Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance
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Chapter 11



  Jason leans with his back against the counter as he puts his cellphone back in the inside pocket of his jacket before walking over to the fridge, opening up the door and pulling out a beer.


“Still no answer?” He hears from a man sitting at the table with his feet resting on an empty chair.


“No.” Jason says, walking up to the table and pulling out a chair before sitting down and twisting off the cap of his beverage with the palm of his hand.


  He takes a swig, sucking down the amber ale before sighing as he rests the bottle on the table.


“It’s not like her.” He says, shaking his head. “Wasn’t at her place last night, not answering her phone this morning…”


“You think she just fucked off?” His friend asks, reaching for the newspaper before shaking it open. “I mean, she has been selling up a storm, what’s to say she didn’t take all that money and skip town?”


“What?” Jason asks, scrunching up his face as he straightens his shoulders. “No, man, that’s not her. She wouldn’t do that.”


“Jason, come on…” He says flipping through the pages before tossing the paper back on the table. “You barely know the girl…”


“I know her enough to know she wouldn’t do that.” He says, stretching his neck to look into the living room as he hears a thud on the porch. “What the fuck is Mike doing out there.”


“I don’t know what he does out there, not any of my business…” His friend says, looking up from the table before pointing down the hall. “But it’s not Mike.”


  Jason turns his head in his chair, watching Mike walk down the hall from the bathroom.


“Guess the party’s starting early today.” He says, lifting his beer from the table top and bringing it up to his lips.


  He tosses the empty bottle over to a green plastic bin by the back door, nearly missing as it lands amongst the other bottle with a clunk.


“Hey, boys!” Jason hears coming from the living room and he looks back over towards the door, watching Mike close it behind him as he comes back into the house.


“What you got there, Mike.” He asks, sniffing as he leans back in his chair, lifting the front legs slightly off the ground.


“It was in my seat…” Mike says, tossing a small, white cardboard box on the table.


  Jason sits up, sucking his teeth as he lifts the box suspiciously before wiping his fingers over his name written in permanent marker on the lid.


  He lifts the top slowly, pulling out a little bundle of something wrapped in a grocery store flyer before noticing some writing on the back of the lid.


“Come and find us…” He reads, puzzled before tossing the lid back onto the table.


  He unwraps the flyers, not finding anything until he hears a sudden ding as something hits the table.


“What the?” He whispers to himself, his heart sinking in his chest as he notices this gold ring spinning on the table.


  He presses his hand down onto it, stopping it’s movement before pinching it between his fingers and picking it up table.


“Those… FUCKERS!” He screams, pushing his chair out as he stands up from the table as he gazes down at the ring in his hand.


“What do you mean?” The biker from across the table asks, his feet falling to the floor as he leans forward over the table.


“They got her, they FUCKING got her!” Jason says, squeezing the ring in his hand.


“Who, Jason?” Fat Mike asks.


“The Serpentines…” He says, his voice hissing. “Rich Durand…they fucking got her.”


“Don’t worry, buddy.” The biker from across the table says, standing up and reaching into his pocket for his phone. “We make a few calls, we get all the guys over here… we’ll have her home by the end of the day…”


“No.” Jason says, standing up straight as he stuffs the ring into the pocket of his leather jacket. “This…this I gotta do alone.”


“Alone?” Mike says, shaking his head. “Are you kidding me?”


“We have unfinished business.” Jason says as he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room before pushing the front door open. “This ends now.”

Chapter 12



  Jason gets off his bike at the end of the block of the old street he used to call home before running towards his old club house, ducking down behind the neighbour’s bushes and brushing the leaves out of the way.


“Just one of you out front?” He asks to no one in particular before following the hedge down past the side of the house and pushing himself through the foliage as quietly as possible.


  Jason walks up to the porch, kneeling down as he watches his old friend’s chest rise and fall as he rests his head against the siding, his eyes closed to keep out the sun as he sleeps.


  He steps up the stairs, stopping as they creak before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a small pocket knife.


  He flips it around in his fingers as his heart races in his chest before quickly stepping up the rest of the stairs and swinging his arm back before rushing it into the side of the man’s neck.


“I’m sorry, Don.” He says, twisting the knife as he watches the blood drain down the front of the guy’s t-shirt. “I didn’t want to have to do this.” He pulls out his knife before wiping the stained blade against the dead man’s shoulder. “I actually kind of liked you, bud.”


  He clears his throat as he lets go of the man, watching him slump over before reaching for the doorknob of the front door.


  Jason twists it, surprised to find it unlocked before carefully swinging it open as he stands off to the side before poking his head through the doorway.


  He scans the room, stepping inside as he finds no one, his ears perking up as he hears the rushing flush of the toilet coming from the bathroom.


“You never did get that fixed you cheap bastard.” He whispers to himself, gliding across the carpet and down the hall before planting himself silently beside the bathroom door.


  He holds his breath as he hears the door squeak open before watching a leather clad man step out.


  Jason reaches out, quickly grabbing the man from behind, covering his mouth with his hand as they struggle to the ground.


  He gets on top of him before sinking the knife into his chest, catching it against bone before pulling out and stabbing again.


“Where is she!?” He whispers harshly, pressing his forehead against the coughing man’s.


“Fuck… you, Jason.” The man spits out, as blood pools at his lips before sliding down the side of his face.


  Jason lifts him by the shoulder before pushing him back down against the ground in frustration. He gets up from his straddle on the man before spinning around the hall and making his way back into the living room.


“They’ve got to be fucking here…” Jason says to himself  as he walks into the kitchen, smirking as he notices a faint light coming from under the door to the basement. “Bingo.”


  He walks over to the door, pushing it open before hearing a faint sobbing coming from down the stairs.

Chapter 13



“Shh… you have to be quiet sweetheart.” The man says, kneeling down beside her and wrapping his arms around her as they listen to the commotion upstairs.


  He brushes his fingers against her face before pressing his palm against her mouth, cutting off her air.


“If you cooperate.” He whispers into her ear. “I’ll let you go. But if you don’t…” He says, pulling her head back to look into her swollen green eyes. “I’ll kill you in front of him. Do you understand?”


  Lily nods her head vigorously up and down choking back a sob as she listens to the footsteps in the living room upstairs.


“Good.” He says, standing up beside her and walking over to the stairs before peering up the staircase into the kitchen before reaching against the wall and flicking on the light. “Let’s get his attention, shall we?”


  She whimpers as she hears him the footsteps find their way into the kitchen as she watches the man back up towards her, reaching for the gun on his holster.


“Stop. Crying.” He says as he hears the door squeak open at the top of the stairs.


  Lily shakes her head, her tears falling freely as she lets out a set of soft sobs as she hears the stairs begin to creak.


“Jason!” She screams, pushing herself away from the gunman across the floor before falling onto her side as her eyes catch him.


“Lily!” He says, stepping forward and reaching his arm out to her.


“Not so fast.” The man says, holding up his gun and pointing it towards Jason. “Don’t take another step.”


  “What do you want, Durand?” Jason asks as he massages his fingers over the handle of his knife down by his side.


“You know exactly what I want, Jason.” The man says, shaking his gun in the air. “You know exactly what you did to me!”


“You did it to yourself, you piece of shit!” Jason says, slowly stepping to the side as the gun trails him. “You’re the reason you failed. You and your greed. All I did was make it so the rest of us wouldn’t have to go down with you.”


“I made you!” Rich screams as he steps towards Jason. “You would be nothing if it wasn’t for me!”


“No.” Jason says, taking a quick step forward. “I made you…”


  He pushes his old boss down to the ground, straddling his chest as he lifts his knife up to the air.


“And I’m going to be the one to end you, too!” Jason says.


  He yelps out as Durand punches him in the stomach before bucking him off and taking him to the floor.


“You were never loyal…” Rich says, struggling with Jason’s hands as he pins them over his head before winding up and punching him in the face hard. “And you never will be. If the Demonios knew what kind of a piece of shit you were, they’d do the same as me.”


  Durand leans to the side, picking up his gun and pointing it at Jason, his hands trembling as his finger wraps around the trigger.


  Lily drags herself across the floor behind the fighting men, her chest heaving as she tries to stay as silent as possible as she gets to her knees.


“Fuck YOU!” She says, pushing her shoulder into Durand’s back knocking him over onto the ground, the loud bang of the gun deafening her as it accidentally discharges, leaving a deep chip in the concrete wall.


“You… little… bitch…” Rich says, getting to his knees and crawling over to her as she scoots backwards across the floor away from him. “I’m going to fucking kill you…”


“Durand!” Jason screams, as he sits up and reaches for the gun on the floor beside him.


  Rich spins around on his knees before lunging over to Jason.


  Lily screams as she hears a loud bang, the bullet exiting the chamber too fast for her eyes to trace, before hitting Durand in the chest.


  The shot man falls onto his butt, before falling over onto his side as Jason gets up from the floor and tosses the gun over into the corner of the room.


“You have no loyalty…” Rich says, reaching up to paw at his chest as he spits out blood.


“I’m loyal to her…” Jason says, his voice harsh and raspy as he connects with Lily’s tired eyes. “I’m loyal to the Demonios… I’m loyal to everyone…” He says as he swings his foot back before connecting it with the side of Rich’s rib cage. “Just not you.”


  Lily sobs in exhaustion, leaning forward to rest her hot face on the cool concrete floor as she feels Jason kneel down beside her and untie her hands from behind her bag.


  He reaches under her arms, pulling her up onto his lap as he wraps her arms around her shaking body and holds her close before reaching down to untie her ankles.


  Lily buries her face into his shoulder as she sobs against his jacket before she reaches up and wraps her arms around him, threading his hair between her fingers.


“I thought we were going to die.” She cries as he wipes away her tears with his thumb.


“I would never, ever let that happen, Lily…” He whispers into her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck.


  He reaches into the inside pocket of his leather jacket, pinching his fingers against the gold ring before pulling it out of his coat.


  She whimpers, squeezing away her tears as she feels Jason grab her hand before slipping the ring back onto her finger and wrapping his hand around hers.


“Let’s go home.” He whispers, helping her up off the ground before wrapping his arm around the small of her waist. “It’s over.”

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