Our Hearts Entwined (4 page)

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Authors: Lilliana Anderson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Our Hearts Entwined
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Picking up the toiletries on the vanity one by one, she held them to her nose, smelling each one and using more than a few, not sure which one was her favourite.

Out of the perfumes, she selected the bottle of
Oscar de la Renta
and pumped a spritz in the air, turning around as the spray fell around her and landed on her delicate skin. She dropped the dress over her head and brushed her hair until it was gleaming in waves as it fell over her shoulders.

Swiping a layer of clear gloss over her naturally pink lips, and using some bronzer to colour the lids of her chocolate brown eyes, she decided that she was as good as she was going to get, and left the bathroom, grabbing the car keys laying on the table next to the door as she exited the flat and locked the door carefully behind her.

It was around seven-thirty that night, when she was walking up the long driveway that led to the block of townhouses and villas that Eric lived in with his best friend Josh, who was also Louise’s boyfriend.

Josh was a very tall and lanky guy with a mop of brown curly hair and a slight beak for a nose. Despite not being the most handsome man to grace the earth, he always had the most beautiful girlfriends. Something those that knew him felt could be attributed to the fact that he had a very generous heart and treated his girls like queens.

“Hi Mia,” Josh greeted her through the security door from where he sat playing Xbox. “It’s open. Eric’s in the kitchen cooking up a storm.”

“Hi,” she said quietly, stepping inside and listening for the sounds of Eric before following them.

“Not chatty today?” Josh called after her.

Spinning on her heels, she turned to face him. “Oh sorry… I just… had a busy day at work.”

“You ok? You don’t really seem like yourself. I can’t quite put my finger on it,” he said, looking more intently at her.

Her eyes began to dart around the room as her mouth moved to form the beginning of many different words, none of them actually coming to fruition. Finally, she clamped her lips shut and simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Must be that you’re wearing a dress - haven’t seen you in one for ages,” he decided, garnering another shrug in response.

“Ok… nice talking to you,” Josh responded, drawing the words out in sarcasm before turning his attention back to the tv.

Replying with a nervous laugh, she continued on into the kitchen where she found Eric, busily stirring something in a pot on the stove top.

“Hmm, smells good babe,” she commented by way of greeting, inhaling deeply as the aroma of chicken, onion and mushrooms filled her nose.

“Hey you. Wow, you look gorgeous, I haven’t seen that dress for years. Not since you started uni I think. I didn’t think you wore dresses anymore actually,” he teased, grinning at her over his shoulder as he continued to stir. “I’m doing a risotto. It should be ready in about fifteen. Wine’s in the fridge if you want it.”

“Sure, you want one too?”

Eric looked at her with his nose scrunched up. “Since when do I drink wine?”

“I don’t know, maybe you changed your mind. No harm in checking right?” she responded with a little laugh.

“No change, I still hate wine. Just a beer for me babe,” he smiled, focusing on keeping the rice moving so it didn’t stick to the pot.

Moving over to the fridge, she bent over to collect the bottle of white wine and a Tooheys extra dry, before standing and catching Eric staring unabashedly at her behind.

“Why Eric, were you just staring at my arse?” she asked in her best sultry voice, setting the drinks on the bench top and striking a suggestive pose.

“Of course I was. It’s a hot arse and your dress rode up just enough so I got a little peek. Nice panties,” he teased.

As the grin crept over her face, she felt a slight warmth flush her cheeks and somewhere more intimate.

“Babe, would you grab yourself a glass. I can’t quite reach from here.” Following Eric’s gaze, she moved to open the cupboard he was looking at. She rounded the bench towards it, while at the same time removing the twist top off the beer and handing it to Eric, taking the opportunity to greet him properly with her mouth and an accidental brush of her hand.

“Hmm, you taste good,” she commented as she reached into the cupboard, selecting a wine glass.

“You don’t taste so bad yourself,” Eric responded, continuing to stir as he took a swig of his beer.

Leaning against the bench as she watched him, she tilted her head towards the lounge room and asked if Eric’s ‘friend’ was going to be joining them.

“My friend? You mean Josh? No, he’s going out with Lou tonight, she’s back remember?”

“Lou? His girlfriend?”

“Uh… yeah. They hooked up not long before she went up to Sydney. I thought you knew all this.”

“Oh yeah, I did. I just forgot, that’s all,” she sputtered, taking a large gulp of wine to calm her nerves.

“How do you forget that Louise - your best friend; is back in town and that she’s dating my best friend? Are you feeling ok?” Eric asked, looking a little concerned.

“Eric, I’m fine, I just had a hard day today. My brain’s a little scrambled.”

“Oh yeah? That Corey kid giving you a hard time again?”

“Yeah something like that,” she responded, trailing off as the sound of the security door opening drew their attention to the front of the house.

“Sounds like Louise is here,” Eric pointed out, turning off the burner and setting the pot to the side. “This should be alright for long enough to say hi. Come on,” he said, inclining his head towards the lounge when she didn’t immediately follow.

Cautiously following behind, she watched as Eric tapped Louise on the shoulder. When she broke her embrace with Josh, Eric hugged her enthusiastically, almost swallowing her small frame in his long arms. All that could be seen was a mass of auburn red hair peeking out above the embrace.

“We’ve missed you. How was Sydney?” Eric asked as he released her.

“It was good. Everyone’s doing really well and the baby is adorable,” she responded, smiling brightly when she turned and spotted her friend.

You’re feeling better!
” she spoke and signed at the same time for the benefit of the men in the room who knew a little, but weren’t fluent in sign language like Mia and Louise were.

“I am thanks,” Mia replied quickly, taking another swig of her wine.

Louise’s brow furrowed momentarily before Josh moved in, taking her by the hand and proclaiming that they needed to leave as they had dinner reservations in less than half an hour.

As they were leaving, Louise signed something that her friend didn’t quite catch, so she simply smiled, telling Louise and Josh to have a great night out.

“Ok… what’s going on with you two?” Eric asked when they had left.

“Nothing why?” she responded quickly, following behind Eric again as he walked toward the kitchen and started filling their bowls with their dinner.

“Well, for starters, she just asked you why you were acting weird and you didn’t respond. You didn’t sign once to her. Then, you just stood back and acted like you didn’t really know her.”

“Oh, well, I didn’t want to get in the way of her and Josh’s reunion. Nothing’s going on though.”

“Alright, if you say so,” he said, carrying their bowls to the table while she followed with their drinks.

“Tell me about your day,” she prompted in an attempt to start a new topic as they sat down.

“You want to know about my day – while we’re eating?” he asked, frowning slightly at her unusual question.

“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? Were there any plumbing emergencies where you saved the day?” she asked smiling, looking genuinely interested. Eric found this a little strange as Mia had never really liked talking about his job. She found the fact that he fixed toilets and unclogged a lot of slimy pipes fairly disgusting, so it was a surprise to have her interested all of a sudden.

“Alright,” he said, deciding to tell her about one of his more amusing jobs of the day.
“We had one job for a woman whose toilet wouldn’t stop running. We get there at like, seven in the morning, and she’s got kids all over the place. I think there were maybe six of them – all pretty young too, so there were toys everywhere and she’s trying to get the older ones up and ready for school while I’m working.

“So I’m in the bathroom, doing my stuff and this little kid comes wandering in, half asleep and just starts undoing his pants right in front of me and takes a piss – on the floor! Completely misses the toilet. His mum comes running in mortified, apologising profusely and berating the kid, but I couldn’t stop laughing, it was so funny,” he smiled, glancing up at his girlfriend who was grinning right back at him.

“Did you just stand there while he peed?” she asked.

“Nah, I jumped out of the way and went out into the hallway. He was like five – I didn’t want to get pissed on. He didn’t even see some strange guy in his bathroom, he was like a little zombie,” he laughed lightly at the memory before continuing, “Other than that, it was a pretty ordinary day. What about you?” he asked, meeting her eyes as he spooned

a mouthful of risotto into his mouth.

“I don’t want to talk about me,” she murmured, sliding her hand over his thigh, lightly brushing in between his legs. She delighted in watching his eyes cloud slightly as his focus shifted from food to fun when her light touch turned into purposeful strokes. A sultry smile tilted her mouth as she felt him harden beneath her hand.

Leaning in, his breathing was already heavy as he slid his hand into her hair, and cupped the base of her head as he brought their lips closer. She parted her lips willingly, allowing his tongue to enter, sliding against hers, tasting her.

Her eyes fluttered closed as their mouths moved together, a glorious hum rolling around her body as she climbed onto his lap and deepened the kiss. Taking fistfuls of his hair, she tilted his head back and pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes as she rocked herself against him. She wanted him to see the arousal in her eyes, she wanted him to see how much she wanted him.

Eric’s hands slid up her thighs, venturing under her dress and up to her waist, her skin smooth like silk under his fingertips. Growling, he pushed his hips up against her increasing wetness. She gasped, letting her head roll back, giving him access to the flesh on her neck. He kissed and tasted her skin, the feel of her pulse on his lips causing his breathing to deepen and his own arousal to grow painfully firm.

Letting out a light moan, she rocked her hips again, grinding herself into him, feeling his hardness between her thighs. Eric let out a hiss as he felt his control slipping.

Capturing her face in his hands, he held her steady and looked into her chocolate brown eyes, soft and heavy lidded from her arousal. “What is happening with us? You’re so… different,” he murmured, amazed by the turn their relationship was taking.

“Don’t question a good thing,” she breathed, crashing her mouth back against his, her tongue demanding his cooperation as it moved against his forcefully. Reaching her hand between them, she undid his pants, allowing his erection to spring forth proudly. Nibbling lightly at the slight indent in his chin, she caressed his impressive length, whimpering slightly at the mere thought of lowering herself onto it.

Feeling close to bursting, Eric lifted her dress over her head, dropping it on the floor next to them, his hands immediately cupping her full breasts as he captured her mouth with his, moaning into their kiss.

She pushed off his lap momentarily and stood boldly in front of him, her eyes admiring his manhood as it stood proudly from his open pants. Leisurely dragging her eyes back up his body, she locked eyes with him as she hooked her fingers in the waist of her panties, holding his eyes with hers as she grinned enticingly and ever so slowly, slid them down her legs.

“Get back here,” Eric growled, a grin tilting one side of his mouth upward as he reached out and pulled her back towards him, holding her steady by the hips as she climbed back on top of him, impaling herself on his length, grinding herself as she reached his base.

A gasp escaped her lips as she felt him touch her depths, their hips moving together as they wrapped their arms around each other, pressing their bodies as close as possible, their lips joining once more as they luxuriated in the taste of each other.

“Oh god, you feel so good,” Eric growled, nipping at her ear, his hands wandering over her body.

“Mmmm, take it off,” she purred, continuing her up and down movement as she pulled at his shirt, wanting, no – needing, to feel his skin against hers.

Complying, Eric dropped his shirt on the floor with her dress. “Better?”

“Much,” she gasped out, running her hands up over his well-defined pecs before wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing their torsos together, her fingers tangling in his hair as she felt the tingling warmth build inside her body.

Gripping her internal muscles, she pulled back, almost to his tip before squeezing herself tighter and dropping down on him once more.

“Oh god, that’s so good!” he growled out as he looked between them, watching himself disappear inside her.

A moan burst forth from her throat as her orgasm threatened its release, radiating outward until it flooded her body in a glorious explosion, causing her to spasm slightly. As her body continued to quiver, she clenched herself around him causing him to shudder, sucking the air between his lips as he exploded inside of her, holding her hips steady as he thrust up inside her as deep as he could go.

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