Our Hearts Entwined (8 page)

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Authors: Lilliana Anderson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Our Hearts Entwined
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Mia then went into specific incidences where her best friend Louise had told her that she had approached her in a shopping centre but she didn’t seem to understand or know how to use sign language. As well as times when her boyfriend was claiming that they spent time together but she couldn’t remember being around him. This out of everything pained her greatly because he had told her about how wonderful he had been feeling around her and how they seemed to really be connecting of late.

“But the problem is, I don’t remember any of it. There are photos of me doing things, like going to the beach - but I don’t remember going. Sometimes I think that Eric in particular, prefers the other me.” At this point Mia broke down crying again, not understanding how she can go from completely normal one day to entirely insane the next.

“Ok,” Cayd said when she seemed to calm a little. “What is it that your best friend and your uh… boyfriend think when they see this… other you?”

“Well Louise just doesn’t believe it’s me, she says that she’s too different but Eric swears it’s me, just a more loving and caring version!” Mia burst out crying again, obviously very hurt that her boyfriend seemed to be more attracted to this new personality than he was to her current one. Cayd caught himself wondering why. She was so raw and beautiful as she sat sobbing before him. He couldn’t imagine preferring something different…

Clearing his throat and his thoughts along with it, he thought on what she had said. Suddenly, he realised why Evelyn had refused to treat her and wanted desperately to help her. After running a few scenarios through his head, he finally settled on an idea that might work.

“Mia, what you’re referring to is actually called Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it is incredibly hard to diagnose. What I’m thinking, is that we would need to somehow capture this change on film. That way, we can prove it, and I can refer you on to someone who has the right kind of experience to help you. I’d like to set up some type of surveillance, would you be open to that?”

“You’d follow me around?” Mia asked, not sure how she felt about Cayd being constantly around her.

Cayd smiled warmly and shook his head. “No Mia, I have connections with a surveillance company. They would set up cameras in your home and most likely have someone tail you to try and capture when this change happens. Are you agreeable to that?”

“Yes, of course. Anything you need.” she replied hopefully.

“Excellent. Now Mia, you wouldn’t actually be able to know when the surveillance is happening but if you can give me a week then I can do a bit more research into who treats this particular disorder and we can go from there.”

“Ok,” is all that Mia said in reply. At this point she was willing to do anything to get to the bottom of this. She hated feeling so out of control of her life. This somehow had to stop.


When Mia Smyth left his office, Dr Cayd Donnelly put through a call to his father’s long-time friend, Harry Williams, who ran a Private Investigation service. After filling him in on the details of who he wanted followed, Cayd was pleased when Harry immediately agreed to put one of his younger employees on the case.

“Dare I ask what this is about?” Harry’s smoke worn voice rumbled down the line.

“It’s all above board Harry, I guarantee it,” Cayd assured him.

“Well, if you get brought up on stalking charges, this conversation never happened.”

“Harry, when have I ever given you cause for concern?”

“Ten seconds ago kid,” he returned, causing Cayd to roll his eyes slightly. “Leave it with me. I’ll call when we’ve got something.”

“Thank you Harry, I appreciate it,” Cayd said before they said their farewells and disconnected the call.

His next stop was the office that joined the two consulting rooms where he expected to find Evelyn working at her desk.

“How’d it go?” she asked, looking up briefly as she continued to type, her fingers moving in a flurry across the keyboard.

“It was fine, her story sounded very familiar though,” he pointed out.

“I know, it’s why I didn’t want to take her on. Are you going to treat her?”

“I can’t, I ah, I’ve met her before. She works at the special needs school I consulted at last month.”

“Why is that a problem?”

“I … asked her out,” he said quickly, wanting to get his admission out of the way as soon as possible.

“Did you screw her and dump her?” Evelyn asked with interest, her fingers pausing as her attention focused on Cayd.

“No, Evelyn. I haven’t screwed around for years. Besides - she’s got a boyfriend,” he told her, busying himself by looking through his drawer for something he probably didn’t even need.

Laughing, Evelyn swivelled in her chair until she was facing him. “She knocked you back?! As I live and I breathe – I never thought I’d see the day that Cayd Donnelly got knocked back by a girl. How refreshing. So I’m assuming you’ve been thinking about her ever since?” The look on Cayd’s face when he met her eyes told her everything she needed to know, causing her to laugh even harder. “Oh my god Cayd, don’t be stupid, you’ll get us shut down.”

“How Evelyn? How am I going to get us shut down? I’m not doing anything,” he told her, his hands in the air to convey his innocence.

“Keep it that way, you need to focus your attention on building this practice up. We’ve barely got a handful of clients between us. You don’t have time to go sniffing around a girl you shouldn’t get involved with,” she pointed out before returning to her computer screen.

Cayd took a seat behind his desk and moved his mouse to wake up his computer, typing in his password and watching as the screen came to life. He selected the file containing a paper he had been working on for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Truth be told, he spent much of his time doing research, more than happy for Evelyn to take on the majority of their clients.

He enjoyed working with patients, but he preferred a lighter case load, which is why he chose to leave the busy practice he was initially working for in Fitzroy to start his own, smaller practice, taking Evelyn and Cherry with him.

Money wasn’t his primary objective. Thanks to his father, he had more than enough at his disposal so that he didn’t need to work at all. While he loved to study the human mind, he also enjoyed time to himself, which is why he suddenly shut down his computer and announced his departure.

He headed through the private door to the back of the building where he resided, instantly kicking off his shoes and heading to his bedroom to change. He was in desperate need of a workout after the surprise of seeing Mia again. There was something about her that really got under his skin. Something that never kept her far from his mind from the moment he’d first met her. He’d hoped that they’d run into each other again sometime, but not like this, things could get really messy from here on in if he wasn’t careful.

But the way he felt around Mia Smyth – he didn’t know if it was possible to be careful.

Chapter Twelve

Over the next week, Mia felt beyond exhausted. Whatever she was doing when she blacked out, wasn’t very restful for the dark circles around her eyes were evidence of her body’s exhaustion.

Sitting in a coffee shop with Louise at the end of another long day, Mia was on her fifth cup of coffee. Although, it didn’t seem to matter how much caffeine she put in her system - it didn’t help her at all.

Has your doctor friend called you yet with any news?
Louise asked in sign, a concerned expression on her face as she took in her best friend’s pale complexion and sunken eyes, she could have sworn that she was also losing weight as well.

Not yet,
Mia replied,
he said he had to do some research and he’d call me. He’s going to put me under surveillance to get everything on film before we find me another psychiatrist,
she explained.

Well, you know I think this is all bullshit. There is no way you’ve developed multiple personalities. I don’t believe it,
Louise signed, turning her mouth down and crossing her arms over chest to convey her refusal.

Well at least another personality makes sense - your explanations don’t make any sense at all!

Of course they do.

Really Louise? A doppelganger? An alien replacement? This isn’t an episode of X files,
Mia admonished, shaking her head as she took another mouthful of coffee.

Well then she’s your twin or something Mia, there’s no way she’s you, I can tell!
Louise insisted. She could admit that they looked very similar, but there was something different about this other woman, she seemed slightly more curvaceous then the Mia sitting in front of her and she never looked anywhere near as tired either.

You and I both know that I’m an only child. There is no twin, no conspiracy – nothing. Why can’t you accept that there might be something wrong with me?

Why do you want something to be wrong with you?
Louise shot back, as she looked pointedly at her friend.

I don’t. I just want this to be over. I want my life back. I can’t keep living like this.

I know,
Louise sympathised, sitting back in her chair as she worried for her friend. In her mind, there was no way this could be true, people don’t suddenly develop another personality. Not without a good reason anyway, and that other Mia? Louise knew, hell - she could
that it wasn’t her friend. It just didn’t seem possible.

Chapter Thirteen

By the time Thursday rolled around, Mia was beside herself in agitation, her patience wearing thin as she waited for Cayd’s call. Finally, when she checked her phone at lunch time there was a message from him, instructing her to meet him at his office later that evening. The private investigator had news.

Mia was both excited and nervous as she made the short journey from her flat, arriving earlier than was needed, desperate to find out what the PI had uncovered.

“Mia!” Cayd exclaimed the moment she stepped through the entry door to his practice. He had been standing in the waiting area making general chit chat with his receptionist, Cherry, although really, he was waiting on Mia. He was very excited about what Harry William’s PI Company had revealed after surveilling Mia for the past week.

“Hello,” Mia replied breathlessly, her cheeks flushed as her heart pounded heavily in her chest. Somehow though, the light dancing in Cayd’s hazel eyes helped to put her at ease as he walked toward her. Reaching an arm out, he placed it on the small of her back to guide her towards one of the doors. Even in her agitated state she felt the heat of his hand, racing around her body and confusing her mind even more.

“This way,” he told her, opening the door to his consultation room and ushering her inside. “Please, sit. I have some very interesting news for you.”

“You do?” Mia asked, settling herself in the plush chair.

“As you know, I’ve had you under surveillance this past week,” he started.

“Yes, although I didn’t think we were going to do that until after we spoke again.”

“I know. I deliberately misled you I’m afraid. I couldn’t have you thinking you were being followed, it would have ruined the results,” Cayd explained.

“Ok - well, what did you find out? What’s wrong with me?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Mia.”

“What? But I have had a black out every day of the past week!”

Both of them turned their heads when they heard a knock on the door, watching as Cherry appeared in the doorway, a man of average height and build standing behind her. “Simon Masters to see you,” she said as she nodded for the man who was obviously Simon to enter.

“Thank you Cherry,” Cayd said, rising from his seat and moving toward Simon to shake his hand in greeting. “Thank you for coming. Mia, this is Simon Masters, he’s the PI who was assigned to you.”

After a brief greeting, Simon and Cayd both sat, ready to discuss the matter at hand.

“What did you find?” asked Mia, her head feeling that it might explode if she had to wait any longer.

“Well based on what I have observed – it seems that you have a twin,” Simon announced.

“What!? No – I’m an only child,” she reeled, not quite believing her ears.

Simon then went on to explain that because she had given her approval to be monitored, cameras had been set up inside her living area to record her movements. On top of that, he was to follow her whenever she left the house.

“On the first day of surveillance I was getting ready to follow you to work when I noticed another car pull up outside your block of flats. The occupant of the car appeared to be watching you as you left, so I remained where I was, watching to see who was inside. I observed a girl identical to you get out and enter your flat,” he informed her, opening a file and placing photos of the twin on the coffee table in front of Mia. “I decided it would be best if I stayed and followed her instead. I found that after she collected some clothing from your flat she then went to a serviced apartment that, when I looked into it, was rented to ‘Natalie Johnson’. Later that afternoon, she went back to your flat, entered the premises briefly before leaving again in your car and driving it to the home of Eric Dundas and Joshua Wilson, where she would spend most of the night,” he continued, placing more photos on the table that showed Natalie’s movements throughout the day.

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