Read Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) Online

Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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Chapter 29 – Blaze

Reaching the house we quickly surround it and pinpoint where the girls are in relation to the other three adults in the house. We are not sure until we get into the house that Layla is the one who is missing. The men were all here and we took them by surprise, no shots fired and no need for anything more than a few forceful punches.

The girls were sleeping as we roused them to take them out to Doc’s waiting truck. Neither one seemed to be injured or worse for the few hours that they have been away from their mother. I wish that I could go with them so that I could be there with them and Pearl, but these fuckwits need to have their transgressions dealt with in short order.

As we load the three men up into the vans, my vibrating phone jars me from my thoughts. I look down to see that Country is calling and answer the phone immediately. “What is it Country, I am somewhat busy right now, this better be good.”

“Prez, we have a visitor here at the house. You might want to hurry before Pearl gets rid of her by herself.”

“OH fuck” is all that comes out before I run towards Doc’s truck, which is starting to pull down the driveway. “Doc, wait. I gotta come with you.” Turning around I holler over my shoulder, “Brothers, take them to the house and get them prepared, I will be there shortly with another guest.”

Turning back around, I open the door and jump into the van. The girls have fallen back asleep and are resting peacefully when I glance back at them.

“What’s up Prez? Why the sudden change in plans?” Doc says while throwing the van into gear and starting back down the driveway.

“Country called, Layla is over at the house and from the sounds of it, Pearl has decided to take some justice out on her herself. Hurry up so that I can get there before she does something that she will regret Doc.”

After a few minutes on the road, I grab my cell phone and pull it out calling Country back. “Country, go get Pearl and put her on the phone.”

Hearing a door open and then a brief pause before hearing another door open I hear Country say, “Pearl, what the fuck have you been doing in here? You said you were just going to talk to her. Fucking hell, here take the phone; Prez wants to talk to you.”

A brief pause is heard before I hear her voice, “What?”

“Pet, don’t speak to me like that. You know why I am calling. We have the girls and we are on our way back to the house. Go inside and get washed up before I bring the girls in the house to you. They are sleeping and fine, but I am not sure if they will rouse before we get them in their beds, and I don’t want them walking in on something that they should not see.”

“Markus, I just had to do this and you can’t tell me what I can or cannot do to get through the pain I feel. You are the one that told me that I need to deal with this, for what has happened and what is happening.”

“This is not how you will get that retribution, Sweetling.” Taking a deep breath I continue, “And yes, I can and I will tell you what you will do, Pet. I love you and if I think you are making a mistake I will hesitate at nothing to make sure that you choose a different path. So, stop whatever it is that you are doing right now, and go get in the shower. Stay there until I am able to get there to help you finish up. GO NOW!”

Hearing something fall to the cement floor I realize that she was in the garage and had been holding something rather heavy. As I wait, I hear shuffling and then Country’s voice again.

“Prez, she dropped what she was doing and is heading into the house. Do you want me to have Bull go inside to get eyes on her?” Thinking of Bull or anyone having eyes on my Pet as she is in the state that she is currently in, drives me wild with jealousy and I am a little too quick to answer him.

“No, you two sit on the visitor; we will be there in just a few minutes. I will come check in with you as soon as we get there while Doc gets the girls into the house. See you in a few.”

As we finally pull up to the house. I leave Doc to handle the still sleeping girls while I head into the garage. Nodding my head at Country and Bull I look over at the chair that is situated near the middle of the garage on a blood stained tarp. “What the fuck has been going on in here, Bull?”

“Pearl, Prez.” Shrugging his shoulders, he goes on, “When Layla crept down the alley she pulled a gun on Pearl and forced her way into the yard with her. By the time we got to them, Pearl had her on the ground and was straddling her beating her with her fists. We pulled her off of Layla and I had her go into the house to shower, but by the time we had Layla situated in the garage Pearl came back out. She grabbed a bat and told us to go in the house and get a hold of you, we took the bat from her, but she found the rebar and used it to do that.”

“You listened to her? What the fuck, did you think it was a smart move to let a pregnant woman, my fucking pregnant woman be alone with her? You know that is not something that I would have allowed. Why the fuck was she in the backyard by herself anyways? You two were supposed to be watching her. FUCK! Clean this shit up and load her into the van and get her to the house by the lake. The others have taken the three we found there as well. I will be there as soon as I get the situation with Pearl worked out and we can show them the proper welcome.”

Walking towards Layla, I notice that her breathing is very shallow and the blood is pouring out of her head wound. She will not make it long and that is something that I cannot let Pearl know that she has done. Fuck, why does she have to be so god damn strong willed and so fucking independent? I know that her living alone for those years after her husband had her doing everything, but that is no longer the fucking case and she needs to know that I will also do everything that she needs of me, no matter what it is.

Shaking my head as I turn and move back out of the garage, I look towards the van and see that Doc has gotten both of the girls out and into the house already. I open the back door, walk through the house and check that both girls are still soundly sleeping I nod to Doc and let him know that he should go to the garage and help Bull and Country clean up the mess and get it moved.

Opening the door to the bathroom I see a pile of clothes balled up in a corner of the room. Noticing blood on the clothes I rapidly strip out of my clothes and pull back the shower curtain to see if any of that blood has come from my Pet. I join her in the shower and run my hands over every inch of her body checking for any injuries she might have. Slowly spinning her around, I continue my perusal of her body with my hands.

“Markus, I am fine, stop with the searching. The blood was not mine on the clothes, it is Layla’s. I am fine. Markus, where are the girls?” She croaks out looking at the bathroom exit.

“They are sleeping comfortably in their beds. Don’t worry about them they have not been affected by the incidents that have happened today. I doubt they were even awake long enough to have any idea about what was going on.”

Raising her chin with a finger I am quick to add, “You on the other hand, have been greatly affected by the events of not only today, but of that evening months ago. You should never have been outside by yourself. You should not have attacked Layla. You should not have beaten her after Country and Bull told you that I would not like it. Why would you go against what you knew that I would want for you, Pet?”

“I was just seeing red and reliving the rape and kept thinking about how she was the reason that the girls had been taken away today. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. When she brought up how funny she thought it was that he left me there to get raped and attacked I saw red and took action.” Bringing her hands up slowly to my shoulders she rises up on her toes and places a gentle kiss on my lips. A kiss meant to pacify me and keep me away from what I truly need and want to demand from her at this time.

What I truly need and want is, my Pet, at my feet giving me her full submission and surrender for the rest of our lives, which will start right now. I lean to turn off the water of the shower and grab a towel off of the curtain rod.

Chapter 30 - Pearl

He is not happy that I put myself in danger and I know that, I knew that before I even did it. It was not something I could stop once Layla was saying those hurtful things about Tank letting me be raped and beaten.

Looking into those blue depths I know with certainty what he needs, it is the same thing that I need. Markus needs to take control right now; I can see it in his eyes as much as he can see the need to submit in mine. The way that we devour each other with our eyes and hands is something that I will never tire of.

He uses the towel that he has just pulled down to dry me as he smoothly run his hands over every bit of my body one inch at a time. As he brings the towel around my shoulders he slowly traces one hand down to the barely there path of hair between my legs.

My body is still buzzing from the rush of the circumstances with Layla tonight. I am not sure if I can calm myself down enough to submit to him right now, but there is nothing more that I would like. “Master, Please?”

“What, Pet? Is there something that you need from me?” He gets out through gritted teeth as he cocks his head to the side looking intently at me.

He slowly starts stroking through my pussy causing my juices to start flowing even more. Kneeling in front of me he leisurely draws his finger around and around before rapidly plunging first one, and then two into me.

“Is this what you want, Pet? Do you want me to take what is mine and leave you wanting? Do you think you deserve to be rewarded for your behavior tonight? Did you do what I would have wanted you to do tonight? Putting yourself in danger when you know that is not what I would have wanted for you, that is not something that deserves a reward, is it?”

Standing up slowly he takes my hand and helps us both out of the bathtub. Taking another towel off of the rack he quickly dries himself off. Tying it around his waist he looks over to me.

“NO, Master, please, I want to be good for you. I tried to be good tonight, really Master I did. I just couldn’t hold myself back when she started in on me. Master, please, I need you to use me and take what you would like. I need to feel you, all of you: your hands, your tongue, your dominance, your cock.” Sliding slowly to my knees I fall into my submissive position, “Show me all of your love that you have for me. Please Master. ”

Chapter 31 – Blaze

Seeing her in this position begging me to give her my dominance is something that I do not have the strength to fight, especially after the fuck of a day we have had. Growling out, “Go check on the girls and meet me in your room on the bed on all fours, Pet. I have to go talk with Bull, Country, and Doc and then will meet you in there.”

Stroking slowly over her head for a few brief seconds, I stop, grabbing my pants and sweatshirt off the floor. Throwing my pants on, before turning to get to the garage, and come back to my waiting pet and a session that will leave both of us raging with emotions.

Walking into the garage I notice that Bull and Country have wrapped Layla’s body up in the plastic that was situated underneath her. No loss as far as I am concerned. I nod towards them and quickly let them know to drive her over to the house and dispose of the body with the help of Trip and the others. I also let them know that no one should hear a word about anything that happened at this house tonight. Especially any talk of who or what happened to Layla tonight, that shit does not need to get around.

“I will be along shortly and nobody touches those fuckwits until I get there.” Turning to Doc I go on, “Doc I am going to need you to sit on the house until I get back. We still don’t know where Tank is or what he might do, but I am sure as fuck not going to let him anywhere near Pearl in the condition she is in and seeing what she has already been through today.”

“Get the van loaded up boys and get to it, I will be along after I take care of my Ol’ Lady.”

Turning to walk back into the house I measure my steps as I make my way to her. I find her in the position that I told her to be in and smile to myself knowing that she can follow some of my wants and desires without a problem.

Now, to get her to comply with all my desires, starting with the one that has weighed itself heaviest on my mind, the ring tucked away in my pocket. Pulling it out, I think about what this women has been through, starting with that piece of shit husband, the two years she spent alone, the months with Tank, the rape and beating that fateful night, and finally to the last few months with me.

I clear my throat drawing her attention to me being in the room. “Pet, I want you to listen to me. What I am about to talk with you about has weighed heavily on my mind for months and today has proved to me further that you need a firm hand guiding you at all times, and in all things.”

Walking closer to her I run a hand over her ass, “I have a new piece of jewelry for you. You will have to accept some things to receive this new piece of jewelry though. You will need to strive to do your best to serve me and my desires even when I am not around and also promise that I will be the only Master that you answer to. Do you think that those are things you can live with Pet?

“Yes, Master those are things that I am very able to do. Those are things that I want badly to do, Master.”

Slapping her ass lightly I continue, “You are never far from my thoughts and I want to know that it is the same for you. Is it the same for you, Pet? Do you think of me when I am not near?”

“Yes, Master. I think about you all the time. If I am being honest I think of you in times I probably should not.”

“You are mine forever, Pet. Is forever something that you can and will choose to live with?” I run a finger slowly down the curve in her ass, running it down over her anus, not stopping until I am pinching her clit in my fingers.

“Master, yes, I long to be owned by you in all ways that you see fit. Please take me and make me yours however you desire.”

“I desire to have you wear this ring and be my wife, Pet, that is what I desire more than anything. Give me your eyes, Pet.” Raising her head towards me slightly she stops first at the ring in-between my fingers before her eyes reach my own and shine so brightly with joy I am taken back. “Pet, will you take me to be your husband? Your Master? Your Ol’ Man? Your lover? Your partner? Your everything?”

Nodding her head rapidly up and down never breaking eye contact with me, the tears start to stream down her face before a weak yes escapes her lips.

Grabbing her hand I slip the diamond and pearl ring onto her finger. I had it made at the same time as her collar and they match each other perfectly. They sat for so long in that drawer in my desk; I thought that they would just be a constant reminder to me of something that I could never have. How wrong I was.

Not wanting to break eye contact with me I see her struggle with herself over her desire to look at the ring. “Oh Pet, just look at it, I can see you trying to hold yourself back, just get it over with and take a look.”

Snapping her head down she brings her left hand up to her face and examines the ring. “It matches your collar perfectly; I had them made at the same time, months ago, when I first realized that I wanted you as mine.”

Lifting her head back to meet my gaze I again see nothing but love and joy there and I am surrounded by the urge to be buried deep inside of her.

“Pet, back your ass up to the edge of the bed. This is going to be fast Pet, and you may cum as much as you would like. Just remember to thank your Master for each orgasm that you have. There will still be punishment for your behavior tonight, but not now. I am too excited to bury myself deep inside of you to try and stay off your or my orgasms.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you Master.”

I step around the bed slowing unzipping and taking my cock out. As I situated myself at her entrance a low moan escapes her lips as our skin connects and I slide deeply into her warm heat. Reaching around to pull on her nipple ring I hear another moan and feel her pussy clench around me as the beginnings of her first orgasm start to bloom. As it comes to a head and explodes around my cock, I hear a shaky “Thank you Master. I love you Master.”

Hearing her confession of love has me wanting more. Gripping her hair tightly I pull her head up “Look at me, Pet. I want those eyes while you come, each and every time you come.” Her head turns slightly to the side and I see the added strain on her body. Not wanting to cause her any unneeded pain I pull out of her and flip her over onto her back. Seeing the bump of our babe growing within her drives me wild and I want to bury myself to the hilt in her cunt.

“Master, Please fuck me. Remind me who owns me, heart, body, and soul.”

Hearing her beg me to own her just propels me on. I bury myself yet again and start driving into her only stopping when I hear her trying to hold off her screams. Smiling to myself I slowly bring a hand down to cover her mouth saying, “scream your heart out, Pet, I will keep you as quiet as I can,” and she does just that.

As her third orgasm is wrung from her body I join her with my own. As my body shudders and I growl out my own release I know that this is it for me, she is it for me. Nothing and no one will ever come between us.

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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