Pack Secrets (10 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

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Unaware how long she would live, she had the deep need to protect the man she’d taken as mate, the same man who was snoring in her bed unaware of what was happening. She released her claws and smiled as they sank deep into the flesh of the intruder, and that was the last thing she remembered.

Chapter 11

Waking slowly, her first conscious thought was
damn it’s cold.
Justin must have left the window open. No, wait, that wasn’t right. Justin might leave the window open but his body was usually flattened against hers, causing a delicious heat.

Speaking of heat, her core chose that moment to contract, aching for her mate to fill her once again. Lord have mercy, when would this cycle end? She sucked in a sharp breath and hissed when she didn’t smell her fated.

Eyes opening slowly because they felt like sandpaper, she wondered at her surroundings. Cold tile floor of a…hospital? Where the hell was she? And what was that nasty taste in her mouth? Her mind not coming up with much in way of answers she sat up, and immediately wanted to vomit.

“Well, hello, nice to meet you, Sis.”

When the spins were under control, Dee opened her eyes and looked into the eyes of the bitch that’d invaded her den and threatened her male and child.
This girl looked nothing like her; in fact, she had crazy, ice-blue eyes and blonde hair. “Do I know you?”

A sinister smile graced her pouty lips, showing a row of beautifully white teeth. She’d be pretty if she wasn’t so wild looking, as if she had no control over her beast. It reminded her of someone, but she couldn’t put a finger on whom.

“No, we’ve never met before. I’ve heard a lot about you and I’ve been watching and waiting. I’m so glad we finally met.”

“Actually, we haven’t met. I have no idea who you are or why you felt the need to come after me.” She knew she was pushing it, but she was uncomfortable and wanted to get back to her mate and family.

A bizarre growling reached her ears a moment before the flat of a hand rammed into her cheek. Her already splitting headache got worse and nausea ensued. She hung her head for a moment before giving a sassy, not-so-smart retort. “Well…that’s one hell of an introduction, but I still don’t know your name.”

Dee watched her breathing and suddenly questioned why she thought this woman was pretty. Spittle formed at the corner of her mouth and her scent was peppery, not attractive at all.

“My name is Talia, not that I expect you to know me. However, I know you, and what you did to my brother.”

The woman called her sis earlier, she didn’t know Justin had a sister and if he did, why would she want to hurt her? “I’m sorry, I’m still not following you. Sister?”

The sneer sent her way had her confirming this was no relative of Justin. Just thinking of him had her nipples peaking and her woman’s essence readying her body.
Bad timing body, back off the whole sexy thoughts.

“How easily you forget.” The woman, Talia spit in her direction, “Your alpha, the one you mated.”

Everything out of this bitter hoe’s mouth was confusing. Maybe it was the drugs that still lingered in her system, but she had absolutely no idea what was going on. “Blake?”

Talia’s arm swung around to slap Dee again but this time Dee grabbed her wrist and hissed at her, a clear warning that she wasn’t to be touched or abused. Talia did the first smart thing all day and backed up.

“My brother, the true alpha, Tidus. You mated him and then turned on him. It’s your fault he’s dead. I’m pretty sure your son is my nephew.” She leaned over Dee, “Tell me, Dee, did you mate, fuck and kill my brother, all the while knowing you had his son tucked away? A son that he never knew about.”

Not knowing how to respond she kept her mouth closed until Talia made her move, she still had no idea what the bitch wanted. Why would she drug and take Dee?

“I asked you a question, Whore. Did you kill my brother?”

Shaking her head Dee responded, “I didn’t, not for lack of trying though. He was killed by another pack of wolves. California wolves. From what I hear he was tortured before they killed him, they made it as messy as possible.” Okay, so she was lying about the torture part, but it felt really good to see the source of all her troubles recently so pissed.

Attempting to control her rage, Talia shook briefly before inhaling deeply. As her eyes turned wolf gold. “I scent an untruth. What are you lying about?”

Dee’s shoulders came up in an innocent shrug. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Talia’s eyes gleamed while her malicious intent was obvious. “It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s dead and you wronged him greatly, according to pack law I intend to take your life. Any last words?”

In for a penny, in for a pound. “Your brother was a piece of shit and I see the apples on your family tree are pretty similar, all rotten. My son is the only good thing that came from him and I intend to keep him safe for as long as I live. Which means keeping him away from you, Bitch.”

“When I kill you, and I will kill you, I will leave you here to rot while I raise my nephew.”

“My son is smarter than that.” A particularly painful wave of need had her abdomen cramping and Justin’s name slipping from her lips.

Talia came closer, inhaling deeply, releasing a wicked chuckle. “Interesting, you’re in heat. I think I can make this more painful that I’d anticipated. I’ll just find you a male.”

Now unable to for words, Dee shook her head as laughter rang in her ears.


What is that noise? Justin woke expecting his mate’s frisky hands roaming his body again and instead the freaking smoke alarm was going off. Dee was a great cook so he knew something was wrong. Shoving down the negative thoughts he thought maybe he forgot to turn off the bacon before the last round of sexual healing.

Coming around the corner he saw bacon burning on the stove, but nothing else out of place, with the exception that his mate was missing. He made a valiant effort to scent her but was thwarted by the scent of burning bacon. Running to the phone he called his family. It was time to hunt.


Curled up in a ball on the floor of some clinic-she suspected it was a closed veterinary clinic. Dee shivered again. She felt like she had a fever but in reality it was the unanswered heat consuming her. During heat a beast needed to fuck, often and vigorously with a strong male, a mate that could protect them. Her strong male was currently at home, probably sleeping after sating her need for the last two days.

Since she was mated she wouldn’t be able to orgasm without the scent or presence of her male. She’d tried hours ago but only accomplished a horrible feeling of loss and loneliness, coupled with an increase in her lust. Sooo, masturbation was off the table; she’d simply have to endure, after all, no one ever died of lust. Did they?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the door open or close. She only knew someone else was in the room when there was an angry growl in the doorway. A voice she didn’t recognize asked, “Who is this?”

And then the bitch from hell spoke, “It doesn’t matter. Look at her, she’s ready and willing. She’s practically panting for you.”

The man approached slowly and held out his hand like she was a wild animal about to scent him. Funnily enough she did scent him and he wasn’t what she wanted so she hissed while recoiling from his touch.

“Talia, this woman is mated, where is her man? She needs him, not me.”

Clucking her tongue in annoyance she announced, “He’s dead, her bond should be released, paving the way for you dick. She’s in heat and needs help, help her.”

He knelt down by Dee and wiped the sweat soaked hair from her forehead. “Hi, my name is Dean, do you need my help? I won’t take you without permission.”

She nodded her head attempting speech, “I need…”

He stood and ripped off his clothes, prepared to help her, a woman, a shifter he didn’t know. She’d be honored if she wasn’t so disgusted. She needed her mate, not a fill in. She giggled a bit to herself, thinking this guy really did want to fill in by filling her. Immediately the feeling of nausea attacked her as she watched the man approach. Her cat hissed and clawed to get out and she wasn’t strong enough to fight her heat.

She had strength for one last thing, so she shifted, turning into her pissed off beast right as the man came closer. She released the sound of an angry lynx in heat that needed her mate. Even to her ears it was annoying, but it got the job done by causing the man to back up.

“I think she wants to be left alone, Talia.”

Talia pulled a gun from the back of her pants and turned it on, Dean. Dee’s cat was enraged that she was being held against her will and even more so that the man who showed her kindness was now being threatened.

Putting his hands in the air, palms out, he showed no signs of aggression. “And this is why I’m a lone wolf. If this is what a pack does, I want no part of it. Is it a prerequisite to be crazy to enter a pack?”

Talia held the gun in firm sure hands, keeping it trained on the innocent man whose only crime was to help a woman he thought was in need. “Mount her.”

Dropping his hands he sneered at Talia, “I will not. That’s disgusting, you’re disgusting. I don’t mount unwilling females, nor do I fuck women with mates,” he made eye contact with Dee, “Not to mention the fact that she is pregnant and stinks of her male and their most recent escapades.”

Keeping her cat’s head high, she stopped her mewling and trained her eyes on Dean. Her ears twitched and she watched him follow the movement. She looked deep within herself and didn’t feel any different. She couldn’t smell anything either except her own need, bacon, and the lingering scent of her mate.

His hard eyes softened and she felt comfortable enough to approach him. Her head butted his leg and he tickled the tufts of hair on her ears. How odd, strangers could feel safe sometimes, filling a gap. Dee knew that she’d always be grateful to this male for his kindness during her hour of need, he would be family from here on out; if they made it out of this place alive.


“Can you still feel the bond? Where do we go from here?”

Blake’s voice held the beginnings of fear. Justin had to sift through many different things, his fear, his mate’s need and fear, along with the thread of their mate bond that was pulling him to her. Fated mates were connected soul deep and often were the only ones to who could locate each other if the need arose. Justin was having a harder time of it because his mate’s emotions were all over the place and every time her feelings changed he was alerted.

“Justin, where is she?”

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves and prevent him from attacking his brother he responded, “I’m trying, Blake, back the fuck off.”

There were gasps all throughout the van; his father, Kenneth, Blake, his other brother Paul. Justin wasn’t big on cursing, in fact he rarely let fly a bad word, unless it was in the heat of passion with his mate, he didn’t curse. They were all smart enough not to comment.

The van was utter silence for a full minute before Paul, who was driving, suggested, “Blake, you did all those blood bonds, was Dee one of the people you bonded?”

At his nod, Paul narrowed his eyes. “Help him; her emotions are probably overwhelming him. You can pick up on her thread as he filters her emotions.”

Their father clasped each of them on the shoulder, “I’m so darn proud of you all. Who would have thought all of that fighting as youngsters would see you here and now, working together as one.”

Blake nodded as he wasted no time searching out the link he had created with Dee upon meeting her. He pulled and tugged until her particular cord was the only one he focused on. He was briefly thrown for a loop when it was not only tied to his brother, her new mate, but something else. Something that was interwoven with her. It was tentative and new, but he suspected she was pregnant. His eyes popped open as he looked at the anguished eyes of Justin.

He clasped his hand to the back of Justin’s head and pulled him in for a brotherly hug, “We’ll find her, Bro. For those I love, I vow to sacrifice.”

Chapter 12

Dee placed her lynx body in front of Dean. She was confident that he wouldn’t attempt to mount her. He was on her side. Talia’s gun stayed trained on them and she appeared to be calm and collected but her scent betrayed her anxiety. Dee responded to her by hissing, teeth snapping in her direction.

Dean placed a hand on her head and stroked her fur. It wasn’t sexual in anyway, if anything it was for comfort. Shifters enjoyed comforting touches and she was grateful for it.

“Aww, look at your little pet, Dean, it’s a shame she has to die.”

Dean’s fingers stilled in her fur and she stood on all four legs using her head to try and push him towards the door, he needed to leave so Dee could focus on the immediate threat. As he reached the door he reached down to pet her fur again. She had no idea what he was going to do or she would have stopped him.

Dean grasped the loose skin of her cat’s neck and tossed her out the door as he slammed it behind him. She heard a scuffle followed by a single gunshot that had her cat bristling. She paced the length of the lobby she’d been thrust into and waited to see who emerged.

Scant seconds later Talia ran out of the room and right into Dee. Wasting no time Dee hissed and released her fangs to bite down on her arm. The muscles and tendons tore under her grip, but it wasn’t enough, Dee wanted her broken. Tossing her head side to side Dee was satisfied when the bone under her jaw snapped causing a sharp cry of pain from Talia. Releasing her arm she allowed Talia to retreat into the corner.

Having her prey cornered created a sense of excitement for Dee, but she needed answers. She shifted, allowing the change to burst free with no hesitation. All the adrenaline coursing through her body had her heat temporarily withdrawn. “I still don’t understand why, Talia. Your brother used me and quickly discarded me, having no patience for a mate. He wasn’t what any of us expected or wanted.”

She spoke through tears, “He was still my brother and you had no right to take my nephew. You had no right.”

“That’s correct. Normally, I’d agree with you, but your brother was power hungry and didn’t live by pack laws. He hurt some very good people. You weren’t here and I didn’t even know Tidus had a sister. You were obviously kept in the dark. I understand if you want to punish me for keeping your nephew away; however, I didn’t know you existed, Talia.”

Her sobs echoed around the empty space. “He should have told you.”

Dee pulled herself up to her full height. “Regardless, you broke pack law and you’ll be punished. You are following in Tidus's footsteps by using weapons and drugs against pack. Can I assume you’re the one who dug the pit and poisoned the rabbit; you realize you nearly killed your nephew.”

Talia screamed. “You’re not pack, you are a lowly fucking feline and you never deserved my brother.”


Scenting blood, the boys came upon an unconscious naked wolf. He was covered in blood, sparking Justin’s healing gift. Refusing to heal someone who could have taken part in his mate’s cat-napping he refrained.

Blake whispered, “Here kitty, kitty,” earning him an elbow from Paul and a glare from their father.

“What? I was just lightening the mood. Dee’s not bleeding, and if I’m not mistaken, she’s feeling a little bit chompy right now.”

The sound of hysterical crying came from a room down the hall. Blake was right, it wasn’t Dee, crying or bleeding. He released the breath he’d been holding. His wolf was pawing for release, wanting to make his mate’s problems disappear, as in die, painfully.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he barely reigned in his beast, preventing the growl and subsequent bite he’d been contemplating. He spun to see his father, a concerned expression on his face as he announced, “There’s no gun.”

Shit, that meant his mate’s attacker was armed, but bleeding.

Attempting to focus on her voice, he listened to his mate try to understand her attacker. Her tone was soothing, yet firm as she expressed her displeasure with the attack. Unfortunately, there was no reasoning with crazy people. Knowing their conversation was going nowhere, he entered the room.

Seeing the relief on Dee’s face as he came close to her, he pulled her to his side, and a bit behind him. Okay, so he was caveman enough to admit she was directly behind him where he could protect his mate and the new life they’d created. Her head flopped onto his back, she took his strength while hating the fact her heat came roaring back as his scent hit her.


Stiffening he questioned, “The wolf in the other room?”

She didn’t speak although he felt her nod against his back. “Shot. Alive in the other room. Friend or foe?”

He knew he was being short, but his mate was in heat, cat-napped, and upon finding her the first thing she said was another man’s name. His normal calm and nurturing demeanor was quickly fading to a wild beast he’d never met.

Commanding the room, he attempted to ignore his mate while he addressed the threat in the room. “You’ve broken pack law. You’ll be jailed until you can have a trial, any questions?”

Wiping the sleeve of her shirt against her running nose, Talia shook her head.

“Stand up, turn around.”

Standing, Talia wavered on her feet before slumping over and reaching into the hem of her pants. The gun flashed briefly before Justin pushed Dee behind the counter, shifted and charged her with fangs extended in a partial shift. He knew she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Apparently, she was just like her brother in the crazy department.

The gun went off, the sound thunderous in the small confined space, almost immediately followed by the coppery scent of blood. Roaring his anger he launched himself at her, closing his fangs over the front of her neck where he could easily rip out her windpipe. His jaw clamped down and her blood filled his mouth. A small twitch of his head later she slumped toward the ground, and her lifeless eyes looked nowhere in death. He hated the need to end a shifter life; however, he knew it was necessary.


It was over.

Dee peeked out from around the counter as Justin released Talia’s lifeless body. He kicked away the gun and spat in its direction. Most shifters hated weapons, preferring to use what they were given, fangs and claws.

On hands and knees, she was crawling towards her mate to soothe him when she smelled something familiar, his blood. The last time she’d scented it was when she’d marked him and he was deep inside her coming and giving her pleasure. She was shaken when she saw the blood coating his side. Gaining a burst of speed, she shot to her feet, rocketing towards him with supernatural speed. “Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Please, Baby, be okay.”

Grasping her upper arms, he kept her at arm’s length. “Your friend’s pulse is fading in the other room; we need to heal him, quick.”

“No, you first, I need you.”

“As glad as I am to hear that, I only have a flesh wound, it’ll heal.” He pulled her behind him as they entered the other room. His brother Paul had started CPR as Blake and his dad looked for supplies. “I’m here, I’ll heal him. Apparently, he’s a good guy.”

Wincing, Justin went to his knees alongside the injured man. Placing his hands directly over Dean’s heart he pushed his brother’s hands away. The magic infused into Dean, starting with his heart, then repairing the damage to his abdomen from the shot. The gunshot had torn up his bowel and nicked his kidney.

Ten minutes into the healing Justin slumped over sweating and bleeding more than he should. He kept contact with the man, but his strength was slowly bleeding out of him. Taking on Dean’s wounds when he was wounded himself probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but Justin had to try.

Near to collapsing, he wasn’t surprised when his father and brothers placed their hands to his body, lending him their magic and strength. He felt the healing surge out of him and within moments the near-dead man’s eyes opened and all the Nunn boys were crashing to the floor.


After placing a distress call to Hunter, the second in the pack, who was enraged that no one thought to call him during the time of the threat, they all went back to alpha house. It didn’t take long for Dee’s heat to consume her once again. She was placed in a secluded room with her mate, a room with a lock so she could attend herself while keeping her mate close. After what had to have been her tenth release, she swore she had masturbationitis and could no longer move her wrist.

And that’s when it happened, his eyes opened, searching her out. He inhaled deeply, his lungs expanding to the fullest, taking in her scent. Growling low in his throat, he swiftly pinned her to the mattress seating himself inside the cradle of her thighs.

“Need to taste you.”

Without allowing her a word he slithered down her body licking every inch on the way down, paying special attention to her lower stomach where his seed had planted and, even now, was growing in her belly. He nuzzled her tenderly before the last shred of his control snapped and he ate her like it was his last meal. Licking, nipping, growling and stroking her through two orgasms before he rose above her body and entered her slowly.

“I’ve missed you, kitten, I love the mewling sounds you make as I shove myself into you, filling you full.” He grunted as he increased his rhythm, moments later taking them both over the edge.

Her sigh was loud, as their sweating bodies cuddled each other closely, enjoying the scent and comfort of each other. It was almost near the end of her heat. When she was away from Justin she was miserable, but with time spent with him was nearly electric. She wouldn’t mind going into heat twice a year if she got to spend it with him.

“You’re pregnant.”

His words threw her off balance. “Yes.”

He hovered over her, gently stroking her abdomen. “How are you feeling? I feel like a selfish ass, I woke and was so consumed by the heat I didn’t ask.”

Her grin beamed up at him. “I feel great. Only sixty four days until we meet our kittens.”

“Oh, wow, I didn’t realize…kittens. Do you know they’ll be kittens versus wolves? A wolf’s gestation period is usually sixty days, give or take.”

Smiling she nudged his shoulder. “Nah, not yet, we’ll know soon enough. Their scents will show themselves.” Uncertain she asked, “Does it matter? Will you not raise kittens?”

Offended he pulled back and tickled her. “I’ll love whatever we make, even if it’s a wolf-lynx hybrid.”

“Holy moly, Justin, can that happen?” She giggled as she pictured a wolf’s body with black tufts on its ears and shorter fur. “I think Mr. Nunn, you’re in trouble. The way your mother talks, you were quite the wild bunch.”

“Don’t listen to my mother. It was Blake and Paul that were the trouble makers; I was merely along for the ride.”

The next day her heat ended long enough for them to emerge from their den and enjoy the company of their family. Blake and Delilah had been closed off as well as Paul and his mate Bailey.

Poor Kenneth had the patience of a Greek god as he waited until his children emerged to sate his lust on his wife of thirty-five years. When Justin and Dee came into the living room, Carter was playing a board game with his grandparents. Seeing the couple, Kenneth stood up, let out a deep sigh of relief and hauled his wife over his shoulder, saying, “Do not disturb us, no food, clothes, calls, nothing. I need my wife.”

Carter jumped up and shouted, “It must be sexy time, huh Grandma and Grandpa?”

Dee teetered as Justin placed a hand over his son’s mouth and smiled. “Understood Da, have a good time and thanks for accommodating us.”

Dee watched as tears came to Kenneth’s eyes, “I love you, Son. My boys are the best boys ever.” He smacked his wife’s ass and continued, “But it’s time for mama and papa to play.”

His very proper wife responded, “Yee haw, Daddy.”


Immediately after the wedding Dee was swept to the reception. Her motherin-law and sisters-in-law were planning goddesses. It was the most perfect day and she couldn’t have asked for anything more.

Her motherin-law pulled her to the side. “Darling, I don’t mean to panic you but you have no toilet paper at your house. You had an entire package and now…nothing.”

Not giving it a second thought she said. “I’m sure someone took it. I’ll buy more when I go to the store.”

“You obviously don’t have a naughty boy like I had. If toilet paper went missing, we would worry that the triplets were toilet papering a neighbor, or a teacher, or the alpha. That was not one of my best moments as a parent.”

Giggling, Dee smiled up at her wonderful new motherin-law. “I really do enjoy these stories.”

“Believe me child, you won’t enjoy them when you’re living them and constantly having to come up with excuses for your too-smart-for-their-own-good kids.”

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