Read Picturing Perfect Online

Authors: Melissa Brown,Lori Sabin

Tags: #Contemporary

Picturing Perfect (28 page)

BOOK: Picturing Perfect
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After nursing Marty and changing his diaper, I brought him back into the living room. Jason immediately extended his hands with a giant smile on his face.

"Come 'ere, big guy," he said as I placed Marty in his arms. He gave him a small kiss on the top of his head and carried him to the couch. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I knew immediately who it was.

I opened the door cautiously. Tucker was fuming on the other side of the wooden door. I stood, blocking the entrance.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"You said to shit or get off the pot. So, I'm here."

of you," I said, shaking my head. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"He's my kid. Let me see him."

"Did you tell your mom he's yours?"

"No," he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Then no."

"What the fuck?" His eyes darkened as he stared at me.

"You will not deny the existence of your son, your flesh and blood, and then expect to spend time with him."

"It's not her business."

"He's her
!" I said, raising my voice.

"She doesn't
a grandson, Hadley!" He stopped, looking up at the ceiling. Something he always did when he lost his temper and said something he didn't mean to say.

"She thinks I'm after your money."


"And so do you," I said, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"I don't know. Maybe," he said with a shrug, avoiding eye contact.

"Get out," I said, anger growing deep inside my belly. I never imagined Tucker or his family would so blatantly question my integrity.

"Had, c'mon. Let me see him."

"Why? You want to study his hair color? See if he looks like you? He's your spitting image, asshole. And don't think that's easy for me, because it's not. But, he's mine and I love him."

Just then, Jason walked up behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Tucker grunted, his hands on his hips.

"Is there a problem?" Jason said. He crossed his arms against his chest, standing tall and glowering at Tucker.

"I want to see my kid," he grumbled, gritting his teeth.

"That's not up to you," Jason said.

"Listen, you two can play house all you want. Looks like she roped you in pretty good."

"What in the hell does that mean?" I practically screeched, seething.

"You know exactly what it means. You've conned this poor bastard into taking care of my kid." Tucker sneered.

"I haven't conned anyone into
," I said in disbelief. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I think you'd better go," Jason said, gently urging me to step back into the apartment.

"Fine, whatever."

"I'm so tired of your goddamn whatevers, Tucker. Make a decision for god's sake. Either be there for Marty, or go the hell away. Sign away your rights and he won't be yours anymore."

I didn't even think about the words. I just wanted him to go. I knew I was acting hateful, but I couldn't stop the venom from seeping through my angry veins.

"I may just do that," Tucker said quietly, piercing my eyes with his.

He walked away and I slammed the door. Marty wailed and I felt like the worst mother in the world. I was screaming at my kid's father with my baby in the room.

What kind of person have I become?

"I've got him. Go lie down for a few minutes, Haddie."

"No, I'm fine…really."

"It's all good. Little man and I are gonna hang out and watch some football. Go rest. Put your feet up, read a book. Get lost in a story. And when you feel better, come and join us."

"Okay," I said, still feeling pins and needles all over my skin. I was edgy, angry and confused. Would Jason think I was using him? Would he think I just wanted him around so he'd help me with Marty? As I turned to walk away, he took my hand in his as he cradled the baby.

"You know I don't believe a word he said, right?"

I gave him a weak smile and replied, "You always know just what to say."

And even though I adored Jason for trying to make me feel better, Tucker's words were sticking with me…and I despised him for it.


This morning, as I stepped outside to get the morning paper, I found a gift basket by the door…inside was the final first draft of his latest book as well as several wildflowers and a candle.

What is he up to?

A small envelope was attached to the pages of his manuscript. I opened it to find a simple card.



The rest of the unseasonably warm December day dragged on and on as the anticipation grew. I did what I could to keep busy. I cleaned the apartment, took Marty on a couple of walks in his stroller, and read Jason's newest masterpiece as the baby slept. Before I knew it, it was 5:00 and time to get ready. Luckily I had some time before the baby would be up, so I showered and got ready for my date with Jason.

My heart was pounding with the very best kind of anxiety. We'd shared several passionate kisses since the night against the tree in his parents' backyard. But nothing more than that. Maybe tonight would be the night. God, I hoped so. I felt an unbearable amount of tension building between us. It grew heavier and heavier in the air the more time we spent together. If we waited any longer, I swear I would fall apart.

Jason's parents were right on time, eager to see the baby. When I asked them if they had any idea what their son was up to, Mrs. Kelly gave me a wink and looked away, focusing back on the baby. I scrunched my nose, knowing he was up to something. And knowing Jason, it was something fantastic.

When Jason arrived a few minutes later, he was carrying a large bouquet of wildflowers, similar to the ones he left in the basket. His eyes widened as he looked at me from head to toe. I'd kept it simple with a black sweater and lovely green jewelry that matched his eyes. My hair was swept up in a loose bun and my ballet flats were comfortable on my feet…just as I was instructed.

"You…you're…wow," he said, lightly tracing his fingers down my cheek. I closed my eyes briefly, again feeling the heaviness of our tension and chemistry. What this man did to me…he had no idea. When I opened my eyes, he was smiling so wide, obviously proud of the effect he had on me.

Giving the last few instructions to his parents, I kissed my baby on the head and followed my date to his Jeep. Just before he started the engine, he pulled out a bandanna.

"Um…are you going to tie me up or something?" I asked, my heart racing. It wasn't something I'd ever imagined I would do. But, I was so ready for Jason to make love to me, that I was open to just about anything.

Jason snickered as he rolled the bandanna and placed it over my eyes, carefully tying it in the back.

"I'll take this off when we get there," he said reassuringly. His voice was soft and gentle, but deep and husky. He felt everything I felt. He was just as ready as I was.

No matter how much I begged he refused to tell me where we were going. I did my best to focus on the songs coming out of the speakers. Almost all of them were from the 80s. God, this man knew me so well.

Jason parked the car and killed the engine. He stepped out of the Jeep and, in a matter of seconds, opened my door and helped me down. Surprisingly, I felt grass beneath my feet rather than the cement of a parking lot.

Where are we?

"I'll take that off in just a minute. Be patient," he said, kissing the top of my hand as we walked. I must've looked like the biggest idiot, holding my arms out in front of me, as if they would guide me or keep me safe. I already knew Jason would do both of those things.

We stopped walking and Jason kissed my hand once again before placing my palm up against a rough and brittle surface.

Tree bark.

We were back at the tree house. A smile crossed my lips as I tore off the blindfold.

Jason tilted his head in disbelief. "I was supposed to do that."

"Oh…sorry." I wrinkled my nose at him. He shook his head and smiled.

"Well," he said, his eyes bright, "we're here."

"I see that," I said with a smile.

"You said you've always wanted to come up here."

"Yeah, well, aside from that one time." I snickered.

"Yeah." He blushed as he gestured for me to begin climbing the cracking wooden steps hammered into the bark of the tree. He guided my legs as I climbed and followed me into the tree house. When I reached the top, my breath caught and my heart leapt into my throat.

"Oh my god," I said, looking around the transformed tree house. Tea light candles were spread throughout the room. A fleece blanket covered the floor of the small space. A basket and wildflowers were set on top of the blanket, lots and lots of wildflowers. "I can't believe you did this."

"Ever since we came here weeks ago, I could think of nothing else. Come, sit."

He turned on his iPod speakers and soft music surrounded us as we sat on the warm blanket. He opened up the basket to reveal some of my favorites…crackers and brie cheese, dates stuffed with goat cheese and veggies with hummus. Damn, this man paid attention.

"I don't know what to say." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Don't say anything," he said, taking my hand in his. "Come on, let's eat."



When our bellies were full and we'd polished off a bottle of chardonnay, Jason cleaned up the picnic basket, placing it off to the side. He retrieved a few extra blankets from the top of his trunk. There was a slight chill in the air and it wasn't safe to use a space heater. So, I was glad I dressed warmly.

Everything Jason said was setting my skin on fire. He turned me on with every laugh and every cocky grin. And he knew it. I was giggly and turned on; not the best combination, but one I was enjoying. I was dying for him to touch me…

"What are you thinking about?" Jason asked as his fingertips lightly stroked my inner thigh. The hair on my arms stood at attention at his soft, arousing touch.

"You," I whispered.

"Really?" He smirked. "What about me?"

"How sexy you are." He cocked an eyebrow and moved closer to me, planting soft kisses along my jawline, making his way down to my neck as I breathed in deeply.

"Tell me more," he said, continuing his hypnotic kisses. But words were failing me. My entire body was tingling…the combination of Jason and wine was completely intoxicating. He pulled away when I stumbled on my words. He pushed my bangs from my eyes before releasing my hair from its bun. My curls spilled down over my shoulders.

"God, you take my breath away," he said, looking at my features as if he was drinking in every inch of me.

Brazenly, I reached for the buttons of his oxford shirt and begin to unbutton them. First one, then the next. This time, Jason was the one whose breath caught in his lungs. I felt how much my touch affected him and it turned me on like nothing else.

Stripping the oxford from him, I laughed as I read the t-shirt underneath.

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever read," I said.

The red t-shirt simply said, "Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life…love gives us a fairy tale."

BOOK: Picturing Perfect
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