Pearl Cove (26 page)

Read Pearl Cove Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lowell

Tags: #Adventure, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Contemporary, #Western

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Not to me, Teddy decided instantly, remembering again the rumors he had heard about
Archers past. Anything else you need before I catch my plane?

How will I recognize Yin? Hes got a black eye the size of a pizza and a gash across his
chin. Archers eyebrows rose, but all he said was, Does Yin speak English?

No. He put out a pearl, I put out money, and when the amount was right, we exchanged. But
there was a translator a few tables over. She was working with a bunch of guys in silk
suits. She was pretty fancy herself. Sexy enough to make a man sixty feel like sixteen.

Chinese? Archer asked. ABC. Hannah glanced at Archer.

American-born Chinese, he said without looking away from Teddy. And probably her name was
April Joy. The description certainly fit. So did the method. It wasnt the first time she
had worked as a translator in order to penetrate a triad. How many more pearls are we
talking about?

Twenty times what I bought before. Two hundred pearls. Maybe more. Hand signals only go so
far as a way of counting.

Another shot of adrenaline kicked into Archers bloodstream. Does he expect cash?


Are you telling me you were going to walk into the Dragon Moon with a hundred thousand in

Teddy looked pained. Thats what he wanted. Besides, I got him down to one eighty-five.

Did you see the pearls he wants to sell?

You bet I did.

Describe them.

Three sizes. Twelve, fourteen, and sixteen millimeters. Round as marbles. Same black opal

Hannah felt as though her stomach had dropped through her shoes. She examined her
fingernails and prayed that nothing showed on her face.

Matched? Archer asked.

Hard to tell in that light. They looked good to me. No big surface flaws. Fine orient. And
they rolled across the table without staggering. Round. Really round. Beautiful goods.

Deliberately Archer picked up his coffee and drank a swallow. Drilled?

Nope. Virgin. Just like the others.

Sounds like a steal at ten times the price, Archer said casually.

Yeah. Teddys voice was wistful. I was going to put half of what I made in a school fund
for my grandchildren. Ive got eight of the little darlings and another on final approach.

Look at it this way. Now youll live to see them graduate.

Oh, Yin didnt look like that tough a monkey.

I wasnt talking about Yin. Archer stood up. Have a nice trip. And if you see any more of
those pearls, Teddy, call me. Just me.

The Donovan was an inch taller than his sons, and Susa was inches smaller than her
daughters. Despite that, Susa wasnt as fragile as she looked. The steely discipline of an
artist underlay her porcelain skin. The even tougher will of a mother lay beneath her warm
smile. Because it was a party, she had dressed in

a turquoise silk tunic top with slim black pants underneath. A necklace of baroque abalone
pearls and handmade silver links circled her neck. Matching earrings and bracelet gleamed
with each movement. The pearls had been a birthday present from her oldest son. The
unusual design and workmanship were her twin daughters present. The odd turquoise and gold
of her eyes was a gift from a grandfather she had never met.

The door of the Donovan condo hadnt closed behind Susa before she recognized the
approaching footsteps.

Archer, she said, delighted. I was afraid you wouldnt be able to make it. Don was
maddeningly vague about your plans. As she spoke, she glanced over her shoulder at the man
who filled the doorway. His thick black hair was streaked with silver, his body was
straight and strong beneath the casual rust sweater and black slacks, and she smiled with
pleasure just at being near him.

Miss one of The Donovans command performances? Archer said, grinning as he crossed the
living room to the entry. Not likely. I feel guilty about everyone rescheduling the party
just for me, though.

Dont be silly, she said, holding out her arms. Don said he could have a birthday whenever
he damn well pleased.

Archer scooped his mother up in a big hug. Only Susa called The Donovan by his given name,
just as only Susa was privileged to wind The Donovan around her little finger. The power
flowed both ways, because she was wound just as tightly around his.

More beautiful than ever, Archer said, kissing his mother soundly. But still too skinny.

Bite your tongue, she muttered, and gave him another kiss. Im just fashionable.

Though he smiled, he looked over his mothers honey-gold hair to his father. The Donovan
nodded slightly, silently telling his son that Susas health was good. Archer let out a
long, silent breath. The thought of his mother hurting made him feel helpless. It wasnt a
feeling he liked. Is she here? Susa asked. She?

Lens widow.

Again Archer looked at his father.

The Donovan smiled rather sadly. She knows. She knew before she married me. I just...
wanted to spare her any... Susas small fingers threaded through her husbands. She smiled
up at him. Silly goose. On tiptoe she kissed him. Wonderful goose. I knew I wasnt your

You were my last. Yes. And you were mine. Thats all that matters. He bent down and
murmured something against her

ear that made color rise in her cheeks and put a sparkle in her eyes. Wicked, wicked man.
Archer grinned. You wouldnt have him any other way, and you know it. Hush. I dont want him
to know it. Too late, Mom. The cat got out of that bag before I was born.

Hannah walked into the living area and stopped cold, feeling like an intruder. The
affection between the three Donovans was as clear and potent as sunlight. But that wasnt
what made her go still. It was the change in Archer. Though he was dressed in black jeans
and a black sweater, he looked... lighter. Nowhere did she see the remote, controlled man
he had been to her since he had stalked out of the bedroom last night.

Tension deep inside her loosened and relief swept through her, leaving her with a feeling
close to floating. Obviously he had gotten over his rage and was ready to be reasonable
about their relationship. Two consenting adults, nothing more... and nothing less. The
searing ecstasy she hungered for was once again close enough to touch, to taste.

He turned, sensing her. The instant he saw her, he changed. Doors slamming, bolts going
home, shut down. Shutting her out. The fires that burned within him were out of her reach.

Emotions stabbed through her like dark lightning. She chose anger and ignored the rest,
because admitting that she was hurt was something she refused to do. She lifted her chin,
squared her shoulders, and walked up to Archers parents.

Mr. Donovan, Mrs. Donovan, Im Hannah McGarry. Its kind of you to let me stay in your home.
Since its obvious youre going to have a full house tonight, I wont impose. Perhaps you
could suggest a hotel where

No. Archers voice was cold. You came to me for two things. Its easier to protect you here
than in a hotel.

The tension crackling between Hannah and Archer made Susas eyes narrow. Don looked from
his son to the daughter-in-law he had never known. She was tall, nicely curved, with short
sun-streaked brown hair and eyes so dark a blue he at first thought they were black. Their
indigo gleam was repeated in a silk blouse whose open collar revealed a smooth throat, a
large pearl choker of dubious quality, and just enough cleavage to tempt a man. The black
jeans she wore fit her like a shadow and were so new they whispered when she walked.

From a mans point of view, it was a walk worth watching.

Susa glanced from her suddenly icy son to the tall woman with stunning eyes and a chip as
big as a fist on her shoulder. Whats wrong? Susa asked bluntly.

Archer looked at his father. Unless you object, Im telling her all of it.

His father shrugged. Go ahead. Shed get it out of me before morning anyway.

In the neutral, concise manner of a man giving a report, Archer told Susa about Pearl
Cove, Len, the Black Trinity, and the danger to Hannah until Lens murderer was found.
Archer didnt mention the Red Phoenix Triad, April Joy, or the international pissing match
over the luxury pearl trade.

Susa listened, but it was Hannah she watched, Hannah she weighed as though she was an
incomplete canvas.

I see, Susa said when Archer was finished. Youre welcome here as long as you want to stay,
Ms. McGarry.

I wont impose long. With luck, well find the Black Trinity tomorrow. Then we can ask Yin
how a Pearl Cove employee came to have a fortune in stolen pearls.

Yin is your employee? Don asked sharply. He was, Archer said. Obviously hes gone
freelance. Don grunted, gave his son a glance from wintry, cobalt blue eyes. He knew
Archer was leaving out some important things; he didnt want Susa to know what those things
were. Are the girls here yet?

Jake and Summer are dressing, Archer said. Honor and Kyle are frosting a cake in the
kitchen, Lianne is on the phone with Hong Kong about some jade, and Faith is facedown in
her room. Shes been working eighty-hour weeks, and those are the short ones.

Susa smiled rather grimly. She could work twice that and still be better off without
that... without


No argument here, Archer said. One of the best days of my life was two weeks ago, when she
showed up without that son of a bitch.

Kyle strode in from the kitchen area. Hi, Mom and Dad. Are we speaking of the shit-eating
insect? he asked cheerfully between licks on a frosting-covered spoon.

Do tell us how you feel about your sisters ex-fiance, Susa said in a dry tone.

I just did. He bent down and kissed the corner of his mothers mouth. Youre looking good
enough to frost and eat.

Warily Susa licked her now sweet lips and watched the masculine hand waving a spoon heaped
with icing. Try it and Ill make you sit for a portrait.

Oh, God, anything but that. Grinning, he kissed her again, gave his father a hard hug, and
held the spoon out to Hannah. Want some?

She might have been an only child, but she knew a dare when it was waved under her nose.
She took the spoon and gave it a good long lick. Mmm, chocolate and what else?

Grand Marnier. Kyle laughed. I didnt think you would do it. Luv, Ive eaten stewed monkey
parts from a communal pot. Yuck. Amen. Spoon in hand, she turned to Archer. Want some?
Monkey parts? Ill pass.


He looked at the spoon, then at the dark frosting that clung to the indentation of her
upper lip. At that instant he wanted nothing more than to grab her and lick her more
thoroughly than any sweet and sticky spoon. His raw, relentless hunger for her infuriated
him almost as much as her challenging smile.

No, thanks, he said, looking right in her eyes. The tone of his voice said it wasnt just
the icing he was refusing.

Donovans 3 - Pearl Cove

Kyle, take Hannah and your mother into the kitchen and feed them some of that icing, The
Donovan said. And it was The Donovan, not Don or Dad, who was speaking.

Susa gave him an approving look, hooked her arm through Hannahs, and pushed Kyle ahead of
them. Come along, children. I feel an urgent chocolate craving coming on.

As Archer watched the others walk away, he knew he was going to get the rough edge of his
fathers tongue. He didnt care. In fact, he was looking forward to it. One of the pleasures
of being an adult was going toe to toe with The Donovan and coming out on the other side
even closer to him than before.

You were rude to a guest, The Donovan said. Why? Shes not a guest. Shes family. The
question stands. I dont like chocolate icing.

The Donovans V-shaped black eyebrows shot up. Since when?

Since a minute ago. The lady and I rub each other the wrong way.


Okay. We rub each other hot enough to set fire to plaster. Thats not enough for me. Its
enough for her. Lifes a bitch and then you die.

His father sighed and raked his fingers through his hair in a gesture that was a mirror of
his sons. Then he chuckled. Giving you a run for your money, is she? Good for her.

Thanks. Should I turn around so you can stab me in the back, too?

His father gave a crack of laughter and hugged his oldest son with one arm. I still think
you should apologize to her for being rude, but I wont make an issue out of it. The course
of true love never ran smooth, remember?

Archer smiled thinly, hugged his father hard, and kept his mouth shut. Obviously The
Donovan wasnt going to let go of his hope that his oldest son was finally going to know
the joys of his own home and family.

Hows Faith doing? Don asked.

Archer leaped on the change of subject with something close to relief. Working too hard.
Tony keeps dropping by the shop, telling her how hes learned his lesson and it will never
happen again.


Whatever made her tell him to go to hell. Given his history, my guess is another woman.

Don said something scathing and profane under his breath. She isnt weakening, is she?

I hope not. But I know its tough on her, seeing her twin with a husband and a kid, and she
doesnt have anyone at all.

She could marry Tony and still not have anyone, Don said sardonically.

She figured that out all by herself. That doesnt make being alone any easier.

You ought to know.

Archer shrugged, but his eyes were the color of steel. Ive seen too much. Done too much.
Im not a good bet for hearth and home.

For a moment Don was too surprised to say anything. Then it was too late. Jake was coming
down the hall carrying a happily crowing Summer. She was sitting on his broad shoulders
with his hand braced behind her back. Her little fists were buried in his dark hair. She
was holding on hard enough to make his

eyes slant.

Make way, make way, Jake said from down the hall. Summer the Magnificent is coming
through. Closely followed by Lianne the Gigantic.

Lianne gave Jake a swat on the butt as she walked past him. Gigantic, huh? Watch it, big
guy. Ill dump you on your pride and joy.

Not for a few months you wont.

Ive got a long memory. She winked at Archer and smiled at The Donovan. Its a shame how you
got all the looks in the family, Dad.

He held out his arms and gave her a hug that lifted her right off the floor. Hows my
favorite jade expert?

Hes in the kitchen making icing, last I heard. I meant you, beautiful, not that tall blond
ox you married. Im fine. Eating for three. I hope theyre girls. The world needs more women
like you.

Liannes whiskey-colored eyes darkened with emotion. The generous acceptance she had found
in the Donovan family kept surprising her. Her in-laws truly loved her like a daughter.
And she loved them right back. She kissed The Donovan on both cheeks, hugged him hard, and
grinned up at him as he set her back on her feet with the easy precision of a man whose
lifelong love was fourteen inches and one hundred pounds smaller than he was.

Summer gurgled and bounced and held out her arms toward her grandfather. Don picked her
off her fathers shoulders and started making gobbling noises against her tummy. Squealing
with laughter, Summer grabbed his thick, silver-streaked hair.

How is Susa? Lianne asked Archer as the others drifted off in the direction of the kitchen.

Looking and moving like her old self.

The relief on Liannes face sent warmth through Archer. He cupped her cheek in one hand.
Kyle is a lucky man.

She smiled, but the eyes searching his were intent. She sensed the turmoil beneath his
outward calm. Whats wrong?

Nothing that you can cure. He bent and kissed her. But thanks for caring.

Thats what families are for.

He thought of Len, who had never known a real family and had refused one when it was
offered. And of Hannah, who had never known real love and had refused it when it was
offered. Sex was all she wanted. Cold screwing. No emotion required or desired.

How are my nieces? Archer asked, putting his hand on Liannes round, tightly stretched
belly. Nieces, she said, rolling her eyes, but she guided his hand to the side, where one
of the twins was

doing backflips. You and Dad. What if I have boys?

This time Archers smile reached his eyes as a tiny foot or elbow drummed against his palm.
Susa will lecture you on training them young, really young, because theyre going to be
big, really big trouble.

Huh. Like your twin sisters never got in trouble.

Of course they did. I led them down the primrose path every chance I got.

Until they started wearing bras, Lianne said dryly. Then you turned into a conservative

I knew how gullible they were. Somebody had to protect them.

She laughed. Thats not how they saw it.

Sisters never appreciate their brothers.

I appreciate you, even though you hated me on sight.

I didnt hate you.

Could have fooled me.

Archer bent and kissed her nose. I was worried you were taking Kyle for the kind of ride
that would break his heart and the rest of him, too.

She patted Archers hand where it lay on her restless belly. I know. Youre very protective
of the people you love. She looked at him, measuring the changes. Tension where there had
been relaxation. Ice where there had been laughter. Ruthlessness where there had been
gentleness. She hadnt seen him like this since the night they sneaked onto an island and
stolen a priceless jade burial shroud. There had been danger then, but there was no danger
here and now, no reason for his fierce wariness. Im worried about you.

Im fine.

No, youre not. She stood on tiptoe and kissed his bristly chin. We love you anyway. Cmon,
lets go get our share of chocolate icing before Kyle eats it all.

Icing? said Faith from the hallway leading to the suites. Did I hear rumors of chocolate

Rumors will be all thats left unless we hurry, Lianne muttered. My husband can be trusted
with a lot of things. Chocolate icing isnt one of them.

Faiths smile gave a gleam to her silver-blue eyes that hadnt been there when she woke up
from her nap. She had had to nerve herself up to deal with the happy marriages of her
sister and brother. It wasnt that she was jealous of her siblings. She simply ached to
have that kind of partnership herself, to love a man and know that he loved her no matter
what, to tickle her own baby and laugh when her baby laughed.

Simple things. Impossible things. At least for her. It had been a bitter admission to
make, but it was better than continuing to live with Tony and kidding herself that it
would all turn out okay in the end.

When are Justin and Lawe coming in? Faith asked. Not until the end of the week, Lianne
answered. Theyre still in Brazil.

What happened? I thought Walker was flying down to bring them back.

He was, Archer said. When they went to take off, he didnt like the feel of the plane, so
he aborted. Last I heard, the three of them were up to their ears in engine parts and bad

Faith worried her lower lip with her teeth.

Dont fret, Archer said. Walker is a careful man. Theyll be fine. He drew Faith to his side
in a one-armed hug. Youre looking good, I like that new haircut. Short and sassy.

Tony didnt, she said absently, still thinking about her missing twin brothers. He had a
fit when I cut it.

Tonys an anal orifice, Archer said. I know. Finally. She put her arm around Archers lean
waist and Liannes swollen one. Tell me,

bro. How could a man as big as Tony be so small?

Its the nature of assholes to be small.

Lianne snorted. She hadnt liked Tony at all.

Yeah. Faith tossed her head, making her short, sleek blond hair gleam. So how could a
smart woman like me be so dumb about a man?

A question for the ages, Archer said.

Lianne gave her sister-in-law a squeeze. Youre not the only one, Faith. A few years ago I
was up to my lips in an affair with a man who didnt want me. He just wanted a back door
into the Tang family.

Faith looked at her petite sister-in-law. Seriously?


How did you figure it out?

I didnt. He dumped me. She smiled thinly. Being smart doesnt mean you dont make mistakes.
It just means you learn from them.

As Archer gestured the women ahead of him into the kitchen, he wondered what he would
learn from the mistake he had made with Hannah. Then he saw her standing next to his
parents, listening intently to something Susa was saying, holding Summer while the baby
gnawed on the big blue diamond Hannah still wore. He went still at the happy family
portrait. When his mother glanced up and saw him, she nodded as though he had said, What
do you think, Mom? Is this one a keeper?

If that wasnt bad enough, his father had the same gleam in his eye that he did whenever he
glanced from Lianne to Kyle, silently saying, Good job, son. This one will go the distance.

But Hannah wouldnt. Not with him. The sooner his parents knew, the less it would hurt when
they found out. Like yanking a bandage off a gasp, a burn, and then it was over and
healing could begin.

There you are, Don said to Archer. I was just telling Hannah about Lens mother. Figured
she should know about us.

Archer barely managed not to say, Why? Instead, he gave his mother a sidelong glance.

Susa smiled at him. I know it continually surprises you, but your father and I both had
lives before we met each other. Not nearly as good as the lives we had after we met, but
lives just the same. Don was explaining to Hannah so tactfully that the point was all but
buried that even at sixteen he knew the difference between lust and love. Lens mother was
cold and ruthless, but very sexy. Great material for a wild affair.

Archer reached for the bandage.

And yanked.

Hannah doesnt have any trouble grasping that principle, he said neutrally. She feels the
same way about me. Great sex. No future, because Im cold and ruthless. Like Len. So you
can get that warm glow out of your eyes, Mom and Dad. Shes not going to make an honest man
of me.

Silence spread through the room.

Hannah flushed, then went pale except for a line of red high on both cheekbones. Bastard.

Notice she didnt call me a liar, he said to his parents.

Bloody bastard.

Archer gave her an ironic bow. At your service. Quite literally. He walked up to the icing
bowl, ran his finger around the rim, and licked thoroughly. Mmm. Your best yet, Kyle.
Wheres the cake?

The condominium was so quiet that Hannah couldnt use city noise as a reason for her
insomnia. She rolled over, punched the pillow into a new shape, and closed her eyes. The
soft silk she wore one of Archers old shirts slithered up her hips like a lover.

At your service. Quite literally.

Put that way, it sounded so cold. The fact that it was true made it worse. She would never
forget the shock in Liannes eyes, in Faiths eyes, and the way the two women had gone to
stand on either side of Archer as though to defend him from an attack. He had smiled at
them, the kind of tender smile he once had given to Hannah, and told them to relax, it was
all right. Just because Hannah doesnt want me as a husband is no reason to be hard on her.
Shes not the first person to think Im a ruthless son of a bitch. She wont be the last.

With that, Archer had led the conversation around to other topics-Faiths newest jewelry
designs, Jakes negotiations for more Baltic amber, Lawes surprising decision to come home
for a time, Justins unflagging love of wild country, and the end of the salmon-fishing
season. Pearls hadnt been mentioned. Neither had Len.

By the end of the evening, it was as though Archer had never said anything about Hannahs
opinion of him. The Donovans talked and laughed with her, washed dishes and tickled the
baby with her, and generally made her feel at home.

Until she looked over and saw Archer watching her with icy eyes. No home there. No warmth.
Just truth used against her like a sword.

At your service.

Heat snaked through her. She told herself it was anger. She had a right to it. He had
embarrassed her in front of his family. He was exactly as she thought: cold and ruthless.

So why did she see him every time she closed her eyes, hear him whispering as his mouth
moved over her, need him until she wanted to curl into a ball and cry?

There was no answer for her question but the twisting, gnawing ache that was both lust and
something more dangerous, something she fled from even before she admitted to herself that
it existed. Yet she kept circling around it like a wary-moon orbiting a dark planet.
Whatever Archer was or wasnt, he had come halfway across the world when she had asked, had
put himself at risk for her, and had given her staggering pleasure.

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