Pack Secrets (8 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Pack Secrets
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The lamplight revealed tiny scars on her naked body that he’d previously never noticed. Unable to prevent his beast from coming to the surface, he knew he was acting like a wolf caveman, but he couldn’t help it. He placed his hand to the center of her chest and pressed until her back was on the mattress. He leaned over her and licked the long line of her throat and growled, “Mine.” Not waiting for a response he bit down lightly, not breaking the skin, but showing her where she would carry his mark.

Legs open and lust pouring from her, Justin couldn’t deny himself or her any longer. He kissed down her body, nicking her with his fang on every small scar he saw and then healing her immediately after. He reached her core and simply gazed at her for a moment. Her swollen, weeping, pink sex enticed him. He leaned closer and inhaled her scent deep into his lungs. She was an aphrodisiac. Spreading her lips with his fingers, he blew warm air on her and observed as she contracted in response.

“Justin, please, I want you now.”

“Hush, you’ll have me soon enough, for the rest of our lives. Let me savor you this first time.”

He was still holding her open, fully bared to him. His finger ran up and down the seam of her sex, reveling at the fact that she was soaking for him. His finger easily slid into her, and her channel clamped down on him hard. “Easy, Dee, I’ll go slow.” Running his tongue over her clit elicited a small shout from her, which had him doing it again. The taste of her honey was amazing. He licked, and sucked, and nibbled until she was panting and he felt a tremble in her core. He stopped everything and pulled back, watching her sex.

“I swear to you, I will not mate you if you don’t give me what I need in the next minute. You’ve been playing with me too long,
. Give it to me!”

Her last words were said on a shout and Justin smiled down at her while running a lazy finger over the seam of her sex. “What is it you need,

“I want you.”

“Want me where?”

“Put it in.”

“Put what in?”

Gritting her teeth, she said. “Never mind, I’ll take care of it.”

When she lowered her hand to her sex, Justin growled and grabbed her wrist. “This is mine and you can’t touch it unless I say so.”

“No deal. I didn’t think you’d keep me at the edge so long. I’m suffering, Justin.”

She was clearly using all of her feminine whiles on him. “It doesn’t smell like you’re suffering.” He licked his lips, “It doesn’t taste like you’re suffering.”

“But I am. I need you. I’ve been waiting for my fated for a long time. Please don’t make me wait any longer.”

“Okay, we’ll get this first one out of the way but then you’re all mine.”

She beamed at him, causing his heart to melt as his cock hardened. “I’m already all yours, Justin.”

Leaning over, he started pleasing her again. This time he didn’t go slow, he slid two fingers into her while licking her clean and felt the spasms of orgasm take her over the edge mere seconds later. As she came he licked the seam of her thigh and groin. Without warning her he bit down, throwing her into another full release.

While she was still catching her breath he came over her body and plunged into her still quivering sheath. In and out he pumped until he was close to his own release. He kissed her wildly before removing himself from her tight body, flipping her onto her hands and knees, and plunging into her again. He could feel how close she was and knew as soon as he marked her she’d release again. He reached around and palmed her breast, rubbing delicately while plucking her nipple. Touching her was bringing him closer; he wasn’t surprised when a moment later his beast came off its leash and his orgasm washed over his as he bit into his mate’s shoulder, marking her as his forever.


As his teeth slid into her and she felt the hot spurt of his semen. she flew into a release that was off the charts. She was never very easy to please in bed and it generally took a while for her to peak, but with Justin it seemed like she was always at peak. He spent so much time ensuring that she was pleased. It warmed her. Maybe more than it should. She was already ready to go again as she felt his shaft become soft inside her.

She felt the need to poke her wolf. “That’s all you’ve got?”

Probably not the best idea because in the next moment she was flipped on her back with her mate’s wet shaft in her face. She watched as it literally grew and lengthened in front of her shocked eyes.

“I could go all night, Dee Marie, I just thought you might need a rest. Now that I know you’re good to go we can get round two out of the way.”

“Round two, aren’t we on round five or something?”

He sent her a panty wetting grin and she melted. “Nah, that was round one. I’ll let you rest up some after round two.”


A loud banging sounded from the front door and Justin snapped to attention. He was up and into the hallway before Dee was out of bed. He approached slowly, coiled for action in case there was trouble. The knocking continued and he could hear people talking on the other side of the door; it sounded like his brother.

Peering out the window his annoyance escalated as he saw it was indeed his brother with Delilah and Carter. He flung open the door, “What the heck, bro?”

He saw several things at once, Blake had black circles around his eyes, while Delilah had flushed pink cheeks, and Carter had a wide grin splitting his face. Carter spoke first, “Now can I call you Paw Paw?”

Blake shoved the poor boy through the door and covered his mate’s eyes all at the same time. “Merciful Saint Jude, Justin, cover yourself.”

Just now noticing his nakedness, Justin smiled at his brother. He placed his forearm lazily on the door jam and chastised. “Well, maybe next time you’ll call before you stop by.”

Carter tugged on Blake’s shirt. “Thanks, Uncle Blake, but I should hang out with my new dad. I think he needs to know I like hims too. Thanks for all the stuffs you gived me” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “Especially the active wear.” The little man winked at Blake like it was some secret. Not done yet he turned toward Delilah, “See, I told ya Justin had a big snake.”

Delilah flushed behind Blake’s hand and smiled, “Yes, you did little man, and now I know what you were talkin’ about.”

Blake’s voice was annoyed as he announced, “You don’t look at anyone else’s snake from now on, Del.” Blake sniffed closer to his brother, “Congrats on your mating. Please give the cat my love and acceptance.”

Delilah sighed, “The cat?”

“Woman, I’m holding on by a thread here after no sleep and having you see my brother in all his glory. You could be a bit more understanding.”

Delilah smiled up at him even though he was covering her eyes. “There’s no one finer than my mate. Come, let’s go home and practice making little terrors of our own.”

Blake uncovered her eyes, smelling of happiness. She obviously had eyes only for him. “I agree to practice as long as we agree that we’ll never give our kid a Slurpee. Damn, that sound makes me absolutely crazy and it’ll haunt me for years to come.”


Justin watched them walk away and smiled, until Carter asked, “Paw Paw, can I have a Slurpee?”

Chapter 8

Justin helped get Carter into the shower after breakfast and took note of the scars the boy had on his back. If Tidus had no idea he was born, then who’d given him the scars? Blake had mentioned that Carter wouldn’t remember, so he went in search of his mate to get answers.

She was taking the dog out to do his morning business which was perfect; far enough away that they could talk without Carter hearing. Approaching her from behind, he pulled her back to his front and buried his nose in her hair. Her scent was intoxicating and arousing. He felt himself harden yet attempted to simmer down so he could talk to her without lust clouding his mind.

She moaned and snuggled into him. “Good morning, stud, hungry again so soon?”

He nipped her ear, “Always for you, kitten.”

She laughed, obviously enjoying his pet name for her. Before he got carried away bantering with her, he wanted to get answers. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, what’s up? You want to know which side of the closet is yours? Or maybe you want to know who’ll do the cooking and who’s responsible for the cleaning?”

He was warmed by the fact that she was so inviting after last night’s mating. They’d certainly enjoyed themselves all night and into the wee hours of the morning. “No, it’s about Carter.”

She stiffened in his arms. “Oh?”

He began to sway with her in his arms, offering comfort. “How did he get the scars?”

The breath she’d been holding released and she began to breathe rapidly, probably remembering what happened. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but I’d hope you’d trust me enough.”

Without pausing to consider his words, trusting him without question, she began. “I sent Carter to my parents immediately, knowing he wasn’t safe here. He was doing great, but I missed him so much. When he was a year and a half old I went to visit. He appeared happy and healthy. He was getting so big. I stayed for a week. I would have stayed longer but a member of their pack took an interest in me. I wasn’t interested in starting a relationship and made it known. One night he snuck into my parents’ house while I was sleeping on the couch and pressed his interest. Our fighting woke Carter up and he came out to protect me. He was upset and shifted, growling at the man. Carter lunged and bit the man’s leg.”

Dee shivered in his arms and he rubbed the goose bumps on her arms. “It’s okay, you don’t have to continue.”

She nodded. “You’re going to be helping me raise him, so it’s only fair you know.” She took a deep breath to continue. “Carter was beaten. I was knocked unconscious and the jerk was hit Carter with a hot poker while he was still in wolf form. When Carter shifted back he had those marks on his back and a skull fracture. The cat was caught by my father and his life was taken as a lesson by the lynx protector. Lynx, aren’t really pack creatures, but we do have protectors who uphold the laws because humans can’t control us.”

He was silently rubbing her back in comfort, so proud of the wolf that he would raise as his son. Wolves protect their own. For a small child to step in front of a fully grown shifter before the age of two was amazing.

“I never went back. I didn’t want my son to be hurt even more because of me. When Blake announced Tidus was dead and I completed the bond with him, I knew I’d get my son back. Your brother allowed me to bring my son home, I’ve never been more thankful to anyone.”

Justin leaned over to whisper into her ear, “Blake is a great leader. I’m so glad he was able to help you. From now on it’ll be me fulfilling your dreams. You and Carter will always be safe. I’ll tolerate nothing less. There is also the question of what Carter will call me.”

Dee smiled sweetly up at him. “As if either of us have a choice. He’s pretty much claimed you as his Paw. What do you think about that? Does it upset you?”

“Hell no, in fact, I’d like to adopt him and make it official at some point. Only if it’s okay with you though.”

Turning swiftly in his arms she leapt up winding her legs around his waist to kiss him passionately on his lips. He held her tight and only broke the kiss when the dog wound his leash around his body and then a small bundle smacked into his side. Pulling back from Dee, he heard Carter giggle.

“I loves you guys. We can be happy now and be with the pack and go to the moon runs and not wear stinky stuff. I’m so happy.” He only stopped to giggle again when the dog licked his face. “And I have a doggie, and a kitty, and a new daddy.”

Dee turned toward Justin and caught the wide grin splitting his face. “Yep, you are one lucky lil’ guy and I’m one lucky big guy to have found you both. Hey, do ya think your mom would want to marry me? You can be my best man.”

Carter hopped up and put his fist in the air. “Awesome, Mama, can we get married? I’m gonna be a man, the best one.”

Dee stilled at his question. Her heart was racing and Justin could see the pulse at the base of her throat fluttering wildly. He ran his hand over her cheek gently, “I’m sorry, is it too soon? We’ve already mated; we don’t have to have a big wedding if you don’t want. We don’t have to get married if you aren’t interested. I just thought you’d like to make an honest man of me.”

Her voice was hesitant, “I think I’d like that, but maybe you should think about it a bit more. I don’t want you to regret anything. Marriage is for life and you should give it a lot more thought.”

“Carter, give your mom that thing I had you hold for me at the moon run. You still have it don’t you?”

“Yup, I gots it.”

The boy bent down and untied his shoe and removed something from the laces. “Here it is.”

Not able to contain his chuckle, Justin asked, “You kept it tied in your shoelace?”

“Yeah, I’m smart. I had missus Delilah put it on in a special knot and she showed me how to get it out. It’s sure pretty.”

“I hope your mama agrees.” He turned toward Dee and presented her with the ring. “I knew you were mine when I saw you, but your perfume delayed the realization. I wasn’t able to stay away, and now that you’ve mated me, you’re kinda stuck with me. Let’s make it as official as possible and get married. I want you to wear my ring and my scent for all to see.” He rubbed his cheek in her hair, transferring his scent to her.

Dee was crying as Justin and Carter both placed the ring on her finger. She tried to hold in the tears, but they refused to stop.

Carter was smiling initially, but became quite agitated the more she cried. “No way, give it back Mama. I’ll take it away and put it back on my shoe. Mister Justin you said it’d make Mama happy, but she don’t look happy ta me. Give it back.” His scowl was fierce.

He reached for her hand and attempted to pull the ring off. When she laughed and smiled, he stopped and gave her a confused look. “Paw Paw, somethin’s wrong with Mama. Is she sick or somethin’?”

Bringing Carter closer to sit on his lap, Justin explained. “She’s happy, I think. Sometimes when you’re really happy you cry because you are so full of joy. I think your mama is just full of happiness and that’s why she’s crying. Right, Dee?”

She nodded her head, not trusting her voice at the moment.

“Woo hoo, Mama. I haveta go call Trevor, he says this was gonna happen, but I didn’t trust him. I never heared of someone knowin’ what was fixin’ ta happen afore it does. Way cool, and he’s my friend. We’re gonna be friends forever.” He stopped in thought for a moment. When he turned around his eyes were red and almost spilling over with tears. “Mister Justin, I don’t think I can be your man at the wedding. I mean, Trevor is way cooler than me.”

Shaking his head in denial, Justin asked, “Maybe I can have two best men standing up for me. After all, you’re my best man and Trevor is a very good friend. What do you think?”

After another round of fist pumping, Carter shouted his agreement and ran into the house to call his friend. Their chuckling tapered off and a hint of arousal clung to his mate. “I wish we had a moment because I would ravage you right here in the yard. Make you come screaming my name while my cock was so deep in you.”

Her face flushed and her voice was heavy with emotion. “I’ll have to call my mom and dad to let them know there will be a wedding soon. Maybe they can watch Carter for a few days. I think we need to bond a bit more. I need my scent to be saturated on your skin.” Her voice was low and hesitant as she asked. “Do you think I can mark you too? I know you marked me, quite thoroughly I might add, but I’d like to have you carry my mark.”

Not able to prevent the growl that came out of his mouth he leaned over and placed his lips at the shell of her ear. “Baby, I’d love for you to sink your fangs deep into my flesh as I make love to you, claiming me as yours forever as I’ve already claimed you in the same way.”

“There’s a girl down the street that I use for babysitting. Maybe I could see if she wants to watch Carter tonight.”

He pulled out his cell phone, “What’s her number, I’ll call her now.”


After a full day of running as wolves, Justin and Carter came back home to get ready for Carter’s sleepover. The anticipation Justin had felt all day had him coming home a bit sooner just to scent his woman, his mate. He’d called Blake and let him know that another wedding would be coming soon. He’d also called his parents and Paul who promptly bought their plane tickets to return. Dee was in for a surprise; he wouldn’t waste another minute not being her husband.

“Honey, we’re home.” He announced when Carter came trucking through the sliding glass door straight to his room.

“In the kitchen.”

The anticipation of seeing her was eating at him so he sped up his pace. She was sitting at the table, head hanging over a book, pencil in her hair and calculator near.

Picking her up out of the chair he sat with her in his lap and nuzzled her neck. “I missed you so much beautiful. Did you save some kisses for you mate”

Positioning herself so she was straddling his lap she twisted her hands into his hair and fused their lips together. They fed off each other for a few minutes before Carter announced, “Eew, yucky. Paw, Mama’s gonna give you cooties. Didn’t your mama tell ya about cooties?”

Laughing outright Justin responded with, “You can’t get cooties from mothers. Only other girls have cooties and you’re not supposed to tell them that they have cooties. You ready to go?”

“No, I gotsta call Trevor before I go. I always says hi to him.”

“Use the phone in here and then I’ll take you over to Alpha house.”

Dee pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Alpha house?”

Oops, he must have forgotten to tell her. “My family is flying in todayand they said they’d love to get to know him-not Blake, of course. My parents are great with kids, not to mention that Paul and Bailey are back in town. I’m really sorry I forgot to tell you.”

“Are you sure they want to watch him? They probably want to sightsee and visit. I hope he’s not in the way.”

Justin shrugged, “Nah, they came for us anyway. They want to help plan the wedding and be a part of our lives. I hope you don’t mind.”

She didn’t say anything but he could scent her nerves.

“Don’t worry, kitten, they’ll love you. They’ve already spoken to Carter and he’s super excited to meet his new grandma and grandpa. His words not mine.”

She bit her bottom lip and nibbled it until he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled her lip from her punishing teeth and kissed it gently. “I love you. Carter will be fine, we’ll be fine.”

She smiled and gave him a chaste kiss in return. “Thank you. I love you too. When will we be getting hitched? Have you set a date without me?”

“No, my family can be a bit…overwhelming. They didn’t want to miss anything.”

She chuckled, “I’m sure I’ll get used to it.”

He nuzzled her again, licking her neck. “You will.”

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