A Rebel Captive

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Authors: J.D. Thompson

BOOK: A Rebel Captive
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A Rebel Captive























Copyright © 2013 J.D. Thompson

All rights reserved.



Other books by J.D. Thompson

A Captive’s Revenge




To those who love to feed their erotic imagination.




She pushed her hair away from her face with the back of her hand before she reached for another green tuff and pulled. 

“Ah-ha!” she yelled in triumph, holding up an exceptional carrot. 

She added the vegetable to her basket before she stood up and brushed the dirt off of her jeans.  Inspecting the collection of carrots, she, satisfied with the day’s harvest.  She grabbed her basket and headed out of the garden, stopping to say her goodbyes to the chickens that happily clucked in their run.  She threw some over-ripened tomatoes into their enclosure and the chickens rushed to them, greedily pecking at their treat.

              “Until tomorrow, ladies,” she cooed at them.

              She closed the whitewash gate behind her as she left.  A meandering gravel and stone path lined with lavender led from the garden to a small farmhouse style restaurant.  The aged brown shingling and white trim gave it that old world feel she adored.  A wraparound porch gave the place an inviting and homey feel, like its very design intention was to sip sweet tea and watch the clouds float by.  Her tiny apartment made up the attic space above the restaurant.  Her whole life was contained in the square footage of the property and she adored it more than anything else.  She leapt up the stairs and smiled warmly at the customers seated there having brunch on the porch. 

“Olivia!” yelled a small girl, as she shoved pancakes in her mouth. 

She approached the table.  “Enjoying the beautiful weather I see.” She smiled at the family. 

“What ya got, Olivia?” The little girl asked between chewing. 

Olivia pulled out a freshly picked strawberry and dropped it into the girl’s hand with a wink.  She nodded goodbye and headed to the kitchen with the rest of her bounty.  The chef laughed as Olivia held up her bunch of carrots with a smug smile.

“Just beautiful,” he said, taking them to the sink to be washed. “You’re getting to be quite the proficient little gardener.”

“Thanks Tony.  I also have a ton of strawberries; think you can do something with them for tonight?” she asked, as she picked one up and took a bite.

“Oh, I’m way ahead of you,” Tony said, pointing to the strawberry shortcake recipe on the counter and began chopping the cleaned carrots.  

“Perfect.  Since you have everything under control, I think I’ll go for a run before the rush starts,” she said, walking toward the door.

“Don’t you think you should take Dean with you?” Tony asked her, glancing out the porthole of the kitchen door to the burly man sipping coffee and reading the morning paper. 

She scowled before turning back to him.  “No.  I need some time to myself and I can’t have that with him tramping behind me.”

“You know your father would kill him and you if he found out you’ve been going out without Bodyguard Dean,” Tony said, pointing at her with his knife for emphasis.

She squared her shoulders and glared at him.  “For the hundredth time, I’ve heard you and my father for that matter, but I don’t care.  This is my father and brother’s war.  Not mine and I refuse to be a prisoner or live in fear because they chose to fight the Republic.”  Tony just stared at her.  “I’m going and if you tell anyone about it, you’re fired.”

With that, she whipped around and walked out of the kitchen.

              “Yeah, yeah, just be safe,” he smiled at her back and returned to chopping carrots.

.     .     .

Olivia was running through the park.  She’d picked a long, rough, trail and was rewarded by being nearly alone on the path.  The sun was warm on her face and the woods around her filled the air with the scent of pine.  For just a short time, her mind was clear as she focused on her breathing and the pounding of her feet on the ground.  For just a short time, it was quiet and she was alone.  She smiled, enjoying her brief freedom from life.

Then a large man burst onto the running trail, way too close to her.  He startled her and she picked up her pace, trying to widen the space between them.  Daring to glance behind her, she met his stare and he elicited a jolt from her.  Just then a second man appeared on the trail.  They were both dressed all in black.  They were both staring at her.  She turned her attention back to the trail ahead of her, willing her heart to stop pounding. 
Stay calm
, she thought,
there’s nothing to worry about, stay calm
.  She broke away from the trail and darted into the woods.  Racing as fast as she could, Olivia ducked under branches and around trees.  She moved as fast as she could while still straining to hear if the two men were following her.  She didn’t dare look back. 

She ran until her throat burned and her legs grew weak.  Finally, she had to stop and lean against a tree to catch her breath.  Looking around, she sighed in relief.  She was along, they hadn’t followed. 

              “You’re pretty fast,” a voice came from in front of her. 

A tall, dark haired man was standing before her.  He wore a black tee shirt and jeans.  His clothing showed off his lean and muscular body.  If Olivia wasn’t blinded by fear she would have found him devilishly handsome.  Her eyes dart around, scanning the area, and she stepped backwards. 

              “Alright honey, nice and easy,” he said, calmly holding out his hands and taking a step closer to her. “You’re coming with me baby, so let’s do this nice and easy.  We wouldn’t want to damage that pretty face.”  He took another step toward her and she took a step back.

She looked around her again and picked up a large, broken, limb near her feet. 

“Hey now, Olivia.”  She blinked at hearing her name and he took another step toward her. “We both know you’re not going to” She swung the limb at him and he ducked just before it connected with his head. 

His eyes narrowed, she swung again, and he grabbed the limb, pulling it and her toward him.  Olivia yelped.  Suddenly, he had her in his grasp, holding her, her back held firmly against his chest. 

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises.” He smiled as he pulled out a syringe. 

“No, no, no.” She struggled in his grasp and he gently shushed her. 

“It’s okay.  I’ve got you,” he whispered into her ear as he injected her.

The world instantly started to blur, Olivia’s limbs went numb, and she slumped against him. 

“That a good girl.”

He picked her up, cradling her in his arms.  Olivia struggled to keep her eyes open, to fight against him, but she couldn’t.  Her eyelids were so heavy and he was so warm. 

“That’s my girl.  Yes, full of surprises.”




She slowly came to, her head pounding, her mouth dry, and her stomach turning.  The world came into focus and she slowly sat up.  She was lying on the cold, concrete floor of a jail cell.  She wasn’t alone.  Other women were in the cell, some were awake, huddled together, and terrified, others were still unconscious.  One woman was cursing up a storm, banging on the bars of the cell.  “You can’t keep us here you motherfuckers. Let us out of here!”

“W-where am I?” Olivia croaked out, trying to sit up.  The world spun and she pressed the palms of her hands to her head, trying to make the pounding stop.

              “Fort Grayson,” said a girl next to her. 

Olivia tried to focus on the woman’s words. 
Fort Grayson

Isn’t that one of the strongholds of the Republic?
  Olivia shook her head. “What?  But… But I’m not a rebel.”

“Well, good for fucking you,” snarled the woman, banging on the bars.

“I don’t understand,” Olivia said, trying to stand up, but was too woozy so she sank back down.

“You’re not a rebel?  Well, neither am I,” the woman spat, then seemed to soften, “but my husband is.  I bet you’re close to someone who is too.”

Olivia didn’t understand what the woman meant, but before she could ask the woman was shouting again. “Hey, you fuckers!  Let us out of here!” 

“My name’s Olivia.” Her voice still sounded strained.

“I’m Mary,” the woman next to her whispered. “That’s Trebble,” she said, pointing to the woman shouting.

A group of guards appeared in front of the bars.  “Get up, all of you,” one barked. 

The rifles they held left little room to argue.  Olivia slowly stood, she was a little uneasy on her feet, but she was up. 

“Fuck you! You-” Trebble started yelling again, but was cut off as a butt of a gun connected with her stomach. 

She hunched over still cursing.  One of the guards opened the door to the cell and kicked the woman for good measure.  Olivia gasped in horror as she heard the man’s foot connect with Trebble’s gut. 

“You will follow us, you will stay silent, and you will not cause any trouble.” The guard kicked the woman once more.

A few women scrambled to help Trebble up as the rest filed out of the cell.  Olivia was at the end of the line and tried to repress a shudder as they walked into the center of a large courtyard full of Republic soldiers.  She snapped her head around taking in the space and trying to make sense of what was happening. 

The men hooted and hollered at the row of ladies. She heard them yell lewd remarks, saw them pointing to certain women with sick smiles and gestures.  Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel the blood pulsing through her head and it was making her sick.  A door slammed open and a group of men in important looking uniforms walked into the courtyard.  The soldiers hushed. 

The group of men lined up a few yards away from the women and the oldest man in a high power uniform stepped out in front.  She scanned the group and spotted the man that kidnapped her.  Her stomach lurched into her throat and she thought she’d throw up.  The man was watching her, watching her so intently she had to look away.

“Lord Landon?” asked the older man. 

“Yes, General Teff?” answered the man that kidnapped her, he was still staring at her.

“I was told you requested one of them for yourself, is that right?”

“Yes sir, the one at the end.”  The general walked over to Olivia, he stopped directly in front of her and gave her a once over. “You have good taste Cole, request granted.” 

Her eyes opened wide, her kidnapper smirked.  She was so utterly confused and couldn’t keep from trembling.  The general walked back down the line and pointed to another woman.  “I’ll take this one.  The rest can go to the men.” The soldiers around them cheered.

“You assholes, we’re not your fucking-” The guard standing behind Trebble knocked her to her knees and started kicking her. 

Olivia felt sick as she watched the woman curl up in the fetal position, trying to protect herself. Cole whispered something to a soldier standing next to him and nodded toward Olivia.  The solider marched over, grabbed her by the arm, and started to drag her away.  Olivia followed him, too distracted by the beating Trebble was getting to fight him.

“Why don’t you men teach this one some manners and take the rest away,” General Teff said with disgust in his voice, as he turned to the soldiers and smiled, waving to them. “Enjoy yourselves men!”

.     .     .

              Cole was trying to calmly walk down the hallway, but he found himself moving quickly.  He flexed his fingers, excitement coursing through him.  Finally, he reached his room, taking a deep breath he stepped inside.  Leaning against the closed door, he watched her.  Olivia stood in the middle of the large room; her wrists were bound and hooked above her head to a chain that hung from the ceiling.  Her toes barely touched the ground and her arm muscles were already straining with the tension.  She struggled against the chains. He could see the panic surging through her as she panted and squirmed.  She looked like a caged animal, an animal that stopped fighting against her bonds when she saw him.  She shuddered and tried to step backwards, increasing the distance between them, but her bounds kept her in place.

“There’s been some mistake,” she told him, “I’m not a rebel.”

“No, but your father and brother are key members of the rebellion, Olivia.”  She flinched at the sound of her name.

“But I’m-”

“And taking you as a trophy slave is a powerful way to send them a message, break their focus on the war.  Just as having other important rebels’ daughters, sisters, and wives as sex slaves for the soldiers, who will show them the Republic’s reach.” He cocked his head to the side, watching her process what he told her.

“But… I don’t…” She started struggling against her bonds again.  “You can’t do this!”

He pushed away from the door and stepped closer to her, circling her.  She tried to turn, to move with him, and keep an eye on him.  He was too close, much to close to her and it was making it hard for her to breathe.

He chuckled and lightly ran his fingers down her arm. “Actually, I can do whatever I want.” She instantly jerked away from him.  “You’re chained up in my bedroom, in one of the strongest forts of the Republic, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.  I can and will make you mine in every and any capacity I wish.” His dark smile made her want to cry, but his words made her angry. 

“Fuck you,” she growled at him.

His smile darkened and he just stood there for a moment, watching her.  “I want to show you something,” he finally said.  

He reached around and above her, pressing his body against hers.  It reminded her of how he grabbed and held her in the park.  His arms were strong and protective; she started to tremble as his body came in close contact with hers.  He released her from the chains, but left her writs bound. 

“We’re going outside and it’s very important you behave, wouldn’t want to end up like your friend.  Trebble is it?”  She froze, thinking about the beating she’d witnessed earlier; Olivia stared at her feet not wanting him to see how terrified she was at the thought.  “You need to stay quiet and do everything I say.  There are a lot of soldiers milling around, looking for something to play with and I’ll hand you over to them if you disobey me.  Got that, baby?” She continued to stare at her feet.  “I need you to answer me,” he said in a tone that was soft, but gave no room to disobey. 

She slowly nodded. 

“Good, keep your head down and stay behind me.” 

He took her by the wrists and led her out of the room.  The hall was covered in plush red carpeting and the walls were dotted with portraits of important looking men and epic battle scenes.  He was right; the hallways were littered with soldiers.  The men leered at her, some made crude remarks to each other, and others just looked like they wanted to hurt her.  Olivia found herself keeping closer to Cole. They walked for a while in silence which allowed her to replay the events of the last few hours. 

She whispered to him. “Can I ask you something?” 

He smiled at her in amusement. “Yes, you can.”

She gulped in a mouthful of air before gaining the courage to speak.  “What’s a trophy slave?”

He smiled again, leading her down a set of stairs. 

“Trophy slaves are a tradition of war.  They’re symbols of one faction’s power over the other; it represents the subservience that’ll be forced upon the rebels.  You’ll do what I ask, when I ask.  You’ll serve me, pleasure me, and if I want you to you will lick my boots and thank me for allowing you the honor.  Now, no more questions.”  He felt a tremor go through her body and for a moment he was worried she would panic and fight against him. 

Cole was grateful that she didn’t, it would’ve been the worse timing.  He led her through a pair of doors into a huge common space full of soldiers.  They walked down the main hall, Olivia stole a glance this way and that, watching the soldiers.  Some were playing video games in a TV room, others were sitting around a great table drinking and laughing, others were cleaning their guns, reading, or on their cell phones. 

But it was the men in a smaller room that looked like a library that made her heart race.  They sat on a couch and had one of the girls from the courtyard standing in front of them.  They were making her strip for them and she was sobbing; a nasty bruise was starting to form on her cheek.  Olivia shifted even closer to Cole, trying to forget the look on the woman’s face.  Finally, he led her out of the large room and to a hallway with a floor to ceiling window. 

Cole pulled her in front of him so she could look through it.  It was an observation window to what looked like a dungeon below.  In the center of the room was a woman, naked, bloody, and beaten.  She was strapped to a table, her legs secured apart, and a man was getting ready to take her.  It was Trebble.  Olivia tried to back away from the window, but Cole was behind her, trapping her with his body, forcing her to stay in place.  She shut her eyes and turned her head away. 

“Look at her, Olivia.”  Cole pinched her arm, causing her to cry out.  “Eyes open.  Watch what’s happening,” he warned her. 

There were other men in the room, waiting to take their turn with the poor girl.  Her face was a mess of blood, makeup, and tears.  Olivia cowered away from the scene, pushing herself against Cole, grabbing at his shirt, but kept her eyes on the horrors below.  Cole wrapped his arms around her, taking a moment to enjoy the feel of her, before she realized what she was doing and would surely pull away from him.  He pressed his face against the side of her head, taking in the scent of her. 

“I need you to understand,” he whispered into her ear, “the only difference between you and her is me.”   

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