Operation Revenge (29 page)

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Authors: Kate Hopkins

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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"I'm going to hold a meeting at nine," Simon informed his brother. "I'd like for you to be there."


"I was planning on going into work with you," Daniel said. "I want to get down to business right away."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Simon eyed him carefully. "I mean you have enough going on right now with Lindsay."


"I need to take my mind off my problems for awhile," he muttered. "Work seems like the perfect distraction."


"Just don't forget about Lindsay. She's waiting for you."


"I know."


. . . .


"I called this meeting because I have something important to tell you." Simon scanned the faces of his team. His heart squeezed painfully as he realized that he was going to miss them. He swallowed hard. "I'm going to be taking a leave of absence for awhile. I don't know how long I will be gone. While I'm away, my brother will be standing in for me. I expect you all to work just
as hard for him as you do for me. He will be keeping me informed on what's going on, so don't think you can slack off and I won't know about it."


"People," Daniel said, rising from his chair. He stepped up beside Simon. "There's no need to look so glum. I assure you I'm a lot more fun to work for. You won't even miss my brother. On the plus side, I like junk food and I'm not opposed to sharing it."


"Oh, I like you all ready," Lizzie declared.


Simon smirked at her. "Just don't get too comfortable with him. I'm coming back. Are there any questions about me leaving or about work?"


"I have one," Derek announced. "What if we have a question and only you can answer it? Are we going to be able to get a hold of you?"


"I don't see why my brother can't answer any questions you may have. He's been in the advertising business as long as I have, but yes, you can get a hold of me. Just tell Paula that you need to speak with me. She will forward the message to me and I will call you back. Any more questions?" No one spoke a word. "All right then. I will leave you all to get better acquainted with your new boss. Share with him the campaign you're working on." He slipped from the room, confident in Daniel's abilities as a leader, and made his way back to his office.


Paula was seated behind her desk, working at the computer, when he strolled into the reception room. She paused and looked up at him. "That was a brief meeting. Is everything all right, sir?"


"Yes." He paused in front of her desk. "Do you have a few minutes to spare? I'd like to talk with you."


"I always have time for you, sir." She swiveled her chair away from the computer. "I'm all ears."


Simon moved a chair closer to the desk, unbuttoned his suit coat, and sat down. "Something has come up and I have to go out of town. I don't know how long I will be gone. My brother, Daniel, will be filling in for me. I'm leaving tonight, so I don't have much time. I need you to help me bring him up to speed."


"I will do my best, Mr. Wilcox," Paula promised him.


"I know you will." He smiled at her. "I know I'm leaving him in good hands."


She returned his smile. "If I should need to get in touch with you-"


"You have my cell number," he interrupted her. "Call me any time, day or night, but I will stay in touch with you. I'm not going to go away and ignore everything here."


"That's a relief to know." Paula cleared her throat. "It's going to take some getting used to, working for someone else. Is your brother anything like you?"


"No," Simon responded. "He's more easy going. I think-"


Just then, the phone on the desk rang. "Would you like me to let it ring, sir?"


"No, go ahead and answer it." He got to his feet. "We'll talk more later." He left her to answer the phone and headed into his office.










































Chapter 31


"How is the search for an apartment going, dear?" Marian asked Haley during dinner, that evening. "Have you found a place?"


Aware of Simon, who was seated across from her, Haley kept her gaze focused on her plate and said, "Not yet. There are several I'm going to look at tomorrow."


"I see," the older woman muttered. "Well . . . good luck."


"Thank you." Her mouth dry, she reached for her water and took a drink. Over the rim of the glass, she looked at Simon and found him watching her. Their eyes locked and her heart skipped a beat. Quickly she averted her eyes, silently cursing her heart for betraying her. She set the glass down and pushed back her chair. The urge to get as far away from him as possible swept through her.


"Where are you going?" Daniel inquired.


"I don't see that it's any of your business," she retorted. Instantly she regretted snapping at him. It wasn't his fault her world was falling apart and she couldn't be with the man she loved. "I'm sorry, Daniel. I'm going to go call my sister. It's been awhile since I last talked to her. Please, excuse me." She carried her dishes to the sink, deposited them inside, and hurried from the kitchen.


Haley made her way upstairs to her bedroom. Once there, she closed the door and moved toward the bed. Slipping her feet out of her shoes, she lay down on the bed and grabbed the phone from the nightstand. She dialed Sandra's number and waited for her to answer.




"Hi, sis."


"Haley," Sandra said. "I was going to call you after I got the kids off to bed. It's been awhile since we talked. How are you feeling?"


"Broken." Haley closed her eyes. "To make a long story short Chad demanded that I break up with Simon and move out by the weekend. If I don't something bad will happen to Simon. He and I are arguing about it. He wants me to stay and I want to go. Well, I don't want to go, but-"


"You want him to be safe and the only way is if you leave."


"Exactly." She sighed. "What would you do if you were in my shoes?"


"I'd leave," Sandra answered without hesitating. "His safety would be the most important thing. You're leaving, aren't you?"


"Just as soon as I can find an apartment," Haley croaked. "I love him. I - I don't want to leave him," A lump formed in her throat. She swallowed hard, "but I don't have a choice. If I stayed with him and something happened to him I would never forgive myself."


"I know it's difficult, sweetie, but you're doing the right thing."


"It still doesn't make it any easier." She rolled over onto her side. "Let's change the subject. How are things with you?"


"I'm fine," Sandra told her. "The boys and I are going shopping for Halloween costumes tomorrow. Would you like to join us?"


"I'd love to."


"Good," she said. "Let's meet in front of the mall entrance, say six-thirty?"


"That's fine."


They talked for a few more minutes and then said goodbye. Tired emotionally and physically, Haley decided to take a bubble bath. After gathering up her nightclothes, she moved into the bathroom and turned the water on in the tub. She added a capful of lavender scented bubble bath, shed her clothes, secured her hair on top of her head with a clip and stepped into the tub. Lying back, she closed her eyes and willed herself to relax. Simon popped into her head and she swore softly. So much for relaxing.


The microwave beeped, signaling that it was done. Simon opened the door and carefully removed a cup of steaming milk. He set it on the counter and then took a plastic bottle out of his pocket. Unscrewing the cap, he shook a tablet into his palm, put the cap back on, and hid the bottle in the cabinet behind a stack of plates. Simon stared at the tablet in his hand. His heart pounded in his chest. Could he do it? Could he drug the woman he loved?


"Having second thoughts?" Daniel asked.


"Yes." Simon rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't think-"


"That's right," Daniel muttered, leaning his hip against the counter. "Don't think. If you don't want to lose her, you're going to have to sink to Chad's level. She'll be furious and probably hurt, but she'll get over it. Just keep telling yourself you're doing this for her and for you. Now crush that pill and stir it into the milk. In fifteen to forty-five minutes she'll be out and we can get moving."


"I don't like this, but it's not like I have a hell of a lot of choice." He made quick work of crushing the pill and dumping it into the milk. "Are the suitcases in the car?"


"Yes. I'll drive you to the airport."


"Okay." Simon fetched a spoon from the utensil drawer and stirred the milk. Dropping the spoon in the sink, he picked up the cup and headed upstairs. In the hallway, he took a deep breath to calm himself and knocked lightly on the door.


"Come in!" Haley called out.


Simon opened the door and stepped into the room. Haley was standing by the bed. Fresh from her bath, she had on a pair of white pajamas and socks. "Do you think we can talk without arguing?"


"I don't know," she said softly.


"Can we try?"


She nodded. "What's in the cup?"


"Milk." Simon moved toward her. "I know how much you like warm milk. I thought maybe a cup would relax you."


"That's sweet of you." She took the cup from him and he watched with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as she took a drink. "It tastes a little strange."


His heart skipped a beat. "I don't see why it would. The milk is fine."


"It's probably just me." She took another drink and perched on the side of the bed.


Simon joined her on the bed and reached for her hand. She stiffened up and then relaxed, letting out a weary sigh "What's wrong?"


"You're touching me," Haley stated. "Don't you remember what I said this morning in the kitchen?"


"How could I forget?" he said coolly. "You told me that you wanted to forget how much my touch makes you feel alive." He released her hand. "I can't help it that I keep touching you. It's impossible for me to be near you and not touch you. Your skin's so soft and your scent-" He hesitated. "I don't care what you say. You're still my girlfriend and I refuse to apologize for wanting to touch you."


"I don't want you to apologize." She shifted slightly and stared at him. "I should be the one apologizing. This is just as difficult for you as it is for me and I'm not making it any easier for you." She laid her hand against his cheek. "I love the feel of your hands on me and I love you. Nothing and no one will ever change that. I'm sorry that all we've been doing lately is arguing. This is our last week together. We-"


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