Pearl Cove (23 page)

Read Pearl Cove Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lowell

Tags: #Adventure, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Contemporary, #Western

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Everybody was buying, selling, trading, wishing, living, and dreaming pearls. Some people
wanted only to match pearls for a pair of earrings. Others wanted to create triple-strand
necklaces or parures with hundreds of pearls. A few people went from booth to booth,
collecting for purposes only they knew.

You like this, dont you? Archer asked, watching Hannah because he couldnt make himself
stop. Right now her eyes were a vivid indigo with flashes of violet. Her whole body was
alert, quivering, like a cat closing in on pray.

I love it, she said. At first Len didnt let me do any of the selling or trading. For the
last few years I ve done all of it. I never went beyond Broome, but I always wanted to.
Pearl Cove has some of the best-matched, highest-quality pearls in the world. Excitement
faded as she remembered. Or we had. Now... She shrugged. It depends on whether you want to
resurrect the operation. Even if we find the Black Trinity, I dont have the money.

Is that what you want? Pearl Cove up and running again? Its what I know. Thats not the
same thing. Its as close as I can come.

Why not do what you love? Archer asked. Eyebrows raised, she looked at him. And what would
that be? This. He waved a hand at the room where pearls were changing hands. Trading
pearls. She opened her mouth. No words came out.

He was right. What she loved most was weighing and balancing the merits of individual lots
of pearls, pricing them, bargaining over them, coming away with a good deal because she
had a better eye than anyone she had ever met when it came to matching pearls.

All the professional traders Ive known are men, she said.

Yet its a fact that most womens color vision is better than most mens.

No argument here, mate, she said dryly. After a moment she smiled rather like a shark. Ill
just have to be the first, wont I? My color vision against theirs.

And she laughed.

Archer wished he could pick her up and whirl her around, laughing with her, sharing the
heady feeling of a new world opening up. But that was the kind of thing you did with
family or friends or a mate. Sex alone didnt qualify for the latter, sharing Len between
them didnt qualify for the former, and she didnt like Archer well enough for them to
qualify as friends.

How do you go about becoming a trader? Hannah asked. Get a reputation for knowing good
pearls. I have one, but its half a world away. Then well just have to work on it here.

Not when I look like a tart.

The corner of his mouth kicked up. What you look like is a sexy woman.

Unconsciously she smoothed the creeping skirt farther down her hips. I feel awkward.

Every time Ive had my hands on you, you felt just fine.

She shot him a sideways look that glittered like blue-black sapphires. That isnt what I

He shrugged. You walk around in three patches and a handful of string and never worry, but
youre fidgety in a dress that covers you from collarbones to midthigh.

That was the tropics. This is here. Honors clothes just dont fit me. Then well go shopping
after were done here. We? Youre not getting out of my sight until all the players know
that youre off the table. I was out of your sight last night, Hannah said before she
stopped herself.

Thats different. Bull dust. She took a breath and a better grip on her too-quick tongue. I
cant afford clothes. Ill give you No, she cut in. I owe you too much already. You dont
owe me a cent. Youve got that right, mate. I owe you a hell of a lot more than a penny.

Wrong. Youre family, and family doesnt owe family. Archer held up his hand, cutting off
the hot words he saw ready to boil out of Hannah. But Ill take whatever you spend on
clothes out in work, if that will make you feel better.

What about the airline tickets and the

Right, Archer interrupted curtly. You owe me a bundle. Ill tally it to the last cent. When
this is over, Ill send you a goddamn bill, youll pay it, and youll be free of the
Donovans. He gave her a look that had her backing up. Unless youre pregnant. Are you
pregnant, Hannah?

I-I dont know. Ill get a test kit. She stiffened. Theyre not reliable. Neither is life. We
all get through it anyway.

Stop looming over me! I havent moved an inch. You dont have to. Youre just just Cold,
ruthless, incapable of love, he said neutrally. I know, youve told me before. I never said
anything about love.

Then you think a cold, ruthless man like me is capable of love?

She shut her mouth. Why are you pushing me?

Because youre pushing me. Lets look at pearls. And forget the mistress bit. No one
watching us would believe it. You stiffen every time I touch you.

Hannah wanted to deny it. She couldnt. But it wasnt distaste that made her stiffen. It was
desire. She didnt know how to handle it. Or him. Right, she said through her teeth. Im not
your hired playmate. Then what am I? A woman who wants to break into the pearl game. Whats
my name? Hannah McGarry. Youre my partner in Pearl Cove. She blinked. Lying got us out of
Australia alive, Archer said. Maybe the truth will get us to the pearls. And maybe it
would get them dead. Either way, hiding wasnt possible anymore. Ian Chang stood fifteen
feet away, staring at Hannah.

Donovans 3 - Pearl Cove

The look on Changs face said that he wasnt surprised to find Hannah McGarry in the Pearl
Exchange. His clothes said he hadnt been off the airplane long enough to change. He
strolled forward, took her hands, and kissed her. If she hadnt turned her head aside
quickly, the kiss would have landed on her mouth.

Well, well, Chang said, looking Hannah over carefully. If he was bothered by the fact that
her heels made her six inches taller than he was, it didnt show. I almost didnt recognize

Archer didnt like the gleam in Changs eyes or the way he was running his thumbs over the
backs of Hannahs hands. But she wasnt stepping away, even though the mans breath was all
over her low neckline.

Gday, Ian, she said automatically. She hoped he didnt sense how unhappy she was to see
him. What are you doing in Seattle?

The blunt question made Chang smile rather grimly. I was worried about you.


Come now, Hannah. Changs fingers tightened on hers. Surely you realize that youre half
owner of a very valuable commodity. People who own things of value are always at risk.

Sell Pearl Cove to the Changs. Were big enough to weather the coming storm. You arent. Don
t follow Len into the grave.

Hannah wished she could forget Ians warning, and the threat implicit in it, but she
couldnt. She could only put on a smile and pretend that this was a chance meeting half a
world away from Pearl Cove.

Archer Donovan, she said through stiff lips, Ian Chang. Or have you met?

Indirectly, Ian said, releasing one of her hands and holding his right hand out to Archer.
A pleasure to meet directly.

Mr. Chang, Archer said neutrally.

Hannah told me you own half of Pearl Cove. Is that correct?

Archer nodded, concealing his surprise at Changs bald approach.

The family of Chang is prepared to make you a very handsome offer for Pearl Cove, Ian said.

I havent considered selling.

Do. Chang smiled. It is worth considering, even for a man of your wealth and...

Archer heard what Chang wasnt saying: Sell out or even Donovan International wouldnt keep
him from being at risk.

If I wont sell, you can always buy Hannahs share, Archer said mildly.

My instructions dont include Mrs. McGarry.

Adrenaline slid through Archers veins. Not good. Not good at all. Someone has thrown
Hannah to the wolves. I see.

Chang nodded curtly. I hoped you would. He handed over a business card. Please contact me
as soon as you decide.

You, the Australians, the Japanese. Archer smiled. A lot of interest for a pearl farm that
has been only marginally profitable.

Under Chang leadership, Pearl Cove will be quite profitable. Chang looked back at Hannah.
Desire, regret, echoes of anger; all were in his sad smile. I wish you had chosen me,
Sister McGarry. I would have kept you safe. Now it is too late. Stay very close to the man
you did choose. Very, very close.

With that, Chang released her hands and glanced at Archer. Mr. Donovan, I look forward to
doing business with you.


Silently Hannah and Archer watched Chang turn away and walk to the elevator.

Why do I feel like he was saying goodbye? Hannah asked.

Because he was.

He knew I would never be a married mans mistress, she said, and in her voice was the same
mix of desire, regret, and anger as she had heard in Changs. I thought Ian was my

He is.

The sideways look she gave Archer was as sardonic as the curl of her lip.

He just went against his familys business interests and warned you not to trust him when
it comes to Pearl Cove, Archer said. I call that an act of friendship.

Ian warned me in Australia, when he was trying to buy me out.

Archer said nothing. He hoped she wouldnt follow that line of thought to its logical

She did.

Now hes not trying to buy me out, she said. Why? Does he think youll sell more quickly
than I would?

What Ian thinks doesnt matter anymore. His daddy is calling the shots now.

Right, she said impatiently. I figured that out. But does his daddy think youll sell?

Sam Chang thinks that Ive got better protection in this game than you do. Hed rather buy
me out than take me out.

Her eyes widened. Take you out? The way Len was taken out. Are you saying that Sam
Chang...? she whispered.

Archer shrugged. He could have, but the Chinese dont have a corner on doing business the
jugular way. Whenever commerce slides over to become political leverage, things get dirty
real quick all over the world.

She let out a breath in a rush of air. No matter how she felt about Ian Chang and his many
mistresses, the thought of him being involved in Lens death made her sick.

Anyway, Hannah said, swallowing hard, nothing has changed. Not really. I knew I was in
trouble when I called you. Yet even as she spoke, she was shaking her head in slow denial
of her own words. No, thats not quite true. I was afraid when I called you. Now I know.
Thank you for

Dont thank me, Archer cut in, watching the elevator again. If I wasnt your partner, you
would have sold out to Ian when he offered the first time. You would be out of the game.


Archer looked back at her. Why not?

I wouldnt sell to anyone who might have benefited from Lens death. To anyone who might
have practiced What did you call it?

Jugular business.

Right. Hannah smiled crookedly. Every time I think Ive escaped my childhood, it comes back
to haunt me.

What do you mean? At my core I believe that personal honor matters and murder shouldnt go
unpunished. Archer agreed, but all he said was, Acting on those kinds of beliefs could get
you killed.

She closed her eyes for a moment. I dont want to die. And I dont want to live if I cant
look at myself in a mirror.

He wanted to hold her, to tell her that everything would be all right. He knew better. Yet
it was like a knife turning in him.

The Donovan family will do what it can about the first, he said evenly. The rest is up to

The elevator doors opened. A man and a woman walked out. They were of average height,
dressed in average business clothes, and had uncommonly alert eyes. They spotted Archer
the same instant that he spotted them. Without pausing, they walked to the nearest booth
and began looking at pearls.

Is that them? Hannah asked. Our government tails? Yes. He nodded.

Why are they following us? she muttered. Because America has a stake in the outcome of the
pearl game. Who do they want to win?

Today? I dont know, but I suspect its not us. Tomorrow? He smiled thinly. Who knows? Some
diplomats could exchange cables, some new international business deals could be made, and
bingo, todays hero is tomorrows scum, and all bets are off.

Thats depressing. Thats politics. I prefer pearls. So do I.

She took his arm. As she did, she tried not to notice his heat, his strength, everything
about him that was male. Show me some pearls, Archer.

The simple pressure of her fingers went through him like electricity. It brought a
tingling awareness that heightened each of his senses. Taking a slow, hidden breath, he
clamped down on his bodys intense, unruly response to this one woman.

As though they had nothing more urgent than browsing on their minds, Hannah and Archer
went from booth to booth, commenting on the rarities they saw. One booth specialized in
South Seas baroque pearls. Some were the size of peas. Others were the size of marbles. A
few magnificent ones were the size of a mans thumb.

Archer stopped at the booth. Hello, Sun. Hows the new granddaughter?

The man with sparse silver hair and a face like a well-used map looked up from a table
where he had been studying pearls. When he saw Archer, he leaped up with a grin. Archer! I
missed you the last time you were here. He reached into his pocket, brought out a worn
black wallet, and pulled out a picture.

My new granddaughter is as bright as the sun and more beautiful than a spring moon.

Archer looked at the picture and couldnt help smiling back.

The newborn babys black eyes were clear and very intent. Her little hands were fisted.
Look out, world. This ones a tiger.

Sun Seng laughed. She will run her brothers ragged. High time, too. We had all but given
up hope of a granddaughter.

Congratulations, Archer said. Youre a very lucky man.

Seng grinned like a boy as he put the picture back in the wallet. When Archer introduced
Hannah, Seng shook hands and watched her with barely concealed curiosity. Archer had never
brought a woman to the Pearl Exchange before.

Are you looking for anything special today? Sun asked, glancing from one to the other.

Do you have anything special? Hannah countered easily, smiling.

Seng laughed approvingly. The first rule of trading was to keep your true desire to
yourself. My life is consumed by special pearls.

Baroque pearls, from what I can see, Hannah said.

Round pearls are so boring, Seng said, his voice bland and his eyes as intent as his
granddaughters. I prefer pearls that call to my imagination rather than my greed. Faith
understands that.

Archer smiled. In this case, he explained to Hannah, Faith isnt a belief. Faith is my
other sister, Honors twin. She makes incredible jewelry from baroque pearls. Seng is one
of her best sources.

It is my pleasure, Seng said simply. Someday her jewelry will be as famous as Georges
Foquets or Rene Laliques.

Uh-oh, Archer said. I hear prices going up. Yours, to be exact.

Seng smiled. For Faith, only the best.

Translation: most expensive, Archer said dryly. Okay, show me what its going to cost.

Its her birthday, Seng said.

Christmas is sooner.

Whatever. Seng opened a drawer and pulled out a velvet-lined box. This will make Faith
smile. When I saw it, I thought of her eyes. That odd silver-blue...

Thank God its not a diamond, Archer muttered.

Hannah looked at the ring on her finger and wondered again how much it had cost. Certainly
too much for her to buy, which was a pity. It was the first faceted stone she had seen
that appealed to her as much as a fine pearl.

Here we are. Seng came back to the glass counter that ran along the front of his booth. He
set the box down and opened it carefully. Nestled in pale blue satin was a semicircle
baroque pearl. It was nearly three quarters of an inch long and half an inch wide at its

May I? Hannah asked, reaching for the pearl. Of course. Seng lifted the pearl out and put
it on Hannahs palm.

Cool, smooth, heavy, she murmured. Very heavy. Its either a natural or came from a seeded
shell that got lost for a few years. Most likely a natural. It has the sheen of fresh
water rather than salt.

I should have known you were in the business, Seng said ruefully. This came from a little
creek in the deep South whose name is my secret. Ive seen no other shade quite like it.

Neither have I, Hannah said.

The New Worlds freshwater pearls are famous for their regional variations in color, Archer
said. But youre right, Sun. I havent seen one this shade.

Considering its rarity, the price is quite reasonable. Two thousand dollars.

Six hundred is reasonable, Archer said. Plus one thousand. That would be sixteen hundred.
That would be bull dust. Excuse me? Seng said. Ask Hannah. Seven hundred. But its rarity-

Will make it nearly impossible to match, Archer cut in. As a solo in the hands of someone
less skilled than Faith, the delicate shade of the pearl would be overwhelmed by the
setting, and the result would look like chalk. Eight-fifty and Im out of here.

Youre breaking me, Seng said, giving Archer a distressed look. Think of my granddaughters
college fund!

Dont believe him, Archer said to Hannah.

I dont. But I believe this pearl could be set against rose gold like an Arctic moon set
against dawn.

Seng turned quickly toward her. Youre a designer, too, like Faith?

No. Just someone who loves pearls.

Nine hundred, Seng said without looking away from Hannah.

Archer sighed. Nine hundred.

They shook hands.

I have something else to show you, Seng said to Archer. Its not for sale, unfortunately.

Thats a relief.

Seng laughed and went back to the locked desk. He pulled out another ring box and opened
it. The pearl was as big as a Georgia peanut, black as midnight.

Rainbows swirled just beneath its surface.

Amazing, isnt it? Seng asked.

Not for sale? Archer asked, his voice neutral.

I sold it today. I would have shown it to you six weeks ago, but I missed you.

Hannah reminded herself to breathe. She didnt dare reach for the pearl because she knew
her fingers would tremble.

Then a few minutes ago this Hong Kong gentleman saw it and bought it on the spot, Seng
continued. As soon as his bank faxes confirmation, hell take delivery of the pearl.

Ian Chang, Archer said.

Yes. Do you know him?

We met a few days ago. Do you have any other pearls like that one?

I wish I did. But no.

Have you ever seen others?

Ive heard rumors about such pearls for several years, but this is the first one Ive seen.

The person who sold it to you do you know him or her well?

Seng frowned. It was unlike Archer to pry into another traders contacts. Why?

Archer hesitated, thought of the new granddaughter, and decided that secrets killed more
people than knowledge did.

The man who developed these pearls died recently. He never sold a single black rainbow.
Not even the baroque ones.

Are you saying that this was stolen? Seng asked, looking unhappily at the beautiful gem.

Very likely. The rightful owner wont pursue the issue, but it would help a great deal if
you could give me the history of the pearl as you know it.

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