Our Hearts Entwined (20 page)

Read Our Hearts Entwined Online

Authors: Lilliana Anderson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Our Hearts Entwined
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Chapter Thirty-One

When Mia had calmed down, she somehow convinced herself that it would be ok to drive past Cayd’s practice – just to see if he was there. When she had arrived, she found herself pulling into the parking lot and cutting her engine, telling herself that she just wanted to say hi as she walked around the back toward the entrance of his home.

Before she even lifted her hand, the front door jerked open, revealing Cayd standing in front of her wearing nothing but a pair of navy quick dry shorts with a white stripe down the side, his defined torso glistening with sweat as it rose and fell with his quickened breath.

“I’m sorry, I’m interrupting your…” Mia paused, swallowing hard as her eyes swept over his body, her fingers itching to reach out and touch him.

“Oh, no – I’m sorry. Come in, I’ll just grab a shirt,” he said quickly, stepping back from the door and heading toward his room. He returned, pulling a shirt over his head, a towel in his hand as he mopped up the sweat on his brow. “I saw you through the window,” he told her.

“You what?” she asked, looking over at it but not fully understanding what he meant.

“That’s why I answered before you knocked,” he explained. “I was on the treadmill, and I saw you through the window.”

“Oh, of course. Thank you,” she smiled, feeling awkward and wishing she had just driven home. Everything in her mind was telling her that being here was a bad idea, she knew virtually nothing about this man and she had just broken up with Eric - on top of that she’d discovered that she was adopted and had a twin. Her emotions were all over the place. This was no time to be pursuing someone.

“Would you like a drink?” he offered.

“Um, I really shouldn’t be here. I think I should go,” she said, turning back towards the door.

“Why did you come?” he called out to her, moving quickly so he was standing in front of her when she turned.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, her head spinning as his scent filled her nose, sliding its way around her body like that first sip of alcohol after a long day.

“Don’t leave,” he murmured, hooking his finger beneath her chin and tilting her head up slightly.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she parted her lips expectantly. She could feel her heart thudding heavily in her chest, the anticipation torturing her as her tongue automatically darted out to moisten her lips.

“Keep them open,” he told her in a whisper, waiting until her chocolate irises were connected with his hazel ones before pressing his lips against hers, drinking her in hungrily as she moaned into his mouth, melting against him, maintaining eye contact for as long as she could.

When her eyes finally closed, she sighed, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as his hands slid down her body to cup her buttocks, pulling her against him, pressing his need for her against her hip. Another moan escaped her lips as she pulled at his shirt, lifting it over his head and dropping it on the floor as they started to move together in a fervent dance towards his bedroom.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he removed the elastic from her hair, his eyes darkening as he watched it fall from its confines in soft waves before taking her mouth in his.

Dropping together on the bed, Mia landed on top, their mouths working together as their need for each other built. Finally, they broke apart as she slid down his body, trailing kisses across his chest, tasting the saltiness of his workout on her lips.

Cayd reached down and dragged her back up towards him, causing her to squeal in delight as he rolled her onto her back, kissing her neck as he made his way back to her open mouth. His tongue slid against hers as his hands wandered over her body, igniting her skin and increasing her arousal as he delighted in her soft curves.

With one hand, he slowly undid the buttons of her blouse, his fingertips brushing against her nerve endings as they screamed for more of him. He let the soft material fall open, revealing the black lace, half cup bra she was wearing.

“This is very nice,” he murmured kissing his way down her chest as he hooked his finger in the cup of her bra, pulling it aside to expose her breast. He took her nipple in his mouth and bit down gently, causing her to gasp and arch toward him, her body crying to be close to him.

Mia’ fingers found their way into his jet black hair as she held onto him, moaning in pleasure as his tongue swirled and his hands worked, sending bolts of longing between her legs.

Sitting back on his knees, he pulled her up to sitting, sliding the blouse off her shoulders along with the straps of her bra, kissing at the skin as he exposed it.

With a deft movement, he unclipped her bra, discarding it on the floor next to the bed, along with her shirt.

Skin to skin, they lay down together, kissing each other languidly, their fingers exploring the top half of the other’s body, savouring these first moments.

Slowly, he slid his hands down to the waist of her pants and hooked his finger into the waistband, running it along her silken skin.

“Do it,” she whispered, arching her hips and urging him on.

Moaning, he pressed his erection against her side before an animalistic growl escaped his throat and he sat back on his haunches, tearing himself away from her.

“God! You don’t know how much I want this. But it’s too soon. We have to stop,” he groaned, rubbing his palms over his face and through his hair. The pull that emanated between their bodies was taunting him, calling him like a siren that he needed all of his willpower to ignore.

“No, I want this,” Mia breathed, sitting up and resting her hand on his bare chest, feeling his heart hammering beneath her fingers. She took his hand in hers and brought it to her own chest and placed it over her own heart. “Can you feel that?” she whispered. “It’s beating like that for you – I want you.”

Cayd pulled his hand away. “Not yet. You hardly know me,” he mumbled, trying to ignore the way her auburn hair brushed lightly over her full breasts.

Sliding off the bed she stood in front of him and ignoring his protests, removed the last of her clothing, exposing herself fully. “I know enough,” she said stepping closer, placing her hands on his shoulders. “The rest of it we’ll work out. We have to. I need you Cayd.”

An erotic growl rumbled from deep inside his chest as he slid his hands up her outer thighs until they came to rest on her hips, holding her steady.

“If we do this, you’ll be mine Mia. I don’t want this to be some rebound fuck to get your mind off things. This can’t be a one-time fling,” he told her, his voice as smooth as silk as his words bounced around her body, stealing her breath, swelling her need.

“Take me,” she whispered. “I want to be yours.” The throbbing between her legs was too loud to ignore. She was so overwhelmingly attracted to this man that she was willing to commit to anything in that moment, just to feel him inside her.

Cayd’s grip tightened on her hips as he flipped her onto the bed, somehow managing to discard his shorts at the same time. Holding himself over her, he dipped his head and kissed her forcefully, their tongues pushing and sliding as Mia parted her thighs and rocked her hips towards his erection.

“As long as you’re safe - I’m on the pill,” she whispered into his ear.

“I am,” he groaned as he slammed his length inside her.

“Oh yes,” she moaned in his ear as their hips rocked together, his length pushing and pulling at her insides as their hips rocked together. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted this.”

“I think I have an idea,” he panted, taking her mouth with his and exploring the textures in her mouth with his tongue as he thrust in and out of her.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, Mia planted her heels against his butt, pulling him more forcefully against her. Gripping her to him, Cayd rolled over to his back. Mia barely skipped a beat, falling into an easy rhythm as she rode him.

Cayd’s hand slid between them and his thumb found her clit, already coated in her slick juices.

“You’re so wet Mia,” he growled, begging his body not to explode too soon.

Heat swirled around in Mia’s body as her climax built, growing with their rhythm until she started crying out, so close to exploding.

“Open your eyes Mia,” Cayd panted, watching as her face scrunched up in ecstasy, her brow furrowed and her mouth opened as she whimpered, forcing her eyes to meet his. “I want you here with me,” he murmured, exciting her further as their eyes locked and she saw the intensity in his.

Cayd thrust his hips more forcefully upwards and she burst, calling out to the heavens as she tried desperately to maintain eye contact.

“My name Mia, say my name,” he urged her, continuing to press into her as she spasmed around him.

“Oh god! Cayd!” she called out, moaning and gasping as Cayd shuddered, slowing her movements while she gripped him tightly, milking him of every last drop.

She kept her insides clenched around him, she stilled, before laying her body against his, their mouths finding each other as they rolled to their sides, attached and entwined and completely absorbed.

When they finally pulled away from each other, Cayd handed her his shirt in absence of anything else to catch the semen that was about to spill from between her legs.

“Are you mine as well?” Mia asked as they lay facing one another unabashedly naked, a grin curling up the sides of her mouth as her body still hummed in the afterglow of great sex.

Cayd’s eyes sparkled as he leaned on his elbow, his head on his hand, as he traced his fingers up and down Mia’s side. “We’re each other’s - I don’t want a fling Mia. I need you to be mine, no other men, no casualness. Just you and me, together.”

“Well, that will be easy, I only want you,” she whispered, moving closer to him.

“Good,” he murmured, capturing her mouth in his again. Wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her against him, he grew instantly hard as he slid his hand between her legs, his fingers entering her warm wet folds. “Hmmm,” he moaned upon contact with her silken juices. “Mine,” he whispered in her ear as his fingers plunged inside her, causing her to gasp.

“Mine,” she replied, wrapping her hand around his throbbing erection as she rocked her hips against his hand. Using his index finger, he swirled small circles around her still engorged clit, causing her to whimper, her legs quivering around him.

“Good,” he said again before sliding down her body, and settling his mouth between her thighs eliciting a sigh of pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Two

“I just realised that I don’t even know how old you are,” Mia asked the next morning as she sat on a stool watching Cayd prepare them both breakfast. The smell of the citrus and ricotta pancakes, that he swore were his speciality, was filling the air, causing her stomach to groan loudly.

“I’m thirty-five,” he stated, briefly looking at her for her reaction before returning his attention to the pan in front of him.

“Wow, you’re twelve years older than I am?” she blurted, surprised that the gap was so large.

“Is that a problem?”

“No, it’s not. I just didn’t expect -”

“Me to be so old,” he finished for her.

Laughing she said, “No. Don’t put words in my mouth. I just didn’t think you were much older than I was.”

“How old did you think I was?” he asked, sliding the pancakes onto a plate and setting it in front of her with a small jug of warm maple syrup.

“Thank you,” she said, picking up the jug and drizzling the sticky brown liquid over her breakfast. “I don’t know, maybe twenty-eight.”


“Yes, really. Although, now that I think about it, it seems pretty silly. I mean you have your own practice, and I’m sure you worked a bit after your studies were through beforehand. How long did it take to become a fully-fledged psychiatric doctor? Eight years? Logically, you’d have to be in your thirties,” she reasoned.

“I studied for eleven years. I started uni when I was nineteen after taking a year off to travel, and I spend the last few years working for a large multi-disciplined medical practice before I convinced both Cherry and Evelyn to start something on our own.”

“Wow, eleven years of study? Did you enjoy it?”

“I did. I loved it. There was a lot of practical work involved, but I really enjoyed studying. I’ve been thinking about continuing on and doing my Masters actually.”

“Seriously? What would that mean? Would you become an academic or something after that?”

“I’d still practice. But for me it would mean that my research was taken a lot more seriously when I submit to journals.”

“So you want to write papers for publication?”

“Yes, that’s the gist of it,” he said.

“Well, I’m impressed,” she told him, taking a bite of the golden brown slab in front of her. “Oh my god, this is amazing,” she said as the flavours filled her mouth.

“Better than Pancake Parlour right?”

“Definitely,” she agreed, slicing off another bite as he plated up his pancakes and sat down to join her.

“You’re sure the age thing doesn’t bother you?” he asked, nudging her with his elbow.

“I’m sure,” she replied, nudging him back. “Although, I do wonder why someone like you hasn’t found himself someone special already. Have you ever been serious about someone before?”

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