Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (8 page)

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Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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Chapter 18 – Pearl

Waking up smelling Markus is soothing to my soul. Reaching over I find myself alone and am instantly saddened, that does not last long when I quickly hear a deep voice from across the room.

“Pearl, I’m right here, working on some stuff I brought home from the Dungeon a few days ago. The girls should be back from the movie anytime now, you should probably get up, shower, and get dressed so we can head out shortly after that.”

As my head rises off of the pillow to see Markus finish talking I notice that he is only in a pair of jeans. I quickly lick my lips and sit up at the sight, hungry for more of what this man can give me.

“Markus, will you shower with me?” I say shyly as I drop my gaze from his and start fidgeting with my fingers in my lap. I really do not know how this is suppose to go and am finding myself a little reserved at the moment. I don’t want to make Markus upset with me, but I want to be able to ask for things that I want, a hot shower and a quick fuck being on that short list at the moment.

“You never have to be shy when you ask me for something that you would like Pearl. Come here, Sweetling” he says reaching out to me from the table.

As I get up to cross the room I notice that he has laid out clothes for me after I passed out and stroke over my arms as I walk towards him. Markus blues eyes pierce mine as I raise my head to his again.

“Pearl, I will always take care of you in any way that I can. Putting clothes out for you after you passed out is something you should not even think about, and I am sure will become second nature to us. You are mine and I take care of what is mine. I would have dressed you, but you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to disturb you.” As I reach his awaiting arms he wraps me up and pulls me into his lap kissing me with force, taking me off of balance at the intensity of it.

Pulling away, leaving me breathless, he pushes me up off his lap and swats my butt saying “Get a move on Sweetling, or we will not have time for that shower fuck you so desire.”

As I reach the bathroom and lean over to turn the water on, I am instantly aware when Markus enters the room and reaches over me to adjust the water of the shower.

His deep voice comes out over the water “Pet, come here and take my pants off.”

Reaching Markus, I pop the top bottom of his pants and swiftly drag the zipper down. Touching his stomach as I reach again for his pants sends a shock to my core. Sliding my hands over his stomach, coming to rest on his hips I have my thumbs tucked inside of his jeans. As I look up into his eyes and stare into those blue pools, I slowly make my way to my knees taking his pants down with me. Trying to keep my eyes on his, knowing that if I see that gorgeous cock I will not be able to hold myself back from taking it in my mouth.

“Sweetling, stop this play and get my pants the fuck off. We don’t have time for this. The girls should be back soon and if you want that shower fuck you are so hungry for we need to be quick about it.” Stepping out of his pants, I quickly rise up back to my feet and fold his pants putting them on top of the counter.

Stepping into the shower we are consumed by the heat coming off both the shower and our insatiable hunger for each other. Stepping under the spray of the shower and turning to run water over my hair, I am stopped and spun around to face the wall again when a hand comes to rest on my shoulder. “Bend over, Sweetling,” is growled out from behind me as pressure is added to the hand forcing me to bend over.

Markus’ hand slowly slides down my back not stopping until it is tracing through the folds of my pussy. A groan escapes my lips as Markus slowly slides first one then quickly two fingers into my waiting channel.

Pumping his fingers in and out of me, I quickly feel an orgasm building forcing my legs to shake. I am instantly punished with the removal of those fingers and five quick slaps to my ass. A stern reminder that permission is always required from my Master before I take any pleasure.

“Markus please, I need to feel you buried deep inside of me when we come, if you let me come.” My head shrugs to the side as I go on, “I was going to ask, no beg, for it Master, I swear.” Turning my head to the side I meet his gaze as I finish. “Please, Master let me have your cock. Please, I just want to please you and let you take your pleasure and give you all the pleasure that you would like from my body.”

Those words must go straight through him because I quickly feel his cock rubbing against my entrance. Rubbing himself through my folds I quickly let out a loud moan and grab for my tits that are swinging wildly. He pushes into me, but withdraws himself quickly. Repeating this process for long few moments finally saying, “Oh, Pet. You beg so nicely when you are properly motivated to do so. Remember what needs to happen before you find your pleasure, Pet. I would hate to have to hold off your orgasm because you forgot to beg me for it.”

As he continues to pound into me from behind I am brought to the edge time and again. The water from the shower adding a special sting to the few sharp slaps Master lands on my ass, causing my pussy to clench around his cock, “Master, Please let me come. Mark me as yours and let me show you how much I want, no need, you. Please, Master,” comes out in a moan as the assault on my pussy and ass carries on.

Bringing his fingers to my mouth I hear a gruff, “Lick my fingers, Sweetling.” As I am doing so they are quickly popped out of my mouth and slid down my body until they find themselves playing with my asshole. After a few short moments the fingers that were only momentarily in my mouth are now teasing around my puckered entrance. After a few minutes of entering and retreating I am close to the edge again.

Markus quickly pulls his fingers out of my ass and grabs for my arms. He raises me up so that my back is flush with his chest, causing the water to pound onto my front. He reaches around me and places one arm across my breasts using his hand to tug and torment my nipple. The other arm is slung low across my hip with his hand rubbing on the growing bump before moving slowly down to the apex of my thighs. He growls into my ear as he starts rubbing my clit, “You may come but only when you feel me doing the same seated deep inside of you, Pet.”

Chapter 19 –Blaze

Hearing the girls, Doc, and Trip come into the house as we are getting dressed after our shower hurries us along. This woman has me thinking and doing things that I thought were never going to happen for me, fuck things that I didn’t think I would ever want. Knowing that I have been with her and claimed her, even though it has only been a few short hours, I don’t know how Tank could have left her. How he could have thought that she was vindictive enough to fuck some random guys. He will be sore for sure when and if he comes back home to find she is my pet now.

His dad told me about the two blank post cards that he has received over the past two months that give no leads as to his whereabouts. I have heard from a few chapter Presidents, but only after he was in the wind from them. They all have said that he looks rough, is partying, drinking, and fucking the whores with a passion.

What a stupid fucking kid. He had the best of everything and let it slip through his fucking fingers. I will never make the same mistake with her. She is mine and will be so until my dying day. No matter what she needs or wants, I will give anything to her so that she will never feel an ounce of pain again.

Shaking my head to get those thoughts of Tank and Pearl out of my fucking head, I pack a bag to hit the road up to Milwaukee. Pearl let me know that if we travel up around 2pm the girls would be able to nap the whole way up there. So, I let the prospects know that is when we would leave and give them 45 minutes to get over here while we have a quick lunch.

Walking into the kitchen Pearl is smiling wide talking to the girls about the movie that they have just returned from. The girls go on and on about the popcorn, candy, and soda that Doc and Trip bought for them. Pearl looks over to the two men that are watching over all three of them like hawks and shakes her head from side to side, tsking the men for spoiling them.

“Pearl, what would you have us do. They were begging and saying that you let them have soda. They also said that they would not tell you about the candy.” Doc gets out with a grin turning his head to glare at the girls trying to give them his dirtiest look but failing miserably.

She turns back to the counter and continues to make lunch for us all. Opening up the bare cupboards to try and find something to throw together. She reaches for some rice and a can of vegetables. Walks over the refrigerator getting some chicken out of one of the to go containers and heading back to the stove opening the spice rack above it.

Stepping up to Pearl and kissing her neck slowly, I call the brothers into my office as we wait for her to finish fixing lunch.

“Doc, Trip I am taking the three prospects up to Milwaukee with me and I need you guys to keep me informed of any sightings of those fucking cunts. I am guessing that you guys will probably have issues with this choice, but I need to make sure that we find those fucks quick now that they are visible again, and you two are the best that I have left.”

Turning back to my desk I pull a 9mm out of the drawer and give it a quick look over putting it in my inner coat pocket. “It has been quite a while since we have had any reason to pack. Make sure the brothers take any needed precautions, I don’t want any of us to get picked up for illegal arms or some stupid shit like that.”

Doc is the first to speak, “Prez, I know that you have claimed her and I will not even discuss the issues I have with that, but, you have to know that Trip and I would like to be able to continue our protection of her and the girls. They all have found a special place in our lives and we have been watching over them these past two plus months. I, no we, don’t doubt your plans, but the prospects? Come on they should not be left to protect them.”

Trip nods his head in agreement as he is about to add to this conversation, I quickly cut him off.

“You two are to stay in Chicago until I come back down here in a few days. I know that you both have strong feelings about this, so I have decided you will continue to watch over the girls when I have to return to Chicago. I am taking the prospects up there to show them the ropes a little and to get the lay of the land in case they are needed in the future.”

Raising my chin to them both I go on, “I will be the one to watch over my woman and the girls while I am in Milwaukee. If you think that I would let anything come between me and Pearl now that I have her you are fucking sadly mistaken. Don’t question me again on this.”

Nodding again towards Trip, “Get the word out that I want those fucking little cunts taken alive as soon as possible. Reach out to our contacts at the Police station and see what you can find out as far as the car they were driving. They need to be taken to the shed and sat on until I am able to get there. If anyone has issues with that have them reach out to me.”

As we head back to the kitchen to eat lunch I think again about the choices that I have made concerning this woman, the Dungeon, and the MC. It is the first time that I have second guessed any of my decisions concerning anything since the beginning of my Presidency. Making me question myself is yet another side effect of these feelings that I have for this woman.

I know that I love her, but telling her this soon will just spook her so I must hold back. She will have no questions by my actions, care, protection, and domination that I do though.

Chapter 20 – Pearl

Trading time between Milwaukee and Chicago these past two months has been very calming and peaceful. Especially the time I have been spending with Markus. He is so caring and protective of me, the babe, and the girls.

We have even made it to the Dungeon to play a few times during that time. Each time we have scened together I was nervous to say the least. Those thoughts were quickly quieted by Markus and the calming effect he has on me. Soothing me with just a hand or a few words whispered in my ear.

We did the first scene in a private room and it was a nice intro into play at the Dungeon. We had gone over the rules of our interactions at the Dungeon repeatedly so we would have no transgressions while we were there in the public or private areas. We started slow and the whole evening was a great continuation of our play from his home. The only real issue I have when we are there is the amount of eyes on us.  Everyone is seemingly so intrigued by the Master and his new found pet.

The second night was in the open and there was a large crowd to witness it. Word of The Master of the Dungeon taking a pet, peaking the interest of most of the members to come tonight and watch us play. It probably didn’t help that the word was out Master was going to scene that night and it would be in the open to show off his pet.

Seeing the number of cars in the parking lot as we pulled up sent my stomach to flutter. “Markus, Master, why are there so many people here tonight?” was out before I could stop myself. Even though we had not started our play yet, we were close enough that I should be still following protocol for play. My hands fidget together in my lap waiting for the response from the man sitting next to me.

“Pet, the members have heard that we will have a public scene and are interested in seeing how well my pet is at serving her Master. It is nothing to worry about and you should not even register all these people. The only one who matters, while we are here, is your Master and how well you serve him.” Reaching over to raise my chin up and towards him he goes on. “You are a superior pet, Sweetling, you have nothing to worry about except making me happy and serving me to the best of your ability. Both of which you excel at.”

These words calm me instantly. The thoughts of his flogger, mouth, hands, and cock are not that bad for me and my roller coaster of emotions either.

As we walk into the Dungeon we are greeted by Shadow and a number of other members of the MC that I have started to see more of as Markus and I have been spending more and more time together.

Markus sends me into the changing room with a bag that he pulled out of the truck as we were walking up. I slowly walk into the locker room and change into the nonexistent clothing my Master has chosen for me. A matching bra and thong set in a pale pink, and a pair of matching thigh high stockings. The baby bump is very noticeable as I catch myself in the mirror walking towards the exit. I slowly run my hands over the bump and stare for a few short minutes. I cannot believe that I am a little over five months pregnant and at a fucking BDSM club in nothing more than a bra, panties, and thigh high stockings.

As my eyes slide up over my body the glare off my collar catches my eye in the mirror. As I bring a hand up to the collar and start to finger and toy with it I notice a small movement behind me. As I glance behind my shoulder I see a small wisp of a woman staring at me.

“You must be Master Markus’ pet. I am Ember, Master Markus sent me in here to check on you and see if you needed any help.” Her eyes drop quickly as I turn to her. Quickly dropping my hands to my sides I take a few short steps toward this gorgeous little thing and cannot stop myself from reaching out to stroking the red hair that is now draped over her shoulders running to her hips.

Her eyes rise slightly and I pull my hand back from her. “Yes, Ember I am Master Markus’ pet. My name is Pearl. Thanks for coming to check on me, I am fine and will be out in just a moment or two.”

Turning back towards the mirror and taking the last few steps toward it I see her green eyes shine in the mirror before she turns to make her exit. I finish my once over in the mirror and head for the door.

Seeing Ember talking with Markus as I walk out of the locker room and putting her hands on him sets something off in me. I make my way towards them quickly and stop abruptly when Markus reaches out to place a hand on my shoulder.

“Pet, calm down. Ember was just telling me how much she would like to scene with you in the future, if I would allow it. She seems to think that you might make a good Domme and be able to dominate and gain her submission. Something I have frequently thought about these last few months while we have been getting to know each other better.”

Stroking slowly over my shoulder stopping his hand on my ass he continues, “She was not trying to take what is yours, do not worry, Pet. I am all yours and have no inclination to spend any time or effort on any other women and you should know that by now. Questioning or doubting me and my intentions are something that will get you the discipline you so frequently seek, Sweetling.”

Taking his hand off of my ass he quickly looks between Ember and me as he goes on. “However this idea of you being a Domme to Ember might be something that we will discuss, Yes? But, not tonight, tonight I have other plans for us. Goodnight Ember,” he says nodding at her as he grabs my hand and leads me over to the stage.

“Pet, we will do a scene here on the stage tonight and I may or may not decide to share your beautiful orgasms with everyone, until I have given you permission make sure you hold off on them. Tell me the safe words before I begin on you, Pet.”

“Yes, Master. Halt to stop, Yield to slow down.”

“Good, good. Now up by the cross. Our baby is getting to be large enough to cause some small issues while we play pet, I will have to come up with some ways around him. For tonight just make sure you have enough space and are not putting too much pressure on him while you are up against the cross. I will not bring out the whip because you will be able to move because of the tightness of the binds and I don’t want you squirming when I have the whip out.”

As he falls into a quick pattern with the flogging of my ass, thighs, and back I quickly fall into subspace. Flying high I lose track of time, but as I am being brought back to reality, I am released from the cross, carried over to a nearby table, and then bent over it. Growling into my ear I hear “Pet, you were made for me. You fly so quickly when I am flogging you and I cannot hold myself back from fucking you after seeing how beautiful you are when flying.”

As he gently rubs over the marks that I am sure have formed on my back, ass, and thighs he moves quickly to my core. Running his hands through my pussy he groans loudly as he finds me soaking. Pumping first one then two fingers slowly in and out of me he quickly pulls the fingers out of me and I feel the loss. That emptiness only lasts a few seconds before I am filled completely with his cock. He doesn’t pause as he sets a demanding pace with me.

The assault continues until I hear another growl in my ear as the beginnings of an orgasm build deep in me. “Wait for me, Pet. Wait to come until you feel me spilling myself deep inside of you.”

I stay off the blooming orgasm while he continues to pound into me from behind. He slowly moves a hand up my back and commands “open your mouth and suck on my fingers Pet, you will come with my fingers buried in your ass and my cock buried in your sweet cunt.”

I do so and am rewarded with the sweet tang of myself still lingering on his fingers. I lick it up hungrily again feeling a loss as he takes them out of my mouth. He starts to play with the tight hole while continuing his onslaught on my pussy. Slipping one finger slightly into my ass I groan at the suddenly full sensation I am feeling. Continuing to stretch and move that finger slowly in and out of my ass he stills within me. I feel him withdraw his finger from my ass and then feel his spit slowly running over my ass. Master runs that finger over the spit and returns it to my ass pushing again in to that tight hole. As he pulls and pushes that one finger he begins his movement within my pussy as well.

As he adds the second finger to my ass I am first on the edge of pain, that is only short lived as he quickly uses his other hand to find my clit and start to rub and tug on it sending me quickly into overdrive.

“Master, please,” comes out on a whisper of breath. “Please, may I come Master? You feel so go buried in my ass and pussy at the same time. Master, Please take your pleasure from me.” As I turn my head to the side and make contact with those blue pools I see love there as he answers me with a groan and I feel his cock explode inside of me answering my pleas in the best way possible. I let go of myself as I hear him growling “Mine” as he slides his fingers out of my ass and moves them up my back. Grabbing my hair sharply tugging my head up he again growls, no screams, “Mine” claiming me in yet another way as the crowd around us groans and moans.

As my orgasm takes me over I am quickly wrapped up in strong arms and a blanket before I am lifted off my feet, carried into and through to his office and placed tenderly on the bed. He leaves me for only a few seconds and I find myself reaching out for him. He returns from the bathroom, coming back to clean me up and apply salve over the welts that have formed. He then cuddles in behind me and pulls me tight against him wrapping himself around me as much as humanly possible.

As I lay wrapped in this man I think about the day we have tomorrow. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow and will find out the baby’s sex. I could have found out a few months back but was alone and not in the right place at the time. Tomorrow Markus will be coming with me and I am excited to see how he acts when he figures out that we are going to see the baby instead of the standard monthly check up.

He has taken to referring to the baby as a boy when he talks about it. We have talked and he doesn’t care either way, girl or boy, as long as both babe and mother are healthy. It is such a joy for me to hear that he is only concerned with our health, the love that he shows through his actions and deeds don’t stop surprising me. As I slowly drift to sleep I am comforted by the man behind me.

I am almost out when I hear words that have me questioning both me, this man, and everything that is going on between us. “I love you, Sweetling. No one and nothing will ever come between us. Not that stupid cunt, Layla, that stupid fuck Tank, or anything else will stand in the way of our family.” Is out on a low whisper as he wraps himself tighter around me and drifts to sleep, the mention of Tank causing me to awaken instantly.

I ease myself out of the bed being careful not to disrupt the man that is next to me. I move quietly into the office and sit at the desk chair, curling up into a tight ball and lose myself in thoughts of the man that left me to get raped and brutalized.

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