Pack Secrets (3 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Pack Secrets
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He looked to his brother and saw the small shake of Blake’s head. Using his healing ability on poison was dangerous. He’d only done it once before and was sick for two days. At one point they didn’t think he’d survive it because his blood pressure dropped as the poison slowly sank into his system. For some reason he didn’t heal well after poison.

A cool pale hand landed on his forearm causing a bolt of awareness. The scent of poisoned rabbit was replaced with the scent of his mate. Mango. He looked down at Dee’s strained expression as she pulled her hand back like she’d been electrocuted. “Well, can you?”

Going on instinct he rubbed his nose in her hair, inhaled deeply and kissed the top of her head. If this was the last time he ever heal anyone, and it just might be that last time, he wanted to at least do it with her sweet scent infusing his senses. “Of course, I’ll help you.”

Blake sounded indignant when he said, “Just, no, you can’t. The last time-“

Justin’s glare stopped him. “I’m doing it.”

Blake’s eyes narrowed. “I forbid you. Sorry, brother, I can’t let you do it.”

Before Blake could stop him, he lunged at Carter who was now passed out in wolf form at Dee’s feet. As his hand made contact with Carter’s fur, he immediately felt like there were a thousand pins and needles going through his system. He turned away from the boy and vomited once before the change overtook his body. It wasn’t a natural change that flowed with his magic; it was painful as the poison forced his change. He wanted to scream in pain, but knew it wouldn’t do anything other than upset his already pissed brother.

It took him five full minutes to change and every second of it was excruciating. He felt cool hands on his flank and heard Dee sobbing uncontrollably as she held onto her son while keeping contact with him. He heard his brother howling into his phone while yelling at…him. It wasn’t his fault; he hadn’t poisoned the rabbit, or the boy.

His senses dulled as darkness swept over his consciousness and his last thought was;
I hope I survive to claim my mate.

Chapter 2

Delilah was sitting on the couch with Dee curled in her lap as she ran her fingers through Dee’s hair. Knowing women loved the comfort of getting their hair played with. Delilah didn’t mind helping her feel better. After all, that’s what alphas were supposed to do; comfort, protect, and love.

She knew Dee had an awful week. She also knew Dee, in part, contributed to the crappy week. Justin was obviously Dee’s mate according to Blake, but Dee was being…difficult. It wasn’t her place to intervene so she decided to simply be here and provide support.

When Dee began to purr Delilah stilled her hand. “Uh…is that you?”

Dee’s response was slurry with sleep. “Yeah.”

Delilah sat there for a few moments with Dee’s head in her lap. No one moved.

“What’s wrong, Alpha?”

“You’re purring.”


“What does that mean? You’re not, like, turned on are you? Because I’m not into that.”

Dee snorted her laughter causing Delilah to feel more uncomfortable. “So…every time Mr. Boo snuggled into your lap, he was really trying to get into your pants?”

Delilah knew her eyes were wide with surprise. “Well, no, but you’re a cat.”

“I’m a lynx, one of the top feline predators. When was the last time Mr. Boo took down a deer for food? Calling me a cat is like calling yourself a dog. Are you a dog?”

Delilah smacked her in the forehead. “Don’t get sassy. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you. Just so were clear though, I’m your friend, with no additional benefits. And try to rein in the purr next time, otherwise Blake will never let me live it down.”

“What are you talkin’ about, Del; you make me purr all the time. What’s wrong with a little purring between friends?” The sound of Blake’s voice coming through the window made Delilah jump up off the couch, causing Dee to roll off and onto the floor, hitting her head on the coffee table.

Sounding defensive, but not being able to stop herself she responded. “It’s perfectly normal, she’s a cat. She purrs.”

“I’m a lynx.”

“Shh, can’t you see I’m defending us.”


Dee sighed heavily as she sat up rubbing her head, not wanting to become involved with the alpha pair’s antics. “How are they? Awake?”

It had been a week since Justin had attempted to heal Carter. Carter had woken up briefly a few days ago and took some broth before falling back into a deep sleep. He would wake for small amounts of time to take fluids, however they couldn’t keep him awake for longer than five minutes.

Blake’s soothing voice flowed over her, “Carter’s up and wants to see you.”

She knew Blake was trying to calm her by using his powers, but she didn’t deserve it. She’d asked Justin to heal her son not knowing it would hurt him and now she had to live with the fact that they both may die. No one knew what the poison they’d ingested was, but it was obvious whoever wanted to harm her son wanted to make sure he was dead. Blake had insisted everyone be moved to alpha house and additional guardians were appointed to watch the house.

She rose up slowly and just let Blake’s words sink in. She became dizzy. “Carter’s awake, like, not going back to bed?”

“I just got off the phone with lil’ Trev, he assured me that Carter’s healing is complete.”

She looked at the ground and whispered, “And Justin?”

Blake shook his head. “He’s had no response, it’ll take time though. My brother is strong and he’ll be fine.”

Dee was a bit overwhelmed. When Blake called his parents and other brother, Paul, they’d all shown up within a day, infusing alpha house with positive energy and noisy chatter. Paul and Bailey brought their brand new twins and everyone doted on them, which took the pressure off Dee. She felt completely out of place knowing everyone was upset with her for putting Justin in this situation, but how was she supposed to know he might die? Even thinking that way made her stomach roll.

Surprisingly, Justin’s family was nice to her and Carter. They all took turns sitting with her, Carter and Justin, never making her feel out of place. Blake thought it best to keep Carter and Justin in the same room so it was easier to watch over them.

As she walked into their room she saw Mrs. Nunn sitting next to her son reading him a book. Her voice changed with each character adding drama and intrigue. Carter noticed her standing in the doorway and smiled shyly.

“You look a lot better, how do you feel?”

“I’m good, Mama.”

Smiling politely at Mrs. Nunn, Dee crossed the room, making sure to keep her distance. She didn’t want to have to explain why she smelled of cat. Dee sat close to the corner of the room, noticing how Justin’s mother watched her. “Hello, Mrs. Nunn.”

“Hello, I’ll leave you and Carter alone to talk. Please let me know if Justin wakes up.” She rose gracefully from the bed, striding to her son she kissed his brow gently before turning and walking out without another word.

The door was barely closed before Carter hopped out of the bed and ran into her arms. “I’m so sorry, Mama, I’ll never be a wolfie again. I don’t like it when I die.”

Stroking his hair gently she shushed him, “Don’t talk like that, Son, you need your wolf, he’s a part of you. It was an accident. Apparently, these things happen.”

Tears leaked from his eyes as he sat in her lap sniffling. “But, I don’t think I can. My wolfie is broke, he don’t know when not to eats the bunny. I told him it stinked, but he wanted to chase it anyways.”

Taking in a deep breath, she tried to explain a few things to her son. “You didn’t have the most normal upbringing so far. You’ve suppressed your wolf when you should have embraced him. I sent you to live with my parents because it was safe, but they didn’t know how to teach you wolf ways. As cats, they only know about cats. We’ll figure out how to make things right with your wolf, Son, don’t worry.”

After more heartbreaking sniffling, as he wiped his nose on her shirt. “But, Mama, look at Mister Justin. He’s hurting and I don’t like it.”

She felt the tears stinging the back of her eyes too. This was the first time they’d been left alone together. Most of the time Justin’s family was hovering. With them gone now she was able to stand up carrying Carter and sit on the bed next to Justin.

He would always be a hero in her book. Although, right now he had dark circles under his eyes and his skin was a bit pale. His hair even looked dull, not the normal dark blond that seemed to shimmer in the right light. She sat next to him scooting close until her thigh bumped into his under the sheets. He was deathly still; the only movement was the shallow rise and fall of his chest. His mouth was slightly open and his lips cracked and chapped.

She put Carter on the ground gently and urged, “Can you go get me the lip balm from my purse? It’s right there in the corner.” She could at least ensure that he was comfortable if…no, when he woke up.

Carter struggled with her heavy purse and she felt her lips lift in a smile for the first time in a week. He ended up dragging it over to her and leaving it on the floor as he dug out everything else before handing her the lip balm.

Uncapping the balm she applied a thick layer to his parched lips and watched as it soaked in. She did make note of the fullness of his lips and remembered the kiss he’d landed on her hair before he risked his life saving her son. She looked down and saw that Carter was still rummaging through her purse so she took the time to run her shaking finger over his cheek. Where she touched she noticed his skin became pinker and brightened. She took a deep calming breath and gripped his forearm feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen she leaned over and heaved the contents of her stomach into a nearby trashcan.

Carter, who had been right next to her looked up and announced, “Eew, Mama, gross. You okay?”

She nodded her head before turning to watch Justin’s skin color change before their eyes. His breathing increased and his eyes blinked open. “Where am I?”

She opened her mouth to answer when she felt another round of nausea set in, she ran for the bathroom, trashcan in hand. She heaved again, hearing Blake enter the room, calling Justin’s name. Several other footfalls followed him into the room. She needed to get out of there before someone came along and scented her. She didn’t need everyone knowing she was a feline. Wolves didn’t like lynxes.

She cleaned up quickly, then asked Carter to get her purse and they slipped out the door as everyone was fussing over Justin, who looked surprisingly good. She ran as fast as she could out of alpha house, and back to the safety of her house.


The next day Carter and Dee were at the flower shop. She was covered in her usual floral perfume and Carter was playing with her phone. Blake strode in like he owned the place, carrying a big box, and announced, “Justin should be fine. My parents took him home.”

Trying to restrain her concern she asked. “Is it safe? He was in a coma for a week, should he be traveling?”

Blake shot her a grin, “He’s fine. He didn’t want to go back, but I sent him away. If he’s going to be here he needs to obey me. Clearly, he won’t. I strictly forbid him from healing Carter because he doesn’t handle poison well. He refused and his alpha called him back when he heard what happened.”

She dropped her head and exposed her neck to her alpha. “I’m sorry, Alpha, I had no idea. If I’d known what would happen to him…I would have done the same thing. I think Justin would understand, and when you have cubs you’ll understand too.”

Blake’s grin was equal parts sinister and playful. “Speaking of Justin, he wouldn’t leave until I promised you and Carter would have extra protection. Here it is.”

He sat the box down and pulled out an adorable Husky puppy with its tongue hanging out; beautiful icy blue eyes gazed at her with surprising intelligence. Fluffy white, grey fur stood on end as his hackles rose and a slight growl sounded low in his throat.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with that?”

Blake smiled. “Him, what are you supposed to do with him? Honestly, he’s your protection.”

“I can’t have a dog. I’ve already taken your stray cat, Mr. Boo. I won’t take him.”

Blake’s face hardened. “You’ll do what I tell you, I’m your alpha. You knew the rules when you joined the pack."

“Yes, but I’m a lynx…feline. You can’t give me a dog.”

“Well…I didn’t give you the puppy, my brother did. And it’s probably because someone didn’t tell him she was a feline. I don’t see why it’s this big secret. So what, you’re a cat, big deal.”

Blake’s shit eating grin was unwelcome as she began to panic when her son noticed the dog, running at him and hugging him with open childhood affection. “Mama, look, it’s a puppy dog. Woof woof puppy. Can we keep him?”

Blake reached down and rubbed the top of Carter’s head. “Yep, he’s all yours. Justin thought you and your mom could use some extra protection so…here he is. His name’s Gunner.”

“Cool, Ma.”

Carter kept hugging the devil dog as it eyed her and let loose a low growl.

When Carter released him he came straight at her like she was prey, obviously he couldn’t scent that she was also a top notch predator. He circled her several times sniffing her before he lifted his leg and peed on her, soaking her favorite pair of ballet flats as his urine ran down her bare calf. “What the heck?”

Blake chuckled before responding, “Don’t worry, he’s marking his territory. I hear that’s what dogs do.”

Before she could retort he was out of the shop and she was left with a dog, whose tail was now wagging, and an energized kid.

“Mama, Justin buyed us a doggie. He’s a nice man.”

“He’s somethin’,” she said sadly, letting her bitterness through.

Her son easily picked up on her negative nelly vibes.

Carter’s gasp shocked her, but his next statement blew her top. “He done saved me, Mama. He’s my hero. Don’t you like, Mister Justin?”

Attempting to look at the bright side of all this was hard, but she had no choice as her son looked up at her with tears in his eyes and asked, “We can keep him, right? He’s my doggie now mama, I’ll take cares of him, evens clean up his poops. You won’t send him away will you?”

She knew what her son was really thinking:
you won’t send him away like you did to me.
“I’ll never send you away again, Carter. I won’t send him away either, he’s yours now. Make sure you say thank you to Justin next time you see him.”

Carter’s face fell, and the tears that were threatening began to spill down his face.

“What’s wrong, buddy? I thought you wanted to keep him.” She knelt down on her knee next to him, pulling him to her side she kissed his cheek.

“I don’t know if I’ll see Mister Justin again. I wanna be his friend, Mama, but he’s all gone.” He sniffled, wiping his tears on the dog, “His mama took him on a plane far away.”

Not knowing why, Dee broke down and cried with him. After she’d touched Justin’s arm, briefly becoming ill, something had changed within her. She’d never wanted another man after Tidus, but with Justin she found herself intrigued. He was sweet, nice, caring; all the things she once thought of Tidus before he got her pregnant, killing the alpha and going on a rampage. She just couldn’t trust her judgment.

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