Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (6 page)

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Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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Chapter 13 – Markus

Sitting here with Pearl at my feet, I feel at peace for the first moment since learning that Layla was anywhere near to what is mine. The brothers and I need to find her so that I can take away the fear that I saw in Pearl’s eyes. She should be done with that fear and struggle by now and it fucks me up knowing that we have not been able to give that to her yet.

“Pet, we need to finish this talk. The discussion of what being with me, being my Ol’ Lady, and what this collar means, is not something that I would like for you to have any questions about, ever. You need to know what it is that you have gotten yourself into!”

“I never thought that I was going to take an Ol’ Lady, Sweetling, but you have made a liar out of me in many different ways. Your behavior as my Ol’ Lady is something that will lead the rest of the woman in the club. Any Ol’ Lady of mine needs to be able to stick up for herself when needed. I know that you are not afraid of the whores and that is something that attracted me to you in the beginning. You have shown me time and again that you are able to make a liar out of me, but only as far as you are concerned.”

Slowly stroking over her head resting on my thigh I go on, “This is a forever thing, Sweetling. It will take some time for us to learn each other and for me to learn what it is that you need and want from me as a Master, but we will learn as we go. The things I would like to make sure that you are aware of, and that are not negotiable, have more to do with you and your behavior around others.”

“Your behavior at the Dungeon will be as it was at the end of tonight. Following what I want for you at all times. While we are at the Dungeon if you feel the need to talk back, not comply with directions, or follow my requests, those are all things that will earn you punishment. Punishment I have a feeling you might be frequently earning if your hot streak has anything to do with it.”

A small mumble escapes her lips and I quickly place a hand under her chin as I raise her eyes so that those brown depths are staring up at me. “Hush, Pet, you know that you have a hard time controlling your thoughts, actions, and outbursts. That spark is something that I would not trade for the world, it makes you the person that I have quickly found myself falling for and not being able to stay away from.”

Shaking my head, “I know that we have not been together long but, I have watched you these last months and know you are someone that will be an equal to me. The brothers have nothing but respect for you which is an added bonus, seeing as how we will be spending considerable time with them.”

“Back to these punishments I am sure you will receive. They will not consist of spankings or the like because from what I can see you are really quite a pain slut. Punishing you with something you find enjoyable will not help to correct the behavior that was unwanted to begin with. You need to know that your behavior is very disrespectful when you are not following your Master’s command. I will work hard to find an appropriate punishment for you, but I can guarantee that it will not be something you find enjoyable in the least. “

“We will really need to both work on the different areas of our lives coexisting. Being mine is an all the time thing though, Sweetling. I will not fucking tolerate disrespect or disloyalty from you, ever, Pearl.” Tugging sharply on her hair, “Ever, Pet. You can expect the same loyalty and respect from me at all times. You are mine and in turn I am yours from now forward. I have been done with the pussy at both the club house and the Dungeon since the first time I sunk into you. You are the only one I think of and the only one I want. The only thing that might come before you and our family is the club and that is something which is non-negotiable. ”

She nods her head in agreement as I continue, “We are in this together and everything that we do should be for each other. Some things will come up with the brothers that you will not be privy to, but that is the way of it. In all other things I will be truthful with you and you will always be truthful with me. Tell me that you understand, Pet.”

“Yes, Master, um Markus, I understand and I will always be truthful with you. I wish that you didn’t have to hold back anything from me though.”

“Yes, well some things cannot be helped, and some of those things are for your protection as well as protection of the club.” I say going back to my light stroking of her hair.

“I love having you under my thumb and can’t see myself not wanting to do that as frequently as possible, but I know with the girls, there will be some restraints on our ability to play as much as I would like though. We will have to utilize both the Dungeon and my room here at the house to find the release that we both seek. The Master in me will find it hard to not control you at all times, but we will be able to work it out in time.”

“The last point that needs to be made before we are done with this for the night is of your behavior around other men. I have found quickly that I have no fucking tolerance for watching you being touched or to have you touch other men. That is something that I will not fucking watch, ever. Doc and Trip touching and kissing you tonight almost had me taking blows at them.”

“Wait, Markus- I was just thanking them for their protection and watching over of me and the girls these last few weeks. I didn’t mean for that to upset you but, there was nothing disloyal or any malice meant by it. I would never do anything to purposefully upset you or that you didn’t want for me to do, but, I refuse to not thank the men who have keep my daughters and myself safe- as you so nicely put it they have not had a moments rest in these last weeks.”

Grabbing her around the neck, I stop her “Watch it, Pet. You are coming damn close to being very fucking disrespectful right now. I have also kept you safe and had little to no sleep these last weeks, but you have shown little of this care or thanks to me, that you so easily and quickly show to Doc and Trip.”

“Master” gets out on a shaky breath as she looks up at me and notices that my cock is causing even further strain on my pants, which is not helped by those big brown eyes of her staring up at me. “I agree and I am sorry Master. What can I do to show you my gratitude, care, and thanks???”

Lowering her eyes she waits for the command that is sure to set us both to flight.

“Pet, you are going to challenge my control at every turn aren’t you?” Reaching for the buckle on my belt I slowly undo it before popping the button on my jeans. Unzipping my pants, I reach in, releasing my cock from its confines. “You will take me in your mouth, Pet, and swallow me down. Then we will go to the play room and I will make you fly before we both crash for the evening. You are not to use your hands keep them behind your back at all times. Make me cum, Pet and I might return the favor.”

Coming down her throat after some much needed face fucking, I get off the couch and bend over to pick Pearl up and take her to the play room. Taking note of the clock as we walk out of the living room I see that it is approaching 4am and know that Pearl will need sleep desperately tomorrow.

Asking Doc and Trip to come back and watch the girls tomorrow, was definitely the right choice, I knew that we would not be sated with each other after only a little bit. Maybe they can take the girls out of the house to explore Chicago so that Pearl will get some much needed rest and relaxation, seeing that I am having a hard time keeping my hands off of her at the moment.

She has been struggling alone with far too much and for far too long. That is over now, and will never be a problem for her or those girls again.

Chapter 14 – Pearl

Being carried around by this man is something a girl could get used to. As he climbs the stairs and we head to the play room, a panic sets in.

What am I doing here with this man? I need to get home to take care of my baby and the two girls who depend on me. I cannot fucking be in another relationship so quickly after HE left me there to get raped and tortured. He and Markus are too similar I am not sure what I was thinking. The collar is weighing heavily around my neck and my hand shoots up to touch it, as Markus comes to a halt with a closed door in front of us.

“Pet, those thoughts need to leave your head and be put to ground. Whatever you are thinking has no place here between us. We are together! You are not avoiding or escaping this, ever. I will never leave or let anything happen to you, those precious little girls, or the babe that is coming to join us. Just STOP!”

Pulling a key out of his pocket he makes to unlock the door while he goes on, “When we get into the playroom I want you to lay on the bed face up, legs spread wide, keeping your eyes closed, and your hands above your head gripping the headboard. Safe words are the same, tell them to me now, Pet.”

“Halt to stop and yield to slow down, Master.”

“Good Pet. Remember that if you cannot follow my directives that I will bind you to the headboard maybe even the footboard, Pet.”

As the door swings open and I take in the playroom in front of me a small gasp comes to my lips. There are two walls full of different implements: whips, chains, handcuffs, paddles, floggers, crops, and a whole section of things that I have no idea what they are. Stepping forward I notice a St. Andrews Cross on one side of the room which is evened out by a large canopy bed on the other. A canopy like I have never seen before- it has notches, holes, and rings protruding from everywhere.

I stop quickly in my tracks when I notice an animal cage under the bed. Turning swiftly to Markus, he sees the fear in my eyes and quickly hushes my thoughts saying, “Pet, you will not be going into the cage tonight, we would only play like that after we discussed it at length, it is a kink that not all enjoy and if it is something that you find yourself not wanting to experience or try, we can discuss at a later time. Now, however you need to follow the instructions that I have already given. You don’t want the punishment that will be brought down on you if I need to ask again.”

Turning on my heel I finish the walk over to the large bed and climb up situating myself as he has instructed. My hands are grabbing onto the headboard as I hear him start to move about the room. Then, after he briefly lets me know that this room is soundproof, the loud pounding of drums starts to come through the speakers.

As I wait for what feels like an eternity I no longer know where Markus is in the room or hear him moving about. I shudder as I am suddenly feeling ice moving over my nipples and breasts. Then a slow path is made down past my stomach to my pussy, which is already dripping with anticipation.

I feel Markus’ hot breath on my thigh before he kisses his way up my thigh and dives into me like a starving man. Making me come quickly, forcefully, and without permission, which I fear might have dire consequences for me.

“Oh, Pet! Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know better than to come without permission from your Master,” I feel him moving up my body and his breath is warm on my ear as he finishes “Whatever shall I do to punish you?” 

It takes all of my self control to not let go of the head board and grab tightly onto this man. Instead I take a shaky breath grip tighter to the headboard and get ready to receive the punishment I know will be coming.

“I am going to fuck you now Pet, and you will not come again- in fact you will not come again until I have instructed you to do so. Not by my hand, my mouth, my cock, or your own hand or toys. Do you understand me, Pet? Not tonight, not tomorrow, not until I have you given you permission.”

“Yes, Master I understand. No coming until you have told me it is okay to do so, no matter how long it is.”

As strong hands grip my hips and flip me over his voice is stern as he commands, “Up on all fours Pet, get that ass high up in the air and show me my pussy and ass.” He says as I get up into position. “Use your hands to spread yourself out for me and show me that juicy tight little cunt and asshole.” As my shoulders drop slowly to the bed I am struggling to reach behind me when the first smack lands on my ass. “Pet, don’t tease me, do as I have asked or we will be discussing that cage quicker than you would like.”

With that I did as commanded and was quickly filled with his cock. I hear him groan as he plants himself deeply inside of me and doesn’t pause as the pummeling of my pussy starts.

Markus must notice that my arms are tingling and twitching because he forcefully pushes them back down onto the bed and I hear a growl as my hair is bunched up in his fist. “Up, Pet. Bring that head up and show me those beautiful brown eyes as I fill you up.”

Turning my head to the side to look back at him, the hold on my hair does not relax at all, if anything it gets tighter. As I struggle to find his eyes I am instantly rewarded with the deep pools of blue that I have seen saving me in my dreams these last weeks. This time there is a fire in them and a hunger I have not seen before tonight.

“Mine!” is all that is growled out as he comes inside of me, marking me as his in the most literal sense of the word. My heart, however, might never be his. It is broken beyond repair and I feel sad that this man will only ever have part of me. My husband and Tank have done too much to my heart to ever have a chance on it being whole again. Let alone giving it to this man before me. I don’t even know if I am fucking over Tank for Christ’s sake, how can I even think about being with Markus?

Chapter 15 - Markus

As the light starts to stream through the windows in the master bedroom, my bedroom, I smell the woman that has haunted me for weeks, fuck that, months.

I slowly reach out, but only find empty space instead of the woman who should be next to me. Bolting up I look around for Pearl and notice that the door into the hallway is ajar and as I listen I can hear the girls and their mother’s voices coming from downstairs. I get up and find my pants and a t-shirt before heading out the door and towards the stairs.

That’s when I hear other voices in my house as well and pick up my pace. Doc and Trip are sitting at the kitchen island next to Rose and Iris, all of them looking like the fucking Von Trapps or some shit. Plates of eggs, sausage, and pancakes in front of them while they are talking and laughing together sharing a meal as any family should. I lean back on the door and quietly observe for a little bit. I quickly notice that Pearl must have found the clothes I picked out for her last night. She looks edible in them, a pair of black yoga pants that show off her curves just right, and an oversized Devil’s Iron t-shirt. I cannot help but picture the lacy red panties and matching bra that are underneath, waiting for me to take them off.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when Doc reaches out to Pearl as she comes nearer to him and grabs her in a hug, that’s when I lose it. Stomping into the room, “What the fuck is going on in here?” Comes out before I think it through and I immediately am reprimanded for my outburst.

Stepping back from Doc, “Markus, watch your mouth, the girls are right here for Christ’s sake.” Pearl says as she snaps the towel she has slung over her shoulder at me. Connecting a little too well with my thigh, causing me to quickly snatch it away from her, and close the distance between us. Spinning her around bending her over the counter a little and whisper quietly in her ear “Pet, you will pay for that and it will not be in a way you like!” Positioning my body bent over on top of hers I nip at her ear before I go on. “I told you, no other man is to touch you, it drives me fucking insane to see! I don’t care if it is Doc or Trip or any of the brothers. You are all MINE,” is emphasized with a loud crack on her ass as I turn around.

Walking around to the fridge the girls giggle as their mom blushes uncontrollably. I reach in to grab a beer out, needing to calm my nerves and notice there are none to be had. “What the fu-“

“Markus, I had to move some stuff around after I got back from the grocery store this morning, your beer is in the garage fridge. There is some coffee on the counter if that is to your liking, instead? Otherwise,” as she reaches out to me resting her hand on the small of my back, “I can run out and get you a beer if that is really what you need and prefer.” A sly smile crosses her lips as she steps closer in behind me covering up as she moves her hand over my hip to rest gently on my cock. Fuck me! A cock that is now hard as a fucking rock, yet again from this creature.

I know exactly what she is doing and she will pay for this little tease, but when the girls are away. “Yes, coffee is fine, Sweetling. I would love some of that delicious smelling spread of food you seem to have been cooking, as well.” I say gripping my cock and balls over her hand making sure that she does not miss the fact that I am rock hard and that we will be playing again very shortly.

Tugging on my t-shirt a little while trying to get a handle on my raging hard on I take a deep breath before turning around. “Doc, Trip, we will talk as soon as we finish up the food.” Nodding towards the girls I go on, “then I think that the girls might want to go see a movie, while their mother and I talk some more.”

“Markus, I have to get home today, I have school on Monday and I need to get the laundry in order, clean the house, and just spend some time at home with the girls. Oh Hell, the dog is probably pooping all over the house as we speak and I am going to need to clean that up as well. ARGH, I can’t believe I forgot about the dog!”

“Pearl, don’t worry about that old lab. Hilda is at my house playing with my dogs. We brought her down when we were brought the girls last night.” Doc says. “Markus thought she might make too much noise here and didn’t want to have the girls get startled or awaken if she was barking or something at her new surroundings.”

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