Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (77 page)

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49. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, p. 22.

50. The CIA cryptonym for the project was "PB/Success." See Burton Hersh, The Old Boys, pp. 342-343.

51. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, pp. 22-23.

52. Prior to this assignment, Esterline had been serving as the CIA station chief in Caracas, a job he had held since 1957. Later, in 1964, Esterline would move from Chief WH/4 to Chief WH/OPS.

53. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, pp. 24-26.

54. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, p. 27.

55. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, p. 38.

56. See the Inspector General's Report, p. 10.

57. "The case officer testified that he and the Cuban contemplated only requiring intelligence information and that assassination was not proposed by them." Alleged Assassination Plots, p. 72.

58. According to p. 73, fn. #1, of the SSCIA report Alleged Assassination Plots:

The duty officer testified that he must have spoken with King because he would not otherwise have signed the cable "by direction, J. C. King." (Duty officer, 8/11/75, pg. 16.) He also would "very definitely" have read the cable to Barnes before sending it, because "Barnes was the man to whom we went ... for our authority and for work connected with the [Cuban] project." (Duty officer, pp. 4, 25.) Since King at that time was giving only "nominal attention" to Cuban affairs, the officer concluded that a proposal of the gravity of an assassination could only have "come from Mr. Barnes." (Duty officer, 8/11/75, p. 24.).

59. Alleged Assassination Plots, p. 73.

60. The case officer avoided the word "assassinate."

61. FRUSC-VI, p. 1022.

62. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, pp. 39-40.

63. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, p. 40.

Chapter Nine

1. WC Vol XVI, p. 825.

2. U.S. Secret Service interview with Marguerite Oswald, November 25, 1963. NARA JFK records, RIF 124-10062-10049.

3. See CE 206, Vol. XVI, pp. 594-95.

4. See CE 1138, Vol. XXII, p. 118.

5. State Operations Memorandum to American Embassy Moscow, March 21, 1960. See CE 922, Vol. XVIII, p. 121.

6. William Macomber letter to Congressman Wright, March 21, 1960. See CE 923, Vol. XVIII, p. 122.

7. See CE 3111, Vol. XXVI, p. 746.

8. Handwritten note from "GWM" to "Miss Waterman," undated. See CE 927, Vol. XVIII, p. 127.

9. For the refusal sheet, see CE 962, Vol. XVIII, p. 356. See also Bernice Waterman testimony to the Warren Commission, June 9, 1964. See WC Vol. V pp. 350-351.

10. See CE 3111, Vol. XXVI, p. 746.

11. See Bernice Waterman testimony to the Warren Commission, June 9, 1964. See WC Vol. V pp. 350-351.

12. See CE 3111, Vol. XXVI, p. 746.

13. Bernice Waterman testimony to the Warren Commission, June 9, 1964. See 5 H, pp. 350-351.

14. See CE 3111, Vol. XXVI, p. 747.

15. See CE 3111, Vol. XXVI, p. 747.

16. State to American Embassy Moscow, March 28, 1960. See CE 929, Vol. XVIII, p. 129.

17. American Embassy Moscow Operations Memorandum to State Department, March 28, 1960. See CE 927, Vol. XVIII, p. 126.

18. See CE 207, Vol. XVI, p. 596; see also CE 1138, Vol. XXII, p. 118.

19. Letter from Professor Casparis to Lee Harvey Oswald, March 22, 1960. See NARA JFK files, 1994 CIA release, "Five Brown Boxes." See also CE 229, Vol. XVI, p. 626.

20. We know of Marguerite's April 6 response from Casparis, reply of April 26. See letter from Professor Casparis to Lee Harvey Oswald, April 26, 1960. See NARA JFK files, 1994 CIA release, "Five Brown Boxes."

21. American Embassy Moscow Operations Memorandum to State Department, March 28, 1960. See CE 927, Vol. XVIII, p. 126.

22. Dallas FBI field office report of John W. Fain, Dallas serial 105-976, dated May 12, 1960. See NARA JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10213.

23. Commander, Marine Air Reserve Training to Private First Class Lee H. Oswald, April 26, 1960. See CE 204, Vol. XVI, p. 590.

24. State Department Operations memorandum to American Embassy in Moscow, May 10, 1960. See CE 928, Vol. XVIII, p. 128.

25. Marguerite Oswald to U.S. Marine Corps, letter of June 10, 1960. See CE 204, Vol. XVI, p. 592.

26. Marguerite Oswald letter to Mr. Haselton, June 8, 1960. See CE 208, Vol. XVI, p. 597.

27. Marine Corps letter to Marguerite Oswald, June 17, 1960. See CE 204, Vol. XVI, p. 589.

28. The Hoover cover note on ONI is dated May 25, 1960, and the FBI transmittal of Fain's report to ONI was recorded on ONI routing slip GG- 71228, received May 26, 1960; this routing slip also records the subsequent forwarding of the Fain report to DI09ND under DNI serial 014167F92 of May 1960. The processing for discharge by the Marine Corps Reserves was being handled at 9ND (Ninth Navel District). See NARA JFK files, NIS-ONI box I.

29. FBI New York field office (105-6103) to Bureau (100-353496), May 23, 1960. NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10010-10010.

30. Hoover letter to Security Office, Department of State, June 3, 1960, FBI, Bureau file 105-82555, CD 1114.

31. Memo, Boster (typed by Anderson) to Adams, July 11, 1960. See NARA, JFK files, CIA 201 preassassination file, box 1.

32. State Department operations memorandum to American Embassy in Moscow, June 22, 1960. See CE 925, Vol. XVIII, p. 124.

33. State Department to Marguerite Oswald, June 22, 1960. See CE 209, Vol. XVI, p. 598.

34. American Embassy Moscow operations memorandum to State Department, July 6, 1960. See CE 926, Vol. XVIII, p. 125.

35. State Department letter to Marguerite Oswald, July 7, 1960. See CE 210, Vol. XVI, p. 599.

36. Marguerite Oswald letter to State Department, July 16, 1960. See CE 211, Vol. XVI, p. 600.

37. Request of Miss Vann, July 19, 1960. See CE 964, Vol. XVIII, p. 359.

38. George Haselton confidential note to John T. White, July 20, 1960. See CE 964, Vol. XVIII, p. 358.

39. State Department letter to Marguerite Oswald, July 21, 1960. See CE 212, Vol. XVI, p. 601.

40. See ONI "Status Check," September 6, 1960, NARA, NIS-ONI files, box I; see also NARA, CMC notification to ONI, in FBI headquarters file 10582555-12, November 15, 1960. CE 2751 WC, Vol. XXVI, p. 130.

41. See letter from Professor Casparis to Marguerite Oswald, September 3, 1960. See NARA, JFK files, 1994 CIA release, "Five Brown Boxes."

42. See Paris Legal attache to Hoover letter to Security Office, Department of State, June 3, 1960, FBI, bureau file 105-82555. See also the initial response (almost completely redacted) from Paris, in FBI headquarters file 105-82555-8, dated July 27, 1960.

43. See Special Agent Kenneth P. Haser memo to SAC, WFO file 105-371111, August 9, 1960.

44. See Special Agent W. Dana Wilson memo to SAC WFO file 105-371112, September 12, 1960.

45. Paris 105-1067 to Bureau 105-82555, September 27, 1960 (almost wholly redacted), and Paris 105-1067 to Bureau 105-82555, October 12, 1960 (also almost wholly redacted). On October 10, 1960, the FBI inquired through liaison channels at Albert Schweitzer College in Switzerland about LHO. See CE 2918 WC Vol. XXVI, p. 92.

46. Paris 105-1067 to Bureau 105-82555, November 3, 1960.

47. FBI, Dallas field office report of John W. Fain, Dallas file 100-10461, dated July 3, 1961. See also CE 1127, Vol. XXII, p. 102.

48. State Department A-127 to American Embassy in Moscow, February I. 1961. See CE 930, Vol. XVIII, p. 130.

49. FBI report of November 20, 1963. See CE 1805, Vol. XXIII, p. 443.

50. Warren Commission Report, p. 697.

51. CE 24 WC Vol. XVI, p. 98.

52. See WC p. 697; on Oswald's feelings about Rosa, see CE 24, Vol. XVI, pp. 99 and 101.

53. CD I, p. 51. This FBI report also reports Oswald's arrival by train in Minsk, and the date.

54. Historic Diary, p. 6; see CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 99.

55. As Oswald later described it, the shop in which he worked, called "experimental shop 572," employed 58 workers and 5 foremen. It was located in the middle part of the factory area in a two-story building made of redbrick.

56. See WR p. 697; also see CE 1128, WC Vol. XXII, p. 104 and CE 1109, WC Vol. XXII, p. 67

57. According to Marina Oswald, he worked on a lathe. See 5 H 616 (Marina Oswald).

58. See WR p. 697; see also 8 H 360 (Bouhe), 8 H 385 (Anna M. Meller), 5 H 407-8 (Marina Oswald), CE 1401, Vol. XXII, p. 750, and CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 99. Oswald said that he started work in the Minsk radio and TV factory for 90 rubles per month, and his workbook agrees; see WC Vol. XVIII, p. 137.

59. WR p. 698; see also CE 24, VOL XVI, p. 99.

60. Oswald wrote that he studied Russian with Rosa during "Jan-May 1960"; see CE 93, Oswald note, "Russian," Vol. XVI, p. 340.

61. Historic Diary, p. 6; see CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 99.

62. In March or April, Oswald met Pavel Golovachov, a radio technician and coworker at the factory, when he described as intelligent and friendly; see CE 2609, VOL XXV p. 271.

63. Historic Diary, p. 7; see CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 100.

64. Historic Diary, p. 7; see CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 100.

65. WC Vol. 1, pp. 14, 328; CE 1402 WC Vol. XXII, p. 764, CE 1964 WC Vol. XXIII, p. 805; CE 2007 WC Vol. XXIV, p. 407; CE 2770 WC Vol. XXVI, p. 156.

66. Historic Diary, p. 7; see CE 24, Vol. XVI, p. 100.

67. See CE 2759, Vol. XXVI, p. 144; for a photograph of Ella, see CE 2609, Vol. XXV, p. 883.

68. See 2606, Vol. XXV, p. 881.

Chapter Ten

1. January 5, 1960 (Tuesday)-Marguerite Oswald received $20 check back, with note from Oswald asking for cash. (WC Vol. XXII, pp. 101, 704) CD 8, p. 7.

January (on or about Tuesday the 5th), 1960-Marguerite Oswald sent $20 bill to Oswald and it was returned 2/25/60. (WC Vol. XXII, p. 101; CD 8, p. 7): Stamped on reverse side of envelope "Retour Departe" "MOCKBAN NOYTANT, Moscow, Russia 1/18/60 MEX AYHAPOAKO."

January 18, 1960 (Monday)-This date was stamped in Moscow on the letter enclosing $20 which Oswald's mother sent to him. She received it back 2/25/60. (WC Vol. XXII, p. 101).

January 22, 1960 (Friday)-Marguerite Oswald bought $25 money order at First National Bank, Fort Worth, #142,688 (CD 8, p. 7) and sent it air mail to Oswald, Hotel Metropole, Moscow. (WC Vol. XXII, p. 101; CD 8, p. 7.).

April 27, 1960 (Wednesday)-FBI agent John Fain interviewed Oswald's brother Robert. (WC Vol. I, p. 423; WC Vol. XXVI, p. 92). On 12/4/63, Secret Services said LHO "is FBI #327 925 D." (CD 87: SS 449, p. 3; CD 87: SS 451, p. 2).

April 28, 1960 (Thursday)-FBI interviewed Marguerite Oswald (WC Vol. XXVI, p. 92) at Methodist Orphans Home, 1111 Herring, Waco, Texas. (CD 8, p. 2) LHO: 5' 10"", 165#, blue eyes, light brown, wavy hair (per his mother). (CD 8. p. 4).

2. NARA JFK files, FBI Dallas file 105-976, report of John W. Fain, May 12, 1960, p. 4; WC Vol. XVII, p. 703.

3. CE No. 833, FBI report entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald," April 6, 1964, Vol. XVII, pp. 789-90.

4. See CE 1127, p. 7; WC Vol. XXII p. 101, an FBI report which provides a record of all three mailings; see also Marguerite's testimony, WC Vol. I, p. 204.

5. Marguerite Oswald letter to Secretary of State Herter, March 7, 1960, CE Exhibit No. 206, Vol. XVI, p. 595.

6. CE No. 833, FBI report entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald" April 6, 1964, Vol. XVII, p. 789.

7. FBI New York field office 65-6315 to headquarters 65-28939, February 26, 1960; released to Dr. Paul Hoch pursuant to his FOIA request.

8. We have seen this practice used for other documents in Oswald's FBI files.

9. The serial 105 is for "counterintelligence" files, and the serial 100 is for "internal security" files.

10. See CE 834, Vol. XVII, pp 804-813. The Fain Report should have been item number 12 or 13. See pp. 805-806.

11. Oswald applied for this passport on Sept. 4 at Santa Ana one week before he was discharged from the USMC. He used a Uniformed Services Privel- eges Card as identification instead of the normal birth certificate. This card was not issued until Sept. 11, the day following issuance of the passport on Sept. 10, 1959. (WC Vol V, pg 266, WC Vol XVI, pg 601)

12. See Warren Commission Report, p. 690.

13. FBI New York field office memo (105-6103) to Dallas field office, March 9, 1960: released to Dr. Paul Hoch pursuant to his FOIA request.

14. FBI New York field office memo (105-6103) to Dallas field office, March 9, 1960; released to Dr. Paul Hoch pursuant to his FOIA request.

15. See Mark Riebling, Wedge (New York: Knopf, 1994), pg 155.

16. See CE 918, Vol. XVIII, p. 116.

17. Ed Jeunovitch, 28 Dec 1994 interview with John Newman.

18. Horton memo to Bissell, November 18, 1960, NARA JFK files, CIA Oswald 201, Box I.

19. Bissell letter to Cumming, November 21, 1960, NARA JFK files, CIA Oswald 201, Box 1.

20. American Embassy cable to State Department 1304, October 31, 1959, CE 2750, Vol. XXVI, p. 126. See also American Embassy dispatch to State Department 234, November 2, 1959, CE 908, Vol. XVIII, p. 87, and CE 2749, Vol. XXVI. p. 124.

21. American Embassy cable to State Department 1358, November 9, 1959, and CE 2683, Vol. XXVI, p. 42.

22. ALUSNA Moscow to CNO, November 10 1959, ONI files, ONI-139, 921 ACT/922-14-N. The dispatch mentioned, i.e. 184, actually referred to Khrushchev's visit to China.

23. Washington Post, UPI, "Rebuffed," November 16, 1959.

24. OSI Report of John Cox, Subject: John Edward Pic, File 33-476, January 27, 1960.

25. Marguerite Oswald letter to Jim Wright, March 6, 1960. WC Vol XXII, pg 118; CD 1122

26. Marguerite Oswald letter to Secretary of State Herter. March 7, 1960, CE 206, Vol. XVI, p. 594; CD 1122

27. State Department operations memorandum to Moscow Embassy, March 28, 1960, CE 929, Vol. XVIII, p. 129.

28. Moscow Embassy operations memorandum to State Department, March 28, 1960, CE 927, Vol. XVIII, p. 126.

29. FBI, Dallas field office, 105-976, Fain report of May 12, 1960, CE 821, Vol. XVII, pp. 700-702.

30. FBI, Dallas field office, 105-976, Fain report of May 12, 1960, CIA copy, NARA, JFK files, Oswald 201 file, Box I.

31. CIA XAAZ35612, "Index cards found in the DDO records system on Lee Harvey Oswald at the time cf the assassination." See NARA JFK files, CIA Document 2-524.

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