Painted Memories (18 page)

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Authors: Loni Flowers

BOOK: Painted Memories
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I was finishing up my hair when I heard a knock on the door. My stomach dropped, knowing I was that much closer to meeting Drew's dad. I yelled for him to come in because I wasn't going to meet him at the door with my head still in hot rollers. All I needed to do was take them out, give my hair a shake and I'd be ready to go. Once I heard him come in and shut the door, I yelled, “Sorry, I'm finishing up. I'll be right out.”

“Take your time. Do you have a vase?”

Ahh, you bought me flowers; you shouldn't have,” I grinned

I heard my cabinet doors opening and closing before he said, “Never mind, found one.”

After twisting the last roller out of my hair and clunking it into the sink, I flipped my head over and gave it swift shake. Looking back at myself in the mirror, large soft curls framed my face and hung down my back. It was one of my best looks and even made my face sexier. It was a shame I didn't wear my hair like this more often. Satisfied with my appearance, I flipped off the bathroom light and walked toward the kitchen to see if Drew approved. I had no idea if I was too dressed up, or not enough, since I didn't think to ask where we were dining.

The hardwood floor in the living room ended my stealthy approach when my high heels clicked against the floor. I smiled at Drew once I saw him, but my eyes were immediately riveted on the huge bouquet of roses I saw on the bar. “Wow, they're beautiful,” I said, walking over to smell them. I leaned in, inhaling the rich scent as the soft, silken petals grazed my nose. I reached for his hand, and his thumb automatically rubbed across the top of mine. “They smell heavenly and you picked pink, orange, and yellow... the perfect mix, like a sunset.”

“You like them then?” he asked.

“I love them.” I stepped closer, my heels allowing my eyes to be level with his, and kissed him softly on the lips. “Thank you.” Drew looked at me with such an intense gaze, I wasn't sure what it meant, having never seen it before. The smile slipped from his face and I stepped back a half step. “What's the matter? Is everything okay?”

“We need to cancel dinner,” he said abruptly.

“Why? You don't want to go?” I asked.

“It's your outfit.” Drew paused as his eyes appraised me up and down.

“Oh. Is it too much?
Too dressy? I'll go change.” I turned to walk away when his hand grasped my wrist to stop me.

He tone was serious, concealing any emotion on his face when he asked, “Turn for me. I want to see it all.”

I was stunned by his statement, but even more by the look that flashed across his face. His eyes were lustful and hungry, and I could feel the heat burning through me as I turned for him.

I was going for a somewhat dressy, professional look, with the intent of giving off a great first impression when I met his dad. It didn't occur to me when I put the dress on that it would be an issue. The white, cap-sleeve dress hung slightly off my shoulders with a sheer bodice. Thin, black, satiny bands wrapped tightly around my waist, stretching from my hips to right under my breasts. It made my torso look slim and long. The skirt was fitted to the thigh before flaring out slightly below the knee. I thought it gave my hips a smooth, sexy curve that elongated my lean legs. I chose a pair of high black heels to complement the black bands around my waist. Was I dressed too sexy? It definitely wasn't my intention.

Turning slowly, I asked, “Is it not acceptable for the occasion?” It was a stupid question, but I wanted to see where this little twirl was headed. There was no doubt that he liked what he saw; his gaping mouth and the quickened rise and fall of his chest told me so. I was astonished at how he could restrain himself during the many times we made out, either on his couch or mine. I began to wonder if this outfit finally tipped the scale on Drew's willpower.

When he still didn't answer my question, I turned on my pencil-thin heels to go change. “Fine, I'll put something else on.” I didn't take two steps before I felt his hand grabbing my upper arm and I stopped in place. My breath quickened when he walked up behind me and pressed his body against my back. Drew released his hold and gently slid his hands down the back of both my arms. Goose bumps spread over my skin, yet there wasn't a spot on me that felt cold. When his fingers reached my wrist, he let his hands travel back up. My neck tilted, on its own desire when he swept my wavy locks to the right and over my shoulder, leaving my neck and shoulder exposed. His soft lips pressed against my shoulder and I took a sharp breath of unexpected delight. Slow and gentle, his mouth moved across my shoulder and up my neck before he pulled the tip of my earlobe between his lips, teasing it with his tongue. Drew's ministrations were
almost unbearable and I felt weak in the knees.

“Part of me can't wait to take you out… and show you off,” he whispered in my ear. “But at the same time, I don't want to let you out of this room. Everyone will be staring at you... and I want you all to myself.”

Drew planted kisses down my neck again and I leaned into him, a sigh escaping me. His hand slid up the middle of my back, while his fingers followed the trail of my zipper. He stopped when he reached the top, and even though I knew it was completely the wrong time, I
him to pull my zipper down. I heard a frustrated sigh against my neck and knew the decision was made. Drew wouldn't let this go any further, not now. But I wasn't done yet, I hadn't had enough. I turned around, his arms still encasing me and slid my hands up his chest. Higher up my hands moved until they tugged his short, sandy hair. My mouth found his instantly and I pulled on the back of his head, urging him to kiss me harder, deeper. It was hungry and passionate and his hands gripped my waist, drawing me closer against him. He groaned into my mouth and I felt his hands sliding down over my hips and back before breaking our kiss.

“My resistance is wearing thin,” he whispered before he turned and walked away from me towards the door. He stopped and looked back, giving me a hard stare. “I have to meet Dad at seven, and if we keep this up, I guarantee we
going to make it.”

“Okay,” I said, disappointed. “Would you like me to change? I will if it's too much?”

He pulled the keys from his pocket. “I don't care if we end up going to a burger joint, you're wearing that dress.”

I smiled, grabbed my purse from the counter, and walked out the door. I may have been disappointed for the moment, but I knew we still had the whole night ahead of us, and from the expression I saw radiating from his eyes, this was far from over.



When we pulled up to the restaurant, we were nearly twenty minutes early. The sexual tension at the apartment instigated a few minutes of silence in the car before either one of us dared to speak. Drew kept both his hands on the wheel, but I caught his wandering eyes more than a few times trying to catch a peek at my crossed legs. I had to stare out the window to hide my smile because I rather enjoyed teasing him.

Drew opened his car door and I watched him walk around to my side. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed his appearance sooner, like when I saw him leaning against the bar in my apartment. He wore a crisp, white, long-sleeved dress shirt, which was tucked into his neatly pressed, black slacks. He always looked professional, in a casual sort of way at school in khakis and collared shirts, but tonight was more business than casual, and he was incredibly sexy. As much as I looked forward to meeting his dad, I couldn't wait to be alone with him again.

He opened my door and reached for my hand to help me out of his car. “Where are we?” I asked, looking over the top of the car at the restaurant.

“The Plantation Gardens.
I hear it's an excellent restaurant. I'm surprised Dad chose it.”

“I've never even heard of it before. It's so beautiful.” Manicured shrubbery and flowers of all different colors lined the curvy walkways to the front entrance and around the sides of it. It looked like a large house. A white porch stretched across the front with oversized, round pillars that extended from the floor to the roof. White lights twinkled from the branches of trees that were scattered throughout the yard, but night had yet to fall. Against the darkened sky lay its real beauty. 

“We still have a little while before Dad gets here. Do you want to walk through gardens with me?”


“Yes, in the back. Come on, I'll show you. I've only seen photos of it online, but they look enchanting.”

Drew intertwined his fingers with mine and led me down a concrete path toward the right of the house. Once we entered through the vine-covered arch, it was an oasis of green shrubs, roses of every color and size, periwinkle, hibiscus, oleanders and many other flowers whose names I didn't know. Three separate koi fish ponds with lily pads floating on top were interspersed amid small, round, stone tables that were placed randomly for patrons to enjoy the ambiance while waiting to be seated. It was all so gorgeous, and I seemed perfectly dressed for the elegant atmosphere. 

We came to a stop in front of a pond and I faced Drew. “You always take me to the best places.”

“Oh, don't thank me for this one. I'm not even sure why Dad picked it. I would have never thought he'd eat at a place like this; at least, not without my mother around.”

“Maybe he's made some changes in his life?” I said as I admired the garden.

“Maybe so. I'll believe it when I see it,” he said sarcastically.

I stepped closer and hung my thumbs through the belt loops on each side of his waist. “Don't be so quick to judge, okay?”

He nodded and brushed a few wisps of hair from my eyes. “You're right. I'm glad you're here with me. Thank you for coming.”

“Are you kidding? And miss seeing your butt in those pants?” I tugged a little on his belt loops. “I don't think so.”

A sly grin spread over his face, revealing mischief and desire in his eyes. “Why Miss Morgan, have you been checking me out?” he questioned with mock surprise.

“Only as much as you have me...”

The tip of his finger traced a line from below my ear and across my jaw. He brushed the bottom of my lip with his thumb and leaned in to kiss me. I parted my lips, letting his tongue dip inside my mouth. Slowly and with longing, my hands clasped his hips as I fell deeper into his kiss. There was no way I could get enough of him, and as shy as I was about showing public affection, I didn't care who saw us now.

“I must have done something right,” a deep voice sounded beside us in an amused tone. Drew and I broke apart and he looked at the man standing next to me. The man extended his hand towards me and I took it hesitantly. “My son sure knows how to find a beautiful lady.”

I looked from Drew to the man, “Thank you. You must be Drew's father; it's a pleasure to meet you.” He was dressed similarly to Drew: a white shirt and black slacks, but with a black suit coat and matching tie, which made him look as handsome as Drew... in an older mannish sort of way.

Drew stepped back slightly, sliding his arm from around my waist. “Lilly, this is my father, Steven.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Mr. McGregor shook my hand firmly. “You must be Drew’s girlfriend, from what I just witnessed,” he grinned.

I looked away briefly, embarrassed. Being all kissy with Drew wasn't really something I wanted to explain to his father. And it definitely was not the first impression I wanted him to have. The source of Drew’s gene pool became clear to me at once. He was the
spitting image of his father and I could easily see what he'd look like in about twenty-five years. “I hope it was okay to tag along. When I heard you were in town, I wanted to meet you.”

“Well, I don't want to disappoint you, but I must assure you, I'm quite boring,” he said.

“Yeah, because traveling all over the United States, selling prescription medication must be really difficult,” Drew piped in sarcastically.

I aimed my eyes at him. There wasn't any reason to be rude; his father hadn't done anything wrong... yet. “Wow, all that traveling, that must be the best part of your job.”

“Yes and no. It's fun visiting different cities, sightseeing here and there, but it gets pretty lonely, and more often than not, I actually do miss being home.”

“S-u-u-u-re you do,” Drew said, rolling his eyes.

I looked alternately from Drew to his dad, suddenly wishing I stayed home. Then maybe they could discuss whatever they really wanted to say without sidestepping the issues. “It should be nearly time for our reservations; shall we go inside?” I asked, switching gears.

Steven looked at his watched and nodded in agreement. “Yes, it's about that time. It's been years since I've been here. I hope the cuisine hasn't changed too much.”

He turned around and started down the path toward the door. Drew groaned and took my hand, leading me after his father. “Let's get this over with.”

I pulled him back and he turned to stand in front of me. “Look. Do you want to have a relationship with your dad or not?” I asked.

Drew looked at me with hardened eyes, but instantly, his shoulders fell and his face softened. “Yes. But you—”

“I know. I don't know the details, or how deep this really goes, and God knows I have no room to give any advice, but someone has to take the first step. Your dad asked you to dinner and you said yes.
If you didn’t intend to try and work on your relationship, you should have said no, and stayed home. He took the first step, are you going to take the next?” 

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