for Lucy to keep an eye on Benny.

They sat down at the kitchen table. After a few minutes of small talk, they dove into a more serious conversation about what was heaviest on Lucy’s heart. Her mom.

“I just don’t know what to do with her.” Lucy shook her head, then took a sip of coffee. “She’s unbearable to be around sometimes.” She paused, sighing. “And just

“Has she always been like this?” Cora’s voice was sympathetic, and Lucy could see the concern in her expression.

“No, not at all. Just since the stroke.” She shrugged. “And she’s my mother, so I do my best to take care of her. She and my father divorced when I was about Benjamin’s age, so Mom raised me by herself. And we weren’t well off at all, but I never wanted for anything.” She blew on her coffee, then took another sip. “But I’m hoping to get her into a nice care facility soon. She’s on several waiting lists.”

She let out a deep breath and took a sip of her coffee. It felt good to have someone to talk to—about some things, anyway. It would be a long time before Lucy shared the story of Benjamin’s father and her role in destroying Ivan’s marriage.

“I can understand how you want to take care of her, but it’s a shame that the stroke left her in such a bad way.” Cora glanced into the living room. “How is she with Benjamin?”

“Oh, she’s crazy about Benjamin and sweet to him, but she talks so ugly to me in front of him. It’s not a good environment for him. And of course I don’t trust her to watch Benjamin alone. And I’m getting worried about leaving her in the house by herself.”

Cora leaned back against her chair, biting her bottom lip for a few moments. “Are there medications that can help her?”

Lucy shrugged. “I don’t think so. I don’t remember her being on anything for her temperament when she was at the last care facility.”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Lucy wished she hadn’t said them. And Cora responded just as Lucy expected. “Oh. What happened to that arrangement?”

Lucy swallowed hard. “She, uh . . . she assaulted another resident, so they basically threw her out.”

Cora covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes round.

“It was awful. I got a call while I was at work that Mom had words with another woman.” Lucy shook her head. “And then she punched her in the face.”

“Oh dear.”

“So she can’t go back there. But I’m going to have to do something—if not for my sake, for Benjamin’s.”

After a bit more conversation, they both admitted that they
didn’t know what the answer to Lucy’s problem was, so Cora moved on to what was heaviest on her heart. Her husband.

Lucy lent a sympathetic ear, thinking how much worse Cora’s problems were than her own and marveling that she kept such a cheerful disposition. Cora’s daughter had died, and her husband had mentally checked out, blaming himself. Lucy wished there was something she could do to ease her new friend’s pain.

As Cora went on talking, Lucy looked at the woman across the table from her. An Amish woman with no makeup, all the traditional clothing, and a faith in God stronger than anything Lucy would probably ever know. It was an unlikely friendship, and Lucy felt a mixture of joy and regret. Once Cora found out who Lucy really was, the friendship would surely be over.

“I would really like for you to meet my friend Marianne. She’s the bishop’s wife. I think I told you about her.” Cora smiled. “Such a lovely, fun person. Can you go with me to her house for a visit next week?”

Lucy sighed. Her friendship with Cora was going to end sooner than she thought. But why avoid the inevitable? Cora was a good person. Lucy wasn’t. It was a simple fact, and no matter how normal Lucy felt around Cora, their friendship couldn’t last.

Marianne Byler knew exactly who Lucy was. She and her husband had always lived in Lancaster County. Marianne knew that Lucy was the adulterer who had wrecked Ivan and Katie Ann’s marriage. Soon Cora would know it too.

They set the date for the following Thursday.


looking better. She’d made her bakery deliveries all week, but she’d hurried in and hurried out, and she hadn’t stopped to see Jacob at his job. This morning she planned to go by and see him.

She grabbed her lunch pail from the refrigerator, slipped on her shoes, which waited by the front door, and was opening the screen when her grandmother called her name, rushing into the room. “Where are you going?”

Anna let out a small grunt. “The same places I go every day,
. . . to make deliveries. I’ve already loaded the buggy.”

Her grandmother tapped a finger to her chin. “Oh.”

Anna closed the screen and walked back into the room. “Are you okay?”

smiled. “Of course, dear. I just . . . oh, I don’t know. Guess I got confused for a minute.”

Anna squinted at her grandmother. “I think you need to go see Dr. Noah and get your prescription refilled. I’m not sure the cinnamon pills are controlling your blood sugar. Do you check it regularly?”

, dear. I check it.”
pressed her palms together in
front of her. “Today is Thursday. Cora and Lucy are coming for a visit. See, I’m fine.”

Anna had been surprised to hear that Cora and Lucy Turner had become friends. That seemed like a strange friendship. Everyone in their district knew what Lucy had done, and Cora seemed like such a nice person.

know you are entertaining Lucy today?” Anna couldn’t keep the irritation out of her voice. Her grandfather still wouldn’t agree to let her see Jacob.

raised her chin. “
, I haven’t mentioned it.”

Anna shook her head. “That’s as
as lying,
—just like whatever you do down in your room in the basement.” She cringed a little inside, knowing she would be doing the same thing by visiting Jacob today.

“Mind your tongue, Anna. I don’t lie to your grandfather.”

, you just don’t tell him the entire truth.” Anna turned to leave, mumbling, “I’m never going to live like the two of you.”
Not after I’m married, anyway

Her grandmother said something, but Anna didn’t hear. She was out the door and hurrying to hitch the horse. She couldn’t wait to see Jacob.

BOOK: Plain Peace (A Daughters of the Promise Novel)
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